Leg pain

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Jan 18, 2010
Does anyone else get leg pain with there crohns? It feels like growing pains but is very very annoying and keeps me up at night. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
One of the concerns with leg pain is it can be due to a electrolyte imbalance, particularly potassium, espiecially if u have been having alot of loose stools, if doesnt get better might want to have it checked.
Sarah RN
I have the same problem! A lot of times at night I can't help but move my legs because they feel very uncomfortable... Someone told me I might be low on potassium so I have been eating a lot more bananas ever since and it does seem to have really helped me personally. Good luck!
Kit, there is something called Restless Leg Syndrome, not sure what causes it but as you said you 'can't help but move your legs'. It's not painful, just an urge that builds if you don't 'move' (closest way to describe it is that it's kind of like an itch that builds if you don't scratch). Most often, I feel it right before going to sleep. Also, if i'm sitting in the same position for a long time (at a movie theatre)...

Awbrey, not sure if this helps because I've never found it to be painful, just annoying and uncomfortable.
I used to get it all the time. It was definitely painful and would wake me up at night. I called it the achies. It stopped after I went on Cimzia but before that the only thing that would usually help would be 800 mg of ibuprofin and also stretching. Sometimes though it wouldn't touch it.
Its def. pain like growing pains wakes me up in the night. I will eat more bananas and see if that helps I will try anything
I had surgery some bowel removed and ileostomy. 4 weeks after I started with same symptoms at night waking me up achy pains in my legs and feet and I would have to move postions to get comfortanble again. Went to docs blood tests showed low ferritin levels which can cause symptoms of restless leg syndrome. It wore off after a couple off weeks!! Have you had your bloods checked?
I have this a lot, and right now I have it in my arm! What the others have said sound about right, I'm about to get tested for a lot of deficiencies, so it might be connected.
I get leg pains along with every other joint pretty much. I also suffer from some restless leg problems. Since I have started taking vitamins and getting more protein my leg pains have gotten a little better. I found out I have arthralgia/fibromyalgia recently which is what seems to be causing it. When I'm having my restless leg and pains at night I either take a bath. apply a heat pack to the aching part or take a dilaudid. Good luck on figuring out what is causing it. From my understanding legs pains are not uncommon with Crohn's

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