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Cat - Oof that sounds so awful. I hope he feels better I'll be thinking good stone passing thoughts.

My mini vent for the day is that VSL#3 tastes awful! It is like orange creamsicle flavored or something. I would prefer it be non-flavored. So far I've tried it in water, a smoothie, and Ensure. It doesn't dissolve very readily either so I end up with clumps of nasty flavored powder in my beverage.

Yesterday my doc called the wrong pharmacy for my antibiotic prescription. I couldn't sleep last night so I'm tired and I've been getting knee pain (I think since I started running). I've never had knee pain before and I'm especially annoyed because I'm not even running that much. I have been taking it so slow. Blargh. D:
Diesanduhr: Thanks for keeping my hubby in your thoughts. :) Fortunately his pain isn't too bad today. He said he's just got like a constant pressure and constantly feels the urge to pee, and he said it feels like he can't fully empty his bladder. Not sure if the stone is in his bladder or if it's blocking the urethra partially or what. But I told him this morning that I feel so bad because I can't do anything to make him feel better. He said that it's okay and right now he's just peeing too much. I said, well, we're meant for each other because I poo too much! ;)
My vent today is really for yesterday. My husband went for his 2nd interview for the job he thought he really wanted. He had a great meeting with the director of HR for his first interview and then yesterday he had a full day of scheduled interviews with the department he'd be working in and then the Dean (it was a job at another college). he said the first part of the interview went really well with the director of admissions (the department he'd work in), but it was basically all downhill from there. The other people he met with just seemed really awkward and cold. They didn't ask him any questions and he struggled to keep the conversation going. He got the same feeling while meeting with the Dean. Needless to say, he came home feeling rather discouraged and let down about the job. We had a long talk about it and basically came to the decision that it maybe wasn't the best job for him to pursue since it wasn't getting him anymore in the field he wants to be (he is trying to transition into business from higher education), but rather deeper in the field he's trying to get away from.

So, I told him he should sleep on the decision at least for one night and he woke up feeling even more adamant about declining the position. He heard from 2 of his colleagues that someone called for references for him and he didn't want to be in a position where they could offer him the job and he'd basically be turning down a $11,000 raise in salary. So, he called the director of HR and explained the situation. She was very understanding.

So, that's my vent. Most of it happened yesterday, but it was a confirmed decision today. I know he made the right decision, but we both never thought he'd be in the position of turning down a potential 11K salary increase. It's a bit crazy! He's all the more determined to keep looking for better jobs though. And we're a bit more hopeful that some job of my recent job prospects might work out. Fingers crossed!
Marisa, I hope he (and you too!) can find a job that's a better fit (and with less-creepy sounding co-workers - I'm not the most social person in the world, but at least I make an effort!). My hubby's about to be in the same position of looking for the right job. He's an animator/artist and has done freelance work for the past 8 years or so. But freelance work has never been reliable nor paid the bills, so I've worked full-time since we got married so that we have at least one stable income and health benefits and all that. Hubby's freelance work prospects have been particularly dismal lately, he's got nearly nothing to do. So he told me yesterday that he's going to start looking for a full-time job. He said that if he can't find a job in his field, then he's going to look for whatever job he can get. I am happy about that, we have a lot of debt and really need the money (you might remember my thread from a couple months ago where I was considering getting a second job).

But, I know the job market sucks so I am not expecting hubby to find anything great, at least not anytime soon. Before he was doing freelance work, he was cleaning carpets (he met potential clients who needed animation work done while he was cleaning their carpets, which is how he decided to become freelance in the first place). I hope that this time around, he can find a better job than cleaning carpets. He was so miserable at that job.

So I guess that's my mini-vent of the day: carpet cleaning sucks and my hubby needs a job.
So, my vent today is that my husband and I recently decided to stop attending a bible study group we've been going to for about 6 months.

There are various reasons why we decided we didn't want to continue, but kept going because we didn't know how to tell the couple who is running it that we wanted to try some other groups out without hurting their feelings are insulting them.

So a few days ago, the wife of the couple (it's a couples group) e-mailed us asking if we could change the night we meet because she's pregnant and wanted to sign up for a prenatal class on the usual night we meet. We had been planning on writing back this weekend to explain our reasons for leaving, but she sent us another e-mail asking us what our decision was because she needed to sign up for the class right away. So, my husband wrote her back and said that she should go ahead and sign up for the class, but we wouldn't be able to attend anymore because Mondays are busy for us and he just signed up for evening classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He thanked her for being able to meet and said that we'd like to stay in touch regardless.

Well, she never responded back to his e-mail. And I'm not sure if she is going to. She usually writes back within a day and he's received no word from her. In a way, I feel bad for possibly angering her, but I thought we were pretty nice about it. If she is angry, it almost confirms even more our reason for not wanting to continue on with the group.

But yeah...I guess I thought maybe they'd be more understanding about it. I'm hoping we'll eventually get an e-mail back. Maybe she got busy and didn't get a chance to write back. But, I'm thinking that's less likely the more time goes on and we don't hear anything.
Marisa, I hope you're able to find a new group soon. Diesanduhr, I hope you're able to get some sleep (and not at work) soon. At any rate, it's the weekend, so hopefully you can catch up on some sleep now!

My mini-vent is that my stupid hip hurts. I was diagnosed with arthritis in my right hip a few months ago and I was supposed to have physical therapy right away - my GP said he wanted me to go ideally 2 weeks after the diagnosis. Well, that was like 2 months ago. First the therapist cancelled on me because she was sick, and then after we rescheduled I had to cancel on her because I was ill with gastritis. I finally have an appointment in like 3 weeks. In the meantime, my hip has been hurting more. My GP didn't give me any pain meds, he just said what every doctor seems to say to me whenever I mention pain - "take Tylenol". Urgh, Tylenol doesn't work! It does nothing! Grr!
This is probably a dumb suggestion, since you probably have tried other things knowing Tylenol doesn't help. But, what about a heating pad? Warm sitz bath? Hopefully the pain is bearable in the meantime while you wait!

My vent today is that it's my first day off for the summer and I had an ant attack in my pantry and then attempted to eat cottage cheese that apparently spoiled. Ew!

I told my husband he should probably cook dinner tonight because I might blow up the house or something, haha!
My vent today.... or maybe for ever...... why do I have to start having heart problems now that the Crohns has been doing really good for the last year+. I just want to have a few years of some kind of normal again. My wife has had to live to many years worrying about me and all I want to do is give her some really good years that will be all about her. Is it to much to ask for.......
My vent for today is that I really despise Mother's day and wish I could just ignore the whole damn day. my mother is NOT a good mother and I hate having to pretend and celebrate her being a good mom. I don't like her and I just want to forget Mother's day even exists. And on top of that I get crap for Mother's Day. Usually my mom takes my DD to her store (she owns a gift shop) and has her pick out some stupid knick knacky piece of crap that I have no where to display and really just don't even like. I know it's the thought that counts, but that's the thing-there is no thought put into this. I would really rather just get nothing. I am so easy to buy for! I love to read, watch movies and listen to music. I would be happy with a small gift card to iTunes or a bookstore! But it's like they just don't care about getting me something I might actually like. I have never had a good Mother's Day, even when my ex and I were married! I'm just tired of getting the short end of the stick all the time. Even though I didn't want to, and I am broke and have NO money, I still put some thought into the gift I bought for my mom. I was able to use my foodstamps (no judging me on that!) to get her some new coffee to try (she is a coffee FREAk!) and a bag of her fave chocolates.It wasn't much but it was something I knew that she would like and enjoy. I also tried out a new recipe and made a batch of baked cinnamon french toast that was supposed to be for brunch (u make it the night before and bake it in the morning) but when everyone woke up they just ate their own breakfast without letting me know they were awake and wanted to eat. So we ended up eating it for dinner which was fine but it just made me mad I guess. Now why can't I get the same in return???? It's just not fair!!!!
Hi Miss Mandy, welcome fellow Wisconsinite! I'm not far from you, I'm in Madison. :)

I have two mini vents today. Bear with me, this might be long.

My first mini-vent is that something really scary happened yesterday. I was sitting on the couch when all of a sudden I heard a "thump". I looked out the window and saw that a man in a black SUV had rear-ended a parked car. He had just tapped it, no real damage. But I kept looking - and what I saw suddenly got really frightening. The man in the SUV suddenly FLOORED his car into reverse as fast as he could and slammed into a parked car on the other side of the street! He kept his foot on the accelerator and his tires were spinning and smoke was filling the street. Then, just as suddenly, he jerked the car into drive and slammed into a 3rd parked car, right in front of my house! There fortunately is a big tree in the way - the SUV kept spinning his tires, if the tree weren't there he might have been able to drive up into my yard and possibly my house! Then he hit reverse again and hit the 2nd parked car yet again. I was incredibly freaked out by this time and my hubby was already on the phone with 911, as were most of my neighbors. At this time, the SUV driver very calmly, as if everything was normal, put the car into drive and started driving up the street at about 20 mph like a normal person. Fortunately, the cops got there fast and caught the guy. The cops would only tell us that he man had "something wrong with him," they wouldn't say if he was on drugs or what though. It's scary, I want to know more about this man, why he was in my neighborhood and what to do if he comes back! My neighbors car, the 2nd parked car (the one that was hit twice), was just demolished. I feel so bad for them, they're such nice people and didn't deserve something random and awful like this to happen.

So that was a really shocking and stressful thing to see. Nobody got hurt and the guy was caught but it was still horrifying to watch somebody smash the hell out of people's property. The stress affected my guts and I'm not having such a good guts day today.

Mini-vent #2 is that my hubby had another bad attack of kidney stone pain yesterday a few hours after the car smashing incident. He only had one vicodin left but his urologist said he'd sent over a new prescription to the pharmacy. So we went to the pharmacy - but there was no prescription and no vicodins for hubby. We called the after-hours answering service for the urologist and they said they'd page the doctor and ask him to call hubby back. We didn't get a call and hubby spent the night in awful pain. Then, this morning hubby looked at his phone - 3 missed calls! The urologist and pharmacy did call back after all, but for some reason hubby's phone was on silent and he missed the calls. We were so frustrated and angry about that! And because hubby was up half the night in pain, I also slept very poorly - I feel so bad when he's in pain like that and I can't sleep when he can't sleep. So today I'm exhausted and I'm having d/nausea/pain because of the stress of hubby's pain and the car thing. :(

On a slightly funny note, hubby said that he knows he wasn't being very sensitive to the pain & symptoms I was having when I first became ill. He said sometimes he wonders if I put a voodoo curse on him and gave him kidney stones so that he'd have awful pain & symptoms of his own and he can have an idea of what I've been through. Then he said maybe I didn't put a voodoo curse on him, but he knows that I'm on this forum a lot, so now he thinks maybe one of you guys put a curse on him! So fess up, which one of you did it? ;) Just kidding of course. I thought that was funny though. It is kind of an interesting way of karma getting back to hubby for being less-than-sensitive to me during my first handful of flares.
MissMandy - Sorry your Mother's Days aren't associated with pleasant things. My dad is a bum and left my mom home alone on Mother's Day while he went hiking with some group of people for a week. Sure, it's not his mother, but I guess he doesn't feel like she needs to feel appreciated! He called yesterday morning and asked if she was doing anything and she told him that my sister and her boyfriend were going to try and do something with her after he got off of work later that evening. His response,"I think I should be able to come. I don't want to be left out!" Neat.

Cat - That is a crazy story about the guy smashing cars. I'd probably feel pretty disturbed too, especially if I witnessed it. I hope your guts get back under control. Also stinks about your hubby not having any vicodin. I've had that happen before where you are waiting for a call and for some reason the phone ends up being on silent or it doesn't ring!

My mini vent today is that now that it is warming up we are being invaded by small black ants! Not carpenter ants, but those little black picnic ants. But they are EVERYWHERE! I had to pull out ay open box of food in our pantry and put it in Ziploc bags. We have this natural insecticide that is made out of essential oils and is supposed to be safe to use inside around pets and children. It smells like peppermint and I like that it is safe to use inside, but it doesn't seem like it's doing anything!!

Last night they came back again and my husband had a fun time trying to deal with them (the first time I was home alone and had to figure out how to kill them all). We pulled out all the stuff in our cupboards and sprayed inside. but, it seems they're migrating to the areas we haven't sprayed yet. They kept seeming like they were coming from inside the cabinet paneling, so we bent down and noticed that where the countertop and cabinets meet, the caulk has lifted away, leaving space and we could see a bunch of ants crawling around in that space. I don't know how many could potentially be living in there, but it gave us the heebie jeebies! We used the spray to spray (because we also couldn't get a hold of our landlord either!), which seemed to put them into hiding. But, this morning I just got up and killed about 20 more in different places.

Rargh! I don't know what to do. I'm worried it may come down to having an exterminator come out, but how would that affect our cats? They eat EVERY bug they see. I don't exactly want them eating ants filled with insecticide!
Marisa, I know what you mean - my friend & I went to some garage sales in a nice neighborhood on Saturday, and we saw TONS of ants everywhere. There was one square of sidewalk that had probably several thousand ants on it. We haven't gotten any in the house yet, but they always seem to find the cat's food sooner or later (I've heard them referred to as "grease ants" because they like things like the natural grease in pet kibble). We try to put down nasty pesticides in little crevasses where the cat can't get to but where the ants seem to come in & out of. That usually does the trick and so far our cat hasn't had any problems or gotten to the pesticide. My cat eats bugs too although she seems to leave ants (and centipedes) alone.

Can I have one more quick vent on that subject? We seem to have tons of centipedes that come upstairs from the basement! I killed two giant ones the other day. I am not particularly bug phobic but I hate centipedes - their many legs are creepy and they bite! I had one in my shoe once and it bit me repeatedly when I put my foot inside the shoe. Nasty little things! Wish I knew how to kill them, pesticide doesn't seem to do anything and my cat won't take them out either.
I hear you on centipedes! Eww! We had a basement at the other place we rented and those things would come up through the floorboards. Gross! I've actually heard those can be poisonous to cats, if eaten. So, maybe it's a good thing they've stayed away!

We've been having a baby millipede problem too. Luckily it has died down since the ants started (I don't know if that's really cause to be happy though!), but for a while we thought that might be some kind of larvae--double yuck!--until we saw a full grown millipede one night. And they are millipedes, not centipedes because they have lots of legs, but they don't go out to the side like centipedes. They're still icky. husband just got a hold of our landlord who is calling an exterminator and letting them know we need someone out here ASAP. I hope if they do come and spray something or put traps down, it'll be in discrete areas where they'll just die in the corners and not venture out where the cats might ingest them.

Weirdly enough, they haven't found their way to the cat dishes (which have a tendency to remain on the floor after feeding time). They've been all over the counter tops, walls, ceiling, pantry, and inside cupboards. Haven't been able to locate the exact entry point because there are so many cracks and crevices in the kitchen. We haven't seen any trails of ants either. They just show up out of nowhere! We've only seen them in the kitchen though, so they've got to be living in there somewhere. :::shudders:::
I hope the exterminator can get rid of the ants for you! I've been considering calling one myself for the centipedes. But we don't have a lot of money so I will probably have to figure out a cheap way to get rid of them myself. I didn't know that they're poisonous to cats, now I'm glad that my cat hasn't been eating centipedes. It seemed odd to me that she wouldn't eat those but she'd eat most anything else (including whole mice - we set out traps but the cat caught at least 3 and the traps caught zero!).
She probably thought they looked as creepy as you find them! Haha.

If you are interested in trying out the brand of natural insecticide we have, it's called ecosmart. You can find it at (or probably on Amazon too). I don't know why our doesn't seem to work. I don't know if it expires, but we've had ours sitting in the cabinets for a few years. My mom bought it for us a while back when we lives at the place with the centipedes. We had a minor ant problem then too, but for some reason I never used it then.

I am pretty sure I saw one specifically for centipedes on their website. Who knows...maybe they improved their formula too. All the ingredients are food-grade too. You can read about it more on the website, but it couldn't hurt right? It's natural and cheaper than calling an exterminator. And if it works for you, maybe I just need to get a new bottle of ant killer, haha. They have one called Home Pest Control that is supposed to be good for all sorts of bugs around the house. I was thinking of trying that since our ant stuff isn't working. But, we'll see what the pest control people can do first.
yuk!!! We had the little ants coming in from our front door - totally away from the kitchen and where I thought they would come!....I got some poison bait and put it out - seems to have done the trick, haven't seen the little buggers around inside!!!

As for the centipeded/millipedes - I'll ask the exterminator here at work next time I see him - he usually has retty good info and is willing to share! I even brought in a bug for identification once - thankfully it is a 'benign' bug - doesn't eat house or furniture etc....but does bite! ugh.....
In reference to my earlier vent: I just saw an article in the local news that talked about the guy who crashed into the parked cars on my street. It said he was drunk driving and this was his 5th offense. It sounds like he was ridiculously drunk too. Apparently after he left my street, he ran several stop lights & stop signs, was weaving all over the road, and finally hit a pole which brought him to a stop (although the article says he kept his foot down on the gas pedal after he hit the pole and was spinning his tires - that's the same thing he did after he hit the parked cars). What a piece of work, I hope that he realizes how much damage he did to property and how easily he could have hurt/killed someone. All because he decided to drive drunk, what a loser.
oh geezze Cat! least he didn't hurt anyone!

As far as the centipedes and millipedes....I talked to the exterminator at work today - he said there is pretty much nothing to do with them except vacuum them up!.....if you know where they are coming from, you can try to seal the cracks...they like damp/wet....

ok - now that my 'public service' is done lol.....,my mini-vent.....I just feel CRAPPY!....not really sick kind of crappy - but BLECH crappy.....belly just hasn't been 'right' real symptoms, just not solid bm' real cramping but more being uncomfortable.....I do have a high tolerance for pain, but I don't think things are bad......

Had the dog (Chai) that I'm borrowing from my Mom to get rid of the woodchuck pull her chain against my bare ankle tonight too - it is one of those with the bent links and sharp points...that HURT!
My mini-vent today is that I feel crappy too! My guts have been grumbling, I had to get up a few times last night due to cramps & d, so I didn't sleep well, and now I've come down with a cold as well. I was hoping this was just allergies but now I'm coughing and have mucus in my chest, which I don't get with my allergies, so it's definitely a cold. I hate getting a cold when it's so warm out, it's like 80+ degrees here right now and all I feel like doing is wrapping up in a blanket, but that'd end up making me more uncomfortable. Bleh.
Hi Cat and sorry to hear you feel like poo today. I just wanna say thanks for stating this thread. Yeah, I know, It's like 10 thou years old, but I've only just come across it and I think it's brill. We all have our bad moments and need to let off steam occasionally. :)
Marissa- my hubby owns a termite and pest control business. We use as many "green" chemicals as we can (termiticide does not come in a "green" formula). The pesticide he uses can be sprayed on 2 week old kittens. He has customers that request him to spray their pets. I hope your ants are gone. We are battling the acrobats too.

Cat- Slugs- I wish I could spell what you need. Got it - pyrethrum!. Safe for pets and plants. Spray the area you have the slugs. Should work. Slow but effective on many pests (including roaches and ants).

My mini vent- I am not paid enough by the company I work for to handle the stuff I am handling. The company is going broke and I am having to handle the vendors. I also have to put the payment to vendors plan together. There is so much more I could whine about this situation. I just do not want to have to find another job. Ugh.

The ants seem to be gone! Hallelujah! The landlords set up every other month pest control service, so they'll be spraying at least until winter time. So, that is nice. We are just about at the end of our lease and were reconsidering signing a new one with them if the bugs were going to continue to be a problem. They sprayed a borac acid/sugar water compound that the guy said would be safe around pets and he put sticky bait traps in several of the air vents. So, they seem to be working because I haven't seen a single ant since he left. A couple dead spiders have ended up on our floor though!

Cat - Sorry to hear you are feeling crummy. That sucks! I don't get sick often, but when I do it's just no fun at all! I hope you can kick out the germs quickly!

My mini vent today is that I'm NERVOUS! I got a call yesterday to set up an interview for that admin. assistant job I've been wanting so bad. It's tomorrow morning at 9 am! I'm really anxious and nervous about it. I want this job SO BAD! I will be really really disappointed if I get passed over again. :(
Mizgarnet, thanks for the info - but I think there must have been some miscommunication somewhere along the line, as I've got centipedes, not slugs. Both are equally gross (and I don't think my cat would eat a slug, either).

Marisa, thanks! I took a bunch of Dayquil and am feeling pretty good now, I don't know what's in that stuff (I checked the label to make sure no NSAIDs, but other than that it must have magic cold-be-gone potion for all I can tell). In case I make no sense today, blame the Dayquil! ;)

Good luck with the interview - is this the one at the same place where your husband works? Or am I thinking of something else? At any rate, good luck! I'm sure you'll impress them and do great!

Ari, I'm glad you like the thread! Feel free to have a vent or two or fifty! I'm a champion complainer and just kinda wanted to start a thread where I could whine about stuff a lot, ha ha.
This is an awesome thread :)


The metronidazole I'm taking might be the ONLY thing that's working but I think I'm getting side effects so I might have to stop it.
Still no one knows why I have a big ol' hole in my butt.
My friends all have cool jobs and live away from home and I'm still living at home from being ill and I work in a call centre, bleurgh.
I'd really like to go to Korea and teach english or something cool but I need the nhs!

Otherwise fine and dandy and full of the joys of life :)

Hannah xx
Hannah, I hope you meant that nobody knows why you have a SECOND hole in your bottom. Because there is a hole that is supposed to be there! ;) Ha ha.

And you mentioned the NHS - may I just say again that I'm jealous of the NHS and all the countries that have free/public healthcare. Some days I wonder what will come first for me, a diagnosis or bankruptcy...
Hahaha, oh yeah, don't want that to be misconstrued ;) I'm not just REALLY bad at anatomy lol

I know - in England we like to bash the NHS but as whole it's a total god send, I only hope the US manages to get something similar in place that works :)
I love the NHS, it's a briliant service and I only hope our government doesnt mess it up too much! It's a privledge to work for such an amazing service. :)

Mini vent for today: Exam.... was up and down, but there was a patient who blatanetly had prostate cancer (dont worry, actor, not real person) and he had some renal failure on his bloods, when asked what kind of renal failure I replied (accurately) Post renal renal failure due to outflow obstruction.... he then just kept asking vaguely, "anything else that can cause renal failure in this patient?" I went on about meds he was on and not drinking cos he said he cut down on fluids cos of his excessive use of the loo..... turns out what they wanted was the very vague term "chronic renal failure" - well of course is was!!! I said it was renal failure and why - Im not bloody psychic as to exactly what term they want! Everything I said was correct!!! :-( Hope it didnt cost me too much!!! :-( :-(
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone!!

Cat - Yes, this is the one where my husband works also. Same school, different department. It would be AMAZING if I could get the job. And then my husband could start looking for an internship because I'd be set with a job that has the same insurance as we're on right now. And I'm a total nerd and love the idea of filing and organizing things, so I think admin. assistant stuff is right up my alley. They don't require previous experience either like most other places do.

You're lucky that Nyquil works for you. It used to work for me back in the day and then I noticed its sedative feature didn't work very long after a while. It would make me sleepy for a couple hours and then I'd toss and turn the rest of the night. And then it started making my sinuses act up. It would give me super sticky congestion that wouldn't come out. It was awful. So, I stopped taking it. Luckily, I haven't had anything bad since then. Now I just take Mucinex if the congestion is too much! Glad it seems to be working for you though! ;)

Hannah, I hope you meant that nobody knows why you have a SECOND hole in your bottom. Because there is a hole that is supposed to be there! ;) Ha ha.

Hahaha...that made me laugh!
Marisa, I hope the interview went well! And I know what you mean about being a "total nerd" as you put it, I work an office job too and I just love working with spreadsheets. I like making them neat and organized in their little rows and columns, I like color-coding them and formatting them and setting them up so that they print perfectly to a page, I might be a little OCD about it but yeah I'm an office nerd too! :D Ha ha. Anyway, I hope you get the job! Best of luck!

My mini-vent today is that HOLY COW is it expensive to go to the ER! I had to take hubby to the ER a couple months ago during a particularly bad kidney stone episode (he got diagnosed with kidney stones at the ER, I took him in because I was afraid he had appendicitis or something like that). Our insurance for some reason isn't particularly keen on paying the bill, something got screwed up along the way so it looks like we will have to fight the insurance company on this one. And if the insurance company wins, we'll be stuck with a very large bill. Not cool, insurance company. I'm already in a lot of debt as it is (mortgage, student loan, other doctor bills, credit card), I can't afford any more! At this rate I'll be able to retire approximately 20 years after I die. I'll be a zombie commuting to work in my hearse every day.
Cat - Thanks! I think the interview went really well! It was an hour long! the two managers were really nice and I think it was a good interview for me to get to know more about them and vice versa. I don't want to get my hopes up too much, so I'm kind of blah about it. But, I've never had an interview last that long, so that's probably a good thing, I guess. :)

MY mini vent today is it is hot and humid inside our house. The AC just doesn't cool the upstairs enough, so we end up waking up with sticky skin. Forget about sleeping with covers on! We pulled out both stand-up fans just to sleep comfortably. We thought about getting a window AC unit, but with all the wasp problems we've had, I don't know if I'm willing to risk those things crawling through the unit! We've started keeping the windows and blinds closed since our bedroom faces east and we get the sun coming through every morning. But it still hasn't helped too much. Is it true that light-colored curtains help cool a room better because it reflects the heat as opposed to dark curtains that absorb heat? Right now we have dark brown curtains and purple/red blinds (can't do much about those since they came with the place and we're only renting), but would consider switching curtains if it might help.
Marisa, glad to hear that things went well! Fingers crossed for you! Keep us posted when you hear back from them. And yes, it is really hot and humid here too! It's like 85 degrees out and very muggy. I haven't turned the AC on yet and I'm trying to resist the urge because it's supposed to be only something like 60 tomorrow. It seems silly to turn on the AC when it's going to be cool outside literally within a few hours.

I know nothing about white vs dark curtains, sorry. All I know is that my curtains let in too much light and I've been waking up wayyyy too early, like before 5 AM as the sun is coming up. The light hits my eyelids and just like that I'm awake. (I feel a mini-vent coming on!) I wear a sleep mask but apparently my sleeping self doesn't like it and when I wake up it's off again, I must be removing it in my sleep! I don't know how to prevent myself from removing the mask, so the only other thing I can think of is that I need to get some of those "black-out" curtains that don't let light into the room. But, those sound expensive and I only currently have $10 to my name so I guess I am going to have to start searching thrift stores and garage sales! And in the meantime, I have to go to bed earlier so that I am fairly well-rested when my brain decides to wake up at 4:45 in the #$%& bright sunshiney morning.
My mini-vent for the day.....went to hte Doctor to have my left knee looked at.....had x-rays taken, doc said there is ARTHRITIS in there! UGH.....along with a probably miniscus tear.....I got an option of a cortisone shot (NO THANKS!) or an MRI to see what else is going MRI is scheduled (and believe it or not - APPROVED by my ins!) for next Wednesday morning - bright and early at 730am!

Not really looking forward to needing surgery on it - especially since I had that done once already - doc isn't sure how much is left in there to clean up....ugh.....
Thanks nice thing about my insurance company - they tend to approve things like this pretty quickly!

I'm not sure which one of my knee/back issues came first lately - if my knee is hurting more partly because of my lower back hurting, or my lower back(sacroilietis) is acting up because I'm favoring my knee.

But now - it is time to head HOME - and my feet are KILLING me!!!!!
Paso, that sucks. I was just diagnosed with arthritis in my hip and I wouldn't be surprised if I have it in one or both knees too. My knees dislocate pretty easily which is ridiculously painful and it seems to take longer to recover from each time it happens. I dislocated my right knee on Easter and I still get some pain from it and it feels like it'll dislocate again if I kneel down or bend my knee wrong. So I feel for you, knee problems aren't fun!

My mini-vent today is that I'm just exhausted. Lack of sleep is catching up to me and I feel like I'm running on fumes. I plan on sleeping a lot during the weekend, as I have no plans and it's going to be rainy and cool - perfect nap weather! But first I have to make it through today which is going to be a challenge. I'm soooo tired!
I'm at work with chills and probably a fever again. It's so uncomfortable. They keep the AC cranked all day so it's really cold even when you don't have chills. :(
My mini-vent for the day.....went to hte Doctor to have my left knee looked at.....had x-rays taken, doc said there is ARTHRITIS in there! UGH.....along with a probably miniscus tear.....I got an option of a cortisone shot (NO THANKS!) or an MRI to see what else is going MRI is scheduled (and believe it or not - APPROVED by my ins!) for next Wednesday morning - bright and early at 730am!

Not really looking forward to needing surgery on it - especially since I had that done once already - doc isn't sure how much is left in there to clean up....ugh.....

That's so weird, I have really bad back and knee problems too. I often get tears in my ligaments, and my dr told me if it keeps happening I might need surgery =(
I'm pretty sure the problems happened in high school, when I was really into competetive dance. I see my chiropractor quite often for my back, and sometimes I wake up with TERRIBLE knee pain. I've just been told to see a physiotherapist and do special stretches. Which of course, I forget to do after a couple weeks, then a couple months later it starts all over again.
I really hope you don't need surgery again. It seems like a really intense surgery to have, since you use your knee alot during the day. So sorry you're in more pain =(
Diesanduhr, my workplace is the same, it's cold year-round! It never gets particularly warm when the heat is on in the winter, and in the summer the AC is cranked up probably as high as it can go. I am one of those people who is always cold anyway, so I pretty much wear sweaters year-round to work. I've invested in a few nice cardigans so that during the summer I can bundle up in the building and then when I go outside for lunch I can take it off and soak up the sun!
My husband's office is the same way...except my poor husband got the short end of the stick and somehow ended up in the make-shift closet/office that has no windows!! It's so hot in there. He keep the fluorescent lights off with only a floor lamp unless a student drops in and he has a fan on for extra circulation.

So, he's sweating in a dark cave while everyone else is bundled up in shawls, sweaters, whatever enjoying their scenic views of the campus! Haha
Andi- I am 46 and (shhhh!) - no gray!

Julie- Yes, vacationitis can and will kill. I am with you... I NEED TO GET AWAY. My daughter is begging me to visit and it is getting real tempting to take time off without pay and head to New Orleans.

Everytime I make beauty appointments something always comes up and I have to cancel. Gads, I look like a hag.

My mini vent of the day----I just want my hamster wheel to stop and let me off. It has been a year of one thing after another.



Turning 44 and PLENTY grey. Giggle using those majic bottles but it creaps back again.

I am working through the summer vacation to go to South Africa in Dec, i am SO looking forward.

Tsha, can do with a slower pace too hey. Life has been tossing those curve balls at a heck of a pace. :eek2:

my mini rant: my best friend told me today that she has brest cancer & i am too far to give her a power hug... hold her hand or be there when she wakes up... :-:)confused2:
@25 - thanks! Fortunately for me (so far!) my knee is more of an annoyance than any super bad pain...although, I DO have4 a high threshold for pain, so what for me is an annoyance might be bad for someone else! lol.....

When I had the last surgery, it wasn't too invasive - it was arthroscopic, so only 3 small incisions....

I'm not the greatest with phisiotherapy either hehe.....and yes, I am on my feet a lot - and do stairs, but am just taking it easy - thankfully many times I can take an elevator instead - BUT (and here is the next mini vent!).....stairs are SO much better as I want to lose a few pounds! grrrr
I'm going to post a mini vent.

My life is going good. My butt hurts, but that's just the way it is. What makes me mad is my morning cramps. Every morning, without fail, I get wretched cramps.

My life would be so much more pleasant without them. It's like everything is getting better, except my mornings are getting worse.
My mini-vent is that I'm in pain. I feel like my gastritis may be making a comeback as I've got higher-up stomach pain, my usual pain is in the LRQ. D, nausea, cramps, the whole shebang is happening to me today. Not fun. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and at this rate I don't know if I'll be able to sit in the dental chair for a cleaning without having to get up a few times to use the bathroom. Urgh!
Mini-vent for today:
I feel like crap. I ate a pizza sub yesterday. Half way through I noticed it was considerably spicier than I remember. I stopped eating it and started to feel kind of nauseas. A few hours later, dinner was ready. Half way through my plate, I had to run to the bathroom. It felt like someone gave me a bengay enema! Holy **** that was painful. Ever since then I've been feeling like absolute crap. Nauseas, stomach pain (everywhere!) bloating, diarrhea, heartburn.. I thought I was getting better =(
It feels like I'm always gonna be sick. It makes me want to give up.
Good luck with your dentist appointment Cat. I go to mine on the 25th. They need to put in 5 fillings. Crohn's and the medications are ruining my teeth. I never used to have problems with them. Ugly Prednisone!

I'm sorry Samantha! I can relate. I used to enjoy meatball subs, but I started developing a problem with my gallbladder, years ago. I had many of the symptoms that you have described: nausea, stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, and heartburn. I felt pretty sick after after treating myself to the meatball sub. Ugh! To this day, I can't eat them. The memory of the nausea and pain are imprinted on my mind.

My CD is under control for the time, but when I flare-up, I still feel like giving up. Eating is supposed to be pleasurable. Crohn's robs us all of something very basic and satisfying that so many other take for granted.
Yeah, I've noticed that I'm developing food phobias. The thought of eating certain foods that might give me problems scares the crap out of me. It sucks because everyone that knows me, knows I looooove food. I love cooking the most complicated meals, but now I can barely eat any of them. Even if I'm not sure it will cause any issues, I still won't eat it. Unless I've smoked a bit of pot. Then I'll eat almost anything, usually with terrible results =(
Marisa, did you ever find out if you got the job? Keep us posted!

My mini vent today is, well, I'm not quite sure. It's either that my new dentist is inept, or that my previous dentist was trying to rip me off. Let me explain. For years I went to the same dentist. The last couple times I went, he'd tell me that I have a few cavities. I never had any pain, so I told him to just let them go until next time. And the next time I'd have 2 more cavities and I said to just let them go too. I had had this dentist fill cavities in the past and it was expensive, and like I said these didn't hurt, so I let the 5 cavities go.

So, last year that dentist decided to move his practice to another city, and I was referred to a new dental clinic. My first visit with the new dentist was fine, they just said that they got my records from the old dentist so I assumed that they saw that I had 5 cavities but didn't want to do anything about them yet. But, today I had my second appointment with the new dentist, and both he and the hygienist proclaimed that I have no cavities! So, I'm confused. Is my new dentist an idiot and is missing seeing 5 supposed cavities, or was my old dentist trying to rip me off by saying I had cavities when I didn't so that I'd pay money to have them filled?? Neither possibility seems nice, although to me the latter seems both worse and more plausible. I'm considering going to yet another dentist to get a 3rd opinion on the matter. Either I need 5 fillings or I don't need any! I hope that I don't need any, but what if I have 5 cavities that go unnoticed and unfilled for too long and my teeth are irreparably damaged? Argh!
Cat - Haven't heard anything yet! Getting antsy! They told me I'd probably hear something within a week to a week and a half. So, the earliest I might hear something could be by the end of this week. They want to have the position filled by June 1st, so there's overlap with the girl who's leaving the position so she can train. Fingers crossed!

That is quite an unusual story about your dentists! Perhaps your old dentist considered your 5 cavities cavities because they showed signs of something that could possibly turn into cavities, but technically weren't yet. Does that make any sense? Regardless, it does sound like he was pre-emptively trying to make money off of you, which is really not cool. If I were you, I'd probably seek a 3rd opinion just for peace of mind. I would be worried about irreparable damage too! It would make sense that you DON'T have cavities since you don't experience any pain or sensitivity, but I think i'd want to know for sure! You also don't want to be wasting your money on a dentist that doesn't know what he's looking at!! Haha
Oh gosh Cat! Your situation sounds familiar to mine. My dentist found 5 cavities. I of course can't see them. To me my teeth look fine. He pointed them out on the computer magnification. They really were cavities. One of the cavities is visible, so I knew that I had at least one. I decided to fix all of them, so that I don't run into more damage which will cost even more down the line. Crowns are expensive. Fillings are bad enough. Good luck with your dental appointment.
Thanks Marisa and Andi. I talked to my husband about the dentist thing, since we go to the same dentist now and we both went to the old dentist as well. Hubby said that at the old dentist, he had more cavities then he ever had before or since. That's my experience too. So we're both thinking that the old dentist was trying to rip us off by saying we had cavities when we didn't. The new dentist seems good and the hygienist at the new dentist told me she's been working there for 29 years so I'm sure she'd recognize one cavity, let alone 5, with all her experience. So, the consensus is that old dentist was probably a con artist and we're glad to be rid of him. Oh, and Andi, you said your cavities were found on computer magnification - new dentist's office is much more high-tech and has that kind of equipment and still didn't find any cavities, whereas old dentist's office didn't have that kind of technology. So again that makes me think old dentist was a ripoff artist!
Well good riddens to that dentist then! Thank goodness he moved away and you were forced to go to another dentist. Otherwise, you'd STILL be getting ripped off! You should report that guy--maybe save other people from being swindled.
Marisa, I'm definitely considering reporting that dentist. I wish I had actual hard proof against him though. I wonder if I could write to him and get my dental records from him and have someone look them over for any evidence of fraud. I know what city the dentist moved to so it shouldn't be hard to track him down at his new practice. Hmm, I feel like a detective!
Couldn't hurt to ask, Cat! I don't think it is uncommon to ask for dental records for your new dentist for continuity of care. Though, if he is shady, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some issue in giving you the files to preserve his reputation.

Haha...let us know what happens if you do decide to get sneaky! ;)
I agree with Marissa, Cat. That dentist should be reported. He sounds like a fraud. Randy, my brother, used to work as a dental assistant at a public health service hospital. He said that looking at and helping with terrible, really obviously rotten teeth was the norm. Once in a while they would get patients with fairly good teeth that were on the fence for cavities. He said they were either very small, or not obviously decayed. He claims that some of the dentists in that office had differing opinions as to whether it was a cavity or not. Talk about confusing! The dentists always gave the patients a choice of having them filled, or waiting. He claims that there's pros and cons both ways. You could wait and it may not be real cavity. In waiting you would have saved your tooth from needless alteration. On the other hand, it could be a cavity and will just get bigger and more expensive to fix down the road. He did say that if you are not experiencing sensitivity in that tooth (to hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods) you probably don't have a cavity, or its just worn down enamel and you need to make sure that tooth doesn't develop a cavity.

I trust my brother's advice as he has worked in a dental office and had a lot of training in the dental field. I have two sensitive teeth, so I know that at least two of the five suspect teeth have cavities. I think you are right to get another opinion, and to go with your gut instinct.
mini-vent of today: struggling to do ANYTHING for myself due to having my arm strapped up in a sling with a possible fractured elbow; frustrating when I'm a really independent person usually! :(
Mini vent for today: My entire family being a bunch of dumb ass children. I don't care if he's your son, he's a waste of life druggie. I don't care if she's your daughter: you need to parent her, she's turning into a whore. I don't give a **** if his girlfriend wants to come over, I have to go to SCHOOL.

Just shut up, keep the house clean, and stay out of my way.
Still haven't heard anything back about the job :( Trying to mentally prepare myself for applying to more jobs, but am just feeling defeated. I'm really hoping to hear a decision today, but am feeling anxious about it!

UPDATE: My husband told me one of his coworkers was able to find out some info on how the hiring process is going for the job I'm waiting to hear about. Apparently the 2 head registrars are at an impasse. Each one basically has a favorite they want to hire and they've yet to come to a decision. So, yeah....scary. She said they're hoping to come to a decision by tomorrow. Obviously it has to come soon. They want the position filled by June 1st! *Fingers crossed*
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my mini lip hurts from the danged cold sore that popped out over the weekend - but it wasn't a proper cold sore, but the skin still came off!!!!! ugh...

AND - had my remicade yesterday - the nurse got a REALLY good vein - blood I have a nice 2 inch diameter bruise on my arm.....AND my lower back/hips are killing me today!

oh - almost forgot - went to the ladies room at work, noticed a RIP in my uniform pants....thankfully it was small, and on the side (near a pocket) - AND I had a pair of regular pants with me as I had a doctor appt this morning and changed at work....

WHAT ELSE will go wrong today?!?!?!?!?!?
I'll join in venting with those having teeth issues...

Went to the dentist yesterday and had a horrible, painful cleaning that left me spitting out blood at the end because my teeth/gums were in such bad shape. CD and Pred are bad enough, but the depression my illness has caused has resulted in me neglecting my brushing - mainly because I rarely leave the house, so the morning ritual of brushing before I go out for the day has been lost. So tomorrow I also go back for my first filling - during school I had 4 teeth extracted, spent 1 1/2 years with fixed braces, and god knows how long with a gross retainer (I was also the first in my year to get braces so I endured some piss takes before they become commonplace lol) - after which I was DETERMINED not to get fillings. It's not really a big deal, just feels like yet another thing this disease has taken away :(
I forgot to mention that yesterday I also attempted to ride a bike (yeah, I'm 26 and was never taught to ride a bike!) and my butt is KILLING me! No one ever told me that riding on a bike seat would hurt so much. Is that normal? Or is the bike too tall?

We have the seat down as low as it will go and my feet do touch the ground, but there's still a lot of pressure on the seat area. I wonder if it's because it's designed for men. Our friend left it behind when he moved to Korea, so it's the only bike we have. Wondering if maybe a women's bike would be better because I could lower the seat just one more inch to give a little extra comfort in the nether regions.

It hurts to sit on the toilet seat! Haha.
I'll join in venting with those having teeth issues...

Went to the dentist yesterday and had a horrible, painful cleaning that left me spitting out blood at the end because my teeth/gums were in such bad shape. CD and Pred are bad enough, but the depression my illness has caused has resulted in me neglecting my brushing - mainly because I rarely leave the house, so the morning ritual of brushing before I go out for the day has been lost. So tomorrow I also go back for my first filling - during school I had 4 teeth extracted, spent 1 1/2 years with fixed braces, and god knows how long with a gross retainer (I was also the first in my year to get braces so I endured some piss takes before they become commonplace lol) - after which I was DETERMINED not to get fillings. It's not really a big deal, just feels like yet another thing this disease has taken away :(

My gastroentrologist tried to tell me that the predisone wasn't causing my teeth to me sensitive. But I've never had sensitive teeth. I can't drink cold water without cringing. I had braces for almost 4 years from 11-14 years old. I've had my wisdom teeth out and two other teeth out to make my teeth straight. And then the other day I looked in the mirror and one of my teeth just turned grey for no reason. I didn't hit it or anything so i know I didn't kill it like another tooth i had that died after getting hit in the mouth. Its depressing for sure. Like having my hair fall out isn't bad enough. All I can say is I'd rather brush my teeth,take calcium and do what I can to prevent the bad side effects but its hard to remember to do stuff when i just want to lay around all day from being tired.
Marisa, ouch! I honestly have no idea, I haven't ridden a bike in years and I definitely haven't ridden one since I've been ill. Not sure if men & womens bike seats are designed differently or if it's just a crohnie thing!

My mini-vent today is that it's really hard planning a meal that accommodates several different people's various health issues. A couple friends from out of town are coming over for a visit this weekend. She's a vegetarian, and he's got swallowing issues and can only eat certain things, and of course I'm trying to do mostly low-res and avoid my trigger foods. Soooo, my friends said that she'd bring a salad and he'd be happy with whatever meat we can put on the grill. But, we don't have a grill! All we have is one of those little George Foreman grills. So I have been searching craigslist trying to find a cheap/free grill quickly, but no luck so far. We can't afford to buy a new grill. So I have no idea what to do. For now my tentative plan is to cook chicken breasts or burgers one by one on the foreman grill but that will probably take forever. I said I could go out and buy a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store, but my friend can't swallow baked meats apparently - only grilled! Argh! I offered to make pasta salad too but my friend said he'll pass on that and needs to eat meat, grilled meat. Why is it so @#$%& hard to accommodate such a specific diet? At least when I go visiting I offer to bring my own food or I give the host a few options of what I can eat so that they can make what they want to. I try not to be a bad guest and I always bring extra safe foods with me just in case. Why can't my friend do the same??
Cat - That is really odd. I would have definitely brought something special if I knew my diet was really specific. And I wouldn't assume anyone had a grill. Do you have a grill pan? that might be another alternative to look into if your George Foreman grill is too small. You can get a decent one from Target for like $30-$40 I think. That's where we got ours from. Or do you have a friend/neighbor that might be willing to lend you a grill?

Otherwise, I wouldn't put yourself out trying to do something too fancy. Grilled chicken breasts can be good...just make sure they are butterflied and it will cut down on cooking time significantly. :) Or could always go to KFC and get bucket of grilled chicken ;)
Marisa, we've only got one neighbor who I know has a grill, but they use it all the time and they will almost definitely be using it themselves this weekend. I also have one friend who has a grill but her grill is super tiny, so I'm not even going to bother with that. I'm intrigued by the grill pan idea, and will see if that'll suit our needs. If not then I am also liking the KFC idea! ;) It's been a loooong time since I've been there, but I know that I can eat grilled chicken from Wendy's so I would imagine KFC should be similar. Ha ha.

I just had a thought, too. The male friend, the one with the swallowing issues who says he can only eat grilled meat, he's a fisherman. Seriously, like every photo and every status update on his facebook is about fish and fishing. I know he can eat fish. So I think he should be bringing some fresh fish that we could grill, since I'm going to all this trouble to accommodate him! Would it be rude of me to ask if he could bring fish?
I just had a thought, too. The male friend, the one with the swallowing issues who says he can only eat grilled meat, he's a fisherman. Seriously, like every photo and every status update on his facebook is about fish and fishing. I know he can eat fish. So I think he should be bringing some fresh fish that we could grill, since I'm going to all this trouble to accommodate him! Would it be rude of me to ask if he could bring fish?

If they are basically demanding grilled meat, then I don't see where you'd be rude asking him to bring fish. I don't understand how grilling substantially changes the "swallow-ability" of meat, but whatever...did you tell them you don't have a grill? Maybe they can bring that, too!!

Ditto Marisa, I have a grill pan that I use when it's too extreme outside to use the big grill and I bought it at Target for around 30-40 bucks, just like Marisa said. I don't know if that'd suffice or not, but that's definitely an option if you feel you have to buy something...

Gotta love guests of this sort...
Yeah, I know! I'm kind of glad these people only visit about once per year. The female of the couple is an old friend of mine from high school, and she's been a vegetarian forever so I was prepared for that. But the swallowing issues guy is her husband who I don't know nearly as well and I didn't even realize he had swallowing problems (I know from a few vague facebook posts of his that he had some medical issues in the past but I had no idea what). So it's kind of weird for him to just drop this on me. I'm fine with them visiting, I just wish the food thing weren't such an imposition. I'm wondering if I should just go way over the top and do stuff like, make him wear a bib and cut up his food into little bites and stuff. Ha ha. Maybe then he'd get the hint and be a better guest in the future. ;)

Edited to add: Yes, I did tell them that I don't have a grill (they know I have no garage and no shed, henceforth no place to store a grill!). I said that I only have a little tiny Foreman grill and that's when I offered to get a rotisserie chicken, but he said no, he can't swallow that! And they said the Foreman grill would be fine. I don't really think that's fine, but whatever. I am liking the KFC idea more and more. I also don't understand how grilling makes something more easily swallowed. Last year when they visited us we got sub sandwiches and there was no issue whatsoever with any of us or our dietary concerns, so I'm also tempted to just get subs again.
Okay, this may sound snobbish, sorry. I am a speech pathologist, have treated many people over too many years to count for swallowing/feeding issues. Grilling meat does nothing to help with the swallow. It doesn't change the texture, the consistency or any of the obvious things. To me, it sounds like he has a psychological difficulty, not a swallowing difficulty. Or, he could be like my daughter. She does not care for meat unless it's grilled...but she tells you that and does not expect people to cater to her.
And as for my two cents, ask him to bring fish. Like you Cat, I bring food when I go to a friends house. Why should they have to shell out their money for my weirdness?

Edit for your edit: love the sub idea!
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Thanks Michele! I am glad you have provided expert confirmation that grilling doesn't make meat easier to swallow. I will ask them to bring some fish and I'll fire up the little foreman grill and they can grill their own. Possibly while I eat some delicious rotisserie chicken or a sub sandwich. :) Ha ha.
Haha...I agree with not understanding the grilling=easier to swallow. In fact, most often I find if I don't grill properly it actually makes the meat tougher! So, Michele might not be too far off with what she said.

Though, I don't claim to know a lot about medical conditions, so there could very well be some condition I don't know about that he has. Either, I do not thin it is rude or unreasonable to ask him to bring fish if they are requesting you accomodate his own needs.

Otherwise, bucket o' grilled chicken and subs all the way, girl! ;) Let us know how it goes.
Marisa, I contacted my friends last night and I was like, "Hey guys, all this food stuff is getting complicated, so let's just get subs like we did last time!" And they were like, sure, fine, but then they said "We don't even NEED to eat lunch together, it'll just be cool to hang out." So now it sounds like they don't want subs either??? Whatever, I'm done worrying about it! I will have a sub and eat it in front of them while they eat nothing if that is what it comes down to! Seriously! They're nice but at this point I'm glad I only see them about once per year.

Oh yeah, and I have a new mini-vent today. It's been absolutely pouring rain all morning. I have a physical therapy appointment this afternoon for my arthritic hip, but I also have to work. So I brought my purse, lunch bag, work bag, and gym bag so I can change into workout clothes for PT. I ran from my car to the building in the pouring rain with all my many bags. I got up to my desk... and realized I had left my water bottle in the car. Ugh! Had to run back out in the pouring rain, get my water bottle, run back into the building again. I got soaked! That was kind of miserable.
That's good that the food thing seemed to work out. :)

It's been pouring rain here too. Though, this morning my husband woke up to get ready for work and came back in to tell me that one of our cats had chewed through the bag of joint supplements that we left on the counter. She could have eaten 10-20 of them out of the bag when the normal dose is 2 a day. And the back of the bag says to contact a health professional if an overdose occurs. So, I got up and phoned several veterinarians (that's what we get for not having found a regular vet yet) to ask if it was something we needed to bring her in right away for. They ended up referring us to the toxicology department at ASPCA who charges $65. Small fee to make sure our cat will be alright. They ended up letting us know that at most our cat might experience some GI upset, so I could just monitor her for now. So far, she hasn't had any problems, with the exception of not eating breakfast because she might have just been full. So, hopefully nothing ends up happening where she'll have to go in to see a vet because I don't have access to my car right now.

Not to mention I am stressed out wondering if I'm going to get a phone call about the job today. I'm trying to distract myself, but when I get anxious I have a habit of not wanting to do anything and needing to stay by the phone. So annoying!
Mini vent of the day: Too much schoolwork. I'm all set for university. I've got a job. And I've got mountains of work to do before the school year is out. Stuff that I don't care about, and only matters for scholarships. Ugh.

I'm just starting to go into remission, I don't want to be working my ass of all day...
My mini-vent today is that I'm totally weak. I got diagnosed with arthritis in my right hip a few months ago and went to physical therapy for it yesterday. My first time ever at physical therapy so it was interesting. The therapist said that, although I only seem to have arthritis in one hip, that both of my hips seem equally very weak. She gave me a few simple exercises that I'm supposed to do twice a day to help strengthen my hips. But holy cow, I'm so exhausted and sore from doing just those few exercises! I had no idea my hips were this weak - I mean, I can still take the dog on long walks and stuff, so I didn't think it was a huge issue. But this realization just makes me feel super old. I'm only 31 and I'm hobbling around like I'm an old lady. Not fun. And this makes me wonder, what other joints or body parts are also really weak that I'm not aware of? I kind of wonder if I'm just falling apart. If I'm this bad at 31, what will I be like at 40, 50, etc?
Cat - Aww...hopefully physical therapy will improve your strength and you won't feel so old. :)

My vents today are a) one of my cats is sick and I'm taking her to the vet in about 10 min. She hasn't eaten a full meal since yesterday morning, hasn't used the litter box or drank any water, and has been puking up bile since yesterday. We even called emergency vet late last night and they said it could wait until the morning since she was still acting like her normal self. She's my baby. :( I hope it's nothing too serious. We think it may be a URI because she's been sneezing and might have a stuffy nose, sos he can't smell her food. When she was a baby she had a really severe case of URI and almost died, so her immune system is low. It's a new vet too, so I hope they are good and nice to her.

My second vent is I actually found out about 15 min. ago that my grandma (mom's mom) passed away yesterday. It's kind of sad even though I don't have a relationship with her. My mom's family is complicated. They live in Indonesia, so it's very far away. But there has been much resentment harbored between her sisters and her mother. She hadn't spoken to her mom for at least 8 years, maybe more. So, I'm not even sure if anyone was planning on calling my mom. My cousin was nice enough to let me and my sister know on Facebook. But, I don't know whether to call her or not since I don't know if she knows yet. :(
Marisa, I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. Death is never easy to deal with, even when you weren't very close to the person. And I hope your cat gets better soon. Is this the same cat that ate the vitamins yesterday? I hope the new vet is good too. My cat also had an upper respiratory infection when she was a kitten - she was really sickly for awhile. She was found as a stray at a few weeks old along with her brother & sister kittens, and all the kittens had a lot of problems including worms and mites and infections and diarrhea - her original name, due to the d, was Poo-poo Kitty! Fortunately she recovered and got a better name and is fine and healthy now at 8 years old. I hope your kitty gets healthy again too and doesn't get any nicknames from being sickly. ;)
Thanks, Cat. :) What's weird is...I asked my couins if anyone had called my mom yet and he told me that he had heard my Aunt Rose had already informed her, see as they "communicate quite frequently." He apparently is unaware that my Aunt Rose and my mom had a falling out after my WEDDING and they've refused to speak to each other since then (its been almost 3 years). So...I wonder if anyone really did call my mom because I haven't heard anything from her. What should I do? I don't really want to call her and be the one to tell her. But, she obviously has the right to know too! I almost wonder, if she was told, if she just decided not to call and tell me because "it's not a big deal." When my mom holds resentment, she really holds resentment...

Well, after being at the vet for about an hour and a half...the doctor could only come up with gastritis! Her blood came back normal, her abdominal x-ray came back normal, her temperature was normal, no eye or nose discharge indicating URI, and her teeth looked normal minus some acute irritation, but nothing indicating any serious mouth problems. So, she prescribed a 5 day dose of...FLAGYL! Yuck. Poor kitty. She also gave us some special wet food that's supposed to be "really tasty" for kitties, but she couldn't get her to eat any before sending her home and I haven't been able to get her to eat any either. She may just need some extra time to relax after going to the vet, but I hope she eats tonight. Otherwise, it'll have been 24 hours since she's eaten anything. The doc did inject some under the skin IV fluids, so she's at least a little more hydrated, but I've yet to see her drink from the water bowl either. Hopefully her first dose of Flagyl will help her appetite by tomorrow, though I feel bad if it goes on an empty stomach. I'm surprised we weren't given an anti-nausea medication.
Marisa, your poor kitty! I haven't been on Flagyl myself but I've heard stories on the forum about bad nausea with Flagyl. I hope your kitty is able to eat or at least drink. My cat had some issues about a year ago which turned out to be crystals in her urine (they would have turned into painful stones if left untreated). We had to switch her food and we were told to try to get her to drink more to flush out her bladder. So, I started trying to make drinking water more fun - encourage her to play in the sink, give her ice cubes, etc. That seemed to work - one thing I've learned is that my cat really likes to drink water from the bathtub, so if she's not drinking enough I run that faucet a little bit and let her play and drink. Also, we got her one of those fancy water bowls that has a bottle on top that dispenses water over time. She loves when that thing gets an air bubble, she watches and then paws at it! So, if your kitty isn't drinking, try to do stuff like that to make it more of a game or a treat. My cat & dog now are both in the mindset that getting an ice cube is an awesome treat, and they get hydrated without getting any extra calories.
Yeah, they took an abdominal x-ray and he organs all seemed fine. Nothing other than some gas and fecal matter in the intestines. Did your cat have abnormal bloodwork when she had crystals in her urine? I would think if something like that is going on somethign would show up.

We had been feeding her wet food for a while when we switched our male cat to wet (to avoid stones, since males are more susceptible), but then she started puking more often, so we stopped giving it to her and put her back on dry food. We don't have an ice maker in our fridge! And we tried the ice cube trays once and I don't know why or how, but they didn't work! So, we never have ice. I think she's also afraid of water. Anytime she's on the counter while I'm washing my hands she goes running.

So, not sure how to get her to drink more :( Usually she's fine drinking. In fact, before all this, I noticed she went to the water bowl pretty frequently. So, I can tell she's sick :(
My mini vent today - just sick of being sick. It's that simple.... combined with all the issues highlighted in the "I just want to cry" thread.... I've just had enough and I've had a big big cry and I just want to feel well and for things to go right for a while...... My tummy really hurts today and has all night..... and you know what, I just want to go on a normal date with my man tonight, just dinner, wine and a film maybe? But I can't cos my belly aches, and I've been to the loo 6 times today, and I think eating would be a very bad idea......

I know we're all in the same boat and it's nothing unique to me; today however I'm just really fed up! I should be making people better, not needing a good MOT myself.....

Marisa: I believe my cat's bloodwork all came back normal, they diagnosed the crystals by testing her urine. Does your cat have any special favorite treats? Maybe you could try giving her a can of tuna or something like that, at least then she'd get a little food in her and maybe leave some of the water in with the tuna too so that she gets some hydration. How's she doing today?

Lulu, I know the feeling. My husband & I now have two different sets of visitors coming in from out of town. My friends are coming Sunday, I've vented about them already. Tomorrow hubby's friends are coming, and they've told him that there's a specific bar/restaurant that they really want to go to. So I'm already out of the plans, since I can't drink alcohol nor eat any of the bar food at this place. (Bars aren't exactly known for low-residue foods, ha ha.) So my Saturday night will be spent alone while hubby goes out and has fun. I'm used to that, but it'd still be nice to join in on stuff like that every so often. If I do go, I'll be perceived as such a downer because I'm not eating or drinking anything and therefore not any fun. That's happened before too. When people ask why I'm not eating, and I say that I've got a chronic illness and have to avoid certain foods, I get weird looks. I'm already fairly socially awkward and that kind of thing seems to further alienate me from people. So I will actually be happier at home by myself, although not by much. :( Lulu, I feel your pain! It's no fun being forced to sit on the sidelines while others enjoy life.
I have 2 vents. One is from last night.

I finally contacted the place I've been waiting to hear back from about my job application to get an update on the status.

He basically told me that they decided to go with another candidate. What sucked even more was he told me that the 1st choice for the position was waiting to hear back about another job offer. When she was passed over for the other job, she took this one. Must be nice to have so many options. I know I shouldn't feel bitter, but it really sucks. He told me he talked about me highly to the HR department about what a great candidate I was, but it was actually embarrassing to hear. The director of HR knows who I am, for sure, and I'm sure by now she must be thinking if all these people think so highly of her why isn't she actually getting hired? I've never been turned down SO many times by one establishment! So, now I'm reconsidering whether I need to basically count that place out for any future job openings. Maybe look elsewhere from now on. It's hard though. I thought my chances of scoring an office job with them would be more likely because none of the job descriptions say experience required. All the other jobs I've seen require at least one year, which I don't have. Sigh.

MY second vent is that we had to hospitalize my cat Chloe this morning. We actually took her to the animal ER last night because she still wasn't eating and drinking and she immediately threw up the Flagyl my husband struggled so hard to give her. We're bleeding so much money on her right now, but I'm worried about her of course. I just hate leaving my animals in a scary place all alone. It makes me sad. :( I know I'm being silly, but I just feel bad about having to do it. She keeps showing up normal on tests, but refusing to eat/drink/use the litter box, so they're going to get her on IV fluids and monitor her...if things don't improve, they're talking about giving her a barium x-ray! Pancreatitis and IBD have both been mentioned! I'm really hoping it's just a nasty bug she's having a hard time kick, but I wish money wasn't such an issue for us. I may have to charge some of her bills soon :( I miss my baby kitty.
Oh cat so sorry to hear about your weekend! You SHOULD go along and be proud to be yourself and screw anyone who doesnt understand... Im sure people are sick of asking me how I am today and getting the answer "not great" - but you know what screw them all and god help them should they ever get a horrible chronic life limiting illness like this!

Go out and be happy, I think I'm gonna try tonight, even if i cant eat and Im on soft drinks all evening, it's got to beat me lying in this bed and crying!!

This has cheered me up, my t shirt would probably say "sick":

Hope it cheers you up too - even if your not a fan of the show, I love the sentiment of the song!!

Dreamintwilight, sorry to hear about your problems, esp your poor cat - having sick pets is such a worry!!! I have bunnies, rats and a lizard (bearded dragon) and its awful when they get sick!!!

Does your cat have crohns too
My mini vent, well more like a shout out loud statement is 'I want to be well, and spend more than 2/3 weeks a month at home in my own bed!'
Maybe I should apply for council tax discount cos I'm never there and always on this bloody ward. Even the nurses are telling me that my mail is being redirected!!
(BIG sigh...)
Lulu - I seriously hope she DOESN'T have Crohn's. How frustratingly ironic would THAT be?? They don't know really what's wrong with her. Right now they're saying it's probably just gastritis (stomach bug), so I'm hoping it's just that and it'll clear up on its own while they keep her hydrated and get her to keep some medicine and food down. But, I guess if she doesn't seem to improve they're going to do a barium x-ray to make sure she doesn't have an obstruction, whether it's IBD related or something she may have ingested that's lodged in there (though she's had 2 x-rays by 2 diff. docs and there doesn't seem to be anything blocking, but who knows).

BTW...I had 2 rats growing up :) Both hooded rats, one black and one brown. What do yours look like?
Marisa, I think we posted at the same time. I'm so sorry to hear your kitty is still not doing well! I hope she improves on the IV fluids. I know that pets can get IBD, and I really hope it's not that. I have a co-worker whose dog has IBD and she has to give him pred every day! I empathize with the cost of emergency vet care, too. When my cat had crystals in her urine, she acted like she was in some pain. She kept licking herself "down there" and she'd yowl every time she'd lick. It was a Sunday morning so of course our regular vet wasn't open. I took her to the animal ER (they even have an animal ambulance for emergency calls - I can't imagine how much that costs!). They did x-rays and blood work and urine tests. The urine tests found the crystals, and the vet then told me that Lydia might have something else going on too and that she'd prefer to run more tests. But at that point my bill was already a few hundred bucks and I said no. Fortunately changing her food to an expensive prescription kibble seems to have made her all better. Her follow-up urine tests were clean as a whistle. I hope your kitty gets on the mend quickly (and cheaply) and that's it's just a bug or something. Keep us updated, fingers crossed for you! Hoping for the best for you & your kitty.
Awww at least if she does her mummy will know EXACTLY how to take care of her!! I once had a cat with heart issues like me.... got him from a rescue centre, its no wonder we bonded so quickly!!!

Lol my rats are fancy rats, i did have 4 in my colony but they are all ancient and 2 of them have passed away since xmas, one in her sleep, the other had a tumour, had it removed, it came back and she didnt make it...... the 2 I left, well actually fancy is a lie, 2 were fancys - now down to just one (brown and white, little bit scraggy now bless her) and 2 were dumbos - siamese cat coloured, beautiful, again one has passed on and the other is looking her age bless her a bit bald!!!

My bunnies are all young and healthy tho. Its the dragon who's given us the most worry, he had a bowel obstruction thanks to eating the fake foliage in his vivarium, he almost died last summer, but he's pulled thru and is very well now but his bowels I doubt will ever be perfect again; he gets the runs a lot for a dessert animal.... but at least he is eating and pooing and running round now!!

Hope your cat gets well very very soon

Lulu, I'm at work right now and youtube is blocked from here, but I'll watch that video when I get home tonight. Thanks! :)

Sounds like we're all animal lovers around here. I've never had rats, but had plenty of hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs in my childhood. I currently have my cat (of course), my dog (Pembroke welsh corgi), my pygmy albino hedgehog (he's adorable but I wouldn't advise anyone getting one - hedgies are grumpy and solitary, plus most vets don't know anything about them or how to treat hedgie illnesses), and two gerbils. The gerbils are mostly to keep my cat entertained, she loves to sit by their cage and watch them!
Awwww sounds like you live in my kind of house Cat!! You MUST post some pics of your hog!! He sounds adorable!

I'd love a dog but as me and my man both work fulltime (hopefully that will remain the case for me) he wont let me get one... which I guess is fair enough, other people manage but anyways we dont have our own house yet, just rented whilst we save for a desposit.... so a dog would be a no no anyways, as would a cat.

I love my pets tho. I'd reccommend rats as pets - they're AMAZING. So friendly and very very clever!!!

I had guinea pigs as a kid.... so cute with their little squeaky noises!!

Okay, I think these images are going to be kind of big but here goes. Here's my hedgie, Edgar.


And here's my corgi, Lily.

Oooooh your hedgehog is TOO cute!!!! What a lovely little pet!!

Your dog is gorgeous too, love her little scarf!!

I'm looking into getting a chameleon when we've moved cos I have a spare vivarium......

We're looking into pet insurance for the future. Unfortunately, we can't use it toward her bills now, but maybe it might be able to prevent this sort of thing happening in the future. We have been wanting to get pet insurance, but didn't have the money to spare before. We're thinking canning TV, so should have some now. Blah.

Lulu - All your pets sound cute! My rats were fancy hooded rats too. :) They DO make awesome pets. Very smart, but their life span is not very long. Ours lasted a 2-3 years a piece. Both died of tumors, which I hear is also very common.

Cat - I love your pictures :-D Thanks for sharing!

I think I might call my vet in about 45 min to get an update on Chloe since I haven't heard anything yet. It'll have been about 5 hours since we dropped her off. I'm antsy and want to know how she's doing! Am I an annoying pet owner?? LOL
I hope Chloe is ok!!!

I will take some photos of my little guys to post at some point!

Pet insurance is a good idea I think..... the vets bills of my managerie have come to so much!!! Lucky my man earns money or I'd be stuffed right now!!

keep us updated on your kitty!

Just got an update from the vet!

She said chloe is resting comfortably and quietly. Seems to be tolerating the fluids very well. Still unwilling to eat, but at least she's getting fluids, yay! They're going to monitor her over night and try to feed her again. If she still refuses, they're going to try and give her an appetite stimulant and make sure she can hold down any food she may eat without vomiting. They gave her an antibiotic injection, so hopefully that will help her to feel better too.

Tomorrow we had our other 2 cats scheduled to get their routine vaccinations, so she said if we wanted to they could bring Chloe into the exam room to visit with us after the other 2 cats get their shots. :) Yay.

I REALLY hope she eats something tomorrow. I forgot to ask if she has peed at all since starting her on the fluids, but I would imagine if she is "tolerating fluids," she would have to be peeing. That'd be pretty difficult not to. So, yeah. Praying for a healthier kitty tomorrow. :)
Awww that sounds really promising, and visiting her will be nice!! Any idea when you will be able to take her home?
Not sure. They aren't open Sundays and they will be closed for Memorial Day. So...I'm hoping she is better enough to head home tomorrow because I don't know that we have the money to keep her there until Tuesday! So, we'll see what happens tomorrow. Praying!
I'm so annoyed right now. Why do men have to play video games to the point that you want to strangle them. I like video games but jeez!!! our 3 yr old is gone to my mil and he chooses to play. I need to get some friends and leave him at home.