Krill oil confusion

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Jun 20, 2012
Hi guys I went to buy some krill oil and there's some many brands and all claiming different stuff it's overwhelming the selection.

But what i'd like to know is what is the best strength to get there's some with 330mg per capsule some with 500mg and others that said they have 1000mg per capsule in them also I know if you have IBd in certain areas you can have problems absorbing omega 3's so I was wondering should I get a nice strong one since i have heaps of inflammation right now or should I get one with less or more oil in it.

Thanks for the help
Dr. Mercola has a lot of info on Krill Oil.

Google his name and Krill Oil, and you will get some idea on what to look for.

I have used Dr. Mercolas Krill Oil but presently I am using Swansons brand. They are 500 mg and have 110 omega 3 fatty acids, 60 mg EPA, 27.5 DHA and 40 mcg Astaxanthin.

I take additional Astaxanthin besides.

I think that is enough for me but I have taken twice as much when flared.

"A 2007 study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition investigated krill oil's ability to reduce inflammation. Researchers found that 300 mg krill oil per day significantly reduced inflammation, pain, stiffness and functional impairment after just 7 days, and even more profoundly after 14 days."
I don't know if it is the same as fish oil but I suspect that it is in that it is a natural blood thhinner. Every time I had a scope I was asked to go off fish oil as it could cause bleeding if polyps were removed and or biopsies taken . I know quite a few of you have internal bleeds at the best of times. I would suggest that you get the ok from your gi before taking supplements. Better safe than sorry...Ron.
I don't know if it is the same as fish oil but I suspect that it is in that it is a natural blood thhinner. Every time I had a scope I was asked to go off fish oil as it could cause bleeding if polyps were removed and or biopsies taken . I know quite a few of you have internal bleeds at the best of times. I would suggest that you get the ok from your gi before taking supplements. Better safe than sorry...Ron.

My DR actually suggested I take it
I had to explain to my cholesterol specialist who was an ama spokesman for cardiac health why my Gi asked me not to take fish oil for two weeks before my scope. He was not aware that fish oil was a blood thinner. I take fish oil. My rheumatologist loves it but he made the point the advised dose is enough. Ron

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