Marijuana Discussion

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 13, 2006
Naples, Florida
Please see our new medical marijuana thread.

As of today, we have a new sub-forum specifically for the discussion of marijuana entitled Medical Marijuana, and which can be found under the Treatment forum here:


It is a password protected sub-forum, but members do not need to have any number of posts nor a specified membership time to be granted the password.

If any of you would like the password, please pm myself, or Nancy Lee.

Please keep all discussions on that topic within the Medical Marijuana sub-forum only.

Thank you! :)
Sorry, I am really new to forums and such.....could you please send me a link to this forum, I can't work out how to navigate to it. ...I am really not very computer literate, sorry, but I'm slowly learning.

Cheers :)
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Sorry, I am really new to forums and such.....could you please send me a link to this forum, I can't work out how to navigate to it. ...I am really not very computer literate, sorry, but I'm slowly learning.

Cheers :)

i've sent you a pm with all the relevant info, Andy... if there's any other things you're struggling with on the forum, just let one of us know.
May I inquire as to why this particular forum requires a password?

It seems like an unnecessary speed bump to a good forum of information and discussion. The other treatment sections do not require a password. Why is this one any different?
Because marijuana is illegal in many places.
Also, little ones can be browsing the forum.

I understand it may be illegal in some places, but I don't see why it should be restrained from anyone discussing it or trading information about it. Regardless of ones viewpoint on it, it should be open discussion, in my opinion, and not hidden behind a password to make it seem as though there is something more wrong with it over other drugs. It should be an open topic, to discuss both pros and cons.

As far as little ones, they have just as much a right to inquiry as the rest of us, no?

Just my two cents is all.
need link

I recd my password but I am not a pro at these links can you send me the link for med marijuana
Hey guys can I have the password and nav. please my doctor is wanting me to use this and I need some info
may I have the pw too please I am new and tring to find forums that would be relevent to me. Thanks
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