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Yay Marisa! Yay Chloe! So happy to hear that she's home and on the mend and that it didn't break the bank either. :D This makes me want to look into pet insurance - I wonder if they cover hedgehogs or just "mainstream" pets like dogs & cats? I'll have to look into that...
We're pretty sure we're going to go with trupanion insurance ( I'm pretty sure it is only for cats and dogs, but you could check it out to compare prices for other insurance plans, if you want. I've heard a lot of negative reviews about ASPCA and VPI pet insurance. I think they are run by the same company.
My mini vent for the day - decided to go out to a nice dinner tonight. I figure if eating is going to hurt so much, it might as well be worth my while. Then halfway through I get hit with that tidal wave of intense pain/nausea that won't go away until I vomit. BLARGH. Can't wait 'til I can eat without pain.

I am sick of people complaining in their Facebook statuses: "I hate my life! Why did it have to rain today!" or "I locked my keys in the car. What a way to start a day!" I don't want to undermine anyone's problems, but when people flip over the littlest thing, it really gets to me.
what gets me on fb is the friends who were not there for me through my 2year rough road but acted as though they cared lol complaining about crap or god i have to do this or that i just wish for one day they could feel and expierience all our pain mental pains e verything in just one day see what they complain about then!!!
Argh I hate that! One time my blood was coming out really slow and they almost didn't get enough after multiple pokes. Then when they tried to run the tests the blood clotted because the vein had just been too small and that's why it was coming out slowly. Grr! Whenever I see PIMA scrubs I know to get out of there! :p
Couldn't go running today like we had planned. The sole of one of my shoes was starting to flop off (they're pretty old shoes), so we tried super gluing it back on temporarily. But, not even 5 minutes out the door the sole flopped off again. So, tomorrow we're going to the running store and hopefully will have some new shoes to run in!
Mini-vent for the day:
Today is the underwear affair (5k walk in your underwear/costume after raising a bunch of money for below the belt cancers.)
I have my costume all ready. My team is called the league of extraordinary vaginas, so we did a play on the word "league" so were dressing up like different kinds of sports. I'm basketball, my two friends are rugby and hockey, and our team leader is a referee. Our costumes look really good, and instead of pants of shorts were wearing panties. I'm really excited for it, but it's raining, and looks a little chilly out. Not a big deal, but still. Also, I'm not feeling very well today, but I still have to do it. I'm worried about passing out or pain in my joints and stomach. My doctor wanted to get a wheelchair for it, but I can't afford to rent one right now. I mean, I can, but I have other things I need to spend that money on. Like prescriptions.
Then I got invited to 3 parties tonight. The underwear affair after party, which I would really like to go to. One of my best friends house warming party, which I really wanna go to as well. I haven't seen any of my friends in months, and I really wanna see everyone. And then I got invited to a very good family friends birthday. I haven't seen them in a while either, and I'm kind of expected to be there. They're all located rather far from each other, so I'm not sure if I can make it all of them. I'm thinking of doing the underwear affair first (be there at 3, walk at 6, done by 8?) stopping by the birthday party for an hour, then heading to my friends party for the rest of night. complicated!
Haha, I was thinking the same thing, Mark! Sounds like a lot of fun though :) Hope you get to go to everything you want without wearing yourself out too much!
Hope the party merry-go round gets figured out lol....umm...will there be any pictures of the costumes???

@Marisa - glad to hear kitty is home.....also - DUCT TAPE!!!!!...wrap that around the shoe/sneaker until you get new ones...may not look pretty but should work! lol for know, I really don't have one!.....spent the day at a flea market, belly behaved (only had to pee 1 time too!)....and made about $175- after expenses! for know, I really don't have one!.....spent the day at a flea market, belly behaved (only had to pee 1 time too!)....and made about $175- after expenses!

Nice! It's good to have a nice day too. Maybe we should have a thread/add to this thread mini celebrations.

Today my mini vent is the heat. Hopefully we will be buying a portable AC unit soon. It's not really that hot out and it's 78 in the house right now, but that's enough for me. I'm used to mild and rainy weather and the summer just kills me.
My mini-vent today is that my sewing machine has decided to not do what I want it to do. It still seems to work fine, except for the button hole stitch. I cannot make it sew a button hole for the life of me! I even went online to the "troubleshooting" site for my particular machine, and I'm doing everything right, so it seems my machine is acting up. When I clicked the "contact us" link on the manufacturer's site, it said "we're sorry but this is unavailable". Argh! I just want to sew one buttonhole, and it seems I will have to do it manually. Which I can do, but I'm just frustrated - things should work like they're supposed to! I've sewed since I was a little girl, and when I was young I had an old machine that worked just fine and got me all the way through college before it finally petered out. Now I've got a newer machine and it doesn't work the way it's supposed to - makes me want to go buy an old machine that'll at least do button holes!

Diesanduhr, I know the feeling. Last summer we had no AC whatsoever and got by using only fans. It was miserable! So this year we broke the bank and spent over $2000 for central air conditioning. I have to say, it's lovely. But the cost was ridiculous! I hope the portable ones are much more affordable!
Scott's car is in the shop. The repairs are going to put us back $1,500. Sob!
Andi - Yikes! We had to deal with that sort of situation earlier this year. Actually both of our cars around the same time. And currently we're out one car because my husband's car is having a problem with overheating and we don't have the money to get it checked out! I wish cars didn't have to be so expensive!

Samantha - Oh no! Sorry to hear things aren't going well for you. Is your doctor open to trying other medications like maybe one of the biologics? If not, have you thought about getting a 2nd opinion from another doctor? Hang in there!
My mini rant is people who take stuff from the fridge that's mine and eat/drink it. Ugh. I had it happen last night and when I said, "Who said you could drink my fruit punch" he turned it around on me being selfish. I'm sorry but I have no money and my fiance bought that for me to last the next few days until my EBT is filled.
Closedingirl - That would bother me too. Even with friends, I always show the courtesy of asking before I use something, unless it was stated previously that I was welcome to. I don't understand when people feel entitled to things like that. In college, I had that happen a few times with some of my roommates. Thankfully, we each had mini fridges in our bedrooms that I just started keeping my personal items in that I didn't want others to take rather than putting it in the communal fridge in the kitchen.
Why me, do I go on about me... well sometimes because this life gets me down. That's why I'm taking antidepressants, they help some otherwise I'd be back in bed all the time not going 'woe is me' but because I'm plain frigging knackered. It takes energy to fight and a positiveness that just isn't there to call up. Great if your kid can do it, or your neighbour, your elderly aunt, or you. Yeah things could be worse, for someone else, but I'm not there, I'm here, and my life is different to yours, it's my experience, it isn't yours. So, please, don't tell me how I should experience my life or I might just be tempted to give you the whole lot.
I felt like CRAP for 3 days after that danged massive headache Sat night.....actaully feel kind of human today.....

BUT - I had an interview for a transfer position yesterday, had a headache still and may have flubbed it due to not being able to concentrate! aaarrrrggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Pasobuff - I'm sure your interview went well regardless, my experience of being sick during things like that is it doesnt actually affect you as much as you think it will! Best of luck for it; I'm sure you kicked ass!!

My mini vent for today (after having the most AWESOME grad ball weekend ever btw) is that we're out of money :-( we've had so much to pay for recently with the Ball, bills, moving house (deposits, advance rent etc etc) that we're totally out now and it's 2 weeks till payday :-S. Not quite sure what we're gonna do..... STRESS
thanks lulu...I actually just sent my Chief the following email - not that I'm sucking up or anything.....

Chief –

I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to meet yesterday and discuss the OPWDD position and transfer opportunity. I do have to apologize for not being more enthusiastic yesterday – I have been battling a headache for 4 days now (waiting on more testing) and wasn’t feeling my best yesterday. I do look forward to seriously being considered for one of the positions – I feel that I would be an asset to the program, it sounds like a challenging and also fulfilling type of work that will be done and something that I would enjoy putting 110% of my time and effort into to help make it successful.

I look forward to hearing back from you regarding this position.

I WAS going to mini-vent about the MRI not being aproved, BUT I got a call from my doctors office about 10 minutes ago with the approval - so in about 10 minutes I'm OUTTA HERE and on my way. Already changed out of uniform to comfy clothes - although I know I'll have to change tehre (I think) is an OPEN MRI from what I understand too...should be interesting!
Have you asked him if he is depressed/feeling low?
and have you told him he's pissing you off and if he doesn't stop it you will need to reconsider his staying with you?
I can't say this in normal society but I know you guys can understand... I went to the bathroom last night and when I wiped it was mucus - it looked like I had blown my nose (if snot were brown). Gross.
Cat - That is really rough. It can be so hard to reach people and get them the help they need. I hope you can work something out. *big hug*
Little Miss H: That's the hard part, lately I can't even ask him a simple question without getting a weird non-answer (like the "Work? What is work?" thing - couldn't even get him to tell me if he was going to work or not!). But I'm sure he is depressed, nobody who is happy spends all their time smoking pot and on the computer and sleeping in. And I'm also sure he knows that I'm unhappy with the way he talks to me - I've told him several times to his face that he's talking BS to me, and I slammed the door in his face that one time as well.

But the next time it happens, I will spell everything out clearly - I will say something like, "Bro, are you depressed? I have noticed a change in your personality and I am worried about you. And, even if you are depressed, you are not to talk to me like this in my own house." Does that sound okay? Or should I say it differently? Maybe I could say it in his language: "Your verbal mastery lately has left me feeling not very autonomous..."

If I do end up having to kick him out, maybe he'll grow up a little. He's nearly 26 and still living with his big sis and acting like a (weird) big baby.
Cat - I'm really sorry you are having to deal with this. Something peculiar is definitely going on.

I think, I would first try to have a calm and sincere heart to heart with him. Without getting threatening, let him know his behavior recently is upsetting and that you've gone out of your way to take him in. Try your best to address the issues honestly but sensitively.

If that does not go over well, I would contact a professional for advice. If it is depression, then even rational conversations may not be of any benefit to you or him.

As far as it being a possible drug problem, I would have the same advice and suggest contacting someone professional for advice. Unfortunately, even the most loving and well meaning people are powerless against both depression and drug use. It is easy to avoid confrontation and the possibility of kicking out a loved one because of the fear of their problem getting worse. But, letting them stay with you and continue the erratic, hurtful behavior can be just as damaging to them and the people they have to live with.

Depression and drug use are complicated, so I don't claim to have the answers. I'm hoping it's just some kind of weird funk he's gotten into that he'll get out of. But, given his background, I'd probably be worried it was something more serious. With depression you don't want to push people away and with drug use sometimes you have to handle it with tough love. I think a professional would have the best advice for your particular situation.

But, you could try out the heart-to-heart first and gauge his response. Might give you a little more insight on which path to take in dealing with him. :)
Thanks Marisa. I don't know if I can afford a professional, but I'll see what kind of services we can get around here as far as someone for him to talk to or to mediate between us. I have no idea if brother has insurance so I don't know what services he's covered for, if any. (He works as a food delivery boy, and during busy times he works more than 40 hours per week, but during slow times he works much less than that, so I have no idea if he's actually considered full-time or not or whether he's got insurance through his work.) I'll see what I can come up with, because I think you're right - this is too much for me to handle and a professional should be involved somehow!

I guess I'm still hoping that it's just a "phase" he's going through that eventually he'll get sick of. He does this sometimes, tries out different personality traits (I think he never quite grew out of his teenage years and is still sort of trying to "find himself) although it's never been this bad or weird before. I guess I haven't mentioned yet that there's a lot of obsessive-compulsive disorder in my dad's side of the family. My dad and grandma are both pretty bad, my grandma is a hand-washing fanatic and both of them are borderline hoarders (my dad actually has a trail that you walk through in his bedroom because there's so much stuff piled up in there - I say borderline hoarder because it doesn't extend to the whole house though). I think the cleaning thing my brother has been doing lately may be related to OCD. Maybe the drug use and/or the depression triggered it in his brain, or something. I have a touch of OCD as well, and I try to keep it under control as best I can. I don't want to become a hoarder or germophobic like my dad & grandma. My brother hasn't exhibited any hoarding behavior, but the fact that he's been cleaning the house like crazy lately worries me too. I guess there's probably a lot of complicated stuff going on with him!

Sorry, this vent has gone on too long and I'm probably boring everybody! I'll figure it out, and my brother is an adult and has to move out on his own at some point and take care of himself. After all, "autonomy" is one of his favorite words. ;)
I am too tired to cook dinner, and I'm probably not going to eat anyway.
It's been raining all day and my daughter won't give me ONE SECOND of peace, all I want to do is take a nap.
I threw up after I ate dinner last night and I'm so scared that it's going to happen again.
I have to have an abdominal ultrasound on Friday.
I've lost so much weight that none of my clothes fit and I don't have the money to buy new ones, spending all our money on meds and procedures.
I want a coke so bad, but I can't tolerate carbonated beverages right now.
was having a pretty good the MRI done (anyone know how to read those things- I have a copy here!).....was out mowing some grass before getting ready to start the grill - hubby was supposed to be home @6pm, my PLAN was to start the griill right about then, and cook the chicken breasts for dinner @7pm....

WELL - hubby gets home and is PISSED OFF that I didn't have the chicken on already!....not sure what but crawled uop HIS ass today - I tried to tell him that if he had called when he was about 15 minutes out to give me a good time frame, I would have started the grill then - OTHERWISE my plan was to put the food on @615 and have it done by 7pm (we often eat around then!).....he can't get it through his thick head that I can actually cook chicken breast in less than an hour on the grill!

So - I popped a couple of headache pills, and to hell with the warning on the bottle- I want to SLEEP so a cocktail for dessert!
I have a much more light-hearted vent today, I promise. ;)

My mini-vent today is that I wish I could eat normal foods! Whenever there's a big meeting at work, they always bring in food and I'm always offered some of the food, and it seems like I can never eat it. Last time, they did a taco bar. Meat, spice, and dairy all kill me, so I stayed away from that. And today they've got mini sandwiches, soup, and salad. The sandwiches all have veggies that I can't have like celery, the soup is cream-based (dairy), and the salad has nuts in it. So I am sitting here at my desk eating a cookie (which tastes horrible by the way) as it was the only thing that I could see that wouldn't affect me too badly. I feel like a loser, a weirdo, and like I'm not "being a team player" or whatever. It's totally not anyone's fault, I don't expect them to order food that fits my diet by any means, but I do feel like I've failed in some way for not being able to eat with the rest of my co-workers. It's amazing all the ways that this illness can be isolating, huh?
You should ask them next time they get food in is it possible to get plain chicken on White bread with no butter or whatever you can have. I'm sure they'd be happy to know what to get so they can feel like they are including you. I know my work colleagues feel u comfortable when they eat around me. I have told them it's fine and I don't mind, and take myself a little pack up...but they would cater for me if I told them what to get. I'd rather take my own stuff so I can be sure it's ok.
Dreamtwilight: If I had the room in my bedroom, I'd do that. We have had a long standing war on people eating other people's stuff. I live in a house with five other people.
I still haven't heard anything about the transfer position....I know interviews were closing today - and the promotions were announced a little while ago.....I WANT TO KNOW!!!!!
Little Miss H, I also pack my own food to eat at work. I don't want to put anybody out or make them eat not-delicious bland food that I can eat, so I don't usually ask for them to include something for me. Most of my co-workers know that I've been ill for awhile and have a lot of problems with certain foods, and they do try to be accommodating, and I'm afraid that if I speak up and ask for something specific then they'll think that I'm snubbing their efforts at already being accommodating, or something like that.

Can I do another mini-vent today? It is c-c-c-cold in the office today! Yesterday it was like 95 degrees out, so hot, and they had the air conditioning cranked up. It's only about 65 degrees out today, much cooler, but the AC is still set on high! I'm just about to go make a cup of hot chocolate, brrr!
My house is a wreck and I haven't been feeling well enough to do anything except keep everyone in clean underwear, and maybe unload the dishwasher occasionally. My bathroom is in need of a major cleaning....I've spent all morning in there. Jokes on me though, can't get much cleaning done when I can't get off the toilet. :poo:

Seriously! How can I possibly go 6 times in a half-hour? I feel like I'm doing a colonoscopy prep today :frown:
feel better soon Rebecca!!!!!

Well - the interviews are actually done TODAY! probably won't hear anything this afternoon....more likely Monday or Tuesday....

Now of course my head HURTS again today - worse than yesterday but no where near as bad as Sunday.....
I just got an email from my neurologists assistant..... " Doug, Dr. James did receive your sleep study report and the results are that you have central sleep apnea."

This is the third life altering diagnosis I have had in 2 years. Essential Tremor, Crohn's, and now Sleep Apnea...... What else can go wrong!!!!!!!
My mini-vent is after months and months of the same few bland, boring foods, I have been branching out with a high success rate (D not great but not bad enough to stop). But I have never felt iller. I do not put it down to the food; every few weeks I seem to get that little bit worse.
Oh the irony! :mad2:
I am hoping that everybody is feeling better. Can you tell me a little more about sleep apnea, Doug? My husband's doctor is suspecting that he might have that. I have many questions. I probably should google it.
If you think you may have sleep apnoea then complete the Epworth Sleep score- the higher the score , the more likely you have it.
my mini-vent.....last night my hubby and I were having 'relations' (I was actualkly still AWAKE at 11pm LOL)......well - there was a 'slip' and I hurt myself! now it hurts to pee dang it!....abstinence for a few days I guess until things heal.....GGGRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am hoping that everybody is feeling better. Can you tell me a little more about sleep apnea, Doug? My husband's doctor is suspecting that he might have that. I have many questions. I probably should google it.


I don't know that much about it either. I googled it last night. ( Sleep Apnea is when somebody stops breathing while they are asleep. They finally wake up gasping for air. Sounds scary.

There are 2 kinds, obstructive sleep apnea - when something in the respiratory tract actually blocks your breathing. This is 95% of all cases. The other is central sleep apnea - in which your brain just stops sending signals to the muscles that control your breathing. This is the other 5% of all cases. I apparently am one of the special 5%. By the way, the doctor who originally told me to get the sleep study done.... My G.I. doc. He was concerned about my energy level not being good months after my surgery.
Damn Paso....what the...a slip and it hurts to pee!!! I really don't need to know but if you're brave enough to post that^^^^, I'm brave enough to ask anyway:)!

Holy cow Dex!!! I think I am going to have to send you a PM explaining!!!

Dusty. xxx
Oh, I see!! But Dusty, I'm pretty sure not everyone dives off the bed on their mate wearing leopard print negligee!! Still, thanks for the image!!
I know it may seem like such a minor thing, but I am really tiny and I have lost a LOT of weight dealing with this stricture.

It's summertime, the kids are out of school and we live a mile from the beach. I am so exhausted all of the time but I'm determined to have some fun even if it kills me. I've lost so much weight since last year that I've been searching for a new bathing suit...I have been crying non-stop...I hate clothes shopping when I am sick. I bought a bathing suit yesterday, it is a girls size 16. I'm 34 years old, how embarrassing.
@Sarah...wear it with PRIDE!!! hell with everyone else, a few years back (ok, a lot of years now!) I went to Fla to visit a (male) friend for a long weekend.....I was probably around 100lbs and I'm 5'5.....we went to the beach, I have some god-awful pictures of myself too...but you know what, I had FUN!.....

@Dexky - well...umm.....let's just say I don't EVER want to repeat this!!!!!.....

With the way things have been going around here, with my friends' son being deathly ill, my Mom's best friend visiting and knowing it is most probably her last visit (stage 4 cancer).....I needed to post something that would get some responses to make me laugh!!!
I know it may seem like such a minor thing, but I am really tiny and I have lost a LOT of weight dealing with this stricture.

It's summertime, the kids are out of school and we live a mile from the beach. I am so exhausted all of the time but I'm determined to have some fun even if it kills me. I've lost so much weight since last year that I've been searching for a new bathing suit...I have been crying non-stop...I hate clothes shopping when I am sick. I bought a bathing suit yesterday, it is a girls size 16. I'm 34 years old, how embarrassing.

After all you've been through, you deserve some fun! Go to the beach and ROCK that bathing suit Girl!:dog:
It was Scott's day off, but he decided to go shooting with a couple of buddies. I wanted to do something together. The upside, he did come home with a canoe. One of his friends from work is getting a divorce and is getting rid of things. Our home is right in front of the Campbell Creek. It's literally in our back yard. I going to make him take me canoeing.
Andi, you are so lucky! I would kill for a canoe or kayak around here. Maybe just the relaxation that you need!
Andi, have fun with that canoe! Hubby and I actually have a 2-person kayak, but we haven't taken it out since I've been ill. We did a lot of kayaking back in the summer of 2009 (I got ill in Oct 09) and that was really fun. I told hubby the other day that we really should take the kayak out again sometime soon. I've decided to be brave and hope that I won't need a bathroom while we're out kayaking (and I'll take extra Lomotil and Zofran with me, ha ha).

My mini-vent today is that my hip freaking HURTS. My arthritis went from a dull ache to a sharp poking pain yesterday. It seems worse when I am sitting down and it's actually not terrible when I'm walking, so I'm going to attempt to walk the dog tonight. We live right by the dog park, and there's a lady who also lives in our neighborhood who owns a tiny corgi puppy that looks just like a small version of my own corgi! So I really want to see this puppy again, and the lady said she takes her puppy to the park most evenings. So, this will be my reward - if I can drag my sorry butt and sore hip to the dog park, hopefully I get to see my dog play with her adorable tiny doppelganger. :)
Kayaking must be in the air. Our friends have just bought a 2 person inflatable canoe. They have said we can borrow it whenever we want ..even for our summer camping trip where we are by a river...let's hope my insides are behaving themselves by then.
My head hurts this morning!.....started augmentin yesterday, this morning feel nauseated a bit, took some headache meds (not really working yet - might take another soon!)...have a achyfeeling in my chest- kind of like heartburn right behind my breastbone.......

on a good note, got my mammogram results back with NO abnormalities found!
Threw up twice yesterday, second time it was into the trash can as I was sitting on the toilet. I am going to have to call my GI soon if this keeps up, no way will I make it to my June 27 appointment. I know he put me on pred for inflammation and partly to help me gain weight, but I have lost weight since I saw him. I told him I was throwing everything up, did he think I was exaggerating?:mad2:
I can't wait to try out the canoe. I'm suffering a case of nausea from HECK right now.
Andi, I feel for you. I've gradually been feeling a little worse every day, afraid that I'm slipping towards a flare. Woke up this morning with abdo pains, nausea, and weakness. Stupidly I went to work anyway but if this gets any worse I'll be headed home sick. The good news is that I already have a GI appointment scheduled for Monday morning.
This is more than just a mini vent, but I don't really want to go into detail about it. I'm going through some upsetting family problems and am really sad about it.
Sorry to hear that, Marisa. :( Try not to let it get you too down (easier said than done I'm sure), you know what stress does to our insides. I hope the problems get resolved soon.

On the plus side, I feel better today! My hip is the only thing that still hurts. I'm hobbling around like an old lady. My husband bought a cane years ago because he got awful sunburn on his feet to the point where he could barely walk. I think I might have to ask him to dig out his cane soon so that I can use it! Stupid arthritis. I don't know what to do - I did the exercises my physical therapist showed me, and for a little while it felt better. Then it felt much worse, so I stopped the exercises, and for another little while I felt okay again. But now I'm back to bad again. To exercise or not to exercise?? I wish my body would just pick one already!
Sorry you're having such a bad day Marisa :(
I hope things turn around for the better real problems are so stressful!

hugs ,
Yeah, unfortunately, I don't think these problems are going to go away anytime soon. They've been around all of my life, but something life altering is brewing... I really do appreciate the kind words and support though.

I'm glad you're feeling better today, Cat. :)
Here's a hug for you Marisssa. I know that family problems can be the worst kind; it can really stab you in the heart. I've been there. Be kind to yourself.
My mini-vent today is that I feel fat. I bought a pair of too-big pants on sale a couple years ago and put them aside so that I could take them in (I sew, so buying ill-fitting clothes isn't a catastrophe - I have altered many clothes). But they got shuffled to the bottom of my sewing pile and I never took them in. I was going through my sewing pile today and saw these pants - it's probably been 3+ years since I bought them. I'm sure I got them before I became ill. And, even though I've lost some weight lately, my stomach has been bloated, so much so that these pants fit perfectly when I tried them on again today. If anything, they're a little tight! Makes me feel fat that my once too-big pants are now on the verge of being too small. :(
Me, too Cat-been on Weight Watchers and lost 15 lb, but so bloated I look pregnant and nothing fits! Bless my neighbor-she brought me over a pair of maternity pants-LOVE them!!
Well, since he changed his pants before the cops got there, and the police don't know about the cracks in the cement, they basically said it's impossible for him to pee enough for it to leak through the floor. But it's the only thing that makes sense! it's yellow, it smells like piss, his pants were soaked, and he was passed out drunk in the exact spot it was leaking. It only leaked for like, 10 minutes. And there are no water pipes or ANYTHING near the spot that leaked. So we're pretty much SOL for now. Everyone thinks it's impossible.
I'm not on pred, but I am on entocort. My boyfriend said the look on my face when he told me it was him was a look of pure madness. The guy looked pretty terrified too. I don't think he expected a small, 20 year old girl to rage on him like that. I was about 5 seconds from grabbing my baseball bat. I was so disgusted.
Had a good long cry last night over these family problems and my eyes are all puffy and swollen today. :( I felt bad for my husband this morning, who was nice enough to stay up and talk with me last night, since he didn't get much sleep and was very tired.

He got a call today from the company he interviewed with for an internship he REALLY wanted. He got 2nd place, but they really went to help him find another position.

It's hard to feel positive about even the small things when you feel like your family life is crumbling away and you can't do anything about it.
@Samantha-I've scared people too when I'm on pred-comes in handy when you're dealing with scum bags-Entocort affects me the same way. Sorry you've got no recourse, that totally sucks! Time to just get out of that place!

@Marisa-Sometimes a good cry is all you can do, usually makes me feel relieved, temporarily anyway. Family problems are always the worst to deal with. Sending hugs and best wishes to you!
I agree with Jeannette, family problems are the worst. Marisa, I hope these hard times get better soon. Sending happy thoughts your way!

I'm having some family troubles too. Nothing horrible, but apparently this weekend my grandparents had my parents over for an end-of-life meeting. My grandfather turns 80 in a few months and my grandmother turns 80 next year. They've both got a lot of health issues, especially my grandfather. They know they don't have a lot of time left so they had my parents over to tell them their funeral & burial wishes, where to find important documents after they pass, etc. It just sort of drives everything home, that they likely won't be around much longer. I don't know how many people in their 30s still have a set of grandparents left, but I doubt many do. My other set of grandparents passed away relatively young, years before I was born, so my two living grandparents are the only grandparents I've ever known. It's just sad to think about.
Well my mini vent kind of pales in comparison, I'm sorry for everyone who is struggling with their families at the moment.

My mini vent is that the kids from down the road have been messing around again. We live near the bottom of a cul de sac, so the local kids (little ones aged around 5 or 6) ride their bikes round. We don't mind so long as they stay away from the cars, and don't go down the alley ways between the sets of terraces (that lead to the back gardens).

Well this morning, Mark couldn't start his bike, he thinks the kids must have fiddled with stuff, but we don't have proof. And this afternoon I went out the back with the dog to put some rubbish in the bin. We heard voices and Max nosed at the gate to see what it was. The gate opened and he shot out, the kids must have undone the latch and were standing in the alley. Well Max wasn't having any of that, he chased the lot away! To be fair it was pretty funny, the look on their faces as they ran away, looking over their shoulders to see him gaining on them, you'd have thought it was a police dog chasing them not a Jack Russell!
Not wanting to go running tonight. We move up to Week 3 in our Couch to 5K program and it's going to be hard! Plus it's super humid out and I hope it doesn't rain on us!
My mini-vent is that I feel stupid! There's a small gym in the basement of the building I work in. I used to work out in the gym fairly regularly before I became ill. It wasn't until the 1-2-3 punch of my first few flares that I stopped going to the gym altogether, I just didn't feel up to it anymore after all that, I was drained and weak. So the last time I worked out in the gym was about a year and a half ago. So today I decided I'm going to start working out again! I actually feel fairly decent most of the time these days and I need to lose a few more pounds. But, when I went down to the gym on my lunch break, my employee ID wouldn't let me in the door! I was upset, I was really excited about working out today. So after my lunch was over, I came to find out that I was swiping my badge in the wrong card reader! Eek! Now I feel out of shape AND stupid!

(To be fair, I realized there are two card readers next to the door, one right next to it and the other on the far left - you'd think the close one on the right would be the one, but noooo, it's the one far away on the left side! That makes NO sense to me that the further away card reader is the correct one to use!)
Haha, Cat! I did THE EXACT SAME THING today except, it was at the gas station. I swiped my card twice before I realized I was supposed to use the card swipe machine on the far left side of the gas pump. But, I still had to use the pin pad on the right side of the pump to type in my debit number! Talk about confusing, haha.

I felt pretty stupid too. ;)
This is more of a rant for my husband.

They're doing construction near my husband's work and the power went out while he was working on typing up some hw assignments due for his class tonight. Then the internet went out, so he had to text me the script for his assignments so I could type them up and submit them for him. Work got cancelled early, but then he had to wait around even longer for his class to start. And he left his umbrella at work.

Then we had some really bad storms roll through and got worse just as his class got out, so he had to walk to the train station in a downpour. Then all the trains were stopped due to power outages, fallen trees, and wind gusts--including his train that was supposed to get him home by 10:30 pm.

With still no word when trains might depart, he called a cab and found out it's going to cost him at least $100 for the hour and a half drive from downtown to here.

Did I mention he hasn't had a chance to eat any dinner?

He's had a rough day and I feel bad for him! Poor guy.
Marisa, what a nightmare for your husband! Did he take the taxi home? At that cost I would think it might just be better to find a cheap hotel room and spend the night where he was! We had storms blow through here yesterday evening too - it was probably the same storm, actually - and it looked just horrible outside. Our power stayed on but it flickered here and there. I kept a candle and a lighter next to me just in case!
Yeah, he ended up taking the taxi. It wouldn't have made sense for him to stay in a hotel because he still had work this morning, which was not downtown, but 30 min. north of where we live. He actually heard this morning that they never got things working last night and many people slept on the train and they were all running at least 30 minutes late this morning. Nuts!

Thankfully we didn't lose power here, but it was scary being here by myself as all the warnings kept going back and forth between severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings. It was super windy and we had hail a couple times. The power flickered a few times as I sat on the kitchen floor with my weather radio and my cats. What makes me nervous about where we live is that there's no basement and the lower floor is completely open with vaulted ceilings and skylights. We don't have an interior room with no windows. So, the only place we could think of to seek shelter if we had to is the laundry room, which is between the garage and the kitchen. Not sure if it's the best, but there's really nowhere else. We don't even have a big enough closet on the lower floor!
Marisa, scary! I have a friend who lived in Oklahoma City for a few years, and they get a ton of tornadoes down there. My friend lived in a 2nd story apartment with no basement and not even a place to go on the ground floor during a tornado. Their landlord basically said "it's not my problem." So whenever it looked like there was going to be a tornado, she'd get in her car and drive to a nearby mall or Walmart and huddle in their tornado shelter. But I would think it'd be better to stay on the 2nd floor than to get in a car and drive! Either one is scary. Makes me really glad I have a basement!
Yeah...I just worry about my cats. Silly, I know. Most people probably wouldn't think of such things if they were about to be blown away by a tornado, but I can't help it.

I don't know if I'd have the guts to get in a car either. I'd probably just take my chances in the laundry room and pray it worked! I can't wait to have our own place though. A basement is on the must have list, haha.
I totally understand, I worry about my pets too! We had a tornado warning a couple of weeks ago, and I brought the dog and cat down into the basement with us. It was funny because my dog had actually never been in our basement until then - she's a corgi, so she has very short legs and she doesn't do well with stairs. She seemed absolutely fascinated by this new place in the house, so much so that she was too distracted to be scared of the thunder, which normally terrifies her. Now, whenever one of us goes into the basement, she follows us up and down. It sometimes takes her a few tries to get up the stairs though. She usually needs to get a bit of a running start. ;) Such a funny pooch.
My mini-vent today is about my Mum. Much as I love her, things like this make me mad. For ages I have been hearing about how great this clubbing night out with her friends is going to be (even though I have asked, and she agreed, that talk of her social life be very limited as I find it too upsetting to be reminded of what I can't do). Now she's decided she's in a mood and may not go. I could not believe it. Never mind she not only got to go out during her youth and now having a second go (when I had barely one), she just does not realise how lucky she is to have the choice. I have had the choice taken away from me and it's awful, at 24 I have to watch my mother have a social life, second chance too (not that she is not entitled- just unfair you know??), and she doesn't even seem grateful for it. She doesn't get the irony or sadness when I tell her "everything seems better after a night out" either, goes right over her head.

On top of that forgetting/ being erratic with my contraceptive pills means I am now having a bleed and that horrid ulcer/mass in my throat is not going away. It's better than it was but still there- one morning I got up, took a swig of water and had to spit it out, it wouldn't go down! Much hacking up of saliva/ warm liquid later (sorry if TMI), there was a gap again! I won't seek help in the hope it's still there for upper endo but in the meantime it's awful. Also a right pebble sized little stinging one on the underside of my tounge which keeps hitting my teeth, gums and bottom mouth!
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Star, that thing in your throat sounds just awful! Your upper endoscopy is still about a month away, right? Poor thing, if you're intent on not treating it so that it can be seen on scope/biopsied, I hope the next month goes by very quickly for you! If it gets worse, please do seek immediate help. Not being able to get water down sounds terrifying!

My mini-vent today is that I hate car mechanics. They charge soooo much and they play up how badly repairs are needed. I had my car in for an oil change & tire rotation a couple of weeks ago, and while the tires were off they checked my brakes. They said my back brakes are down to almost nothing, my front brake pads only have 30% left and my front rotors are totally shot - total cost to fix it all, $600! I said I'd come back later to have the brakes done. Today, hubby jacked my car up and took the tires off and looked at the brakes himself - they're not nearly as bad as the mechanics said, although they should be done sooner than later. Hubby said he can do my brakes himself, and when we looked at how much the parts cost, it looks like it'll be just under $100 for everything. Hmm, $100 or $600? Did I mention I hate mechanics!
Thanks Cat, yes scope is on the 12th. Not going to make the test any easier either! lol, yes the water thing was not very nice, happily it only happened once. And it may heal on it's own.
Starr I know exaclty what you mean. I cant take it anymore when everyone complains about the most trivial of things when I have all of this. It just seems unfair! When this happens to me and my sister and cousins go out I just remind myself that I am taking care of my body and that I am resting so that I can eventually get better. This keeps me from going insane at times. I still try to go out with my boyfriend where i know there will be somewhere to sit and that is not to tiring. I also visit my cousins and talk to friends on the phone when I am feeling really bad.
Cat: Mechanics suck! I hate dealing with cars. With your husband able to fix it it will cost way less.

My mini vent: Just when things started to look up and my doc decided to give me steroids to treat my symptoms, i get a new one and its an embarassing symptoms so I feel like I cant tell anybody besides my doctor. I am doing good on the medicine but now my butt hurts and m doctor told me to stop looking on google and my other doctors nurse didnt even know what a fistula is! how the heck do you work in a GI office and not know what that is. It seems like even my GI doc doesent know much about chrons. So frusterated with all of this.
I'm glad you have a boyfriend Dayz, it's very very lonely going through this alone. Last time I made it out socially was around a year ago. After that I have just become too ill. I go out to the Hospital or to do essential errands now, is all I can do to manage that honestly. I coped well with things but it has been going on so long now that I am sliding downwards, my hopes for the future are not always enough to keep me going now!

Re Mum's night out, what do you know, asked for advice on outfit today, now I need to find a tactful way of saying I don't want to hear all about it tomorrow (or next weekend when she is going out as well!), she seems to have forgotten our agreement.
Well...I'm going in for another interview this week. With the same person I interviewed with last month. A position opened up in the same department and he e-mailed me to see if I was still interested in full-time employment. It was exciting to hear that they thought highly enough about me to inform me of the position, but disappointing to find out they still posted the job on their website. Guess they want to see if they can find anything better than the "top" candidates they had for the other position. Trying not to feel insulted by that just a bit ;)

So, yeah. All that pre-interview anxiety is coming back. I'm supposed to be meeting with people who are "directly involved with the position," but I'm not sure who those people might be. So, of course I'm wondering what sorts of questions they might ask me. Or of it's more of me just meeting with them and them telling me how they interact with the position rather than them asking me questions. Can anyone think of some situational questions they might ask? The position is for Assistant Registrar of Non-Traditional Students (adult part-time program).

And I'm interviewing with the same guy who interviewed me for the other position, so I don't know what other questions he may think to ask me since we talked for an hour last time.

I guess I should also have some questions of my own to ask, just in case. I already asked "What do you like about working here?" So, any other suggestions, feel free to throw them my way.

I could come in as early as tomorrow morning for this interview, so any help advice, encouragement is much needed. I'm just hoping if I'm not the one to get the job that it's not as drawn out of a process in letting me know that. I don't like to be left waiting in suspense.

I'm really hoping they take me more seriously as a candidate. This position opened up a few days after I interviewed for the other position last month and they filled it with their 2nd choice candidate, based on the fact that this woman worked in the records office of a high school for many years. After a week, she quit and said the expectations for the job were too high. But basically, my husband found out it was that she wasn't comfortable working with computers and wasn't willing to learn. So, that's why the position is vacant again. Hope that goes to show that lots of experience does not always mean you're the best candidate for the job. Maybe they'll be willing to take a chance on someone with a clean slate who is dedicated and willing to learn. :)

Ok, sorry...this is more of a huge vent than a mini vent. Basically...I'm NERVOUS!
Good luck Marisa!!!!

My mini-vent for today.......found out I will NOT have my birthday off from work this year....boss just had to change our schedule so that the extra time worked on July 4th (for a fireworks detail) will be overtime (which I have NONE of so fart this year!)....but that means I have to be back at work by 815 after getting home somewhere around 12-1am.....UGH!
Marisa, good luck! As far as them posting the job on their website, I think that's just the nature of the job market right now. There are few jobs and many unemployed people looking for work. The more candidates an employer brings in, the more and better options they have to pick from. It's not that you're not the best person for the job, it's just that employers have a lot of choices nowadays so they can afford to be choosy. Anyway, best of luck! If they called you and let you know if this opening, that must mean that they think highly of you and got a good first impression! Try not to stress too much, you've already interviewed there once so you know the basics of what they do.

My mini-vent today is that I don't understand silly rules. There's this arboretum in my city, it's basically a big gorgeous park. It's got woods and meadows and orchards and it's just beautiful. My friend told me about how her fiance never goes on picnics with her, and I said my hubby doesn't like to picnic either, so she and I decided we're going to have a picnic together this weekend, and we thought the arboretum would be the perfect place to go. We're both terribly excited aboug going on a picnic together! I looked at the arboretum's website today to scope out the perfect picnic spot, and what do I see under their rules & regulations - No Picnics Or Food Allowed. Argh! It's a park that doesn't allow picnics??? Really? How annoying is that! It's the best park in the city too so now we have to find an inferior spot to picnic. That just makes me grumpy! I was so looking forward to this and now I feel like it's been ruined. Stupid nonsensical rules!
Another mini-vent- STILL NO WORD on the transfer position I interviewed for!!! GRRRR.....I can't plan ANYTHING this summer because I don't know what is going on.....our office put out a press release last week detailing the agreement which is the reason for the new positions.....but still nothing on any new hires or transfers!
Why does every sodding medication for this evil disease list dioreah as a side effect (which Oli now has) - that's one of the things we are trying to stop!!

my "mini" vent ??

I wish justifiable homicide was legal right about now !!'s push me to this point now and then !:voodoo::voodoo::voodoo:
oh boy - which to choose this morning?!?!?!?!?!

Went to the ENT to have my ear checked (which is BOTHERING ME today - vent #1).....the exterior part looks good, so now it may be an issue with my eustacian tube?!?!?!......guess what he has me starting on...20 mg PREDNISONE for 7 days!!!!! (vent #2!) oh joy.....

#3 - STILL no word on the transfer.....