Juicy Reboot

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 12, 2012
So today I am starting Jason Vales three day "Juice Reboot" with thousands of other people and boy do I need it.
I am not feeling too bad at the moment as I have just had a week and a half off the booze and trying to eat healthily but before that came about a month of abuse on my poor bod.

I had two weeks of big weekends with hen parties and so on, then my best friends wedding followed by a week in Spain, which was fantastic but only involved one day of no booze at all and culminated in a mad dash home from the airport to yet another party as a couple of our friends were leaving to go live in Australia. :eek2:

A fabulous few weeks for me, not so much for my poor tum. :ybatty:

So as you can imagine I am really up for this, looking forward to feeling less bloated and sluggish, with a clearer mind to boot. Also I have just got a new bike and have been cycling a lot so I am hoping for a healthy new start all-round.

Feel free to join me; it is never too late to start a juicy reboot! :ghug:
