
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 16, 2011
Hi all

Just joined the forum so wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about me and my situation.

I started suffering from stomach pains about 2 1/2 years ago, went to my GP who said I had IBS (my ex also used to have stomach pains and she had IBS so I went along with this). Was given some tablets that didn't really help but things then cleared up and I no longer had any pain.

A few months later my mum had similar symptoms and was diagnosed with Crohns, this worried me a little but seen as I had no symptoms at that time I let things lie.

In March of this year the stomach pains came back, this time much more severe and also at different times - no longer just after i'd eaten as before. I returned to my GP who gave me some different tablets for IBS which of course did no help.

At this time I also started to loose weight. I was about 15.5/16 stone initially and this began to fall off.

I returned to my GP a few times more who again re-iterated that it was IBS and gave my a variety of different tablets, including Fibogel - a high fibre solution to help control my bowel movements...

This was August this year. By this point I was down to 12.5 stone and had extreme fatigue, even when doing nothing. I was struggling to eat anything and obviously off work. With my mum also suffering the same symptoms previously, I knew I had Crohns but my Doctor was refuting this and re-iterating IBS. As a result I requested to see a different GP who did the sensible thing and referred me to hospital for further tests.

In hospital the Gastro Doctor I saw said the situation was so severe that I was sent for a Colonoscopy and CT Scan under the 2 week scheme normally used for suspected Cancer patients.

Following the tests I was diagnosed with Crohn in my small bowel and a fistula going through to my sigmoid colon. I was immediately placed on a course of ciprofloxacin and metronidazole which didn't do much to relieve my symptoms. Once this had completed I was given prednisolone. This did fantastically for me, reduced my symptoms and allowed me to eat normally and go back to work.

My Gastro doctor at this point said that the crohn's was that bad that it would not heal itself and so the best thing to do was to finish my steroids, try and put some weight back on and then go for surgery.

Unfortunately, at this point a fistula occurred into my bladder. I was then passing solids and gas with my urine. I was in a great deal of pain when passing urine and would have to go to the toilet 20 times a day.

As a result, my surgery was brought forward and I was placed on a pure ensure diet (9 of those drinks a day and no solids... horrible!). I then went under the knife just over 4 weeks ago to remove a section of my small bowel. I also was given a temporary ileostomy as due to the weight loss and steroids my surgeon wasn't confident about everything healing.

Since then i've no symptoms and feel much better. My stoma is taking some getting used to, but generally i'm happy at present. I've been told that I should expect my stoma for about 6 months - basically when i've put weight on and healed properly.

I've had two follow ups with the colorectal nurses, one with my weight at 12 stone 6 pounds two weeks after my op. I had one yesterday with my weight at 12 stone 3 pounds, so slightly worrying that i've lost weight - but i've been told that this happens and that i've nothing to worry about.

So hello fellow Crohnies! I'm hear for support and to give support. One thing I do know is that i'm not going to let this disease stop my life :thumright: :banana:
Well I'm sorry for all the crap you had to go through but I'm glad to hear your doing well now. Hopefully you get all your weight back, although honestly I have no idea how much a stone weighs :p Best of luck and welcome to the forums!
Hi CrazyCanuck

Translation for you (because i'm so kind!) - I went from 224 pounds to 174 pounds.

Off topic, I went watching the Canuck's when I was in Vancouver last year. Great atmosphere! Loooooooooooooooooooooooo. Haha.
:welcome: Pine barrens to the forum. Many here from the UK, and I have learned about stones but I forgot the translation lol. We use kg or lbs.

I am glad you seeked a second opinion, lord only knows what migh have happend if you didnt. Some doctors have major egos and instead of investigating they just want to be right. Anyone who has symptoms far beyond IBS which is not a disease should seek a second opinion, could save alot of agony down the road and treatment earlier could of stopped the fistula. Not all meds help us all, but flagyl and cipro have been my life saver as no other meds helped me.

Are you on a maintenance drug? Most people do and is recommended. You have a good attitude, and that will go along way. Hope you heal so eventually you can have a reversal, some here name thier stoma lol.

Glad you joined, welcome aboard!
Thanks for the welcome Pen.

I'm not on anything at present but will be soon! I have an appointment with my IBD Nurse to establish which drug is most suitable next week.

I think i'lk pass on naming my Stoma, it might get too emotional if/when it goes! :jokercolor:
Hi Pine Barrens and welcome! I am so happy to hear you have been doing much better since your surgery. I hope you continue to do well, and getting on a maintenance drug will help do that. So, you may want to check out our Treatment forum to familiarize yourself with the different options before your appointment next week.

Best of luck to you!
Hi there and welcome to the forum :bigwave: I am pleased that you are feelng better after you're surgery. Fingers crossed you and your IBD will be able to work out a treatment plan that will keep you well.