Last one wins!

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Sun must be in your eyes and making your silver look gold, sorry, legitamate mistake!!
okay okay if you want to win that bad then go ahead......................................................maybe NOT!!!!
what time is it where you are? it seems when I'm on here everyone else is sleeping, I only seem to see you on the games sight and a few other on the other boards.
youre not nice, not nice, not nice, but you're fun and a loser LLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok zoid, i will be heading out soon so have fun, fake winning until i return tommorow!!! ;)
Once again, your dedication to the mundane has outlasted mine!....or it soon will, I have no doubt!!
Nope I think I heard that wrong, it was supposed to be, You're shrinking from the lead, right?
No, I didn't lose I just held out for awhile so that others can have a chance, it says on the first post, last one to reply, and SOMEDAY that wil be me not the ZOID!!!!!
I do, Work(which obviously since I have time to play with you I'm not doing very much of), kids, soccer teams, tball teams and ect.....but I won't let you win!
I live near the water and see Lobsters often, they usually crack not bounce. As you will, then I will just sweep you up and be on my merry way to the winners circle.:crab::eek:rder:
No I can't handle the screams when you boil them, but I guess I can handle yours, Get in the pot and lose!!!
Ah, but I'm still a day younger here in AK. That makes me younger and quicker. Hehehe!
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