Life after antibiotics?

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Nov 12, 2011
Hoping to have DS off the IV antibiotics (Clinda & Zosyn) in a week. Right now I have put him back on probiotics (Culturelle) in between antibiotic doses. Due to timing, it's only one probiotic a day though. I know he's out of whack because he developed thrush and is being treated for that.

Once he's done with the abx, what can we do to get his gut flora balanced again? Is it worth asking for a short course of VSL? Our GI isn't big on probiotics but I'm sure he'd prescribe it if I requested it.
It seems like probiotics are the best thing to help with GI flora and fauna balancing. VSL can't hurt or any other good probiotic. I believe it is something our kids should take all the time.
DS is on vsl every day including when he takes abx.
It has made a bug difference the last three abx course on his system.
First part of October DS tried Florastor... GI liked it because it is Saccharomyces. After 4 days on it, my son was waking up and having to go poo (2 am - 3 am) And having leaks in his underwear during the day. Once I stopped it, 24 hours later... no more of that. Why is that? I always hear how good probiotics are. The other time we tried one was back in 2010... Used Culturelle then, and it caused lots of gas. :(
At one point, the lady who does accupuncture on me told me to double up on probiotics while I was on antibiotics.

Yeah, ronroush7, that's what I'm thinking.

Kathy - I think we're all so unique that there is no one size fits all probiotic. I went through four brands before finding the one that felt right for me. I've also read that if you have trouble, like diarrhea or cramping, that it could be an indicator that your gut is pretty unbalanced and, therefore, you should give the probiotic a good three weeks to get established. Easier said than done with an IBD kid though!
We tried Culturelle several years ago (per Pediatrician's advice) and it caused terrible gas and cramping. We gave it 2 weeks or so and then I pulled the plug on that. Recently we tried Florastor (per GI) and it did nothing. Absolutely nothing, and was expensive too ($75 for a month supply). I know some people swear by probiotics but I don't have much faith in them.
FWIW, we use Garden of Life probiotics. Also, I was told by a RD specializing in Crohn's that we need to rotate the strains of probiotics from time to time. I'm rotating on every few months basis.
I've heard that too, Greypup. I try to use stronger ones during the school year and then switch to a light one or sometimes even stop altogether during the summer months.

Since he's on these strong abx now, I'm thinking VSL might be good to start with and then switch it up later. We've never tried Garden of Life. I'll look into that one. Thanks!

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