...(I'm writing this in my drugged state after another few hours at the e.r. for another set of seizures - see, you crohnies don't get to have all the fun!)
She had dizzy spells before the event, then had a 20 minute long seizure. Our instructions are to call 911 if they are longer than 10 minutes so I made the call. Sandy when back into seizure while in the ambulance - going to Davis Hospital. She had seizure #3 while in the ER at Davis. It was a busy afternoon / evening. That ER is way too familiar to me. I know where the bathrooms are. I know where the patient rooms are. Between Sandy, or foster son Oto, and I, we have had time in almost every one of the 16 patient rooms. Yesterday were were in #12, right next door to #13, which is where I was told for the first time that I have Crohns disease. We even know some of the ER nurses and Doctors by sight.
By the way... Winning again.