For me, in my initial flare last year, it was just rectal bleeding, not loads of it but enough to take me to the GP after it going on for six weeks. It then progressed to a lot of bloody mucous which had me on and off the toilet all evening. I didn't have any pain and little diarrhoea. Fatigue was a huge problem though, and really took me by surprise as I didn't realise it was connected.
This time I had pain for two weeks, which stopped, and a week later the rectal bleeding started. And fatigue again, I actually find the fatigue has the most impact on me as the five or six BM loo visits all happen over a couple of hours in the morning and that's it, finished for the day.
As lgpcarter says, it's very different for everyone, not something I ever thought about until reading all these personal accounts here.
How old are you Cbanner? I found out that between 17and 20 is the most common age to get crohns, and then in later life approaching 60. I'm 62 and didn't expect to be dealing with this....

I hope you're getting your head round it all, it's not easy is it?
Bunty x