Hi All,
I am new here and I just wanted to hear your thoughts about jobs and combining it with this wonderful (!!!) disease. I have crohns and have always been without medication. I have just 1-5 cm of activity- that leads to strictures, and I have been operated to remove the stricture three times during the 20 years I have had this disease. Now the doctors have begun doing the dilations instead of operations, which works fine for me. I come to the hospital in the morning, go home in the afternoon and can eat and work as usual afterwards. I work part time and have 1-2 days off work every week. Unfortunately I have to have this procedure done every 4-8 weeks, until I am fully dilated. (Who knows when that will be). I always ask the nurses to have the procedure done on my days off, but the hospital is so unwilling to be just at bit helpful
They just dont seem to understand or care, that I cannot take days off, especially when I am not working full time. I would very much like to keep my job, and do this procedure instead of an operation, but I am so stressed to beg the nurses every month to get an appointment that works for me
I am new here and I just wanted to hear your thoughts about jobs and combining it with this wonderful (!!!) disease. I have crohns and have always been without medication. I have just 1-5 cm of activity- that leads to strictures, and I have been operated to remove the stricture three times during the 20 years I have had this disease. Now the doctors have begun doing the dilations instead of operations, which works fine for me. I come to the hospital in the morning, go home in the afternoon and can eat and work as usual afterwards. I work part time and have 1-2 days off work every week. Unfortunately I have to have this procedure done every 4-8 weeks, until I am fully dilated. (Who knows when that will be). I always ask the nurses to have the procedure done on my days off, but the hospital is so unwilling to be just at bit helpful