Liquid diet and gas?

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Mar 29, 2011
I was prescribed a liquid diet for six weeks following a week-long stay in hospital. I am allowed to have any sort of liquid beverage, light soups/broths and yoghurt. Most of my calories, however, are coming from five Fortisip Compacts a day.

For those of you who have been on liquid diets, have you noticed an increase in gassiness? I seemed for the first few days I was in hospital, but when I got out I found I was bloating up a lot more, and feeling quite gassy; just curious if this has happened to others on liquid diets. Perhaps it's the Fortisip? Or maybe I'm just swallowing loads of air?

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
i think its a combination of the drink and the bacterial offbalance of the gut. sip them slowly WITH water as a chaser and that seems to help a little since slamming cans of nutrition drinks can cause diarrhea. its concentrated nutrients your body is used to getting in large amounts of food compacted into 8 ounces. i drink ensure but i imagine fortisip is similar. and the stomach bacteria off balance you go thru when u drastically change ur diet causes gas. bad smelly gas is usually a sign of bacterial overgrowth. give it time to mellow out or take gas-x.
just my opinion hope it helps. everyone is different tho.
Yeah, I generally try to drink one of the 250mL bottles over 15 to 30 minutes with at least 8 ounces of water, but I'm not convinced it actually helps. I've also tried spacing these things out fairly evenly throughout the day and making sure to drink loads of water between them, but I still get a bit bloaty.

I definitely sense there is some sort of bacterial off balance though. Anything coming from my backside smells quite vial, but that might be because things have been really messed up in my guts for more than a month. I'm quickly approaching week two of this liquid diet, so fingers crossed things start settling down soon. At least my gut is finally adjusting to the smaller quantity of liquid versus full meals so I'm not feeling so hungry.
let me know how your progress is going with the liquid diet as im currently fasting completely and hospitolized since friday. i need all the information i can get.
I'm still having trouble with the Fortisip diet. I came back to hospital last Monday and have been here since. I've continued to lose weight, even after upping the number of Fortisip Compacts to six a day. Actually, I'm having trouble drinking six because I feel so bloated and ill by the end of the day, I cannot manage to fit it in (and if I do, it doesn't stay in very long). The dietitian suggested today switching to the Modulen diet, so I may give that one a go to see if there are fewer side effects, and to see if it's any easier to keep down.

I will likely be moving to parenteral nutrition (i.e. through an IV) in the next few days, and continue to supplement that with the liquid diet until I am healthy enough for surgery.

At this point, I don't care how I gain weight, as long as I gain enough to get these stricutures sorted out as soon as possible.
what kind of surgery are you having?

and something too that might of value is to consider a quick fasting especially if you are in the hospital because they can give you sodium hydrocholoride iv drips to maintain your health better as you fast. I'll tell you that I just finished a full 2 days total fast (not even water except a few SIPS a day) and i felt a HUGE difference in a relief of symptoms. HUGE. I wouldnt believe it if i didnt try it myself. oh, and the bad gas i had went away by about 80%
I was nil by mouth for the first day or so I was admitted to hospital, so I didn't have much choice in a "quick fast" as such. I agree, it does help, but in my situation not a complete solution. I was first admitted to hospital 9 June, went home on a liquid diet 16 June, and was back in here 20 June. Unfortunately, a simple, short course of nothing will be enough to give my bowels the rest they need, hence the liquid diet. Also, I quite desperately need to gain some weight.

After doing some research, I agreed to switch over to the Modulen diet, and I'm already seeing some improvements with this formula over the Fortisip. I still have some gas, but the Modulen seems to settle better in my tummy (i.e. doesn't make me feel horribly full and bloated), and I haven't needed to use the loo nearly as much. The Modulen is even a bit more palatable than the Fortisip, but I think that depends on personal taste more than anything.

In terms of surgery, I have two strictures. One is 7 to 8 cm long, and will need a resection to remove. The other is only one or two centimetres, and depending upon its location, may be resolved by strictureplasty or resection (if it is close to the other bit being removed). The hope is that my current treatment of Humira, prednisolone and liquid diet will actually sort things out (hoping that it's inflammation rather than fibrotic stricturing), but we won't know for a few more weeks.
good luck my friend. i have my fight to sort out as well and i'll be thinking about ya while me and senior crohns go to war at the battle of the bulge(in my gut). stay positive.