Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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From my experiences and reading over the past several months it has become apparent to me that, Cannabis not only effective treats if not "Cures" crohns disease it also is highly effective for any disease where a protein transcription goes awry. I think the reason why this happens is as I have stated before the Cannabinoids bind to the receptor cells found through out the body and modify the immune system/body to be normal or as normal as possible. In essence I believe that cannabis halts or greatly reduces the production of the mutated proteins which lead to these diseases and cancers. Also I have been handing out RSO here in NY to friends of mine that I thought could benefit from it and not a single person has come back to me with negative results. Every person I have helped has seen results that no pharmaceutical could ever give

I'm very naive about this subject but, have seen positive reports that MM helps crohns. Is it used for the pain also? I do know that CD is on the list of approved conditions here in Michigan. I've been too shy to ask my doctor about trying it. How does one go about starting the process to get a card? And where is the MM purchased? I haven't made up my mind completely but would appreciate your suggestions.
Has anyone tried cheeba chews,50CBD and less then 1.0 THC? I have severe Crohns. I do not know if I should take half dosage of tootsie roll once or twice a day. Thank you
I'm very naive about this subject but, have seen positive reports that MM helps crohns. Is it used for the pain also? I do know that CD is on the list of approved conditions here in Michigan. I've been too shy to ask my doctor about trying it. How does one go about starting the process to get a card? And where is the MM purchased? I haven't made up my mind completely but would appreciate your suggestions.

Cannabis helps me tremendously, stops bleeding, makes for smoother BM's, helps stomach pain and nausea, helps with inflammation in and out of the gut (I have RA as well), and helps with depression/general malaise. I'm not sure how it works in Michigan, but I'm sure a google search would turn up some quick specifics about the MMJ program in your state...
Has anyone tried cheeba chews,50CBD and less then 1.0 THC? I have severe Crohns. I do not know if I should take half dosage of tootsie roll once or twice a day. Thank you

I would say twice a day, but I'm only basing this on the fact that you said that you have severe crohn's and you def can't take too much CBD...they prob aren't cheap so maybe experiment and see what dosage seems to help the most, I know if I could get em I would much on em like candy all day long haha
Is getting all benefical, anti inflammatory effects of cannabis without neurological effects possible? Do neurotransmitters and other chemicals secreted by cannabis in brain affect the creation of the anti inflammatory process? What would happen if active ingredients of cannabis couldn't cross blood brain barrier? Would it be benefical or not? So much vital questions to ask; so little solid scientific data and conclusion...
And another question: How can you describe(and/or define) the difference between street marijuana and medical marijuana by its anti inflammatory effects ?
Is getting all benefical, anti inflammatory effects of cannabis without neurological effects possible? Do neurotransmitters and other chemicals secreted by cannabis in brain affect the creation of the anti inflammatory process? What would happen if active ingredients of cannabis couldn't cross blood brain barrier? Would it be benefical or not? So much vital questions to ask; so little solid scientific data and conclusion...
And another question: How can you describe(and/or define) the difference between street marijuana and medical marijuana by its anti inflammatory effects ?

Are you a scientist? I believe your questions are beyond the scope of this thread. Also, if it helps, who cares why or how?
Answers will start coming now Crohn2357. Now that is getting legal in many more places, research can start being done on a greater scale.

I would love the benefits of cannabis without the high/foggy brain.
The DEA has obstructed legitimate research on cannabis for decades. They are currently reviewing the current Schedule 1 (no medical value, same class as heroin and LSD). If you have time to wait for studies then wait. I personally experiment on myself and live in a state that allows this herb to be used medicinally. Good luck.
Is getting all benefical, anti inflammatory effects of cannabis without neurological effects possible? Do neurotransmitters and other chemicals secreted by cannabis in brain affect the creation of the anti inflammatory process? What would happen if active ingredients of cannabis couldn't cross blood brain barrier? Would it be benefical or not? So much vital questions to ask; so little solid scientific data and conclusion...
And another question: How can you describe(and/or define) the difference between street marijuana and medical marijuana by its anti inflammatory effects ?

How can you describe(and/or define) the difference between asacol and Humira by its anti inflammatory effects ?

Replace marijuana/cannabis with all the other drugs you are on in your above questioning. Can you answer those questions?
Is getting all benefical, anti inflammatory effects of humira/Prednisone etc without neurological effects possible? Do neurotransmitters and other chemicals secreted by Prednisone in brain affect the creation of the anti inflammatory process? What would happen if active ingredients of Prednizone/Humira (fill in the blank) couldn't cross blood brain barrier? Would it be benefical or not? So much vital questions to ask; so little solid scientific data and conclusion...
And another question: How can you describe(and/or define) the difference between Asacol and Humira by its anti inflammatory effects ?
Johnny O I love the cynicism especially since Asacol specifically has been found to only work 11 percent of the time after 3 months in the blood stream. Now all jokes aside to answer Crohn2357's questions, In terms of all of the beneficial effects and I mean ALL, NO you can not get ALL of the anti-inflammatory effects without the neurological effects because though THC is not the best anti-inflammatory marker for Cohn's or UC it still helps. Though the CBD/CBN is the medicinal aspect and can be taken with out neurological effects the synergy of the plants compounds is needed for best results. IF the active ingredients did not cross the blood brain barrier than it would not be helpful at all in dealing with any of the symptoms of this class of diseases. If it didn't cross the blood brain barrier it would not be found in your hair months later. Also in terms of Street weed versus dispensary lab tested cannabis is that most if not all street bud that is good is focused on intoxicating people the most while looking the best at of course the cheapest price. This means a extreme in terms of very high THC but incredibly low amounts of every other compound, where as in dispensary lab tested cannabis there is a strive towards more balanced compounds and higher CBD/CBN percentages. There is a TON OF SCIENTIFIC DATA out there just because most of it is international does not mean its bad. We as a nation dropped the ball on cannabis research a decades ago but other very prominent successful universities have not and there findings indicate what most of us on this thread have already figured out through personal trial, IT WORKS!
Also forgot throw out there, I am getting CBD only candies this week I will let you all know how it works and go from there. Also saratay05 if you have any questions on medical marijuana certification in Michigan let me know it is where I have my card, where I go to law school and live half the year when I am not home in NY. I will help you as I can.
Hey crohn you dont use cannabutter to fill capsules. You use oil and you can use oral dropper to hold the oil or dispense the oil into a capsule from the oral dropper, it is honestly up to the individual user.
Yeah I read this study that found that asacol only works after 3 months of use in 11% of the population prescribed it. For me at the 4.5 month period is when it stopped and had to go on cortisone for 3 months then that stopped working. Since I found oil I have been good with few exceptions. So good for you to be in the minority. I need to find that study to post it here to give more people a heads up on it and confirmation beyond my words here, will find that as soon as possible.
because though THC is not the best anti-inflammatory marker for Cohn's or UC it still helps.

Joe, I've been looking into making some oil on my own and thus far have been looking just from a general standpoint, not focused in on Crohn's. Of course most of the general information zeroes in on cancer and really pushes the high THC, 20pc plus. Are you saying I should be looking for strains high in CBD? I was planning to grow my own with two or better yet, three different strains.
Anyone knows if marihuana helps the healing of a severe peri anal Crohn(abscess&fistulas)?

This is a timely question,for me personally.I am going for surgery tomorrow,fistulotomy and setons.I vape as my main way of dosing and make edibles with cannabis butter.I am interested on any ones input on this.
This is a timely question,for me personally.I am going for surgery tomorrow,fistulotomy and setons.I vape as my main way of dosing and make edibles with cannabis butter.I am interested on any ones input on this.

Dave I have a huge peri anal abscess and complicated fistula tracts. I have had over 50 surgerys and I am on a verry high dosis of Remicade and antibiotics have a colostomy and setons. Guest what... Nothing helped! Two years of treatment AMD no better still inflamed and VERRY PAINFULL and alot of pus!
Its the worst part of my life really!

I am going on a verry special dieet: glutenfree, dairyfree, sugerfree with alot of fruits and vegetables and maybe marihuana with vaporizer against the pain to make myself comfortabel.

Whats your experiment with weed?
Dave I have a huge peri anal abscess and complicated fistula tracts. I have had over 50 surgerys and I am on a verry high dosis of Remicade and antibiotics have a colostomy and setons. Guest what... Nothing helped! Two years of treatment AMD no better still inflamed and VERRY PAINFULL and alot of pus!
Its the worst part of my life really!

I am going on a verry special dieet: glutenfree, dairyfree, sugerfree with alot of fruits and vegetables and maybe marihuana with vaporizer against the pain to make myself comfortabel.

Whats your experiment with weed?

Try hash oil, its just concentrated cannabis and its healing properties are concentrated as well...look up Rick Simpson Oil
Treating Crohn's/UC is all about mg's of cannabinoids, in my experience. I find I need nearly 1000mg (or a gram) of cannabinoids a day with myself and several IBD sufferers I've helped find the same. Rick Simpson Oil is best for this -- well, second to juicing raw, fresh cannabis flowers and/or leaves. This is like RSO on steroids.

Highly concentrated doses -- at least a couple hundred mg's a day -- and while some prefer THC over CBD and vice versa, as long as you have this level of dose every day, it treats the disease wonderfully.
Do you get any psycho active effects from juicing? What do you mix it with etc? Never heard of that before... I thought THC was produced only once the plant reaches a certain temperature?
No psychoactive effects from juicing unless you heat/dry the raw flowers (i.e. you use a high friction power blender that actually heats up the plant or a bud worm bites a flower at the base and it dries/cures for a while without you noticing it while on the plant).

Much like grapes not containing alcohol, cannabis does not have simple THC. It has the necessary building blocks for THC. Cannabis has to be decarboxylated -- or "fermented" -- in order to have any psychoactive effects. That specific temperature you referred to is what converts tetrahydrocannabinolic acid into the psychoactive THC that so many have come to love. Just like grapes and wine. Which is why the plant shouldn't be illegal. It's a regular vegetable, as I see it.

I used a hand crank wheat grass juicer. Rick Simpson oil was great for my Crohn's but juicing is certainly more effective in my experience.

The greatest piece of advice I can offer based off my experience and other IBD'ers that I've helped is to pay more attention to milligrams of cannabinoids than anything. For most people, it's not nearly as "strain" or variety dependent as we think. I even think it has less to do with THC vs CBD varieties like I used to. Total cannabinoids as opposed to what kind of cannabinoids. I don't prefer certain pure sativa varieties as they aren't as helpful for my day to day (don't help me sleep, make me a little edgy, don't give me as much of an appetite, etc) and because of that used to believe I needed other specific varieties. Well, a friend grew a bunch of sativa and it was all I had for myself and some friends with IBD for a while. Sure enough, as long as the minimum milligrams of THC was met, it didn't matter if it was CBD or Sativa or Indica. Aim for 150mg a day and work up to 1000mg. I've not met anyone who needs more than that in order to see real disease control.
Unfortunately in Australia it's illegal so I have to get it unregulated, I have no idea how many mg of CBd would be in say roughly 1g of bud, do you have a rough idea? And could I throw it in with other fruit?
Does marijuana literally stop the immune response/disease...or does it just hit the pain receptor in your brain and "distract" you from symptoms? If you had 0 symptoms (but had a lot of inflammation), would it be actually stopping disease progression?
I'd been having a very rough stretch of irregular/painful BM's:
day 1 I'm fine, no bm's no pain
day 2 I wake and go bm (sometimes up to 4 times). I am then in terrible pain throughout gut and recto/anal area. The pain lasts at least 4 hours - no otc or prescribed meds help. It doesn't matter what I've eaten.
day 3 (back to day 1)

I dread those 5-6 hours of BM's and pain every other day.

WELL, I've again gotten my hands on MM that has a high rate of CBD's. I used it all weekend, 2 puffs 3-4 times a day - not much. It got me so that on the day I did my BM's I only had 2 and virtually no pain.

I don't want to leave my Dr., she is fantastic. My problem is that in MA, MM is JUST starting. We wont even have any dispensaries until next year. From my conversations with her, she is a bit timid with this new movement. She does recognize the benefit but I don't think I've explained how much it helps me enough.

I'll have to see how it goes within the next year with her. I am not, currently, willing to switch doctors in order to be prescribed MM. My question is whether the MA dispensaries will have their own doctors? I could go to that doctor with my Crohn's backup and get prescribed there if that is the norm.

For those of you in states where it has become legal, medically, do you find that most have on-site prescribing doctors?
My experience in WA State? The docs I see don't have a problem w/it, but they won't prescribe it. They encourage any behavior/action that will keep you positive & relieve symptoms.
My opinion is that the shadow of Big Pharm still looms large in the medical world & no doctor is going to risk a good relationship. In Wa (probably because of legalization) docs tolerate & are largely neutral on the issue. They won't really get behind it until the drug companies invest & give the medical community the green light. jmo
I DON'T <Shh!>
I know enough good folks that I'm able to get around the necessity of a green card. I don't flout the law but I'm also not going to pay some quack $100-$150 (that's YEARLY) for a card that says I'm allowed to possess cannabis. That's how it's normally done. There are doctors at a number of clinics who will give you a card & a prescription, oftentimes at the same location as the dispensary. That brings out the cynic in me. So I do what I feel I need to do & I use discretion.
I am not encouraging anybody to do anything illegal. I'm only sharing my personal thoughts & experiences.
LOL-I hear ya. I always thought those dispensary docs were a creepy business but I do not feel guilty about going to one for myself because I've done enough tests (when I've been able to get ahold of good stuff) to know it works for me. I don't even have to take my meds on the weekends, MM is enough.

*I want to be able to get good stuff all the time
*I want to be able to get tinctures and stuff that doesn't make you high
*I'm hoping that if I get a script for it that I will be able to use my medical reimbursement but I'm afraid to ask just yet because I don't want people at work to know I smoke regularly, they wont understand that it is medically beneficial. I know I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't need it myself.
I have Crohn's & my only problem is extreme fatigue. If I went to Colorado for a week, would this be enough time for marijuana to help? If it did relieve the fatigue, would I have to continue to smoke or could the fatigue be eliminated for a good period of time without further smoking?
Mish, I live in ct and am starting the process to get my card. My gi won't prescribe it, but I am going to the MM doctor in addition to going to my gi. Thanks to another ct forum member, I know the steps necessary. I signed a release form so my gi can fax my records over. Then an appointment with the MM doc. Then fill out the required forms online for the state. Then my card. Yes, there is a $175 fee to the doctor, but that's the price I'm willing to pay to have access to consistently good quality mj, and hopefully edibles. Dispensaries are supposed to open this month I think.
It costs another $100 to the state for the card.
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Thanks for the info. What type of CT forum? is it crohns or state or mm? I'm trying to figure out how to search to see if MA has such a forum.
I had already been using cannabis recreationally for a few years when my Crohn's took over. As far as helping the symptoms go, it certainly enabled me to maintain my weight better than any Fortisip (Ensure) ever did. Difficult to say as far as the pain or anything else goes because I was already using it at the onset.

On top of helping my appetite, it also provided a much-needed distraction when I was in too much pain to eat, sleep, move etc...!

Queen Crohn's x
Basically it was a forum member in this forum that helped me find the info on the state of ct's web site. It was under Department of Consumer protection. And helped me find a Medical Marijuana doctor in the state. Obviously MA will be different, but maybe the info is in a similar place on MA's website.
About three months ago I made cannabutter without adding water into the pot. Only the butter simmered alone with weed. That cannabutter did not made me much high but I still got the powerful anti inflammatuar benefical effects of it. It got me nearly(like%70-%80) remission. I know adding water into the pot while it is simmering, prevents deconstruction of THC[sorry for my English]; but my purpose is only to get CBD and other anti inflammatuary active matters of cannabis without getting THC if possible. The question is, if I don't add water into the pot while making cannabutter, does it also cause deconstruction of CBD along with THC? I don't want to lose anti inflammatuary active ingredients but I don't want to get the psychoactive THC in my system if possible.
What do you think? I don't have high CBD low THC medical marijuana. Mine is from streets.
About three months ago I made cannabutter without adding water into the pot. Only the butter simmered alone with weed. That cannabutter did not made me much high but I still got the powerful anti inflammatuar benefical effects of it. It got me nearly(like%70-%80) remission. I know adding water into the pot while it is simmering, prevents deconstruction of THC[sorry for my English]; but my purpose is only to get CBD and other anti inflammatuary active matters of cannabis without getting THC if possible. The question is, if I don't add water into the pot while making cannabutter, does it also cause deconstruction of CBD along with THC? I don't want to lose anti inflammatuary active ingredients but I don't want to get the psychoactive THC in my system if possible.
What do you think? I don't have high CBD low THC medical marijuana. Mine is from streets.

I also had cannabutter a few months ago, except it gave me a panic attack, I haven't been able to use weed since because I get anxiety attacks.. It sucks, that being said I'm pretty sure it took a lot of inflammation away, I had a completely clean scope one month later, granted I had remicade afterwards but I'd been on remicade or about 6-8 months before that and stil had a flare up one month before the clean scope.. Weird. Anyway I'm also very interested in getting cannabutter or oil without THC.. Would juicing weed bypass the psychoactive effects of it? What about cold pressing it?
Very similar situation and interests. I see cannabis as a unique herbal for survival, especially for people like us[refractory patients]. With manipulation of cannabis dosage, remission is reachable. Most importantly, knowing the existing potency of cannabis make me feel independent. I have crohn's colitis too. After months of usage of cannabutter and cannabis inhalation[along with daily 3g mesalazine granules] , My blood panel and sigmoidoscopy results are best. I had a hard time believing when I saw the massive reduction of inflammatory markers. Neurological effects of cannabis is very worrying though. Especially with lack of data and untrustable studies about long term effects. More research and action is needed.
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I also had cannabutter a few months ago, except it gave me a panic attack, I haven't been able to use weed since because I get anxiety attacks.. It sucks, that being said I'm pretty sure it took a lot of inflammation away, I had a completely clean scope one month later, granted I had remicade afterwards but I'd been on remicade or about 6-8 months before that and stil had a flare up one month before the clean scope.. Weird. Anyway I'm also very interested in getting cannabutter or oil without THC.. Would juicing weed bypass the psychoactive effects of it? What about cold pressing it?

you might want to try a different kind. from what I have read Indica is more of a peaceful sleepy feeling as opposed to Sativa which makes people paranoid and energetic. (been there, not fun)
Unfortunately I live in a country where it's illegal so I don't know what I'm getting ha, wish it was legal here, I would love to be able to grow enough to juice it as a vegetable, or take a tincture w very little THC instead of popping all these pharmaceuticals.
Apologies if this has already been addressed somewhere in the forum, but first post... just joined the forum. Crohns Disease since I was 14. I live in Brooklyn, NY and medical marijuana is coming to NY state in about 16 months or so. I was really surprised to see Crohns on the list of qualified diseases. I mean, seriously, I feel lied to, why didn't I know about this sooner? I've never been a regular smoker due to the coughing fits it incites, but I bought a vaporizer (thanks, snoop dog) and I love it. My question is where can I find concrete information on the effects of marijuana on Crohns, and what strains are best for treating it, along with info on dosage and best way to administer it. I'm not sure what strain I'm taking now, but will ask my guy on his next delivery.
Apologies if this has already been addressed somewhere in the forum, but first post... just joined the forum. Crohns Disease since I was 14. I live in Brooklyn, NY and medical marijuana is coming to NY state in about 16 months or so. I was really surprised to see Crohns on the list of qualified diseases. I mean, seriously, I feel lied to, why didn't I know about this sooner? I've never been a regular smoker due to the coughing fits it incites, but I bought a vaporizer (thanks, snoop dog) and I love it. My question is where can I find concrete information on the effects of marijuana on Crohns, and what strains are best for treating it, along with info on dosage and best way to administer it. I'm not sure what strain I'm taking now, but will ask my guy on his next delivery.

Definitely read through this thread to get the information you seek. lots of good links - even to some awesome videos.
Hello there,

I tested oil CBD, it helps me to relax and I'm going to the toilet less.

Before long I'll try vaporization to see if it can improve my condition, all your messages really encouraged in my voice, because I have tried a lot of treatment and none work properly without side effects .

Sorry for my english.
I have been following this thread for awhile. I decided to give MM a try. I have had UC for 25 years. I was able to get high CBD capsules. I took one before bed last night, slept very well. Felt fine this morning but after having my normal protein shake for breakfast I felt a little worse than normal. Has anyone had that happen? Any help would be appreciated. Hoping some times that happens but will soon start to see improvement.
Protein shakes have too much fiber for my system. I believe they also have sugar which causes gas.

Could it be that?

Also, how long is the capsule supposed to last? I would think that if you took it before bed it would have been worn off by the time you wake up. But I don't know for sure.
Thanks for the quick reply. The shakes are from my naturopath so no sugar and have been drinking them for a few years without any trouble. I don't know how long the capsule would last but I was hoping to feel better not worse. Wonder if it's like other things like a probiotic, when you first take it quite often you feel worse before you feel better.
I haven't tried anything but the smoke and the vapor but from what I have heard the pills are not as effective. Again, never tried the pill form. As far as strains go I think the clinics would be able to tell you which is "best" but I have found that once it's at a certain level of quality it all works pretty well for me. Nausea is gone, pain is gone, appetite is back all after about two-three "inhales." wink wink, nudge nudge. It might not make you more eager to get anything done (it might) or leave your house but you will most likely feel a lot better. The higher quality the better because you don't want cheap stuff giving you a headache and taking forever to hardly make a difference. The better material you have the less you need to feel better. I have found it quite easy to be fully functional while having the pain and nausea relieving benefits when using a small amount.
I have nothing against MJ as a treatment, and I'm sure its a Godsend to some, but for people like me that don't want to get "high", it disturbs me that lower opiate forms which won't get you high are being so vilified.

I get that they are over prescribed and abused, but isn't that the doctors domain to monitor in the first place ? So we came to this because of doctors doing or allowing wrong in the first place, and the chronic pain patients are the ones who suffer in the end, not the doctors.

And btw ? The new PROP laws won't hurt the abusers nearly as much as it will the patients who actually need it. Addicts have already shown they will use whatever means to get what they want. It may make it more expensive and a little harder to get for them, but not by much. The ones that actually need them are the ones who will bear the burden and the suffering.

From what I've read, the PROP laws will effect MJ as well, something to bear in mind.
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I'd also like to know which Opiates you are referring to that work but give less of a high than MM.

I would prefer MM because it is a similar high to percs and such but the effects don't last nearly as long. My pain issues last for 4 hours after a BM so MM is perfect. I take a hit before I have a BM and again about 2 hours later and then I don't need it anymore. BUT I have the option of not doing the 2nd dose if I need to drive or am in charge of the kids, etc. When dispensaries are open you can select MM with minimal "high" effects. THIS is what I am waiting for, I cannot wait to be pain free all the time without the high.

Prescription pills usually keep you high for 4-6 hours.
The thing about opiates is that they are palliative only. You're just putting a band-aid on the pain to get through the day. It does nothing for your colitis, and has other undesirable side effects.

Soon, a cannabinoid therapy will be available that doesn't make you high at all. Meanwhile, the high can be an obstacle but it can be managed. Tolerance builds over time, and the dose can be taken before bed to sleep through the psychoactivity. It's worth it though, because you're treating both the pain and the disease at once.
I've got some THC: 24.3%, CBD .166% - straight out of a recreational marijuana store here in WA state. Legal beagle. What's the CBD? This is very strong in THC so it takes only a small puff. I've never seen on site prescribing doctors but I also don't have a Green Card. There are MM doctors everywhere. Costs you $300-$400 for the whole shabang, license and fees. I'm not paying that when I can send my friend with a Green Card to the store for me OR pay double the price in a recreational store if I feel like it, which I do on occasion. $35/gram-ridiculous but top shelf. Plus you can buy scads of it on the street that will do the job.
Benefits to me: immediately following a TT (toilet trip), especially the horrifically painful ones - (unbelievable). Calms my nerves & aching, breaking ass AND my bad attitude, racing heartbeat, hot sweats and helps me to sleep too. Rather take MM than freaking steroids ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. I only take it in evening after work. Can't be all stoned at work. Narcotics constipate me really bad which exacerbates my symptoms. BUT I will take pain medicine at work to get me over the hump. For me MM & narcotics are two different animals and they both serve their purpose. ~NetNet
I'd also like to know which Opiates you are referring to that work but give less of a high than MM.

I would prefer MM because it is a similar high to percs and such but the effects don't last nearly as long. My pain issues last for 4 hours after a BM so MM is perfect. I take a hit before I have a BM and again about 2 hours later and then I don't need it anymore. BUT I have the option of not doing the 2nd dose if I need to drive or am in charge of the kids, etc. When dispensaries are open you can select MM with minimal "high" effects. THIS is what I am waiting for, I cannot wait to be pain free all the time without the high.

Prescription pills usually keep you high for 4-6 hours.

I was taking Vic's myself, rather strong ones I guess ? 600 MG.. I have the feeling that for some, they do get them high ? I'm hyperactive. The only thing I ever noticed, is they make me drowsy. And thats when I took like five at a time on "bad" days.

Otherwise I only took one or two at a time. Also, for whatever reason, on my bad days, after I took like five, the pain and discomfort went away and didn't start to nibble back far after four hours, and when it did I'd just take two more.

On my "good" days, I wouldn't take any at all. My good days are not what any normal person would call good either. I just think we are all different, and different things work for some that don't for others. I also drink soda for the carbonation, which may sound weird, but I feel far worse off if I'm just drinking water, which makes no sense to me, but my primary said do what works for you.
The thing about opiates is that they are palliative only. You're just putting a band-aid on the pain to get through the day. It does nothing for your colitis, and has other undesirable side effects.

Soon, a cannabinoid therapy will be available that doesn't make you high at all. Meanwhile, the high can be an obstacle but it can be managed. Tolerance builds over time, and the dose can be taken before bed to sleep through the psychoactivity. It's worth it though, because you're treating both the pain and the disease at once.

And how is MJ not a palliative ? I do understand that pills may have bad effects on the digestive tract though. I simply do not care, as I once told my primary, faced with living with the pain or faced with taking something that would kill me slowly, but there would be no pain, I would take the second option all day long. I troopered through the pain for over a year, it eats at you after awhile and enough becomes enough.

Also, my primary told me straight up, the acetaminophen they add to the pill is the real culprit to watch out for in digestive issues. You know why the FDA made them add that ? To stop addicts, it kills if you take to much, slowly and painfully on top of that ( liver damage ), real sweethearts. You know how to stop addicts ? Be a responsible doctor and only prescribe it for those that honestly need it.

Besides that, you will never stop addicts, if they want something, they will find a way, hell I almost wish I was one, I would have found a way, LOL.
I've got some THC: 24.3%, CBD .166% - straight out of a recreational marijuana store here in WA state. Legal beagle. What's the CBD? This is very strong in THC so it takes only a small puff. I've never seen on site prescribing doctors but I also don't have a Green Card. There are MM doctors everywhere. Costs you $300-$400 for the whole shabang, license and fees. I'm not paying that when I can send my friend with a Green Card to the store for me OR pay double the price in a recreational store if I feel like it, which I do on occasion. $35/gram-ridiculous but top shelf. Plus you can buy scads of it on the street that will do the job.
Benefits to me: immediately following a TT (toilet trip), especially the horrifically painful ones - (unbelievable). Calms my nerves & aching, breaking ass AND my bad attitude, racing heartbeat, hot sweats and helps me to sleep too. Rather take MM than freaking steroids ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. I only take it in evening after work. Can't be all stoned at work. Narcotics constipate me really bad which exacerbates my symptoms. BUT I will take pain medicine at work to get me over the hump. For me MM & narcotics are two different animals and they both serve their purpose. ~NetNet

The steroids and anti inflammatories my primary has tried on me haven't worked at all. As for constipation, I don't get that at all, Vic's help regulate me if anything. As in, I needed some hardening added, at the best of times. :poo:
MMJ handles the pain but also directly fights the inflammatory problem so it is not only palliative, unlike opiates or narcotics.
Did not know that, btw, so do opioids, though it does far more for say arthritis, which I do not have.

With a patch I could get rid of the bad effects of the acetaphetamine all together, but you are on a straight dose amount, which as I've explained I'd rather control, more when having a bad day, less on average days, and none on "good" days.

Ok, well I guess I will have to ask my primary for some more info. Still don't want to get high though, and I'd rather not smoke it as well. As I have mentioned, I'm hyperactive, and yes I used to smoke when I was younger, but it did some pretty disturbing things to me. To be blunt, I rather freak out a little.
I hope no one gets me wrong here, I am not against MJ as a healing device, far from it. I think the US singlehandedly getting it outlawed pretty much world wide set medicine and other fields back decades.

I don't think they ever had the right to do what they did in the first place, and its good to see its finally headed in the other direction. I just don't want the added effect of getting high, been busy educating myself on its forms and whats available in my area. My state is one of the states that has legalized it, just still need more info on what its effects would be on me.
Juggys, THAT is what is so exciting about all these legalizationings happening. Once they are up and running, probably already for RI, you can ask the dispenser about a strain that does not get you high but helps inflammation.
I want something for the pain more than anything else, yes I know inflammation is one of the things at the root of my pain, but none of the many anti-inflammatories I have taken over the years has done much to counter the pain.

I have two other chronic issues that muddy the water somewhat, chronic prostatitis and chronic sciatica.
It's been demonstrated in a clinical setting that the presence of certain cannabinoids can modulate the effects of others, including their psychoactivity.

From what I remember of the literature, when the ratio of CBD to THC is 40:1, the psychoactivity is completely nullified, but the pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties are preserved. CBD and THC are two cannabinoids out of 40+ the plants produce, we know very little about the others.

Unfortunately, there is no plant in existence that produces CBD and THC in a 40:1 ratio. Most strains produce between 5-22% THC, but even the "CBD rich" strains won't go higher than 10% CBD content. The vast majority of available cannabis strains produce less than 1% CBD. Clinical trials administer the exact dosages via drops, which are prepared with specialized equipment in a lab. In those cases it's easy to give someone 40 drops of CBD and 1 drop of THC and test the ratios exactly. For most patients, even those with access to the best dispensaries, we're still a few years (if not decades) off from perfecting cannabinoid therapy in that way.

Your past experiences with cannabis may not be indicative of how you'll feel with other strains. As I said before cannabinoids all have different chemical structures and all play different roles, from regulating peristalsis to sleep patterns or how hungry you should feel. Different strains produce cannabinoids in different amounts and different ratios, so if one made you feel paranoid or unwell, another might make you feel the opposite.

Cannabis cannot handle all kinds of pain, it still relies on the endocannabinoid system to act, and certain neuropathies completely bypass it. Narcotics and opiates will always be more efficient at treating pain, so cannabis is not a wildcard replacement for all pain meds.

That being said, any pain caused by an inflammatory or immune problem will be greatly helped, if not cured, by a sustained cannabinoid therapy. To make a difference on the long term, cannabinoid therapy has to be a daily regimen, otherwise, it remains a palliative treatment option.

I maintain my pancolitis in remission exclusively with cannabis tinctures I take every day, which is about as inconvenient as taking a pill. Sure beats getting remicade infusions every 8 weeks for half a day.
The tinctures, capsules and edibles are what I am looking at/into actually, and how effective they are for pain. A friend of mine says its also good for nausea.

If they can do something about the swelling and the nausea as well as effectively treat the pain, that would be wonderful. The reason I've had a bad experience with MJ a few times in the past is because I am hyperactive. On people like me a lot of things work in reverse. Like when I was a kid I was on ritalin ( speed ), to calm me down.
It's harder to anticipate the effects of cannabinoids on an abnormal brain considering we know so little about how it affects a normal one. If you have ADHD it might affect you differently, but not necessarily. If your bad experiences were had on very potent strains (like white russian, white widow, which have over 20% THC content), you could try a pure sativa and see how that affects you.

Tinctures/pills when ingested won't treat pain very quickly but will do a better job on the long term. For immediate pain relief, you can swoosh the tincture in your mouth like you do with mouth wash so that the cannabinoids are absorbed sublingually. Sublingual administration produces similar results to inhalation, aka it's pretty frickin' quick.
Hyper and ADHD are different, someone with ADHD for example wouldn't be big on reading, which I love, but your point is the same.

Fast acting isn't really important, I'm used to the pills taking 20-40 minutes to kick in anyways when I was taking vic's. As to what strain of MJ freaked me out, I think it was more my state of mind before hand, I had smoked before with good effect, the times I freaked out, I had something going on with me, was in pain or something, that along with being hyper just seems to work out bad. Gonna talk it over with my primary when I settle on a new one, and then I guess with the people at the "Compassion Center" ? I assume they will know more.

I haven't smoked in over 9 years, so the pain or whatever was going on with mr back then that caused me to freak had nothing to do with my pain now, just kinda figure would be alike as a situation.
Since I don't really have any way to get a type with higher CBDs right now, I am mainly using so that I will eat a bit before bed.

I have NO appetite and if left to my own devices, I will not eat, especially at work since I am usually busy and wouldn't even notice if I were to get hungry. Since I can't use at work, I use at night. Not every night, but often enough that everyone around me knows that I at lest ate something that day.
What's the recommended dosage/frequency for someone who is use to caniboids and wants to optimize the anti inflammatory properties of of the MM
I wanted to warn those who are smoking MJ while on an anti aTNF. I was recently hospitalized 4 days after my Remicade infusion with pneumonia and sepsis. I believe that I got an infection from inhaling the MJ. Unless you are purchasing Medical grade MJ, it most likely has fungus.

If you want to use MJ, you should consume it and not smoke it.
Pretty sure we are all talking about the medical kind here, although depending on the state and who you choose as a provider ( you can have 2 here ) I suppose this could still happen.

The doctors will recommend vaporizing it over smoking it everytime as well, looking into the pills, tinctures and edibles myself.
Medical cannabis is a scientific misnomer. It's a political qualifier at best, or serves to denote reason of use. Because physically speaking, all cannabis is medical or medicinal. Medical cannabis sold in dispensaries is not grown differently than the cannabis grown for recreational purposes. The chemical properties are the same.

The difference lies in standards of care, especially post-harvest.

In dispensaries, there are standards to maintain that the street vendor doesn't have to uphold. After the plant is cut, it must be cured using the right method, at the right temperature and humidity level, and then it must be properly dried before it is packaged for storage. If the cannabis is too wet when it is stored, mold will form and fungus can appear, which will transfer in the user when they smoke it.

Tinctures & edibles are best for the long term treatment approach. It delivers massive doses of cannabinoids directly into the gut.
Medical cannabis is a scientific misnomer. It's a political qualifier at best, or serves to denote reason of use. Because physically speaking, all cannabis is medical or medicinal. Medical cannabis sold in dispensaries is not grown differently than the cannabis grown for recreational purposes. The chemical properties are the same.

The difference lies in standards of care, especially post-harvest.

Are you saying that high CBD MM and street marijuana are not so much different regarding their power?
Are you saying that high CBD MM and street marijuana are not so much different regarding their power?

Indeed, they're not so much different in regards to how efficient they are at helping out with an inflammatory problem.

CBD is being actively studied now, it's becoming clear that its potential and scope for medical applications is wider than THC's. That said THC on its own is extremely potent as an anti-inflammatory molecule, which means for people like us fighting an IBD, both cannabinoid are helpful.

CBD-rich strains certainly are the future in terms of medical research, but they're not necessarily synonymous with "medical". People use "CBD-rich", "medicinal" or "medical cannabis" interchangeably as if they mean the same thing but there's really no official nomenclature.

For instance, take white russian, a really potent indica strain that is popular in the recreational world. It has about 22% THC content at full maturity, some of the highest potency of any indica. The recreational user wants it because he'll need less grams to get the high he wants.

The person suffering from bone cancer who needs to handle the pain and is maxed out on opiates will appreciate the high potency of white russian, and could easily buy it either from a street vendor or a medical dispensary. Because that person uses it for medical reasons, it's still medical cannabis, but it's the same white russian the recreational user smokes. Maybe the medical dispensary changed its name to something more descriptive, like "Night time green sedator" or some such. But ultimately, it's the same strain grown the same way.

The absence of CBD does not make cannabis non-medical, nor does the presence of CBD automatically make that cannabis "medical". If it's there, all the better, you'll definitely reap the benefits.

But if all you have access to is properly grown, cured and dried Purple Kush your uncle grows in his garage, it will be just as good at treating your UC or your Crohn's. THC on its own is excellent, CBD on its own is awesome, THC and CBD together is the dream team. :drink:
FrancisK7, what are your thoughts about comparison between rick simpson oil and cannabutter regarding their efficiency(to treat IBD)?
RSO. The fats in coconut oil are healthier than butter and bio availability is higher.

Alcohol based tinctures are also really good but the alcohol you need is expensive in Canada (Global 94% costs $65 for the 38oz bottle). Oil is so much cheaper.
There's really no harm in recycling your vaped cannabis in your RSO/cannabutter/tincture preparation. You may recuperate some CBD at the very least.

What I usually do is simply add the vaped leftovers on top of whatever fresh herbs I usually add. So if my recipe requires 8g, I'll still put in 8g and add the leftovers on top. You can't reliably measure the expected potency if all you use is vaped cannabis.
FrancisK7, what are your thoughts about comparison between rick simpson oil and cannabutter regarding their efficiency(to treat IBD)?

My ex grew some (2003) in the backyard, hung it upside down in the shed to dry. He used all the stalks, leaf to make cannabutter. This was my first time ever experiencing edible cannabis ( had smoke it here and there previous). With the butter I made biscuits. I had been in hospital with a flare up and was on high doses of prednisone and Imuran at the time.

Each night I had a biscuit and fell asleep. Within a week I was walking the dog and felt great but put it down to the prednisone. And because I was so overwrought about being tagged a 'stoner' I gave up my nightly biscuit, bagging them and tossing them in the crisper of my fridge. By 2007 I'd had 2 abscess / fistula surgeries. Then I read an article in the SFGate about Crohn's patients being treated with 1 joint per day.

Well, those biscuits came out of the cripser that night! They smelled absolutely awful but I dunked one in tea, forced myself to swallow it and fell asleep pretty soon thereafter. The following night I had 1/2 a biscuit, then a 1/4 the following night - this was the perfect dose. When the biscuits ran out I sourced homegrown male plants from a local and now vape once each evening. Still going good so far :) I would never vape or consume indoor grown plants of any description.

I'm Imuran-free and down to 5mg prednisone.
Nym,why wouldn't you use cannabis grown indoors? Plants grown outdoors are just as susceptible to someone using harsh chemicals as indoors.I grow mine indoors under HP sodium and use quality fertilizer and make my own compost.I admit,I am not 100% organic,but very conscious of what I use.

Happy the edibles are working for you!
The quality of cannabis grown indoors will always be better than cannabis grown outside if the grower is experienced or knows what he is doing. There are many dispensaries that do not even accept cannabis grown outdoors in their inventory. The reason is simple: indoors, you have total control over the climate. Outside, there are only so many things you can do to protect the plant from the weather and environment.

Growing indoors means you can tweak every part of the growing process within the best parameters for each thing that matters and has an effect on yield. Nowadays you can buy "grow tents" (in all sizes, from 2x2' all the way to 4x8' or more) that completely seals the plant environment from that of the room if you want. Using a hydroponic, aeroponic or soil method, you can grow 100% organic cannabis without any pesticide or unnecessary chemical to protect your plants from bugs. Just water, nutrients, and then you set temperature and humidity level to optimum levels and with the right setup, the plant will grow in the most optimal environment and yield the most grams at harvest than any outdoor plant ever could.

Last but not least, growing indoor allows you to have regular harvests every 40-90 days depending on the strain regardless of time of year or weather outside. In places like Montreal, growing outside means you get one harvest a year and the process from seed to harvest takes around six months. If you set up a perpetual grow system and start from clones (supplied by a mother plant kept in a vegetative state all year long you keep in a 2x2' tent in a corner somewhere) each time, you'll get around 8 harvests a year for a quick indica, 4 harvests for a sativa and somewhere around 6 for a hybrid. Grown under a 1000w HPS light, which typically yields 1g/watt, but can yield up to 1.5g/watt in optimal environments, you are looking at 1000-1500g per harvest. That is 2.2lb to 3.3 lb of premium cannabis. Every 40-90 days. I will let you do the math.

It's really unfortunate that the stigma and prejudices against cannabis can be so influencing that at one time, some people felt (myself included) they had to give up a working solution to their health problem because they feared social repercussion on their image. Not only that, but those stigma actively help the spreading of misinformation that only serves to confuse people even more.

Nym, if you're tired of the taste, the good news is that you could make yourself an alcohol based tincture before preparing the biscuits, and use that in your preparation instead of cannabutter or cannaoil. Tinctures will leave almost no aftertaste at all. Your recipe will taste like it was done normally, but it will have your daily dose of cannabinoids inside them all the same.

Happy eatin' ;)

PS. All cannabis grown comes from female plants. Males are only used in labs by seed sellers or geneticists. When growing cannabis you only want female plants. In fact, feminized seeds (that guarantee at 99% you will get a female plant) are more expensive than regular seeds because with regular seeds you must cull all males from the grow room once they've grown enough to be able to determine their sex. If you don't cull all the males, your harvest will be ruined.
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Nym,why wouldn't you use cannabis grown indoors? Plants grown outdoors are just as susceptible to someone using harsh chemicals as indoors.I grow mine indoors under HP sodium and use quality fertilizer and make my own compost.I admit,I am not 100% organic,but very conscious of what I use.

Happy the edibles are working for you!

Even more so actually as you can get any contaminates from the area in outdoor grown stuff. I think some people just think outdoor equals natural or organic so that gets into their mindset.

Something grown indoors means you can control every aspect of it, so it could very well be much more natural or organic seeing as that pesky species known as mankind has contaminated so much of the 'natural' environment already. :ylol:
Thanks so much for all your replies and advice! Truly appreciated. And so glad to see others with IBD using cannabis. There have been so many positive stories in the mainstream press, tv current affairs shows here (Australia) that it is now being looked at more seriously as a treatment option. But who's waiting!:lol:

Yeah, I guess I'm a bit more naturalist leaning aka the lazy gardener type. My tomatoes are allowed to ramble and climb and stay on the vine until that vine dies. And wow! Yes I lose a few but they go into next yrs compost. My best tomatoes grow over winter.

I've always ended up with a headache from hydro-grow for some reason, so gave up trusting it many yrs ago now. Someone said it was probably due to the bloomers. I don't know too much about that side of things so felt it best to leave it out. Again, this is going a way back. If indoor grow methods have changed - great. I may give it a go.

For the amount I use I'm happy to throw them outside and stand back. I just love appreciating them as a plant like any other plant. I guess I also don't feel the need to be in control of all aspects of the grow. It's a weed, an annual, a big dandelion - which I also eat and grow alongside all I grow and eat. As long as I get enough to last me til next growing season I'm pretty happy.

I've lived in this house a pretty long time, so know what my soil hasn't had added to it over the yrs. My immune ststem has always been rather flighty -childhood eczema, asthma, adult onset Crohn's - so I have a pretty good chemical avoidance radar.

From my experience the male plants are just as health-effective as the female flower heads. I will definitly be making some of that tincture, FrancisK7.

Good health everyone. Thanks again ♥
You juice the male leaves?

I've used the leaves in the vaporiser and the stems go into the stewing pot. The original cannabutter that my ex made was made only with leaf and stems from the male plants he didn't want to smoke. It was a knockout. I've not tried juicing them ... don't even have a juicer atm. Might have to invest in one :biggrin:
The cannabinoid content of the leaves or stalk in the vegetative state is somewhere around 1-2%. To get big enough doses of cannabinoids to have an effect on a colitis, you'd have to vaporize an entire plant each day. Minimum.

Your ex must have had a huge garden with dozens of tall immature plants to make this a workable situation.

It's not impossible, but far more likely that you are confused and you never bought male plants in the first place ;)

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I can assure you my ex used only the males to make the butter. He - the chronic stoner-gamer - wasn't going to be sacrificing any of his precious ladies for the likes of helping me or my health, even if he had been aware of the health benefits for my condition at that time. Here's a pic of some pretty fresh sacks from my latest male. These are frozen as I'm hoping to pollinate a few flowers in order to get seeds for next season.


  • Pollen sacks (2).jpg
    Pollen sacks (2).jpg
    160 KB
He - the chronic stoner-gamer - wasn't going to be sacrificing any of his precious ladies for the likes of helping me or my health

He sounds like a real gem. That explains why the ex, is ex. :eek:

So you vaporize the leaves and such? You dry them and grind them first?

The leaves and stems contain some CBD but very little THC. Your boyfriend used the butter to make edibles and get high?

How do you prevent cross pollination if they're all in the same garden?
The cannabinoid content of the leaves or stalk in the vegetative state is somewhere around 1-2%. To get big enough doses of cannabinoids to have an effect on a colitis, you'd have to vaporize an entire plant each day. Minimum.

Your ex must have had a huge garden with dozens of tall immature plants to make this a workable situation.

It's not impossible, but far more likely that you are confused and you never bought male plants in the first place ;)


Lol the myth and legend surrounding cannabis is as varied as the ppl using it.

I can hardly believe half the stuff I read about this poor plant and how to or not to treat it or what's best to grow it in or how much water .... unbelievable.

I'm hoping to get females in my current grow. We had 32c here yesterday and it's only very early in the season. The plants I have growing were started outside in July - that's how warm it was here. The first 2 bolted and pruduced sacks. I am now vaping those plants and have not noticed any difference in my condition. The previous lot I began vaping were also males from a local friend's grow. I guess the only way you'll know is to try it for yourself, like all good scientists should :biggrin:
You'll be happy to know Crohnsforum doesn't cater to myths and legends, thank god :D

I have done a lot of research indeed which is why I am surprised at some of this. There is quite a bit of reputable literature on the topic. It's been studied extensively in controlled settings in Europe.

Hopefully one day I'll have my own chromatography equipment so I can do even more quantitative research. Until then I'll rely on the word of reputable scientists who are respected in the field of medical cannabis cultivation and research because they're the only ones who uphold verifiable and enforceable standards in their methodology. Growing a plant, even if it's a weed, is still science, and there are many things you can do to maximize your time and capital investment by ensuring you get the best possible harvest.

It's good science, and good business :)
Hello all, newbie here from the UK.

I'm starting to research all this with a view of trying a vaporiser. The one thing i can't seem to find exact information about is what temperature range should i be aiming for to get the best for treating a condition like crohn's? and which range should i completely avoid?

I've found this information. Am i right in thinking I should be aiming for the 160-180 range?

THC - 157 °C.
The most famous cannabinoid. It has both euphoric and analgesic effects, inducing a great sense of relaxation.

CBD - 160 - 180 °C.
The cannabinoid most sought after by medical users for its vast array of medicinal applications. It partly counters the effects of THC, effectively countering feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

Delta-8-THC - 175 – 178 °C.
This cannabinoid is very similar to THC, but it is more stable and less psychoactive. It has great anti-vomiting properties.

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