Oh my gosh ! What happened to my post ?? :yrolleyes:
I am so sorry, and I feel like a jerk ! I wrote out a rather long post and I just realized it's not here :ybatty::ybatty:
I haven't been around much lately, but I know I wrote it...ugghh....so sorry again ladies ..
I'll try again ...
My daughter is authorized for medicaid as our secondary insurance I was told it will cover everything our blue cross doesn't cover. Does this cover all her ileostomy needs?
We have United Health Care and it covered 100% ~ I'm not sure on your particular insurance, but I would guess it will as well; especially since you have medicaid as a back up.
I have been poking around on the Internet, I saw some belts would this kind of stuff be covered? Guards? Swimming gear?
Yes, it should cover "generic" belts. Now there are some "special" belts, such as Stealth Belts, (you can google this and see), that the insurance most likely will not cover. I have heard both good and bad reviews on this particular belt. Gab tried one on in her Ostomy Clinic and decided it wasn't for her as it was too "bulky". However, since your daughters are so young, it may be a good option ~ especially for swimming

There are also waterproof tapes you can use for added protection when swimming ~ I believe the tape is also covered by insurance.
Yes, you will have to order it. You will have to order everything.
I will not lie, the search in the beginning and the "learning" may seem overwhelming ~ however, it does get easier I promise ! Once you learn what works best for your girls you will have it down to a fine art
How long does it take for you to get your stuff and insurance to cover it?
It never took longer than 2-3 days to receive our orders in the mail. Also they always came in a plain brown box, which we thought was very nice. We used a company called Edgepark Medical Supplies. You're Ostomy nurses in the hospital will give you several brochures, catalogs, etc. for the different available companies and you will be able to decide which best suits your personal needs. Most of these companies will provide free samples upon your request so that you can decide which product works best for your child; such as do you need a one piece, two piece, both, small bags, long bags, belt, no belt, barrier creams, rings, etc.
Again, you
should get tons of info from the ostomy nurse while in the hospital ~ every single day you are there !
Do you order through your pharmacist?
I don't want to be shopping around while I am stressed out. Trying to get ahead of the stoma here. Is this possible? Do I need a prescription?
No, you do not order through your pharmacist.
Yes, you will need a prescription in order for your insurance to cover it.
There are also Medical Supply stores you can personally go to and "shop", however, I highly recommend the online shopping to save yourself time, and headaches ! LOL
I have heard hollister has good products... Does this hold true for small children? Where do you buy stuff for a kid that is only 40 lbs?
You have heard right ~ Hollister makes great products. That was the brand of choice for Gabrielle. However, you will have to see what works best for her. There may be an ingredient in the glue or something that they use that she could be allergic to. You just won't know until you try them out and see unfortunately.
Ok, so this is a lot of info to take in already so I will stop here for now.
Please feel free to compile another "list" of questions and I will do my best to answer them correctly and specifically ~ Or maybe there will be other input as well to help

There is a lot to learn, but I know you will both be just fine ! You're both amazing mommies and will soak up the new info quickly just like you have the rest ! :ghug::ghug: