Major pain in the butt

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Mar 3, 2012
So i think I have an anal abscess. Iv had hemrroids for ages, their fine, had a fissure, that came with some discomfort, but this is constant throbbing. I can feel a huge lump through my skin, even through the hemies. Going to the toilet when I first felt the lump was agony. Is it true all they can do is surgically drain them. It's got to be a lot of puss by how it feels, but is there nothing I can do? Can't sit on my butt, and through pain meds for crohns, I can still constantly feel it. Is that normal? Sorry for tmi.
So sorry for what you're going through, don't worry, there's no such thing as TMI here!

I've never had an abscess, but what you are describing is certainly something I would bring to my doctor's attention. The last thing you want is for it to rupture and cause an infection.

I also know that while we will probably never experience "normal," but going to the toilet shouldn't be constant agony. Good luck, let us know what the doc says!
Sounds nasty Irene3, think I'd get to the Dr pronto tbh. I've had fissure's & hemorrhoids & both extremely painful, not sure what it is about that area but maybe there is a lot of nerve endings there. Either way I hope you get some relief soon.
Best Wishes
Hi Irene,
No worries about tmi here. We are immune. :)

What you describe sounds like an abscess. First step is to call your GI. My GI refused to see me for it when I called for mine. She sent me to the colorectal surgeon straight away. It seems like often times they try Flagyl first to see if it will go away but if that doesn't work it needs to drain. If that stuff stays in there it just gets bigger and bigger and eventually can get into your blood and cause sepsis.

You sound like you are in pain, please don't wait too long to take action. If you pop a high fever go to the ER.

Sitz baths, regular hot baths and sitting on a heating pad can all bring pain relief, it can also draw the infection out and make the abscess come to a head and drain itself.

I hope this helps. You can always send me a PM if like. Hope you get this resolved.

Thank you- the gp said

Thank you all so much!!! I'll try the bath....

Basically the swelling reduced a bit over night, but still painful, and I had mucous stuff last night, which I could of sworn was coming from the lump, as I pushed on the toilet.

This morning I saw my gp (GI is away for another 2 weeks), and he said that there is a small opening on the lump??? I said it is better this morning, not constant throbbing, but he said he can't see any puss when he presses, though he didn't press hard. So do fistulas/ abscesses normally have an opening? He said it's too early to say it's an abscess, because there's no puss coming out, and gave me antibiotics. So I guess I hope it resolves with those, but I still feel it moving around/sitting, and the toilet is still very painful. :/
Glad that it is a bit better. An abscess can develop a hole and drain itself though in my experience it is hard to miss the drainage - for me it is kind of alot and often bloody.

A fistula is a tunnel from one spot to another so ultimately it would end in a hole. Maybe what you have is not either! Not certain what it could be instead though.

Good luck with the antibiotics - hope the work for you. Let us know.
Thanks for that, he said if it's bigger or the pain gets worse, then just go back in a few days. I don't know, because iv never had an abscess there, only in my bowels, but I wasn't sure if it could be a fistula either. :)
This is a bit embarrassing, but basically because I have diarrhea, between 6-18 times a day, each time I go to the toilet, I check the toilet paper, for blood- ect, and I know it hasn't been bleeding, but last night it was like yellowy mucousy stuff, but diarrhea was also yellowy, so I couldn't tell if it was just feeling like as I push, it hurts from rectum, along to where the lump was. Iv been several times today to the toilet, and there's almost no pressure on the lump when I push, compared to yesterday. But can still feel it. There's been no mucous/puss/blood in my underwear today though, so I'm not sure. But with the antibiotics, if it begins to swell more again, then I would think it's a fistula with small abscess. If it gets better on the antibiotics, in 10 days, then when I'm not taking antibiotics it begins to swell/hurt again, I'll see my GI by then and ask him to examine it really well. I hope so much it isn't a fistula!!! I read on here that some people have feces pass through them, and they can get infected often. It's not so much the pain, but the thought of having feces coming out in more then 1 place. I had a look this morning at causes, and 6mp, pred,crohns, and prior fissure were among the top ones. I have all 4. But Im still hoping with the antibiotics, it clears up the infection or whatever, because fistulas can't just clear up.....
Thanks so much for all your input. I'll defiantly pm if I have gross leackage or something. :/

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