Labs came back - seem all normal

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Nov 2, 2010
Hello everyone...

I had posted on My Story about the symptoms that I've had:

Hello everyone...

I'm a 30 year old hispanic guy...having the worst GI issues ever...

1. Having left sided feeling as if my colon was swollen!
2. Lots of gas and mucous
3. Lots of constipation - taking Metamucil on a daily basis
4. Pain underneath my left rib
5. Feel as if my chest wall were sore.
6. Lots of neck and eyeball pain - weird!!!!!
7. Strange dizzy sensation throughout the day
8. I've had some strange joint pain on my fingers

After a sigmoidoscopy, CT scan w/ and w/out contrast, doc has said that I have some fatty liver and that it's probably all IBS related.

I've had mildly elevated liver enzymes. He says it's probably my fatty liver and not a huge concern.

However, because my symptoms seem to not be relieved no matter how I modify my diet...I've gone to a GI and will have a colonoscopy on Thursday!!!

Any thoughts? Anybody have similar symptoms? My GI will do a biopsy while he's doing the colonoscopy to see if he can find any inflammation w/ the microscope. albumin is normal, C Reactive Protein, Erythro something sedimentation, etc...

Is it possible to have some IBD while at the same time having these normal labs? Tomorrow is my colonoscopy (not looking forward to it) but hoping there's a light at the end of this tunnel!

I think it is possible to have some form of IBD without the usual elevated CRP, reduced albumin counts in your bloods results.

To me you don't sound like you're having the typical IBD symptoms (although I'm only really going off what I have and what other people I know who have CD/UC) but there is obviously something going on.

A colonoscopy should clinch an IBD diagnosis or atleast point your doctors in the right direction.

Hope your colonoscopy prep is going well and that the procedure isn't too uncomfortable for you. :goodluck:
Manito, there are so many instances of normal test results, normal labs etc. etc. and continuing symptoms on here it almost seems cliche at this point. I hope you get some solid answers but if not, don't give up. Something isn't right!! Good luck!!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My daughter returned nothing but normal test results right up until she became septic. I am now once bitten twice shy. I haven't had cause to do this since her surgery but If Roo's test results ever came back normal and they didn't marry up with how she was feeling then I wouldn't believe them and would continue to seek answers.

Dusty. :)
YES YES YES! I had normal results on CRP and ESR and i'm still feeling like crap. Hope your scope goes well and they find what's causing your problems.

Keep us posted!
Another "Yes" here - my last flare my bloodwork was mostly normal. My doc at the time said it was fine but my WBC (white blood count) was slightly elevated so I knew I wasn't fine... Do you know what your WBC is?

Sorry to hear about your situation - hope you find some answers soon.
Me too! I also have been posting on "My Story" about getting tested. Actually my daughter and I have both had symptoms and got blood work done. Doc. called yesterday saying all was "perfectly normal". My daughter has more severe symptoms now than me and I was surprised she wasn't even anemic! It is discouraging to have such terrible symptoms and then for nothing to show up. The doctor says he thinks my daughter has celiac but she has been tested for that before too and that was also negative. Colonoscopy is next step for us also but that is a big procedure and I fear they will still find nothing. I guess we just have to keep trying. My daughter is only eating raw fruit and veg and carrot juice right now which has relieved her symptoms for the time being. Have you tried any type of fast?
Karrie, a colonoscopy is really not such a big procedure, i've had 2 in the past year and really, its not a big deal. Better to have one and having them get a diagnosis for you and your daughter than not doing it and suffering on.

Good luck though...
Hi Dras, actually I had one also when I had my first flare and was severely anemic. It was a horrible experience for me- I literally felt like I could've died- but I suppose if I wasn't already so weak to start with it wouldn't have been so bad. Also it seems intimidating to me because the doctor is in Windhoek (I see you are from SA!) which is a three hours drive away for us. I did call the GI doc today but he has only one opening until he goes on holiday. I got the bloodwork to look at myself and although he had told me it was completely normal, I saw my lymphocyte count was slightly elevated. Not sure if that is still considered normal or not.

Manito, A lot of my pain is also left sided and at one time my liver enzymes were also elevated. Crohn's is sometimes associated with liver problems, joint pain and even eye pain I think. Have you gotten any results yet from your colonoscopy?
Hi Karrieg...

Got my results - all normal.

Doc said that it looked normal visually. Then he also did some biopsies and just got the pathology report - no abnormalities.

They insists it's just really bad IBS that is causing all this gassiness, tiredness, anyway...I've been trying to eat oatmeal, no soda's...and have noticed some improvement.
Bloodwork sucks, I dont even know why they do it if it isn't reliable??

What did your last colonoscopy show Karrie? Crohns?
I'm sorry it was such a horrible experience for you. Where exactly do you stay in Nam?
It sucks that you have to drive so far, guess in JHB you are spoiled with everything you need just a few minutes away from home.

Maybe try for another appointment for you both?
How's your daughter doing now? And how are you feeling?

@Manito- I'm glad you are getting some relief by the diet changes. I really hope it's IBS and not IBD.
Manito, yeh, sodas seem to really aggravate both my daughter and I. If you have a juicer, I highly recommend juicing. Then you are getting lots of nutrients you need but without the bulk. You might try smoothies with just fruit and maybe plain yogurt if you are OK with dairy. I always thought of IBS as being a bit less severe than the symptoms you have listed but what do I know.

Hi Dras, my last colonoscopy was 12 years ago when I was first diagnosed with Crohns. I had many ulcers in my colon and there was an area in my small intestines that was very inflamed. That was my only really bad flare, it lasted a few months then I went into remission. I have been fine since until recently, though my symptoms aren't as severe as last time.

My daughter has been losing weight, having daily diarrhea, but as long as she is careful of what she eats, there is not much pain. She feels weak and very tired most of the time. I seem to be doing a little better over the past few weeks, since I first posted. Some days I have bad abdominal pain but that is it at the moment for me. I called the GI doc and was told he is totally booked until he goes on holiday and will not be available again until mid-Jan.! Not sure what to do now. Since we are not getting worse at the moment, I am not panicking yet. The doc. said his opinion was that my daughter has gluten intolerance. We are trying gluten free but I don't know how long it will take to see a definite difference. She does seem slightly better each day so we will see. Thanks for asking! Oh and we live in Otjiwarongo which is about 2.5-3 hrs. drive north of Windhoek.

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