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Santos61198 said:
Mark, you are so rude and inconsiderate and disrespectful. How dare you hijack this thread?

At least post a picture!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA****s.jpg

Gawd ::smacks gum:: you are SO immature!

PS: Them some nice ****s!
Ok the mild form of accid thing was a joke from the family guy (Classic episode)

Second you are correct about not every state requires health care. I live in MA and it is required here so I was incorrect about that.

Third have you been arrested for having medical marijuana?
Sandman11 said:
Ok the mild form of accid thing was a joke from the family guy (Classic episode)

Second you are correct about not every state requires health care. I live in MA and it is required here so I was incorrect about that.

Third have you been arrested for having medical marijuana?
No, but that doesn't mean it's not something I've worried about. Nobody wants to spend a night in jail, especially for something that is supposed to be legal!

But another thing to remember is that nothing in the law protects against employer discrimination or drug tests. Obviously it makes sense that employers should be able to fire someone high while on the job, but they are also allowed to fire someone for using it during their personal, off work time. Some employers don't give a ****, some do, and this discrimination is legal unfortunately.

Thanks for not being as immature as some of the other members in what is supposed to be the adult section. I guess adult maturity isn't a sad....
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vshirey317 said:
It's okay, Ris. At least he's not flooding your inbox with demands to stop replying to his messages on the forum. :ylol2:

Evidently he needs to get out of the kitchen.

HAHA Josh just said "go bake a pie, broad!" :tongue:
vshirey317 said:
It's okay, Ris. At least it's not flooding your inbox with demands to stop replying to it's messages on the forum. :ylol2:

Evidently it needs to get out of the kitchen.
Sending you 2 private messages urging you to put me on ignore if you don't like what I have to say is not "flooding" your inbox.
Mark33180 said:
If you are going to talk about people like this for having fun and trying to make things not so serious maybe you shouldn't be here trying to force your views on people that don't want them to be forced on them. This isn't about who is right and who is wrong, legal vs illegal, its suppose to be about does it help in the condition. so don't go calling people names because they are having fun and not taking everything serious in life.
Maybe you should stop hijacking a discussion because you don't want to talk about it. You can create your own threads, you do know that right?
Mark33180 said:
I never said i didn't want to talk about it i was just trying to break the tension

Mark, there's only one way to break the tension...

EDIT: I hate Banana's!!
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cracker07 said:
Again, you don't speak for all members of this forum. I'm sorry to burst your egotistical bubble, but you don't!

If you don't like this thread, create your own and talk about whatever the **** you want to. You are deliberately trying to shush up this discussion because you don't like it. I'll let the mods decide if that is what they deem "respectful dialog" or not.

HAHAHAHAHHHAHA oh holy hell. :ylol2:

Ok, by a show of hands, how many think I'm egotistical? (Put your hand down, Cracker. I already know your vote)

I'm not trying to shush up anything. Don't be mad b/c your "discussion" isn't going anywhere that YOU don't want it to go (AKA everyone agreeing with you).

Like I keep telling you, I'm not going to create another thread. You can just calm down with that ****.
Santos61198 said:
I'm not trying to shush up anything. Don't be mad b/c your "discussion" isn't going anywhere that YOU don't want it to go (AKA everyone agreeing with you).
I could care less if everyone disagreed with me, I've already said this but of course you don't read my comments so you missed it. What I would like is some sort of maturity and respect among members, especially in what is supposedly a section for adults.

I knew this thread would be trashed as soon as it was moved, all of you are just proving my point that it never should have been moved to begin with. Thanks for making my point clear, I guess...
EDIT: I like Spider Monkeys!!
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vshirey317 said:
If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black...

YOU preaching "maturity and respect" continously to us is like Joan Rivers telling me not to get a face lift.
Says the person that told me to **** off when I suggested she ignore me if she doesn't like what I have to say.

I didn't say a damn thing to you, but that didn't stop you from making your little condescending comments and joining in on the bandwagon to ruin any sort of civilized discussion and hurl personal attacks. I've done my best to keep this discussion on track but you and your little group is intent on doing the opposite.
If I were an admin I would lock this thread myself. You guys are just insulting each other at this point. Both sides are being disrespectful and kind of annoying. I've put in a request for a thread lock. Just because this is the adult section it doesn't mean you can treat each other like crap. Everyone needs to grow up.
katiesue1506 said:
If I were an admin I would lock this thread myself. You guys are just insulting each other at this point. Both sides are being disrespectful and kind of annoying. I've put in a request for a thread lock. Just because this is the adult section it doesn't mean you can treat each other like crap. Everyone needs to grow up.
If the thread is locked then they win, and those of us trying to keep it civil and on subject loose. Instead, why not ban the members that can't be respectful towards members and the discussions they are trying to have?
At the very least issue warnings, but locking the thread will do nothing and I'm sure if I start a new thread they will just come right back and do the same they are doing right now.
Who cares about winning and losing, you guys are treating each other like crap. Someone needs to stop it. A thread lock will stop it... well most of it as I've noticed you guys have taken jabs at each other on other parts of the forum... get over it and grow up people!
If these other members wanted the thread to stay alive they would be more respectful. I'm sure getting it locked is something they would love to see, so why give the bullies what they want?
i'm sure the first warning will go to you.

and then they will ban you.

so there.
katiesue1506 said:
Who cares about winning and losing, you guys are treating each other like crap. Someone needs to stop it. A thread lock will stop it... well most of it as I've noticed you guys have taken jabs at each other on other parts of the forum... get over it and grow up people!

katiesue1506 said:
Who cares about winning and losing, you guys are treating each other like crap. Someone needs to stop it. A thread lock will stop it... well most of it as I've noticed you guys have taken jabs at each other on other parts of the forum... get over it and grow up people!
You know I've done my best to be as respectful as possible. I haven't taken any jabs at you personally and we seem to disagree, so how can you say I'm taking jabs at others? If my moron comment is so offensive I'll remove it, but you can't possible say I don't have a justifiable reason for being at least a tad bit annoyed!!
RHOV said:
i'm sure the first warning will go to you.

and then they will ban you.

so there.
If the staff looks at this thread and honestly thinks I'm the one causing problems, well, I have a hard time believing that would be the case! I've reported many posts and nothing's been done so far. I'd love for a moderator to weigh in on all the hijacking attempts and decide whether that behavior really is what they deem "respectful" behavior.

I've been told to **** off, pretty much been harassed for my opinions throughout this thread, and these people actually accuse me of being the one bullying them around for their opinions? You've got to be kidding me!
Cracker I don't know what you are looking to accomplish with this thread but you failed man. You come off as pompous and condescending and trust me nobody will agree with you. You haven't beed respectful when you call people morons because they don't agree with you. You seem to just be paranoid like everyone is out to get you (maybe you haven't stopped smoking) but truth is people are just tired of your me against the world act.

vshirey317 said:
In fact, this is my getaway from every day life, so unless we're discussing something extremely serious (and we've had numerous dead-serious discussions on here), I'm a pretty light hearted woman who uses this board as escape.
If you use this as an escape, then do it in the appropriate threads. Don't ruin good threads because you aren't interested in the discussion taking place. That's not an order, that's a suggestion. I think it's a good suggestion to be somewhat respectful of other peoples intentions to have serious discussions you may not be interested in.
Sandman11 said:
Cracker I don't know what you are looking to accomplish with this thread but you failed man. You come off as pompous and condescending and trust me nobody will agree with you. You haven't beed respectful when you call people morons because they don't agree with you. You seem to just be paranoid like everyone is out to get you (maybe you haven't stopped smoking) but truth is people are just tired of your me against the world act.

I didn't call any specific person a moron, I was responding to a member who was being respectful at the time...oh wait, wow that was you! Anyway, I wasn't calling any one person out specifically, but a lot have assumed I was specifically referring to them. Either way I removed the comment if you people are just so offended by that, but I've been called much worse and continuously have had my character attacked for my opinions on this matter.

I've been bullied throughout this thread by people accusing me of calling them names, or as you say being condescending, meanwhile those same people are posting pictures of ****s and laughing at the fact that everything they write has nothing to do with this discussion. It's clear they want this thread closed, and I'm sure they'll get their wish.
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What difference does it make if you called one person a moron or a group of peope morons? What have people called you? AND nobody was attacking your character because of your views. They were responding to you calling them too immature to handle the issue (and morons) and also telling them how they should post when you didn't even start this thread.
Oh and I'm sure I'll be banned as well. I doubt the mods are going to even think twice after they see I joined just a few days ago. That'll just goes to show how truly welcoming this forum really is to new members.

Oh well, who needs a support group anyway?
Sandman11 said:
What difference does it make if you called one person a moron or a group of peope morons? What have people called you? AND nobody was attacking your character because of your views. They were responding to you calling them too immature to handle the issue (and morons) and also telling them how they should post when you didn't even start this thread.
The discussions were going just fine on around page 2, then it just took a nose dive when others decided to ignore what anybody had to say regarding marijuana. Not everyone has been disrespectful, a few have been nice even though we don't seem to agree. I'd like more of that if possible, but I think that's long gone now.
If this thread does get locked, maybe it can be restarted with the original content and try to keep it on topic.

Or maybe people can delete their insulting comments and the thread can stay open.
Just to give credit where credit is due, kello82, BWS1982, katiesue1506, Shantel, My Butt Hurts, and most on page 1 have all been nice and respectful. Hopefully they don't mind me saying that, it seems like everybody wants a reason to talk crap on me right now lol Even Sandman11 has been respectful in more than a few posts. There are others too, but I'm not really in the mood to sift through this whole thread right now.

I don't think any of these people agree with me, yet I hold no ill will towards them. So for those of you accusing me of not liking you because of your opinions, that's not true. It's the lack of respect that is annoying me. I know, I know, I've said that a million times, but it just keeps coming up again and again.
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My Butt Hurts said:
If this thread does get locked, maybe it can be restarted with the original content and try to keep it on topic.

Or maybe people can delete their insulting comments and the thread can stay open.
I'll delete all of my off topic posts, or anything others find offensive if they do the same. My intent never was to offend others but just have a nice discussion on the benefits of medical marijuana. I'd still like to have this discussion as long as others are interested in the same.

Done, now if others would follow that would be nice. If not, that's up to you.
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it seems that my last post was totally ignored, and that the aggro & insulting, & stamping of feet is far more important. sigh.

yes - this thread is now to be locked. NOT because of the original topic, but because of the bad feeling it is causing.

we are all adults here - we should be able to discuss any subject, no matter how controversial, without resorting to name calling, insulting, belittling. it is a shame that this thread has gone the way it has... use of MJ for medicinal purposes is something that does happen, and those who disagree with its' use could have either used this thread as a learning curve & walked away, or ignored it. similarly, the original poster could have let us just keep his experiences here in this thread and thank him for sharing.. and leave it at that. there is no need to keep on pushing and pushing, and getting sulky if others don't want to adopt the same regime or attitude towards MJ.

Cracker - nobody has won. like i said previously, this forum is not a place to win arguments. it is certainly not here for people to score points.

regarding your comments about the moderating here.... if we came in and removed every single thread that was for example humorous in a serious discussion, it would take away the relaxed and friendly atmosphere we have here. with particular regard to your last comment - why not ban the members that can't be respectful towards members and the discussions they are trying to have? - well, i guess that would include you, wouldn't it??

this is not a debate forum, where heated arguments are the norm. this is a welcome friendly place where people who's lives have been affected by Crohn's and IBD are welcome to meet, share, support each other etc.

i am trusting that everyone involved in this thread is adult enough to let the issues go now, and not feel they have to leave the forum because of it. at the moment, banning is not an option i feel i want to turn to, but if this kind of aggravation continues elsewhere on the forum, or indeed if Admin hear of it continuing via private messages, then it may well be necessary.
cracker07 said:
Oh and I'm sure I'll be banned as well. I doubt the mods are going to even think twice after they see I joined just a few days ago. That'll just goes to show how truly welcoming this forum really is to new members.

Oh well, who needs a support group anyway?

Cracker - i am absolutely astounded that you have such a poor view of the mods of this forum - we have done absolutely nothing to deserve this type of stereotyping!

if this wasn't such a welcoming place, you would have been banned before now. we are giving you the chance to file this thread and its issues away, and continue your membership here. if you want to continue this negative attitude... then you're not welcome.
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