My son (16) has Crohn's disease and has just started Humira - 160mg loading a week ago. Since then he has had severe pain in his kidneys, normally alternating between the two but more on the right side. On the weekend he had instance of blood in urine x 3 then it settled down. We went to hospital on Monday for xray to see if he had kidney stones -ve. Spoke to drs today and basically they have said he will have to put up with the pain. His bloods taken on Monday are looking much better so the humira appears to be doing its job but i'm concerned about the pain. He hasn't been at school for weeks due to symptoms and i thought at last we would get him back but this is really holding him back.
He's on doxycycline for his skin - I wonder if this is suppressing an infection but then it would show up on his bloods?
Sorry for long ramble - just a bit confused
Diagnosed 2007
Pentasa - 3 gms 2 x daily
Methotrexate 25mg 1 x weekly
Folic acid 5mg 1 x weekly
Doxycycline for skin
Vitamin D
Iron supplements
My son (16) has Crohn's disease and has just started Humira - 160mg loading a week ago. Since then he has had severe pain in his kidneys, normally alternating between the two but more on the right side. On the weekend he had instance of blood in urine x 3 then it settled down. We went to hospital on Monday for xray to see if he had kidney stones -ve. Spoke to drs today and basically they have said he will have to put up with the pain. His bloods taken on Monday are looking much better so the humira appears to be doing its job but i'm concerned about the pain. He hasn't been at school for weeks due to symptoms and i thought at last we would get him back but this is really holding him back.
He's on doxycycline for his skin - I wonder if this is suppressing an infection but then it would show up on his bloods?
Sorry for long ramble - just a bit confused
Diagnosed 2007
Pentasa - 3 gms 2 x daily
Methotrexate 25mg 1 x weekly
Folic acid 5mg 1 x weekly
Doxycycline for skin
Vitamin D
Iron supplements