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Sep 2, 2011
As I think I've mentioned, I had a brilliant therapist guy who I'd got to know well and who I saw every 6 weeks or so, unless I was in a bad way. He's now gone on to bigger and better things and I was invited for assessment by a new Psychiatrist. He was aperfectly nice bloke but I felt no affinity with him and put that down to first appointment...had another appointment which lasted 5 minutes and he told me he wanted me to take part in group discussion. I'm agrophobic, in part because of my short bowel sydrome which can perform at any time even whilst fasting. I explained my reluctance...he says no group ther:ybatty:apy, no further help. He said I'd had 6 years help so should be able to manage by myself now! I feel angry and abandoned. My Crohns wasn't even taken into account and the agraphobia not even mentioned.
Any views friends?
It sounds like he's trying to push you out of your comfort zone because he feels that would help you. I agree that he didn't go about it well; it's your choice if you don't want to do it, and dropping you as a patient hardly seems like a logical course of action.

Can you find a new therapist?
I used to fear and hate being in any kind of formal group setting because my stomach made horrible noises and I had trouble controlling wind. Occaisonally I would be incontinent too, though that was actually less noticable since I had all the right protective pads.

It's not something you can just get over - it's always going to be deemed as socially unacceptable, so it's really hard to get to a point where you accept it. I kind of have now - I still hate it, but I don't spend time getting anxious before going into a quiet, formal environment, and if I do have an embarrassing incident, I'm able not to dwell on it too much afterwards.

It sounds like your new therapist may just not get what it's like to have an illness like Crohn's perhaps.

Could you go to your GP and ask for another referal? I know the waiting times can be long, but maybe that's better than trying to get along with someone you don't click with.

Alternatively, since you haven't spent much time with him yet perhaps he'd be more understanding once you've explained more about your situation? Maybe you could arrange that you'll go to the group therapy just for ten minutes or something the first time, and then see whether it's too much or if you're able to stay a bit longer each time. That might show him you're willing to try his way, whilst still making sure he knows what difficulties you have and making sure you don't end up in situations that you aren't comfortable with.
With group discussion now only being offered, and with your agraphobia and Crohn's condition, I wonder if the psychologist would allow the discussion to be video recorded over the internet. In theory doing so should be easy to set up, and not terribly expensive. That way you could still continue to learn what the psychologist has to teach and be able to participate from home.

It wouldn't be terribly different from what some schools are attempting to do lately with internet teaching.
I think it's really important to find a therapist you can connect with. Obviously this guy isn't it. Even if he insisted on group therapy, it should be AFTER he establishes trust and comfort with you, not BEFORE.

Are you able to pursue different providers? That would be my first suggestion. Therapy is not a one size fits all, but it is worth the time and effort to find someone you can work with. I'm sorry you can no longer see the person you were working with previously.
Diesanuhr is exactly right!! Group therapy MIGHT be right for you, but this new therapist can not possibly know that. It is insensitive and irresponsible to demand that you participate in group therapy or have no treatment at all. Sometimes therapists do ask patients to do things that take them out of their comfort zone. But, asking a patient to take a risk come after you have a trusting a therapeutic relationship.

Find another therapist. Get another referral from your primary care doctor or through your insurance carrier. Ask another one of your doctors who they would recommend. Print out the list of covered therapists and ask you doctors if they would look at the list to see if they know anyone. Ask a friend who you trust if they have used a therapist.

Good luck! Keep us posted.
Thanks for all the time for your replies. I feel like the Psychiatrist was fobbing me off and have tried to get another doctor. I was told AGAIN that after so long in therapy, I should be managing better on my own. I was so angry I hung up! I think I'm just going to stick with you guys!!!
I know how you feel. i had some support removed myself last year, but i think they had run their course. They were helping me deal with a particular issue, but weren't that helpful. However, the issue still runs riot in my head. Sometimes i believe my mind is my own worse enemy. But i got no one at home to communicate with either and i always try and sound cheerful to others not wanting them to see beyond the mask. This crohns and depression/anxiety has wrecked my life. Thank God for this forum.

Cannot believe this bloke didn't want to council you. He may have been the one to really help you, perhaps more than the last even. Sounds like he is weedling out those he doesn't want. I think its entirely unfair.

Good luck Paddy

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