Low Fiber Diet

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Apr 15, 2018
Hi, I have been told that I will need to be on a low fiber diet for the rest of my life because of having Crohns. I have done my best but what I have come up with has become very boring ! I am trying to gain back the 25 pounds I lost due to the initial surgery that was done seven years ago. I went in at 155 and left at 130. Can anyone recommend a good low fiber menu or web site ? ? ?

Thanks in advance. Les
Supplemental formula can help keep the weight up
They use it a lot in kids
In addition to food
Ensure or boost are polymeric and you can get over the counter
Semi elemental would be peptamen
Elemental more broken down to amino acids would be vionex

My kiddo started on peptamen jr and is now on neocate jr chocolate
He drinks 50% of his calories orally

Low fiber
White bread
Potatoes (fries baked mashed )
Squash (all versions) melons honeydew etc
Soups since all veggies are soft
Lean meats /fish
Avocados for high fat /cAlories
Nut butters creamy
Just no raw veggies
All cooked well
No skins

Protein smoothies
Orgain vegan or regular
Thanks for the menu suggestions. I was aware of all of those. I try to stick to them but it is getting so darn boring. I am also drinking Ensure, one a day. When I got out of the hospital back in November from a really severe blockage, I was drinking three a day, try to gain back some of my weight. But the further I get from November, the harder it is to drink three a day. I now find them a little "rich" and somewhat un settle ing to my stomach.
I highly recommend
-eggs boiled or just their whites
-rice crispies
-homemade marmelade
-peanut butter,smooth and creamy
-cottage cheese
-low fat milk ,low fat yoghurt,low fat ice cream and their lact - free versions possibly
-vegan ice cream
-almond milk as an alternative
-sweet potatoes with cinammon
-apple and banana
-gelatin with fruit aroma
-bio corn flakes
A diet high in protein low in fat and fiber when symptoms are active
Some fibers are good and some fibers are bad.

I find whole grains like wheat to be the best, then oats but refried beans are the absolute best but only if they are cooked correctly, they are hard to cook. I pre-soak miy pinto beans overnight in hot water with lots of salt, then cook them the next day for 5-6 hours in a pot with a tight lid, then mix with a hand mixer like this https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-9...gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CPaE-augx9oCFcRxAQod_ZACww

cauliflower and brussel sprouts onions are the worst for me. Look into the FODMAP diet and the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD). I used these diets to guide my choices in addition to testing foods in an elimination diet. Good bacteria consume some fibers yet bad bacteria love certain fibers too, some of this will be specific to your own body.

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