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i believe theres a limit to posts per thread, and Zoid you are nearly there. just 1 more post for you.
got my wife to hold it while i got down off the roof, and she wanted to squirt me, lucky she thought better of it.
Oh come on! You're not afraid of a little water? You are not made of sugar, so you won't melt. Hehehe!
a little water? 3000 psi is not a little bit. it removes paint, what would that do to my skin.
Ooops! I was envisioning a hose. Now that you put it in that light.
we are so tough, our cops dont even carry guns, they just give the bad guys the death stare.
only the bad guys carry guns here, no hand guns alowed unless u belong to a club and they must remain in the clubs safe, hunting rifles must be locked in a gun safe unless hunting. the person is licenced, not the gun, police stuffed up there. they dont know who owns what.
Wow! Scott, my brother, and father all carry handguns in their vehicles. They have the hunting variety too. I am personally afraid of them, but all three insist that it's a safety feature not be without.
havent used mine for a few years, but wouldnt be without them, most intruders are armed, so you have to protect yourself.
That's what they all say (Scott, dad, and brother). They have are all trying to get me over the fear of guns. I've grown up around them, but after an accident when I was in high school, I'm scared of them.
Oh no! My brother was playing around with one of his guns in the family room. We were all in there. I was 15, so he would have been 17. He was aiming the gun near the door and shot it. There was a bullet in it. Everybody but our dad was in hysterics. I've been scared of them ever since.
Hey Dusty! When does the school year, start and stop in Oz? Here in Alaska, the kids start in August and go until the mid/later part of May.
School starts at the end of January and finishes about a week before Christmas.
That's right because your season's are the opposite of ours. It's summer here.
It supposedly is summer here, but we have not seen any days over 100 degrees F and only 2 over 90.
Our are off an on. I guess it's a typical Anchorage summer, very moderate weather.
Oh how perfect! It depends on how far out you go here. The water always seems choppy when we fish for halibut.
we are on the west coast, its usally rough, or gets rough, but the fishing is good. nice big snapper.
We get red snapper here too. Halibut is still my favorite. I'm making myself hungry now.
They do look like a large flounder. They can grow to truly enormous sizes. We have pictures of halibut that weigh 500-1,000 lbs. My dad says those are the females (the egg layers). The tastey halibut usually weight around 100 lbs.
Those huge halibut really do exist; however, most of the fisherman that I know, exaggerate the size of their catch. LOL!
most fishermen i know are the same, i only catch big ones, so dont have to exaggerate.
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