Just had my op

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Jan 3, 2010
Hi Everyone,
I just got my Ilestomy on Thursday and recovery is going very well, today they removem my epidural and now i am on Morhine. I feel so much better already and have a positive outlook on life. Already tried to eat and guess what? No problems, no running to the toilet to vomit, no bleeding and no pain.

I am sure over the next few months i will be asking lots of questions to all you senoir ilestomates, espcially with regards to what type of stoma bag is best?

What are the best brands?
I have been told that you can get bags that strap around your waist so you feel more secure and confident, has anyone tried any or would recommend any?

Can you bath with out wearing your stoma? Or is that a silly question?

What are the does and don't?

Thank you all for your advice in advance

Sounds good Adrian!! Does this exclude you from any future with the stem cell transplant?
First, there are no silly questions! And yes, you can bath with out your ostomy equipment. But, you might have a mess. As Ileo can and will produce output pretty much anytime of the day. By "bath", if you mean shower, that works well, but a bath in a tub of water without wearing your bag could be gross!

I tried the 3 major brands when I was experimenting to find the right equipment for me. I started with Hollister New Imagine 2 piece, and that is what i returned to after trying the other brands.

For me, the Hollister filter worked the best, and I like the floating flange which is easy to attach without pushing hard on the belly. I do wear the thin Hollister belt around my waist, but that is just personal preference. Sure the Hollister floating flange is easy to attach, and easy to burp, so the downside is that it's easy to unattach by accident. I find the belt prevents that and also helps support the weight of a filling bag.

I think all the major brands have a version of this belt that clips onto the bag.

The best thing to do is call for samples. The companies will send you their starter kits filled with samples and scissors and such.

good luck!
Welcome to the club! I tried alot of brands of things, but we are all different. Your stoma will change size as time goes on, so things that worked one week, may not work the next. This is just for the first couple of months though generally.

As for showering without the bag on....I only tried once. Stan got soooo happy, well, I shant do it again without alot of immodium first............but at some point, read the 'born freeeeee' thread for a giggle. I'm gonna try those pee pee tee pees!

When things go wrong, your stoma nurse (if a good one) will be your bestest friend. And we are always here for questions as well. There are no dumb questions!!!
I don't think there can be any silly questions... I don't have a stoma (although I did recently have a resection). I just wanted to say I am so glad you are already feeling better. I hope it lasts a lifetime!
Joe has a lot of great points. I use Hollister too. I don't use a strap, because I wear mine inside my underwear and a tight tank top over that. I haven't had any issues of detatching itself. Hopefully I never will. It sucks, but you can't take a bath without your bag. I do shower without mine though. I like to get the skin nice and clean. I try to shower in the morning before I eat, so there is very little output. Lots of luck and I'm glad you are already feeling better!!