People think they're doing the "noble" thing by coming into work with a cold or flu. Because it's just a cold, right? Not to the severely immuno-compromised, like you and I. That cold can turn into pneumonia in 3 days. I wish people would just stay home and rest. Not only for their sake, but for mine, too. It's becoming a huge issue in North America, too. I remember a couple years ago, a letter was sent out at my work (when I had a "real" job) about staying home when you have flu-like symptoms, and not trying to be a hero and come in while sick. It's pretty selfish, although they might not see it that way.
My mini-vent: Ok, it's not so mini to me, but really doesn't warrant it's own thread, especially since it's not really IBD related. Last year, at this exact time, I was dealing with a real, movie-type stalker. The kind you read about in books. This guy even got a tattoo for me, 3 weeks after meeting me. He had fallen maaaadly in love with me, though the feelings were never mutual. At first, it was just sad. Then it got pathetic. When he started breaking into my car and sitting in it, crying, all night, it kind of got creepy. Then my boyfriend and I learned from the security guard, that he had been sitting outside our bedroom window and back door for around 8 hours a night. WHAT?! The police were involved, but couldn't do anything due to loopholes in the justice system. This went on for 4-5 months. I was terrified to be in my own home. He often went to my parents house and sat outside their place, too. He threatened to kill my boyfriend on more than one occasion, as well as my best friend and my family and a few ex-boyfriends. he was completely insane. I'm fully convinced that he is a true psychopath and needs to be institutionalized. I am not over-reacting about this. He did horrible things. Tried to kill my cats, followed me EVERYWHERE, spread insane, unbelievable lies about me...
Anyways, the last time I saw him was sometime in february when I caught him standing outside my bedroom window. Since then, he hasn't done anything. We all kind of though he would "return" around this time, since this is when everything got bad last year. Well, he sent me a message on facebook this morning. Then another one. He told me he has been on medication for almost a year now and he would like to apologize for everything he has done, and make it up to me somehow. He said he's been dreaming about me alot and he misses me like crazy. He implied that we should get together, and gave me his cell phone number. He said "I owe you alot!!!"
I've been shaking ever since I read his first message. From fear, anger, anxiety, stress.. I start thinking "was he here last night? what about the night before? Is that why the cats were meowing at the back door? what if he starts again? Does he know I'm sick? Does he know what kind of car i drive now? What if he gets my cell phone number?"
This guy literally ruined 4 months of my life. I was a nervous wreck this time last year, and I wasn't flaring like I am now. I will not be able to deal with this if he starts again. My stomach starting cramping and stabbing as soon as I saw the message from him. As soon as I saw his name. I hate this guy, and he was talking to me like all he did was ruin my favourite shirt. I am so on edge now, and nothing can be done about it. Obviously, I WILL NOT message him back. But what if he doesn't stop? I tried everything last year. Ignoring him for a month. The calls, texts, unwanted visits and threats still came, every single day. Then i involved the police. There's nothing they can do. Then I fought back. I threatened him. I got mad. That seemed to work, or so I though. UUgggghhhhh, I just can't deal with this right now. I swear to god, if he starts coming here again, and making me feel how I did last year, it will be straight to the mental ward for me. Better to be locked up, but safe, in there, than out here, alone most of the day, and unable to fight for myself. He's like, 6'1" and over 200 pounds. I'm 5'8" and approx 130, but extremely weak. I don't stand a chance if he ever broke in and tried god knows what on me. I'm scared.