Thanks everyone! I appreciate the support :ghug: And, Kathy, certainly wasn't anything you said... my question re the sed rate was only because I wasn't sure if there was something I wasn't aware of re the SED rate.
When Stephen was diagnosed with crohns, it was paralyzing and knocked out my basic assumptions about life (the 'it can never happen to me...' and 'any problem can be solved!' beliefs). But, the EN was a very acceptable treatment - no side effects, would give him the nutrients he was probably always short on being a picky eater, he took to the treatment very easily and responded well very quickly. :smile: It lulled me into a false sense of comfort. I had my worries (as you have all heard!) but, deep down, I believed in the EN and that it would keep him healthy. Getting the recent results and having the GI move up his appointment once I sent him the results almost felt like I was reliving the diagnosis. All of a sudden, I was thinking meds - what to ask for, what would be recommended, what would be the side effects, how would it affect him, etc., etc. You all know the worries. Then, when my daughter mentioned the arthritis, immediately I looked up RA. I can tie in lots of symptoms to RA - she sometimes complains of sore feet, sore knees, sore hip. In the past, I always attributed it to her very physical lifestyle - soccer, horseback riding and tae kwon do (pretty much 7 days a week)! All physically demanding activities that put a lot of strain on those joints. But, now... is it the activity or is it RA? And, then, of course, I had to look up treatment... well, there is no equivalent EN treatment. We're right back to all the meds I'm afraid to deal with... but now with both kids!
God, am I ever depressing!!??

I feel guilty being such a whiner, there are so many others here which so much more to deal with!!! :ybatty:
Am seeing my daughters GP on Tuesday, at least we'll know where we stand with that... Then Stephen's apptmt is Jan. 25..., not too long to wait either...
I'm also dealing with Fibroids myself... I'm low in iron, etc. - wonder if my 'down' feelings are also partly due to side effects from the fibroids??? Also seeing my specialist on the 25th... maybe I'll have some answers for me too!
Thanks again everyone!! It helps so much to let it out and have others really understand!:hug: