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This might be a good questions for anyone brighter than I.
What it mucosal diseases? Plus what are the names of these diseases? The paper I was given states he wants to follow up with possible mucosal diseases.

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Poor little farm girl - I reckon day 3-4 and no poo and not eating needs a trip to hospital? she needs an xray at least.
I didnt think of the sacroiliac nerve as my kids dont have problems like that but I certainly have - exactly the same - terrible pain shooting down the leg, suddenly unable to bear weight - tell the doc.
I am thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed for poo today xxxx
Mucosal would be referring to the mucous membrane and that would be the lining of the bowel. I guess the types of things you would be looking at are Crohn's, UC, other types of colitis, bacterial infections, leaky gut syndrome...I imagine there are others??

Sending hugs to you and your little princess, bless her...:ghug:

Dusty. :Karl:
The GI nurse was talking about constipation.
SInce sometimes you increase and increase- then watery diarrhea- so you decide to drastically decrease only to have constipation again.
Unfortunately its a very slow process with miralax and finding just the right dose is hard.
I would recommend a good gram (kitchen scale)- .
YOu place the cap on the scale then turn the scale on.
This zeros the scale.
then pour the miralax in the cap.
That way she is getting the same dose for 3 days.
I know with DS if we are off by 1 -2 grams it can really make a big difference in how he goes/feels.
Also plenty of water otherwise the miralax can not do its job of pulling in the fluids to make the stool softer.

Good luck
:thumleft:WE HAVE POO!!!:thumleft:

Wow, if you had come to my teen-age self and told me that YEARS later I would be excited about poo, I would have knocked you out. :eek:
I was a city girl back then.:lol2:

One question!:sign0085:
If you had to DEMAND one test to see what's going on in your kid, what would it be. I mean like ultra-Sound, MRI.......Stuff like that.
I was thinking MRI to see if their's any blockage of any kind.

YAY!! - for the poo!!!! - keep going with the miralax and the fruit, and the fiber, and the water, and all the other things!!!!
I'm not sure which test I would ask for, but I think I would ask the Dr to justify why he or she was or was not going to do something if that makes sense? Then you would understand their way of thinking and what they thought may be wrong.
I think the problem is there is no totally fail safe test for most things - I mean I have had animals that have shown classic signs of a disease and yet when tested for that disease ie in a blood test for example - it comes back normal!!
I suppose ultra-sound and MRI are not too invasive - so maybe they would be a good starting point - I would be guided by the GI.
I expect other people would know a lot more about all the different tests than me!!
glad she has pooped!! (I also never imagined I would be so excited by poo!!)
I think the ultra sound and MRI are only helpful with blockage, strictures, etc. I think if she had inflammation it might not show up. We had johnny at the E.R. a month before his diagnosis and nothing showed on the CT except thickening bowel loops which they werent concerned about. Colonoscopy and upper endoscopy is the only way to see inflammation but they did a stool test on my son and that showed protein in the stool. The Dr said that occurs because the body can absorb it properly due to inflammation. He was pretty sure it was IBD at that point. It is not invasive and inexpensive. Dr Kunde did this so you could ask him specifically about it.
Thanks for the advice.
I guess at this point in time I'm not to worried about inflammation. The blood test said that's normal right now. I Thought the nurse said a little elevated but not unexpected. I want to see if their or any blockages or strictures. My dear hubby is at the end of his rope with doctors because of his only little girl. Keep in mind it hay season and cherry harvest will be coming soon. So I think his just stressed. I told him the Miralax needs time to work. He's going along with it so far. I thought about doing one test to ease his (our) minds.
I think I will be asking my doc up here schedule one. Let's just say. If it comes back negative then we know it's mostly inflammation causing it. I know it sounds weird but something more is off with Grace's BM's.
It just doesn't feel right.:yrolleyes:

You know when things are not right with your little one - so go with what you think is best for her - even if a test comes back negative it means you can rule things out xxxx
I will say Johnny's inflammation markers were normal 4 months before his diagnoses when his peditrician first ran tests. He had lost weight for a year and a half before that's so his crohns was active at that time so normal inflammation markers don't necessarily mean no inflammation. Keep the G.I. informed, you know when things are not right or getting worse. They knew my son was sick when I kept calling. Miralax always worked after about 2 days. He would take a tablespoon. I found it easier to measure out that way. Hang in there. (((((Hugs)))))
Thanks. Her Miralax is at 3 Tbls.
But to day she had liquid with in 3 hours of taking it. Madding. I'll see what happens tomorrow. The nurse told me to only change every three days. Today she is happy. BLESSING!
Sarah iron levels were the thing off, then anemia developed caused by low iron. This amenia was not helped by iron tablets. We also told she couldnot possibly eating of much red meat as we said. This started to occur two years before dx. A ultrasound showed enlarged glands 6 months prior to dx. This test should have led to gi appointment as per notes on the test but we were told the test was clear.

If are our altrasound had been read by our gi it would have shown inflammation as this is how he read it 6 months later.
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We had johnny at the E.R. a month before his diagnosis and nothing showed on the CT except thickening bowel loops which they werent concerned about.

That is interesting Johnnysmom but of course we were coming off the back of Sarah. When Matt first went to the GP he was able to palpate a mass in his RLQ and he said there and then he thought Matt had Crohn's. He went for an ultrasound and the first one was clear but the GP and GI weren't convinced so he went for another one then next day and they were able to visualise it. He did have a raised CRP but he was basically diagnosed by thickened bowel loops. I don't expect anyone without our history to be diagnosed like that but I do think they should have looked further into it with your boy when they saw that on the CT.

Farmwife, as Johnnysmom has said an absence of abnormal blood results doesn't always tell the true story, particularly in children. Sarah had normal test and blood results right up until the night before emergency surgery. My rule of thumb now is that I will never believe them unless they match what I am seeing in front of me. I am not saying that this is the case with Grace, hell Matt's bloods show every little thing before he even feels it! :lol:, but just to trust your instinct if the bloods say she is fine and your little girl isn't reflecting that.

Dusty. xxx
I agree more tests are needed. Sorry I am not an expert but let me ask you this..If they do ultrasound and say nothing will you be happy or will you then want colonoscopy and endoscopy? If so, then just ask for that to start with..why waste time and money.

Although another way to look at it is are asking the doc to move quicker than he planned soooo why not get him to agree to test and let him pick the test...a compromise of sorts.

I know..again I am of no help at all except to vote in favor of tests. You know your daughter and from everything you are telling us this isn't a perfectly healthy kid.

Oh yeah and YAY POOP! :dance:
You are lot of help. Seeing the picture of the two of you always brightens my day.
I'm praying for you both.

I think I would ask for the colonoscopy. It will give you a more definitive answer as some other people said. MRI's are also pretty good for showing inflammation but are not 100%.
Hi Farmwife
I have been meaning to come on and check on grace for the last couple of days except our internet connection here in rural ireland is absolutely crap (but thats another story!)

I am so sorry to hear that little Grace is feeling bad again. I would agree with some of hte other posters re: the bloods, Lucy's bloods were pretty normal in the middle of her last flair up and she had visable sores around the anus area, so as dusty said if the bloods are not tallying with what you are seeing with Grace - and as you know your daughter best of all maybe you should speak to the GI about further testing.

I also worry about the constipation, we spend a full year treating lucy for constipation (Paed at local hospital) and all we were doing was masking hte problem. Would you be willing to have a colonoscopy/upper GI endoscopy, might give you a clearer picture.
You and little grace are in my thoughts,.
I would do the scopes for her but....... I think my Doctor up here would be more willing to do ultra-sound or MAYBE a MRI but I'm pushing it there. I read through the GI's notes and he would talk to us about possibly doing the scopes if she's not better. The next aptointment is in October. I will be calling the GI this week also. October is to long to sit and wait. Thanks for asking. How's your kid doing?

Shes doing great farmwife - thanks - it has taken us a full year to get to this stage but there is light at the end of the tunnell and now that she is well she has almost forgotton that she was every sick if that makes sense. Really hope you get some answers for Grace - Lucy was ill for a year before she was diagnosed so I know what you are going through, you know something is wrong and nothing moves quick enough so that you can get a little relief for you child. Chin up and keep going you are doing all you can.
Hey Farmwife,

Just wanted to check on you and Grace. Sorry she is still having so much trouble. You push those Drs. I pushed, and the Dr turned red and got angry, but we are getting some results. Of course, my people pleaser self wants to go back and say "sorry", but I'll let him think I am angry till the job is done. Hee Hee Hope you get some results soon!
October is unacceptable and your GI sounded like a caring guy. I think if you call and post him on what is going on he will see the need to see her sooner and do some looking (see the city hasn't taken away all my hope in humanity)...if he doesn't go all rolling pin on him!
I think crohnsinct is right - october is too far away, all Freddy's tests were clear and even he is going back in 8 weeks. - Call him and explain what is going on. -Sending you big hugs xxxx
i am just catching up-ssorry for all that you have been dealing with! I agree-scoping her is the way to go at this point. i know it's more invasive but at 3, she will likely need to be sedated for a mri as well (it is a long exam), and what you really want to know is how her bowel is looking. good luck and hope she's feeling better shortly!
Grace is doing better. We have found that fiber and Miralax work best to clean her out. My latop had water spill on it. Wish I could blame the kids.:yfaint: I will check in when I can. Using my sister phone. CIty folks and their fancy phone.:lol2:
Glad to hear Grace doing ok, but definately too long to wait to October. Naughty mom getting water on the laptop- I would never do that! Of course I am always telling my kids not to spill anything on the laptop - only to choke on my cereal and get milk on the keyboard (oops) :whistleinnocently: Thankfully I cleaned it up and it kept working ok, so I never had to break the news to my poor husband.
Woohoo! Time for our poop dancing bananas! :banana::banana::banana::banana:

Yeah I would never spill water on my computer...probably because I am either drinking coffee or wine:rof:
Crohnsinct, if I ever make it to CT, we are going to have to drink (and spill) wine together, since you almost just made me spit coffee all over my laptop lol! Farmwife, that stinks about your computer...does this mean you'll have to go shopping in the big city with all of the "city folk"? ;) Keep that sweet Gracie healthy!!
Hi, my hubby decided to see if the laptop would start up and it did. It's not acting right. We'll still have to send it off to Dell. Thank God for accident coverage.:lol2: That means being with out the laptop for 10 - 14 days.:yfaint:
I'm still trying to figure the poo thing out with Grace. It worked wonderful for 3 days and then no poo for two days. She doesn't seem to be in pain. I DID talk to the nurse and she said each change you make with the Miralax and fiber works on a three day cycle. Grace is back to normal color and firmness in her stool. I'm happy about that.
OK, we got the blood test results back.
Her red, white, hemoglobin and her hematocrit are all low BUT not danger level yet. Why? My hubby was the first to look at the results and said do you notice something about most of the levels. A lot on them were just .01-.04 from being low.:sign0085:

To all that think I hate the big city my humble and heartfelt answers is, I DO(just kidding). How in the world can I go to the big city to get a compute when I need a stupid computer to give me direction to get there with out being killed!!!!!:ylol:

Well I'm off for a while. The laptop is starting to smell. They told me it's in possible to have a fire in your compute. We'll see if it's true.:ylol

Hope the lap top gets well soon!!

and hope Grace poops again soon - at least she is ot uncomfie.

A lot of Freddy's blood results are just above the lower (or upper) limit - I think it is just something to keep an eye on if they are just within the normal range.

We will miss you while your lap top is away!! xx
Yes, hurry back Farmwife! :cry: Hoping Grace begins to feel better and better while you're MIA! (And that Suzysu doesn't need to cook any special meals while you're away! :lol:)

I am only not laughing myself as I am worried my sides may split open as you are all so funny ;)
OMGosh! I needed to laugh tonight and you all are cracking me up!

Ang: absolutely we are always party ready in CT!!!

Farmwife: If you lived in the city you could walk down the street, drop the computer off, go next door to have a latte and pick it up on your way home!!! We will miss you while your gone...who will remind me of how old and nasty I am?

Suzy cooking...bahahahahahaha

So all the blood levels are just above low. Was this the first time these blood were done for farmgirl? Did they test iron levels, folate? & b12?

Glad to hear she is happy. Good luck with getting laptop back and working.
Good lord! I hope you haven't gone up in flames Farmwife!

We will miss you while your gone...who will remind me of how old and nasty I am?

Me?!? Heck might as well start now before you get too comfortable! :kissgrits:

Dusty. :biggrin:
OMGosh! LMAO AGAIN! :rof::rof::rof:

Well I am leaving tomorrow for a week of mission work so you girls won't have me to kick around (no electronics to distract us from our work)...oh hell who am I fooling you will probably kick me around even harder because I can't fight back...mean country bullies.

MLP: if you find a cure while I'm gone send up a flare!
If by fun you mean driving 5 hours with 6 middle schoolers, sleeping on a hard floor in a school with no a/c and cooking meals for 100 people non stop all day and cleaning bathrooms shared by 100 middle schoolers and all on about 5 hours of sleep then yes I should have a blast:ylol2:

All kidding aside, I am sooooo looking foward to this trip and serving alongside one of my daughters. There is nothing like a week of service and devotion to God to set your heart and mind straight. After the past 5 months, it is such a blessing for Olivia and I to get away for a whole week and share this and I can't wait to meet the people we are helping!

BTW - on top of stomach ache last night, soft poop and stupid blood decided to make an apperance today. Here's hoping it is just a cameo appearance and they move along quickly! Monday starts week 4 after Infusion...the trouble maker week:voodoo:
I really should get to that packing. Speaking of packing...I have a bunch of extra prednisone left over from after the taper. As a good luck charm I think I will pack it just in case because you know if I pack it I won't need it but if I don't Murphy or Sod's law will strike!
no farmwife and no crohnsinct - what ARE we gonna do!!

Hope you have a fun week!


Bahahaha enjoy because when we get back we will be ready to go!

I hope all your little pumpkins have a wonderful week and please know that I will place them all on the prayer list and will continue to remember them all by name in my personal prayer time and for those of you lurking we will pray for your kiddo's too!

Just wanted to pop on and say have a great week!! I will have a word with Sod and Murphy and tell them to leave you alone :lol:
Look forward to hearing how it went - hope O has a fab time too.
If by fun you mean driving 5 hours with 6 middle schoolers, sleeping on a hard floor in a school with no a/c and cooking meals for 100 people non stop all day and cleaning bathrooms shared by 100 middle schoolers and all on about 5 hours of sleep then yes I should have a blast

Suck it up city girl, that is what we country folk call livin' it up! :rof:

Have fun hun and I hope all stays settled for O! Sending loads of love, luck and healing thoughts your way!

Dusty. :heart:
Suck it up city girl, that is what we country folk call livin' it up!

I don't know if you were joking DustyKat but you speak the truth.:lol2:

Grace is well. Still struggling with Miralax and fiber.
DID YOUR DOCTORS EVER TELL YOU THAT YOU CHILD'S JOINT PAIN COULD BE GROWING PAINS?????????????????? That was mentioned to us. I looked it up and I'm annoyed that's not even close to what Grace has suffered from. I wish it was.
I made contact today with the rheumatoligist for Grace's joint problems.
They will not becoming up here till October. At that point I might just make an appointment down state. Her pain is now affecting her ankles.
Laptop is still not fixed. Still have to send it away. At least I can type on it for a couple minute without it shutting down.
I hope all is well with every one.
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Hi Farmwife,

Glad to see your computer is letting you sneak onto the forum now and then.

I would only accept an answer of joint pains being due to growing pains when all other possibilities had been eliminated, and even then I might not agree. I think it is a plausible answer when a kid is otherwise healthy but given the prevalence of joint issues with IBD it really isn't a symptom that should be brushed aside.

Is there any way you can get to see rheumatology sooner? Our GI was not very concerned about my son's leg issues which has really NOT impressed me.
I agree if Grace had nouthing else wrong then it could just be growing pains I know some people say they can be very painful - but the fact that Grace has intermittent fevers and loads of other symptoms surely suggests that there may be something else going on? I can't believe you have to wait till October - can you get on a cancellation list?
Hope your computer gets fixed soon and hope little farm girl is managing ok.
I just find it so amazing that none of these Drs seems to be concerned about children in pain - so frustrating.
Sucks about the computer hun...:voodoo:

No doctor ever suggested Sarah's knee pain was growing pain one point I thought that's what it was...
...never did make the connection until after she was diagnosed!

I surely hope you can an appointment before October! :eek: Poor little love...:hug:

Oh, was I joking? Maybe a teensy bit...:ylol2:

Dusty. xxx
I'm baaaaack! Will post on O's thread bout trip etc.

Country folk...lmao!

I also would not accept growing pains and think it is a good idea to go downstate for an earlier appointment even if that does mean going to the big, bad, dirty, scary city. I also would try to get her on the cancellation list for an appointment closer to home.

Last I recall you were thinking of asking the GI about some look see procedures. What ever happened with that?

Did you get your new car?
Hi all.
my lap top is stil not back. I miss it dearly. My sister phone will have to do.
The farm is busy.

Grace is doing ok.
she is eating fine. I have done EN in the mornings for Grace.
I will be calling the GI tomorrow. Even though she seems fine she now had 3 BM's with a lot of mucus in it.
Any thoughts?
No test have been planed yet. She will have a blood test on friday.
I'll type more another day. Phone is acting up.

I hope all is well with every one.
Glad to hear all seems 'stable' :)

My understanding is that mucous is caused by inflammation but not 100% sure???

Glad she is doing alright just now!! As for the mucus, I have no experience with that but I would agree it would probably be inflammation - just like if you have a cold/cough the mucus builds up in your sinuses or lungs.
Hope your laptops sorted soon. I remember ours breaking down once -took them 4 weeks to send it back, it was torture!
Our GI says mucus could be inflammation but also could just be simple mucus that people get from time to time. Nothing like nice concrete answers huh? O gets bad mucus and then it goes away. I would mention it to GI.

I am glad other things seem to have stabalized good luck with the blood tests and getting that computer fixed!
Freddy often has mucous - our GI people really don't seem bothered (although I do wonder if Freddy turned up missing a limb they would just shrug and go 'meh')! xx
our GI people really don't seem bothered (although I do wonder if Freddy turned up missing a limb they would just shrug and go 'meh')!


I have at times had the same feeling.
Sorry girls I can't relate. O's GI is so controlling and obsessive I sometimes wonder if he thinks she is HIS daughter:ylol2: But I have to admit, given the alternative I rather like his involvement.
Hi all,:rosette1:
Grace had her blood drawl and she did good. Counting with her brother does work well. They said the test results will be in this afternoon. YA!
However, my doc is on vacation along with every one in the office. NOOOOOO!
They'll be back on Monday.

I called the GI nurse and she will tell the doc what's going on with the mucus in the stool. She thought it was no big deal at first but
I informed her the mucus was like rubber not what comes out of you nose. TMI, sorry! She found that interesting.She also brought up that the mucus started with the heat wave. It's a 103 here.
Of corse, my air condition broke in the SUV. No we haven't got a new SUV yet. I know longer care what we drive as long as the air works.
Do your kids have a hard time with the heat?

Laptop is still broke. I don't know when I'll be at my sister's next. Second cutting of hay started today. So it will be busy AGAIN!
Good luck with the results - let us know what happens - we are on holiday but if the place we are staying in has a internet connection I may be able to check in from time to time! xx
Suzy: You MAY check in from time to time...Come On! Admit it...a day with us is like a day without sunshine :sun: You MUST check in for your daily dose of abuse...speaking of which does holiday and hotel = you not cooking? Just saying.....
Actually I am looking forward to a week with NO abuse (apart from the kids obviously) - it is self catering - so there is every chance we may not all survive my cooking for a week!!!! ;)

Ryan has a terrible time with heat. He doesn't say he is hot, but he doesn't sweat. So he looks pale and just can't go very much at all. Sweat beads alot along his lip, but he doesn't sweat anywhere else.
That's great that Grace did so well with the blood draw! Hope the results are good. Andrew doesnt' deal well with the heat, makes him feel quite faint/sick.
Gee, I'm glad we are going on holiday to the Mediterranean in the middle of July :ybatty:. Think Andrew and I will be hiding in the nice cool ship while my hubbie and daughter enjoy the heat :lol2:
Oh, how I love my LAPTOP!
If I were a poet, I would write endless sonnets of joy about it.
If I were a singer I would sing the most beautiful melodies about it.
If I were a computer technician I would have FIXED IT MYSELF!!!:cool:

1-Always buy the best accident coverage you can. It's worth it.
2-Do not place laptop near sink. (crohnsinct not a word):yfrown:
3-Always look into your girl's cup before tipping over.
4-Get a back up (like a tablet or a fancy phone) for the INTERNET so you don't go into convolutions while it's getting repaired.

Hi every one,:rosette2:
As you've guessed my laptop is back.
Where do I start. I'm waiting for Devos children's hospital to call back.
Her change of stool with the mucus is still present. Her pains (abdominal, knee, ankle and eye) are picking up. The GOOD news is she's put on all the weight she lost. She lost 6 lbs in one and a half weeks and it took her 8 months to put it back on. Her labs came back and some of the levels are still falling or raising depending what they are. Grace's GP just told me to "refer all questions to her GI". That's fine with me:thumleft: but they had her lab results to send to the GI. So they will be hearing from ME! She's doing EN in the morning and evenings with her meal that she just stares at.
I took her off Miralax and just using phylum husk fiber. Seems to be working all right. Stool is a little harder today. I couldn't regulate the Miralax to where it was a real help. I might put her on a half tsp in the mornings and see it that will be better.
I hope you all are doing well.

Well now seriously...not a word but a few...if you weren't so busy in the kitchen making all those fancy pants dishes trying to be the cooking queen of the forum your laptop wouldn't have been anywhere near a sink!

I am glad all her care is now going to be coordinated in one place. I am super glad you have found something that works for her.

Last I heard you were going to try to bring her to a specialist for her leg/joint pain...did you decide on one or are you waiting for GI to interpret the latest results?
:thumright:Thanks for reminding me about the specialist for the joint pain I will be asking when the GI calls today. We have two choices. MSU has one coming up in Oct. or we can make one at Devos. However, IF the GI wants an earlier apt., we don't want to be making two trips down their. So I'm waiting to hear from the GI and see what he wants to do.

(Oh, yes we did get a SUV) I did a lot of searching for one and the one his friend tells him about, is the one we got. That's fine.;) It's great!
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Glad to have you back! :rosette1:

But, sorry she's feeling some pains! :ymad: I hope you can get some answers and a definite plan from someone soon! But glad the husks seems to be working and that she's gained her weight back! :ghug:
Ok, a question to all.
Graces WBC, RBC, HGB and HCT are "low". Still not danger level yet.
Since Dec. 2011 those counts have been steadily going down. WHY? I've read were infections elevate those numbers. Her MCV was slightly high by one point and her lymphocytes was low at 1.8 or 47.9%.
Any thoughts????
My GI still hasn't called.:frown: I will be sweetly badgering him tomorrow.;)

Thanks every one,:heart:

If the count are steadily going down, I would be asking your Doctor how are they going to fix it.

Sarah's RBC, HGB started going down prior to dx. The main cause of her drop was a problem with her iron stores. eg using much more iron than taking in. In the Sarah case the steady drop turned into iron deficiency amenia (it took 2 years) but with this you usually have a low MCV.

Has little farmgirl had her folate, B12 and iron studies done. I would ask for these to be tested.

She has a great mum who continue to look for answers.
Thanks for the reply Cathrine.
I've looked and looked at the test results and I didn't find it.
The monthly draw are just simple CBC's. So not very in-depth.

I did talk to the GI nurse AGAIN about her stool STILL have rubber like mucus in it.
Sorry still to much TMI.
The Doctor said send him a picture of it and he'll decide what to do.
:sign0085:That's great!!! :sign0085:
I can't event drink around my computer with out ruining it ,
or load pictures with out losing them. :thumbdown:
My signature for here was a act of GOD that it made it on here.:lol2:
But now I'm suppose to take pictures of poo and send it via the INTERNET.:yfaint:
Hey crohnsinct give me your e-mail address.:devil:
This could go wrong in so many ways.:shifty-t:

Still I'll try my farm hill best to do it right.:thumleft:
HEre is what you do---
Grab your sister's "Fancy" phone.
snap the photo.

then double click the photo with your finger - should be an arrow or something at the bottom.
This will pop up a screen on what you want to do with it- email etc...
click/tap there- type in the address and poof---
AN instant doc/gi approved photo:lol2:

Go ahead send me your pictures! Us city girls don't scare easily...although I was runnng on a path in the woods yesterday with my city girlfriend and we saw the hugest animal poop we have ever seen...It was massive. The two of us got scared to death of what man eating animal left that behind. A teen in a hoody and pants around his ankles rapping some garbage about killing women we can take. Giant terd laying animals is a wholenother story! We never finished a workout so fast in our lives. Running in Central Park seems so much safer!

Ugh just realized that now I am examining animal poop...I gotta get a life!

Go ahead send me your pictures! Us city girls don't scare easily...although I was runnng on a path in the woods yesterday with my city girlfriend and we saw the hugest animal poop we have ever seen...It was massive. The two of us got scared to death of what man eating animal left that behind. A teen in a hoody and pants around his ankles rapping some garbage about killing women we can take. Giant terd laying animals is a wholenother story! We never finished a workout so fast in our lives. Running in Central Park seems so much safer!

Such lady like talk from a city girl.
Now let me tell you the country version of your story.
(Please imagine using a southern accent with this story.)

Well one day my friend Mary Ann and I were running from the barn on home to get the pies out of the oven before they burned.
On our way there we saw the biggest pile of poo our eyes have ever seen.
I looked at Mary Ann and said, what in sam hill made that pile of poo.
Mary Ann replied, I'm not sure, but I'm telling my Billy Bob to grab his gun, because that animal will make good eatin tonight.
The End!

Gald you are back Farmwife!! I am crazy busy at the moment so can't write much - I hope the GI calls you soon - I am debating weather or not to take Freddy to a homeopath as he still has mucousy diarrhoea and tummy pain and the conventional Drs just go 'meh' xxxx
:rof::rof::rof:Thanks I needed that today:rof::rof:

I am onto you country girls. Baking pies and shipping them off to the city and overcharging us city girls!

How did the photo session go today?

You home now Suzy? I hope vacation was great!
NO picture perfect opportunities for poo taking.
I thought about taking the camera into Bob Evens restaurant
in the chance she does something in there.
However I thought the sound of a camera clicking away in a stall:shifty:
might raise some eyebrows.:ywow:
No poo yet. Not worrying just yet.
The strange thing is that she's had two great symptom free days?:dance:
Do any of your kids seem better when they haven't gone for a day or two?


Update: She went poo and of course it was normal!:angry-banghead:
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Besides the doc's request via nurse for pictures of poo have you heard from him/her to discuss her blood results? Do I have to give you another lesson on how to be pushy?

Oh yeah! Kids are like your hair looking its best the day you have a scheduled hair cut. All my kids are always better when the have to go to doc.
Ok, a question to all.
Graces WBC, RBC, HGB and HCT are "low". Still not danger level yet.
Since Dec. 2011 those counts have been steadily going down. WHY? I've read were infections elevate those numbers. Her MCV was slightly high by one point and her lymphocytes was low at 1.8 or 47.9%.
Any thoughts????
My GI still hasn't called.:frown: I will be sweetly badgering him tomorrow.;)

Thanks every one,:heart:

The decrease in RBC, HGB and HCT all have three particular causes in common...anaemia, bleeding and malnutrition...that fit with Crohn's. A decrease could be caused by one of these or a combination. Interestingly one cause can also fit a low WBC, malnutrition and an increased MCV can be caused by anaemia due to malnutrition. Perhaps the malnutrition is also fitting with the difficulty in gaining weight.

Since my memory is like a sieve :eek2:...has any small bowel imaging been done?

Dusty. xxx
Hi all,:rosette1:
Well we've had some:thumright: GREAT DAYS:thumright: here. She's not even had so much as knee pain lately. A great BLESSING.

Well I received a call from the GI nurse today.
She said the doc is not to concerned about her stool problems and her CBC which is low is not danger level yet.
He feels until something changes in her health like an increase in abdominal cramps and or liquid stool , she's OK to wait till October.
She did add that when it looks like she's (Grace) heading back down hill to call and they will run labs and probably do a scope.
I know this sounds weird but I'm fine with that right now.
I do KNOW this attitude is because she's doing so well right now.
I do have the fear in the back of my mind of the other shoe dropping.

Right now, all I know is Grace my beautiful angel is happy and laughing. That's all I'm living for.
This fight for her health has been so long all I want is time to enjoy her, being her.
What will come, will come.
I feel we're in good hands, not only from above but here on earth also.
You all have been a wonderful support. I thank each of you.
I'll still be around if that's OK?

THat's great! Bless her little heart. If doc isn't worried and she isn't symptomatic than hell yeah go ahead and enjoy the good times and YES! Please stick around...some days we need a good laugh but more importantly we need to be reminded that there are lots of good days along with the bad.
My thoughts exactly!!! So great to hear she's feeling well!!! But will certainly miss you if you disappear on us! :D
I'll still be around if that's OK?

Hmmm, I reckon we can fit you in...after all we country folk have to watch each others backs lest the city folk start getting ideas of taking over! :lol:

:rosette1:Thanks for the nice comments.:rosette2:
Well my bubble was rudely POP this evening when....:frown:
her right knee started to bother her. SHOOT!!!!!!
Oh well she still happy, and my bubble will be fixed soon.:thumleft:
A question for DustyKat, Twiggy930 or anybody.
Twice now when her knee flares up
I have rubbed her lower back and her cute tushie:
she seems to get over it faster,
WHY? I'm a little puzzled.
Could her sciatic nerve be the real culprit?

Oh Dusty to your comment above..... I understand what you mean.
Why do think America is the way it is.:ytongue:
City folks and their high flouted ideas.:cool:

Your simple, easy going, farm girl loving, good cooking,
:soledance: Farmwife
Country girl love...BARFORAMA!

and just for that maybe I shouldn't share my experience with sciatica...well the sins of the mother aren't the sins of the daughter so for Gracie's sake I will....My experience with sciatica (ex dancer - and not a word from you farmwife) is all in the back of the leg and tush...never went towards the front and knee...also no one I knew (all dancers) who had these problems had it go to the front but maybe I just cohorted with city types who were all backwards.
YAY! glad you have had more good days than bad!! - Sorry the knee pain has flared up again. I also get sciatica and as everyone else says affects the buttock, thigh, sometimes shoots down the back of the leg towards the knee but I wouln't say it affects the knee if you know what I mean! - glad you are hanging around xxxx
You Ladies crack me up!

So glad that she is feeling better! Enjoy those times for sure! The possibility of a flare always hovers back there, but it's nice to keep it at bay and smile.

Just to add 2 more cents, I have also had sciatica. It only hurt down my bum and the back of my leg, not my knee. Now it HAS made my leg buckle because the pain shot down through my leg when I put weight on it. Could that be what she feels?
Just to add 2 more cents, I have also had sciatica. It only hurt down my bum and the back of my leg, not my knee. Now it HAS made my leg buckle because the pain shot down through my leg when I put weight on it. Could that be what she feels?

I don't know. She has KNEE pain. I ask her if it's behind her knee and she says NO. She keeps pointing rubbing her knee cap. Her ankle the same thing. When she gets her pains in the knee or ankle it is NOT all of them at once. Just one at a time. The soonest we can get her to a spec. is in October. Right now it's not debilitating for her except when it flares up.

Well I'm off for the night.
Second cutting of hay finished today:dance:.
Maybe my hubby will pay attention to me :kiss:
instead of falling a sleep on the couch.
Hey, a girl can dream.:)

Hi all,
I feel embarrassed if I asked this question before. Grace had a little more symptoms (pee-pee accident, sl. back pain and sl. belly pain) but not enough that it effected her day.
So my nice little bubble is still intact.
Her stool this evening had white spots in it, a little bigger than a grain of rice.
She's had no meds. She did have ice cream. She's never had this after eating dairy before. Have you heard of this?

I have not heard of this before - has she eaten anything that would be hard to digest - sweetcorn? coconut? anything like that?
Hope today is better xx
BINGO! Thanks DustyKat
I bet that's it. Candida is what they were looking for when this whole thing started 8 mo. age. I know a couple of days ago she seemed like something "down" their was bothering her. I could see nothing but I just read where Candida can "hide" in places.
Wow, I learning new things all the time.

No, it doesn't sound like sciatica. I hope you get to the rheumy soon and get to the bottom of the knee pain.
Hey farmwife I know we pm'd about this but you didn't happen to say what it looked like and for the benefit of anyone reading here I wanted to post.

O had something similar and I called doc and they shrugged it off. Pill cap pieces, mucus, drug pellets from a pill cap, mucus were all their suggestions but nothing to worry about. O's disappeared after a few days. I googled it and came up with worms but not the candida (leave it to Dr. Dusty). I think I suffer from candida and would be wiling to bet O has issues also. Going to google that right now!
We had to take Grace to the walk in to try to head off any UTI and possible Candida infections.
No to any UTI yet and yes to a fever.
Grace NEVER gets fevers unless she has something wrong.
I mean this is why they get fevers, RIGHT.
Still they won't give her any antibiotic until she has something because they don't want to mess around if she still has c. diff in her body.
We just made an appointment with a NEW GP.
The Doc form the walk in clinic we took Grace to said
that we need a Doctor that specializes in children "like" Grace.
She (walk in clinic Doctor) kept asking if she's had this or that done yet and why not. :redface:
Of course we had to tell her our family doc never felt this or that was needed.
So she gave us two names of Internal Medicine Pediatric Doctors in town and upon talking it over with the hubby he said that's probably best. :dance:
So I called and this Thursday she'll see him.
I hope this one gets what's going on with her.
I pray he'll refer us to a rheumy.
I never said this because I didn't want Crohnsinct blood pressure to rise but,,,
the family Doc said a rheumy isn't necessary for growing pains.:ywow:

Oh well my bubble is in shambles on the floor, but don't worry once we find out what's causing the fevers I'll start to rebuilt my world of denial bubble.:rof::rof::rof:

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