:bigwave:Hi everyone!
Well I can sum up the appointment like this. HURRY UP AND WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! The nurse checked us in. I informed her that I had wrote a case history (3 pages) on Grace. She asked if she could let the doctor read it before he came in.
So I gladly did. He came in soon after.
Doctor was nice. Very personable. He thought Grace was just a cutie!
Good thing. All mothers want to here that.
He asked some more Q's. He said that he "idea's" of what it could be, he didn't what to say yet. :ymad:
We decided not to tell the Doc what we thought it could be. We were just curious if he would put that together also.
He did. Just after he said he didn't want to tell us until after the test were done he says, It could be Crohn's, UC or the one were it's a problem with glutton. Sorry I don't recall the name. :yrolleyes:
She has already had the test done and she did not have it, but he wanted to do it again.
He checks her belly and said it feels bloated. That kind of shock me because that's how her belly always looks. He said she needs to be on Miralax. He also gave us hyoscymamine. I did not hear why he wanted her on it because once the Doctor mentioned her (Grace) cuteness, Grace became a hand full trying to prove her beauty to the Doctor.:lol: Which means I was constily telling her to sit and hush. Now to the shocker. He orders only a blood test. So here is where my panic comes in. Some of your stories here started racing through my mind and I boldly said.:nonono: OK Doctor let's say the test come back clear what will you be doing for her then. I wanted him to know, we were not going to stop pushing for answers. He said, we'll start eliminating more stuff. OK I start to feel a little better. He made the appointment four months away. The doctor reassured us that the blood test will be in by Monday. HE will call us then. He also said we are to keep in-touch. He made a point to say that right now Gracie doesn't seem to be in a bad "flare". We are to call if she gets worse. That made me feel a little better yet. I don't think my hubby is to happy. I really think he wanted more answers then what we got. I already told him on the way down that wasn't going to happen. Poor guy! So that's the story.
I'm not going to even mention they horrible night on a blow up mattress:yfaint: or the near death experience driving in the BIG city (you city folks are crazy):ymad: or being depressed because, not only am I older than the Gi but I'm twice his size. My hubby looks like a giant next to him. I do think my man like being bigger than him. He was always puffing up his arms standing next to him. He likes to show off for his woman. Poor guy.:rof:
Well I'm off to check other posts.
Oh, I forgot who told me the trick for drawing blood out was to count. IT WORKED! Thanks. She didn't cry at all. The nurses were very impressed that the 3 yr. old could count that high.