My issue with the Maker's Diet is with the author Jordan Rubin. His story of his journey with Crohn's Disease is interesting, but I am highly skeptical of him controlling such a near-death, severe case of Crohn's with just diet. I did the kefir thing and followed many of his other diet recommendations in his "Guts to Glory" Program book.
It's been quite some time since I read the book, but I remember he recommends the Garden of Life products constantly... the company which he founded. At times, it felt like I was reading some goofy propaganda.
I spent about $120 on his recommended supplements from the health food store, like his "HSOs" which are dirt microbes.
My opinion? He's a nutjob that's selling false hope to people and growing a multi-million dollar supplements business while he's at it. I haven't heard a single person say---other than Jordan Rubin himself---that these products cured them of Crohn's, ESPECIALLY a Crohn's case as severe as the one he claims to have had (near death)
My guess? He got a Remicade injection and some corticosteroids and doesn't want to tell us that it was the medications that cured him--- not his looney diet.
I posted this thread asking a similar question to yours and these were the responses:
I started out being a little apprehensive with traditional medications... but after finding Remicade, im happy to be in full remission with no side effects.
I wish you the best of luck. I hope you can control Crohns with just diet, and if the Maker's Diet works for you--- awesome!