Little Farm Girl - Update

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Stephen's ultrasounds showed thickening of the intestinal walls (inflammation), they also looked at surrounding organs (ie liver) for indications of problems, I 'believe' it will also show if there is a blockage...

OMG, I just can't imagine how frustrated you must be!!!

These are the questions I would want answered...

From the GI:

- Why does he think it's the hematology problem? He probably won't commit to a firm answer dealing with another specialty but then why did he refer Grace to a Hematologist to begin with? What hematology disorder does he think could be causing the GI issues?
- He obviously thinks the GI issues are only a 'symptom' of something else, not the 'source' of the problem, so what hematology disorder? And why/how does it cause Grace's GI symptoms?

From the Hematologist:

- Why does the Hematologist disagree with the GI's answers given above?
- Given what Grace is dealing with, even if he disagrees with the GI, why will he not follow up the GI's thoughts?
- To decide to NOT to follow up on the GI's thoughts, Hematologist must be pretty certain the GI is wrong; what is he basing this decision on (ie what tests are proving him right and the GI wrong)

And, back to the GI:

- Given the Hematologists answers above, why doesn't the GI follow up on what the Hematologist said? Again, GI must be must be pretty certain the Hematologist is wrong; what is he basing this decision on (ie what tests are proving him right and the Hematologist wrong)

It SHOULD be easy enough to get these answers but we all know it's not! :ymad: So, I would start with asking her doctor for these answers (perhaps, even asking if the questions make sense???); if you're not completely satisfied with what you hear, I would tell the doctor you're heading down to Devos anyway and I would sit in ER until I got the answers... Someone correct me but the ER would have Hematologists and GIs on staff/call, right? You may be in ER for hours and hours but, as long as that seems, it will be less than weeks and weeks!

Just my thoughts... :ghug:
I think we should move close to each other so our little ones can play when they feel well enough and we could just bang our heads on a wall..... Together.
So sorry you are having so much trouble...darn Drs and their egos. I hope you get to the bottom of this very soon! Need to lock the GI and Hematologist in a room and keep them there until they agree to find the problem together! Yall are the ones suffering while they juggle the issue!
Tesscorm- The hemo said that they feel the test results are because of her GI issues. They want to more MORE labs "off" before they see her. :eek:Good Q's to ask. Thanks.

NMMom- Bring some Tylenol when you come, we have plaster walls here.:lol2:
So sorry youre having so much stress and confusion ! :(

I will tell you tho, the very last doctor we were sent to in our quest for a diagnosis for Gab was a Hematologist; one of the other docs sent us there because he suspected Leukemia due to her blood tests. It's the Hematologist that sent us back to the GI doctor and said it's probably Crohn's ! We had her diagnosis within a couple of weeks after that !
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that this is happening to you as well and lil Grace will finally get a diagnosis and proper treatment and begin feeling better ?
Big hugs
I know this feeling and frustration and anger all too well :(
If she gets any worse I would take her to the children's ER. Caitlyn's ultrasound did not show anything. What about consulting the mayo clinic? You guys are not so far from there. I would call your insurance and ask them if it is a possibility to go there. They are great. Usually you go and stay for about a week in a local hotel and they run a million tests until they figure out the problem. We almost took Caitlyn there when she had so many issues with the medications. She ended up in the ER in Manhatten and saw a doctor there that w finally able to help somewhat but if we hadn't found him we would have gone to mayo clinic.
One thing I learned insist the two specialist " talk " to each other since you only have one kid with an issue. Tell they need to come up with a plan together because right now nothing is being done and she is still sick.
This work for us when Rheumo and Gi were playing a similar game.
Good luck
Oh my goodness - I haven't turned the computer on all day - and look what has happened. I am glad they are finally taking you and Grace seriously, poor, poor little thing having to get so ill before they will do anything. I am thinking of you and Grace as much as possible and sening good healing thoughts your way. Please keep us updated whenever you can. Bi big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How frustrating for you! Why the doctors can't just talk to each other and sort something out, I don't know. :ymad: How can they want to wait again to see if the blood tests get worse - how bad will they let them get? Hope they see sense soon!!!
They did the wrong test.:angry-banghead: That's right,:angry-banghead: THE WRONG TEST!:angry-banghead:

I called the nurse to question about why in SAM HILL did they just do the ultra-sound of the liver and kidneys and not anything else.
The nurse replied, WHAT, I filled out the WHOLE GI TRACK.
She said I'll call you back and she did within minutes.
She said the Doc will be calling your GI by 5 tonight. He then will call you.
Our medical bill are mounting and now we have to pay for this also. :ywow:
I'm so mad and disappointed that I could sit and cry.:frown:
The blessing is that Grace seems to be rebounding a bit since doing EN full time.:heart:
Seriously?!!! That is unbelievable. And you have to trust these people to take care of your kids! Hope they sort it asap. Glad Grace is feeling a little better on the EN
OMG!!! :ymad: How could they make a mistake like that!?!?! Are they going to redo the u/s? I hope the doctor has called you by now with a PLAN!

I'm glad Grace is feeling a bit better though! :)

:ghug: :ghug:
That stinks!! Now your sweet girl has to go through additional testing?!? The lack of communication/screw-ups is mind boggling. You should NOT have to pay for their mistake.

I am glad to hear that she is more comfortable. Hope you both get some rest tonight.

I'm just noticing that you are from Michigan. I was just up there last week in the Traverse/Charlevoix area. The cooler weather was refreshing :)
How awful - can you demand that they either refund the money you have paid for the wrong test or that they do the right test free of charge? I really really feel for you guys, when your little one is sick you need to be able to trust that she will get the best of care, and how can you do that when they can't even perform the right test.

It is good thought that Grace feels better on the EN at least she feels better and is getting all the nutrients she needs - maybe she will even put on a little weight!

Big hugs xxxx
I can't believe all the trouble your having.
My heart goes out to Grace and your family.
Take care :ghug:
I hope you get some answers soon
Good lord! Enough already! :voodoo::voodoo::voodoo: Tell them you don't give a **** what one or the other thinks just one or both of you bloody do something! Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Poor little princess...:hug: and poor Mum...:hug:

Thank goodness the EN is at least giving her some relief, bless her. :heart:

Thinking of you, always.
Dusty. xxx
Grace is now well enough to take her to the store.
It will be good to get out for awhile.
Still no call from doc.:ymad:
Tell them you don't give a **** what one or the other thinks just one or both of you bloody do something! Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Dusty. xxx

Oops! Dustykat forgot farmgirls don't curse! She meant to say "Tell them you don't care what in Sam's Hill one or the other thinks" Silly Dusty...quarter in the swear jar...and being a city girl, I could probably buy a house with the quarters in my jar but I am saving them for my kid's therapy.

WRONG TEST?!!!! Are they kidding me? They should totally pay for the second or first test and seriously?! Put the kid through more testing and even more of a delay? I hope they are getting you in TODAY for the second test!
Hahaha, don't hold ya breath waiting for a quarter! We don't have them down under so I can swear till the cows come home! Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

And no you shouldn't be paying for their stuff up!

When the GP first examined Matt and told me there and then that he thought he had Crohn's he was sent for an urgent u/s, which we paid for. The u/s essentially came back normal. The GP didn't believe it so he went back again the next day and lo and behold there was the thickening in the TI. They were somewhat embarrassed (understatement!!!) by the whole episode that we haven't paid for any imaging since! :lol:

Dusty. xxx
I am so glad she is feeling somewhat better! I feel for your frustration ... we've been in a similar boat with Danny. Several other specials say he has Crohn's but the GI's do not agree - so you feel like you just get tossed around between specialists. I've learned to verify everything - and recommend when you go for testing in the future you talk to the technician to ensure they are doing what you expect. Mistakes happen too often.
Good luck today!!!
Glad she has perked up a little - but I can't believe the Dr has not called you - after everything you have all been through in the last week or so. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Hope he calls soon xxxx
Thanks Suzysu and everyone else.:heart:
I have called and the nurse said he's tried and left messages but.....
Her GI is on call in the hospital this week. So of course and understandably so
he hasn't get back with her GP.
Grace is improving a great deal. :ysmile:
Still tires out after an hour or so but far better than NOT moving at all.
I'm almost scared to start her back on solids again.:D
Oh the bad news she real hasn't pooped in two days.
Yay, I'm soooo glad you can see that Grace is feeling better!! :banana: But, boo, that there's been no poops! :ymad:

So frustrating that you haven't gotten an answer from the GI yet! :voodoo: I so hope he gets around to answering his messages by tomorrow!

Is Grace only on shakes now? When Stephen did EN, he was also allowed clear fluids which included broth, jello and freezies/popsicles (but no chocolate or caramel flavours nor 'dark' pop like Coke - not sure why??). ...just to give her a bit of a break from the shakes :heart: (But, certainly don't go against any instructions given to you by the doctor! :eek:)
I am obsessively logging on to check to see how Grace is doing. I really hope that you get some good answers soon and that things start to turn around for her. Sending you lots of positive thoughts.
Thanks Twiggy930,
I called again and still no contact with the GI.
The one interesting thing is the head nurse said THEY couldn't believe that Hematologies is saying no for a visit right now.
Grace is happy, still as of tonight no poo.
If this isn't an impaction then what could it be??????
What about a different hematologies? What hematogies does the GI sent his patients to?

Does the hematologies work out any hospital with an ER?

Don't know if it the same in American but if Sarah was to get sick enough to go to an ER we need to go to one of two ER if at all possible as these are the ER where GI attends.

Only thinking out loud. Glad Grace is happy and long may it continue.:dance:
Thanks Catherine,
It's funny you bring that up.
My hubby and I said that maybe going on the other side of the state
to another chil. hospital would be better.

The GI and Hemo. are at the same hospital.
Obesessively logging on to check on Gracie?! My 8 year old is in the bath and asked me to come downstairs and get the brush and well I had to pass the computer so HAD to check on Gracie. Glad to hear she is feeling a little better. When the going gets tough the tough get shopping! Where did you bring her today.? Better go back upstairs before my daughter drowns in the tub!
We went to wally world (Wal-Mart). Did some food shopping To bad the hubby and son won't do EN. It would be so much nicer.
We're kicking around the idea of going to Mayo Clinic or Mott's Hospital down state. It's highly rated. Mary (Rowan's mom) went there.
Grace limped all the way to bed. Ankle flared up again. Still no poo. She went limp around 6:00 pm. She said she was to tired to move. She stayed that was till I laid her in bed. My gallbladder can't take much more. Thank God it will be remover next month. Sorry just thinking out loud. Who knows what will come to pass. I'll give the doc a call in the 9 am. AGAIN!
If she seems to worsen at all, take her to ER... they MUST have specialists on staff or on call. She's so little, I can't believe they would just send her home without following up... :(

YES! I vote down far is that? And when are you having Gallbladder removed? That settles it...we have to get answers on Gracie before your surgery...would you like me to come nurse you back to health...remember Nurse Ratchett?
Yes- Call the doc in the am
But also call downstate too since sometimes the second look can take a while to get in..
Vote for the second opinion. I know your still trying to get the first opinion, but can't hurt to start working on getting the second one.
I'm with going down state - I think the Dr's you currently have are obviously totally rubbish and this can't go on for much longer. I hope tomorrow\today (I get confused with these timezones!) goes better, and I hope your gallstones don't give you as much trouble. hugs xxxx
Wow, I went to bed and missed a whole conversation! I will need to stay awake so I can check how Grace is doing. I hope you manage to get some proper help if you do take her to another hospital, otherwise just keep nagging!
Can't believe they just let this continue, it's so not fair for Grace or your family that has to watch her lying there. Thinking of you as always
Good morning,
I too have been checking constantly for updates except last night I fell into bed exhausted and I woke up this morning and said I did not check on you all and I need to now! I agree with the others time for a new doctor. I don't know anything about downstate but have heard great things about Mayo clinic as I said previously. Just wanted to say I am thinking of you guys. I hope you hear from the doctor today as it is Friday and the weekends coming.
Insert Jeopardy theme!

No post from Farmwife...hope that means one of three things A) she is camped out on GI #1's doorstep B) camping out at imaging place waiting for the RIGHT test to be done or C) in the car heading downstate

Well o.k. maybe a 4th option making lots of yummy mini quiches but maybe that is just my selfish tummy growling.
I know, logged on to check how Grace was and there's no update. Hope she is being looked after by some good docs!
Where the heck are you, Farmwife?!?! You've got a gaggle of moms all worrying about little Princess Grace! :shifty:
Farmwife, I can't believe the mess you are dealing with. Oh, wait, yes I can. It took nearly two years to get my son, Daniel, diagnosed with severe delayed gastric emptying throughout his entire GI tract. He turned two in the hospital. It took three years to get the diagnosis of mild to moderate aspiration of stomach contents into his lungs. Pulmonary and GI were tossing him back and forth like a tennis ball all the while claiming that basically I was nuts. Obviously, mom knew and still knows best. The pediatrician and I were fighting like dogs with the other docs. We knew he was aspirating and damaging his lungs, but the docs were looking for a textbook case. No one in our family is a textbook case for anything. LOL!

Go with your instincts! Don't let them get away with it. Insist they scope her. Enough is enough. Gracie is suffering, not them. It's time for the docs to put their big boy pants on and get to work on making this precious little girl better.

:hang: I'm getting my voodoo doll out to put some sense into those docs.:voodoo:

You are definitely in my prayers. Since you have not been on to update us, I assume you currently have your hands more than full right now. We will all continue to keep you and your family in prayer during these trying times. Turn it over to the Lord and watch him go to work.

Love in Christ, Naturelover

P.S. Here's some gentle hugs and kisses for the whole family from the lot of us! :ghug: :kiss:
Farmwife I am thinking of you and little grace - I hope she is somewhere where they are taking really good care of her. I am sending good luck and healing thoughts your way. Big big hugs xxxx

Where in Sam Hill is Farmwife?

I will tell you after getting this whole forum in an uproar you better not be galavanting shopping for the royal court and if you are you better make up some interesting story.

:ghug: :kiss:
Well prune my magnolias! Y'all are as sweet as Michigan cherries in the summer heart!:soledance:

Haven't been around much. My dear Grandparents have moved to a new home. Been busy their. Third cutting of hay has started, so the farm is busy with that.

Ok, made some head way.
Bad news-
GI still says no till more "proof pops up".

Good news-
She went poo.:dance::dance::dance:
Our GP is finally on board.:biggrin: I have been told by the head nurse that we will figure this out. MRI's up here can take weeks to get one. So he's ordered a comprehensive stool study. I guess it's very advance. It will tell what is going on with the flora of her gut and chemical in-balance and even inflammation. It can pick up minuet details that a blood test can miss. One of the things he is looking for is called Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) which can cause all sorts of havoc. That also might be a symptom of something bigger.
I stated again about her joint pain and are you ready for this.....the nurse said this might be an auto-immune problem.:dance: She said the doc wants her on every kind of food for 3-4 days. We need to try to make e her GI "act up". I know it sounds crazy but that will measure what is relay going on in her gut.
Ok, now to a mother's worry. Grace can't go normal any more. So what happens when she's on full food and no Miralax? Well I guess it will be the ER and my doc will make sure she gets an MRI and maybe a scope and who knows what else.:D I just pray she doesn't but open a bowel.:shifty:
She also will get labs every two weeks.
He never mentioned a another ultra-sound. I'll have to ask on Monday.
The nurse made sure I had the docs cell phone number.:ysmile:

It's amazing how a sick girl laying LIMP on the docs table can change ones mind.
I hope and pray we can figure this out. Her joint pain is worse. The doc said if her flare up can last long enough to get to the lab their's a test that can measure what's happening to her joints. We might try that.

So there you go. Farm girl is doing ok and will see what the future holds.:rosette1:
About time you gave us an update! :ymad: :lol:

Sounds like she's doing 'okay' :D I would ease into adding 'all' new foods, stick with low fibre/residue as she builds up to food more difficult to digest. At least you now have the GP on your side - big relief! :banana: Hope the tests reveal some clue as to what's going on and what to do next! :ghug:
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I agree! Yaa hoo for the poo! Hang in there, this could be the calm before the storm. Brace yourself and be ready for whatever comes your way. You never know how quickly little Grace's body is going to strut its stuff. I don't mean to sound horrible, but I hope everything happens quickly so you can get some answers and both you and Gracie can have some relief from all this mess. Then, you both could be on the road to remission of whatever this is.

Praying for more better days ahead.

Guess I still have to get my voodoo doll out to use on that GI doc. He obviously didn't get the message the first time. So here goes... :voodoo::voodoo::voodoo::voodoo: There! That should do it!

Blessings and prayers, NL
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If you do decide to take her in I would take her to a children's hospital. We took Johnny to a hospital in Northern Michigan (Ludington) while on vacation right before his diagnosis and it was a complete nightmare. I am sure he would have been scoped and diagnosed then if we had driven to Helen DeVos.

I am sorry you have to go through this. I will be praying for little Grace, and you too mom!!!

PHEW! What a rollercoaster you guys are on.:shifty:
Yay for the poo!!!!:dance::dance:
Not that I would wish Grace ill but I hope that trying to get her gut to act up works and fast so that they can find out what is wrong with her. I am so sorry you have to go through this.
Stay strong :ghug:
Rowan always had to have Miralax too. She was always constipated. The low residue is actually very constipating. So I would always have to give fibre to keep this moving. Lots of peeled apples, actually had to avoid bananas. Typically the opposite of normal IBD diets. I am assuming constipation is an issue since she is on the Miralax. Gosh so much water to drink while taking it too. I Was always battling dehydration. I hated the miralax. So now just need to keep things soft. Lots of soups. Now I do the opposite. Good luck with UofM they were awesome I thought, Dr Sandberg is really nice and has 4 daughters all young. A very understanding man. Let me know when u come, maybe we can meet u for lunch.
Yay poo! :dance::dance:

Does anyone find the fact that we all chose dancing bananas for pooping ironic? I mean really?! Bananas are for binding the kids. I just think they are super cute!
Just catching up and OH. MY.!! I am so sorry for all that you and sweet Grace are dealing with...sending some love your way and hoping for her bowels to act up so you can get some answers :ghug: !!
Thanks for the update hun...:hug: Sending loads of love, luck and healing thoughts your way!...X:heart:X:heart:X

Here ya go crohnsinct...

Dusty. xxx
Oh no you di int! You actually found dancing poop?! You should load those babies on the smileys for the forum!
Here ya go crohnsinct...

Dusty. xxx

Where did you find dancing poo? I wasn't sure if they were Hershy Kisses or Dancing poo. But after a closer look, I see they're dancing poo! Thanks! Load them up on the smilely board ASAP!

I would put them up on my post for today. I finally pooed too! Yea! Love them Ducolax Laxatives!

OK, I think I'm going insane. Maybe I need more nutrition....:ybatty:
David has not bestowed such powers upon me. I have many challenges to conquer before I am inducted into the inner sanctum of the table of knowledge. :worthy:

Dusty of the not so round table.
I wasn't sure if they were Hershy Kisses or Dancing poo.

Okay, I have already been introduced to some of your culinary delights but don't be telling you eat stuff that looks like a heap of ****! :rof:
LMAO on all fronts Dusty! But seriously? You don't know what a Hersheys Kiss is? And OMG it does look like a pile of poo...dear god you have ruined kisses for me forever...well o.k. maybe the allure of chocolate is stronger than the gross out factor....
OMG I thought it was Hershey kisses too...dancing poo. *shakes head* only Dusty would know where to look for poo. LMAO!
David has not bestowed such powers upon me. I have many challenges to conquer before I am inducted into the inner sanctum of the table of knowledge.
I haven't given you that power because I know you'd add things like dancing poo to the system and I feel it's important that we be more mature and professional than that here.

:dance: :dance:
:dance: :dance:
:banana::dance: :dance:

*edit* It's hard to make a "P" for "Poo" with dancing bananas. :(
Oh my, your words are like a dagger through my heart David. :cry: I will never attain the ultimate goal will I? That elusive handshake, the hushed word that turns a key into a world that will forever elude me. Just kill me now and put me out of my misery!

We are mature and professional....we professionally hijack threads and they mature in to posts involving wine, sex and culturally diverse obscenities:eek:...oh wait that might be deteriorate instead of mature:lol2:
WHAT!!!!!! Look what your turning my thread too?

Your right David totally unprofessional! Not sophisticated such as I am.

Now onto DustyKat

:ymad:Now you listen Women.
I put up with a lot. You've ruined fruity pebbles cereal, you've mocked our beloved s'more

That's right! We love our Hershey's kisses here. What do you think caused or Civil war all those years ago. China tried to steal the Hershey's kisses from us and Canada came to our rescue and stopped them.
That's right. We have gold statues through out or country showing our love for the chocolate yummy kisses.
And YOU poop poo them like that, Shame on you.:ybatty:

Now go tell your boy to tell your girl that. Maybe she'll tell her Professor .:ylol:
Farmwife, Sorry your thread's been hijacked!:eek:rder: So glad that some progress is being made. I agree that if you have to go to an ER, go to a Children's ER if one is close. We had been going to the DR for 3 months when Ryan tanked. I called the local GI and he told us to go straight to Children's with a suitcase! Best thing we ever did because we got a diagnosis asap!

I'm with crohnsinct. The love of chocolate can't be overcome by comparing it to poo! (Especially Hershey!) :ytongue: Besides aren't most of us in a place where we can talk about poo anywhere and anytime? Poo talk has no limits in our circle!:headbang:
Really, am I the only person who DOESN'T like Hershey Kisses?!?! To me, they've always had an odd chocolate flavour???
Tesscorm, nope I'm with you...not a big fan of the Hershey Kisses. Real big fan of the dancing poop though!!
Clash -:eek:
Seek medical treatment.Their's something wrong with you taste buds also!:ylol:

To put this to rest.....
They'll be NO debate on my thread about my lovely Hersey's kisses. :confused2:
Do YOU ALL understand.
It's finished!!!!! :ymad:
A womens thread is her castle. :cool2:
You've turned it into a hurtful expression of poor taste.:ybatty:

Farmwife...I would but I really would but C has the monopoly on dr. visits around here...looking at the schedule I can work in my Hershey tastebud issue sometime in early 2013!!!:ybatty:

But to save the sanctity of your erhhmmm...castle I promise not to bash, belittle, revile or defame the almighty Hershey Kiss!!:rosette2: See I can play nice!!:ylol:
So if it's finished, is it too late to say I don't like Hershey kisses either? :nonono::eek:utahere:
OMGosh! I am literally LMFAO over here! I am not picky...I will take any chocolate that comes my way..even stupid Nestles!

Stop knocking our milk company, Nestles. My family were Nestles suppliers all my growing up years.

Farmwife, yes I am diary farmer daughter. Country girl at heart.
Oh No Catherine! Not you too? Come back to the light of the city where there is delivery service 24/7 and gourmet cupcakes!
I'm definitely a Nestle fan!!! Kit Kat, Dairy Milk, Aero, Peanut Butter cups, OMG... all my favourites!!
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups is Hershey's (unless Nestle's distributes a peanut butter cup in Canada that we don't know about)!!!! So I guess you are allowed to continue hijacking.

Loves me my Kit Kat's (Nestles)! See you are a chocoholic also!
Oh I have the absolute BEST cookie recipe for a cookie dough that gets wrapped around a miniature Snickers bar and baked. Imagine the gooie goodness that you bite into when that comes out of the oven...YUM! PM me if you want the recipe. Oops..we aren't on the much ado thread:blush:

Stop knocking our milk company, Nestles. My family were Nestles suppliers all my growing up years.

Farmwife, yes I am diary farmer daughter. Country girl at heart.

My sister!:kiss:

Out of total curiosity was this forum like this before I joined?:shifty:
If not.....I'm so sorry!:D I'll leave if you wish me too.:redface:
Don't flatter yourself! I have seen plenty of old posts between dear Dusty and her friend Dekky or something like that and some others that were hilarious so we aren't the first and we won't be the last.

Confession time...I pray every day that nothing is really wrong with Grace but if something yucky HAS to be wrong I hope it is IBD so you can stick around.

Delete delete delete
Hmmm... the Hershey chocolate around the peanut butter cups is good! :) Can't be the same as the Kisses chocolate though!

OMG, a baked chocolate bar!!! The healthy version of a deepfried Mars bar! :rof: :rof: I will get the recipe from you but AFTER my cruise!! Since I've been on the diet, I've gained 2 pounds! WTH!!! :ymad:
So to try to divert some attention back to MY thread.....Grace's eye pain is getting more frequent. It only last minutes but now it's happening a couple time an hour. Any advice?
The good news is her knee pain has stopped for the last week or so. YA!!!
Oh, I'm sorry to hear she has to deal with one more thing! :voodoo: Not sure if her eye pain would be similar but does it happen more often in brighter light? Not the same thing but I had an ulcer in my eye once and even typical indoor light hurt my eye, sunglasses helped. But, have absolutely no experience with eye pain as an EIM... the sunglasses are just a guess. :( Perhaps there's some info in the EIM subforum??? :ghug: