it seems that my last post was totally ignored, and that the aggro & insulting, & stamping of feet is far more important. sigh.
yes - this thread is now to be locked. NOT because of the original topic, but because of the bad feeling it is causing.
we are all adults here - we should be able to discuss any subject, no matter how controversial, without resorting to name calling, insulting, belittling. it is a shame that this thread has gone the way it has... use of MJ for medicinal purposes is something that does happen, and those who disagree with its' use could have either used this thread as a learning curve & walked away, or ignored it. similarly, the original poster could have let us just keep his experiences here in this thread and thank him for sharing.. and leave it at that. there is no need to keep on pushing and pushing, and getting sulky if others don't want to adopt the same regime or attitude towards MJ.
Cracker - nobody has won. like i said previously, this forum is not a place to win arguments. it is certainly not here for people to score points.
regarding your comments about the moderating here.... if we came in and removed every single thread that was for example humorous in a serious discussion, it would take away the relaxed and friendly atmosphere we have here. with particular regard to your last comment - why not ban the members that can't be respectful towards members and the discussions they are trying to have? - well, i guess that would include you, wouldn't it??
this is not a debate forum, where heated arguments are the norm. this is a welcome friendly place where people who's lives have been affected by Crohn's and IBD are welcome to meet, share, support each other etc.
i am trusting that everyone involved in this thread is adult enough to let the issues go now, and not feel they have to leave the forum because of it. at the moment, banning is not an option i feel i want to turn to, but if this kind of aggravation continues elsewhere on the forum, or indeed if Admin hear of it continuing via private messages, then it may well be necessary.