So true Nutty.....if i phone in my prescription it is ready when i get there...takes me about fifteen minutes from home.
Taking it into the drugstore .
then i wait up to fifteen minutes depends how busy they are.
It is less than acceptable for sick people to wait five days for a much needed some of these drugs take a few days to become established in body systems.
Hope you will soon feel better Mandy.
People in the UK are being short changed in many ways...the system is no longer there
for them.
It is not a free system either....the enormous taxation from income tax to sales tax is
the payment.
Needs to be big protests about the lack of service .
Unfortunately the government is no longer cohesive...too much in fighting and posturing to be the next PM.
The men do not support the female politicians and i feel very much for Hon. Mrs. May.
I have experienced bias in the university workspace here and it still exists.
Politicians are supposed to be the voice of the people.........lets see how well they do now.
So we have Saturday rain again here....but how lush,verdant green are all the lawns
in my surrounding area plus beautiful
flowers.Soothes the soul..