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Jan 28, 2012
Tipperary, Ireland
I am hoping somebody can help. Lucy has to have some stool tests done so need to drop sample in to local hospital tomorrow when she is getting her bloods done, have sample collected all good............ except I left the piece of paper on which I wrote down the tests in the office today so I know I need
C Diff, Campalor BActor and one more that needs to done on a separate sample. Anybody know what it could be presume its pretty standard and I know if I saw it I would know what it is ............. Help please :smile:
All I can tell you about is c. diff.
When Grace got worse the doctor finally did samples including stool.
To his and my shook she had c. diff.
C. diff is a nasty bacteria that can live in hospitals and on any surface. It attacks your intestines. Things like diarrhea, belly pains and other problems can happen. It's funny you mention it. Look on my thread- Update on little farm girl- to find out what was told to me
today. PM if you like.

Hi! Is Lucy not doing so well or are these just routine? I hope the latter. There are lots of things they might test for: Clostridium difficile, Campylobacter, salmonella, Giardia, Helicobacter pylori, ova and parasites, Salmonella, E.Coli, various viruses also things like faecal blood, amount of fat in the stool, Faecal calprotectin - do any of these sound familiar? Sorry I am probably not being much help! - good luck xx
Since the two you have are testing for infection maybe...


O&P (Ova and Parasites)


H. Pylori Antigen

E. Histolytica

OR non infectious...

FOB (Faecal Occult Blood), although this generally requires 3 samples.

Faecal Calprotectin

Faecal Fat

Dusty. :)
Hi all

Thanks so much it is Calprotectin :thumright:
Lucy is doing a lot better - the peri anal disease seems to have completely cleared up - we are having a lot poos (about 4-5 per day) and its very runny and very green and this started happening when she came off the flagyll about two weeks ago. So she is back on the flagyll today and still continuing the 6 mp, so the bloods are the routine 6 mp bloods (but a week early because of the new symptoms) and the stool sample is extra I suppose to see if there is anything else going on,

Thanks again for your help.
:thumleft: Yay! that we got the right test!
:thumleft: Yay! that Lucy is doing better!
:stinks: that she is doing lots of runny green poo though - I hope the blood tests go ok and that they find the answer to her green poo and can put it right!! xx
I don't know if you have this stool color chart but here it is. Press HERE.
It helped me out when trying to decipher pooh color.:yfaint:

Hope you get to the bottom :shifty-t:eek:f the poo colour. That's great the peri-anal disease is cleared - I am living for that day. I am kinda nervous to take Andrew off the Flagyl as he has been on it for 4 months. Gone down to one a day in the morning, but can't bring myself to take him off completely until the fistula/abcess is gone. Hope the bloods give you some answers!
Sascot - I know how you feel with the perianal disease it is so cruel adn painfull, but once it is cleared up it is like having a different child. We are back on flaygll again because of hte latest sysmptoms but for us flaygll is like a comfort blanket. Hope Andrew feels better soon. Public holiday here today so it will probably be tomorrow before we get any answers on the blood and stool samples.

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