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Dec 20, 2012
The CT said thickening. The MRI said thickening & diverticulitis. The colonoscopy ruled both out and was inconclusive. I've developed prostatitis along with my Crohn's symptoms. It's been two months. I know some of you have had much worse for much longer, but this is new to me. I'm getting depressed, having trouble sleeping at night, falling asleep during the day, my brain is lost in a fog, my ears ring, my gut is tied in knots and my pelvis area hurts from the prostatitus. I'm a sunny side up kind of person and this is really taking it out of me. How do you all manage with all these problems?
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I'm so sorry that you are feeling so horrible! Hopefully the doctors will be able to get your symptoms under control soon. It is hard to stay positive when you are suffering. Have you tried deep breathing or any relaxation/meditation? Sometimes it helps mentally to refocus away from the pain. When I am flaring badly I get depressed also. I think that most of us do.
Dont worry mine said thickening aswell and my guts are all over the place i just try and do as much as i can to take my mind of it whether its cleaning the house doing something in the garden etc... Takes my mind of it and helps with symptoms also change in diet and lifestyle might help

On a other note what were your symptoms of prostatis as i think i might be in the same boat gonna speak with doc about it
Thanks for the suggestions. As a person who owns a business, I have few choices when it comes to taking it easy. That may be part of the problem. Single dad, business owner.

Prostatitis. Discomfort center lower abdomen ( pressure or slight pain ). Unable to empty bladder. Slow to start or finish. Frequent trips to the bathrrom - more than usual. Discomfort in left and right lower back - cant bend over without pain.

Hope this helps.
i do feel for you, i have been in your poition, havin to look after kids (a 1 and 3 year old) , work etc when you are just too sick bt you really dont have a choice.

Sending hugs and i hope you feel better soon
ughh,I am so sorry you are in pain. I can relate with the bladder, I have IC(interstitial cystitis) and it is awful. Has your doctor gave you anything for the prostatitis? I think there is a drug out there (fosomax) I think that is suppose to help with this. Oh, I also have heard that pumpkin seed oil or capsules are suppose to really help with prostate issues. I hope you get some relief soon...

Thanks for the suggestions. As a person who owns a business, I have few choices when it comes to taking it easy. That may be part of the problem. Single dad, business owner.

Prostatitis. Discomfort center lower abdomen ( pressure or slight pain ). Unable to empty bladder. Slow to start or finish. Frequent trips to the bathrrom - more than usual. Discomfort in left and right lower back - cant bend over without pain.

Hope this helps.
I hurt, if I took Flomax, I might fall over. I have comfortably low blood pressure like 115 over 6x most of the time. Floxmax lower blood pressure.

I have another new hitchhiker this evening, pink eye, which after reading posts here and recognizing pinpoint pupils, this might be Iritis.
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Confirmed. My Gi Doc called this evening to deliver the news. I have Crohn's in my Jejunum. Not too far along and he is recommending Entocort. I need to add this Doc to the list. Located in Towson, Maryland, USA. Dr. Josh Forman. He got me through the entire diagnoses process in under five weeks. He even calls in the evenings to check in. BG

On one hand I'm relieved to know where I stand, on the other, I have some lifestyle changes ahead of me. I'm glad you all are here. Thank you in for the many answers I'm sure I will find in the forum and the warm words I read.
I'm glad you got diagnosed I was in limbo for a while myself being diagnosed with UC first then went and got another opinion from a more experienced doctor he said my symptoms are behaving more like crohn's then went for CT scan and they said it was crohn's.
I ended up in hospital and then gagin they started calling crohn's colliti's another doctor said it's crohn's

So i'm glad you got a diagnosis straight away