Military members(active and inactive) with Crohn's.

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Usmc, first I would like to say Thank-you for your service. I was never able to serve because of my Crohns, but my brother and 3 nephews served in the Marines, my dad served in the Army and another nephew is in the Army now. I couldn't serve but I joined the Patriot Guard riders because I believe in our men and women in uniform and just want you to know I got your back buddy.
My best friend flies a C130 and has crohn's disease, he's my inspiration.
Kiny....very interesting. I can see how challenging that would be! Lisakuney, it's nice to meet someone from the area. Thank them for me please. Small world!
I'm an army logistics officer. Follow up with my military doctor on Friday to update my medical file; then wait to find out if I will be released.
I'm an army logistics officer. Follow up with my military doctor on Friday to update my medical file; then wait to find out if I will be released.

Good luck. Must be hard to maybe loose your job for domething thats not your fault.

Good luck. Must be hard to maybe loose your job for domething thats not your fault.


When one door closes another opens, I have come to terms with the fact that I may be released. I was frustrated at first, but I have lots of employable skills, so it will be alright.
USMCjones... My 19 year old son was just diagnosed with Crohns and is in the AF. He just found out to isn't that they have started the MEB process and plan discharging him. Do you have Crohns and are you able to stay in the military? Any advice?
Agent99. I have been diagnosed, and I have been put on limited duty. I have not been med boarded yet. I will keep you updated as these action occur. Please stay in touch with me, and I wish I could help you more.
I live in Greenville, NC, but work about an hour or so outside of Jax. I work in a physician's office, rheumatology actually. We get lots of active duty military that come through. My experience has been patients get med boarded for a handful of reasons:

1. They have a chronic illness that is non-stable and getting progressively worse despite treatments.
2. They have a chronic illness that will prevent them from doing their job safely or has an iffy/unclear prognosis. Had an active duty AF pilot with Ank.Spon. He was pretty much stable but they gave him the heave-ho anyway.
3. You have a chronic illness that can't be properly treated on deployment.

Of course there are other reasons, and exceptions, but those are the three most common reasons I run in to.
Hi, we are army, and i have crohns and my friend has crohns. Stable or not they are giving her her process out of the military. Once you have somthing crohnic you will be showed to the door unless someone is fighting for your stay above thier pay grade. But you never know you can meet an angel that can help him fight this.
Just curious, how long is the medical release process in the US? In Canada it can take years. I'm on my first 6 month temporary restriction, once that expires, they will probably give me another one, and then I get s permanent one, and then my file has to go to Ottawa and that's where the real hold up is.
US Army here. Recently diagnosed with Crohn's after having my first flare up of fun pain-filled sleepless nights. Colonoscopy confirmed, currently getting some tests done for other viral possibilities.

As is I'll be meeting with a GI Doc at WRNMMC Bethesda where we'll discuss treatment and (more than likely) medboard. Especially since Neurology also found POTS when I got a diagnosis from them. Needless to say my command was quite surprised! Two diagnosis in one month, both chronic diseases haha. I went from being 'the lazy faker at PT' to 'Wait, he's got what and WHAT?'. Luckily they've been kind and are letting me relax heavily on the whole PT thing. My 1SG is even trying to get my flag lifted for my first ever PT failure due to some obvious tampering from the d-bag disorders one and two up there. My regular diet has me barely putting down about 1300cal/day of solid food. THEN going out to PT and burning 500? Whoo, I was dyin'.

As much as it's going to suck being unemployed again, at least now I'll have insurance and some VA to back me up. Glad I enlisted, it's going to make my life post-army much easier.
My husband was in the Navy working on a sub for 6 years right out of high school.


Just like to say thanks for your service, i know im from the UK but we come hand in hand.

I really wanted to join the army, unfortunatly i didnt get in because of my condition. But i have nothing but respect for people who are in the military.

Wow! Lots of people with experience of Crohns in the military. I'm so frustrated because I hear of others in the military who have gotten waivers for chronic problems (diabetes being one of them).

Thanks USMCJones.... I told my son to go to JAG and get an attorney. Don't know if that will work or not. I'm worried if they cut him loose that he won't get to take any insurance or GI Bill (I do t kni how that works), since he is only in tech school.
Agent99, he should get to keep his GI bill. My son was just med-boarded of the air force at 70% disabled after being injured in Iraq. He has medical care available through the VA, and full use of his GI bill for education.
Yeah if you have crohns and taking medication you can't get into the service aka military. If you get the disease while in service and not taking meds no problem but if you need a lot of meds a possible honorable discharge may be in store.

Anyway thanks for keeping us the peoples country with the most rights in the world. Freedom is far from free.
Well, it has begun. I start Humira on the 23rd. This means I will be separated from the Marines. I knew it was coming, and its been a great run!
My family moved from Jacksonville over the summer. My hubby is a marine. I'm starting Humira next week. Hopefully, your medical claim will go through quickly and you will be compensated fairly. Good luck to you!
USMCJONES, best of luck with the Humira. I hope you feel tons better on it!! Sorry about your Marine career,,,, let's hope they take good care of you!
Let me know if you and the wife would like to get together someplace for tea and sympathy (or BMW-bitch moan whine)

They should still provide desk jobs to people who are unable to enlist due to Crohn's Disqualifying them, as i would like to serve my country in some way, shape, or form!
They should still provide desk jobs to people who are unable to enlist due to Crohn's Disqualifying them, as i would like to serve my country in some way, shape, or form!

Even people who work "desk jobs" in the military need to be deployable in order to be employable. Even clerks can find themselves deployed the middle of a desert with no access to specialist medical care. Soldier first.
I ended up in the ERIC last night. Bad flare up. Weird though because all my labs came back good...what's up with that?
I've noticed that CRP does not always accurately reflect disease status in the intestine.
LOL! I didn't even notice it said Eric, that's funny. Our minds make the words what we think they should be I guess. Maybe the labs didn't reflect it because it just started? Hope you got some rest and are feeling better.
USMCJones,,,, sorry to hear that. How are you doing now?? Have you started the Humira yet? My doc says it takes 4-6 weeks to fully start working.
USN and active duty for 12 years, reserves for 4 until sidelined by Crohn's. Whether you are released or not from service once diagnosed will depend on your MOS/rating, or for officers-length of time in service and special skills/qualifications. At a minimum you will not be considered for deployment OCONUS, further determinations will be made by the med board on case by case basis
It would be nice if humira put u into remission and they still allow u to stay, just sucks how they can easily dismiss soldiers.. keep us updated
Thanks for all the support everybody. I really need it at a time like this. I will make sure to keep everyone posted on what will be a very lengthy process. Thanks again.
What percentage of disability does my son need to look for if he hopes to keep medical insurance for life? We've pretty much figured they (AF) will discharge him, so he needs to get smart on benefits. He has a severe case of Cohns, in addition to peptic ulcers which could also be Crohns but we don't know.
You have to get at least 30% from the DOD for benefits. How long has your son been in? If its less then 30% he will, or should get a separation severance.

In other news.... I don't know if you could say I had a great day, but I had an interesting day. I was put on limited duty today. Also, my Medical Officer put me in for my second opinion, and also, a pain mag ament specialist!!!! Best news in awhile! And to top it off, my GI doc out in town move my endoscopy from the 25th to the 19th! Progressive day!
What percentage of disability does my son need to look for if he hopes to keep medical insurance for life? We've pretty much figured they (AF) will discharge him, so he needs to get smart on benefits. He has a severe case of Cohns, in addition to peptic ulcers which could also be Crohns but we don't know.

If it's determined to be "service related" he will be able to receive care from the VA for life.
I had my upper endoscope done. The doctor found Crohn's starting in my stomach and into my upper small intestine. Got prescribed the Humira Crohn's starter kit.......damn!
I'm so sorry USMCJones! Have you had a colonoscopy yet? If so, do you have Crohns in your colon as well?

I hope you do well on the Humira. My son is thru his loading doses and will begin just the one injection every two weeks this Friday. He and I have the same I injection days :). A small bright spot in this otherwise dreary journey.
I've had a colon scope and an upper endo. I have ulcers in my stomach, the doudenal opening and upper small intestines. An through the terminal ileum and starting in my color. I don't start the humira until the 1s now!
Hi USMCjones :)

I'm not in the military, but am maried to a marine! We are at MCAS miramar. Not a bad place.

We use to live in 29 palms, CA for 3 years and I had to drive like 3 hours for a good doctor!

I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but hopefully the Humira will do the trick for you :). Let us know how you are doing!
Update time!!

Lets see, Friday I start pain management! YEAH! Also, I start my humours, first dose on Friday...:stinks::stinks::stinks:.....if anyone can let me know what this will feel like or how it will effect med, please let me know!

Next Friday, second opinion and shortly after that they will start my meld board towards separation.
Just wanted to add my voice to the "thank yous". I'm praying the Humira works well for you and I'm so glad that you are getting some pain management. You sound very strong and will land on your feet!

My brother was in the Navy before being diagnosed with Crohn's. Because he served in active duty during war he receives military benefits to take care of his disease and a small disability check as well. He's had a heck of a time and this benefit has made all the difference for him. He deserves everything he gets having put his life on the line for six years! You do too, whether you were in active duty or not, you were willing to be!

Update time!!

Lets see, Friday I start pain management! YEAH! Also, I start my humours, first dose on Friday...:stinks::stinks::stinks:.....if anyone can let me know what this will feel like or how it will effect med, please let me know!

Next Friday, second opinion and shortly after that they will start my meld board towards separation.

Good luck! I go back to my military doc in mid-feb to find out if they are going to place me on another 6 month temporary restriction (we are allowed 2 of these in Canada) or if because i have finally been diagnosed they are going to put me on a permanent category and send my file for review right away without the second temp category.
You should have 4 shots to do on your first day. The medicine will sting some going in, but it's not terrible. Some people numb the injection site first with an ice cube. You may feel tired an not feel so great for that day and maybe the next day, but within a week of my loading doses I felt a significant difference. Good luck to you Friday!
Exactly as Manzy said. My son says the actual syringes hurt less than the pens. I'm thinking of switching from the pens to the syringes. When I first started, I got severe acne on my face. Not big acne.... Just little bumps. I also got tired the day after injections. Now a days, I inject while doing a million other things. :). Oh, I use to ice before injecting. Now I just do it and not worry about the ice.
So frustrated!!! My son is again in the hospital, only he is in Texas and I'm in Florida :-(. And, now he has C. Diff. I imagine he picked it up in December when he was in the hospital and on antibiotics.
So, where is everyone?! :)

My son is finally out of the hospital and the first MEB decision came back. Not good. Discharge with a monetary amount and 10% disability. He is going to appeal the decision.

USMC Jones.... How are you on the Humira?
Agent99, sorry to hear that. How long did your son serve for? At least he'd be able to get care from the VA for his Crohn's, I guess that's a bright side to it. Do you have a VA near you?
So long as it's not the VA in Cheyenne, Wyo. Having a bit of a go-round with them regarding their treatment of my son (70% disabled). Found out that they have a whopping 21 beds. I hope they realize they don't have the resources they need and transfer him someplace that does.
Have my review of my medical category on Friday. Will find out if they will extend my temporary category for another 6 months, or recommend permanent category and send my file to Ottawa now for review instead of waiting until August.
I was diagnosed in the October right after going over 26 years in the Air Force. Was planning on dropping my paperwork for retirement next month but now can't because I need a med board. I can't even get my doc to write the narrative for the board so I fear this will be a long painful process. Good luck with your board!
Alpha Battery 1/15 Field Artillery 2nd ID, Korea 1971.
Just think about how many shots we had in the military,did they mess
with our immune system.
UC since 1980.
Oh,by the way,Eisenhower had Crohn's.
He shook my hand when I was 2 or 3,any connection
Old Mike
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Just checking in to see how everyone is doing?!?

USMCJones.... how is the Humira going for you?

My son is still in the AF.... and still having a lot of problems. This time with steroid withdrawal. Poor "kid" can't catch a break!
Joined June 2006. First surgery as a result of Crohns in October 2007. Diagnosed in October 2012, pending medical board July 2013... Been in 7 years with 2 deployments to Kuwait and Iraq.
Good luck with the med board. My son fought and got 30% with the AF even though he was only in 7 months. Long story. Anyway... Be persistent to what you want.
I intend to. My knee is in pain constantly and so is my rump. If I had known about my intolerance to soy I would have stayed away from MREs. Also dealing with anxiety and depression.
My chain of command, from both tours, were full of back stabbers and pettiness. One of the NCOs in my unit is only an NCO because of who she knew. We both applied for the same AGR job. Now I am looking at an Article 15 for deciding to take care of myself and not further injure myself. Yes I was disrespectful to her :ybatty: after she insulted my integrity and said I lied about a small bowel study appointment the previous day. I guess I love being on the can from drinking that crap :stinks: I have a full defense lined up. I just stopped taking Entocort, and saw the Entocort, Pentasa, Zoloft, and Ambien together is not the best combination stress management wise, so I more than likely will have a reduced sentence, if any. This is the same NCO that couldn't work on my LODs too :voodoo: Oh well. The IG is getting all 5 pushed through. I was only looking for 2.
I've been on active duty for 19 years and was diagnosed with mod/severe Crohn's in April. I start Remicade this month (June). My med board started last week. Obviously I'd like to try to stay in until I can retire next year. Was told that separating me at 19 years with only severance pay(no retirement) is still an option. I'm really hoping it doesn't go that way!
Apply for sanctuary. At 18 years, you can apply for sanctuary and prevent separation from active duty. Given you have 19 years, the PEB may not conclude till you hit 20 plus, you can always rebuttal the results. My state pretty much screwed me so I have to wait on ABCMR for both my 5 and severance or retirement... After taking an APFT and passing. Didn't pass weight but being on Budesonide remicade and other crap with sleep apnea doesn't help.
U.S Coast guard active duty form 2000-2004. Deployed to Iraq in support of OIF. Diver in the KAA waterway. Any other divers or gulf war vets have Crohn's? Trying to get service connected as I had a record of blood in my stool while in Iraq and was still put into service as a diver.

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