My son is 19yo and has Crohn's and High functioning Autism. He was diagnosed a little over 7 years ago with Crohn's. Between the autism (and lack of mental filter) and dealing with Crohn's for so long, poop is only one or two steps away from dinner conversation. As a matter of fact, I am pretty sure we HAVE discussed it at the dinner table once or twice. We have to communicate openly with him about it to keep an eye on his disease. I have given him an app to log symptoms with, and he "forgets" to use it.
Well, tonight, my Crohn's "Mommy Radar" went off. I go to his room, and ask "G, what do you need to tell me about your Crohn's? What's going on?" His response, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I pooped some blood earlier." Ummm WTF?!? How do you forget to mention that? He knows he is supposed to tell about blood and anything else unusual about his poop. We have both been home all day. It's not like he would think anything of yelling that from the bathroom even if we had company over.
Sorry to vent here, but this was the only place I could think of to vent this. My Autism Mom friends don't understand the realities of Crohn's.
Thanks for reading.
Well, tonight, my Crohn's "Mommy Radar" went off. I go to his room, and ask "G, what do you need to tell me about your Crohn's? What's going on?" His response, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I pooped some blood earlier." Ummm WTF?!? How do you forget to mention that? He knows he is supposed to tell about blood and anything else unusual about his poop. We have both been home all day. It's not like he would think anything of yelling that from the bathroom even if we had company over.
Sorry to vent here, but this was the only place I could think of to vent this. My Autism Mom friends don't understand the realities of Crohn's.
Thanks for reading.