Miralax? Is it safe?

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Feb 28, 2008
I need for lack of a better term, to clean out, let my insides rest and go on liquid a few days. I feel in my heart this may help.

Is Miralax safe?

I've read some mixed reviews. What is your guys take on it? :ybatty:
I've taken it for years without any problems. I have been advised to take it everyday for the rest of my life. Good luck I hope you can clear things out.
Thanks Jeff. You know how it is...First you running to the bathroom and can't stop it...then the next week you can't get yourself cleaned out.

Miralax is very safe. It is not absorbed by the body. It's simply a lubricant. Literally. Polyethylene glycol (Miralax's real name) is an ingredient in numerous industrial and even sexual lubricants. Even foods like Dr. Pepper have it.
My current GI prescribes Miralax as prep for a colonoscopy...no problems on my end (no pun intended!):)
Thanks guys, I'm surely going to pick some of this up tomorrow. You just never know..ya know =)
I used it as a colonoscopy prep too Kittee. But they recommend the whole bottle for that. I wouldn't go that crazy with it though. The nice thing about it is that you can mix it with any liquid, and it doesn't change the taste, just the texture a teeny bit. It's not bad at all. Feel better.
Miralax is very safe. If you find it doesn't work I use Magnesium Citrate, kinda gross tasting but it really really works although I don't know the long term effects of using it repeatedly.
I just drank my first cup of hot tea laced with Miralax lol.


Thanks for the help guys.
You can also try calm (its a magnesium citrate formulation) that works well for cleaning you out. You have to titrate it just right like any other medication or you'll get the runs. I personally have switched to a calcium magnesium citrate (make sure to get citrate due to better absorption) that works really well and has the benefit of getting me all the calcium I need on or off prednisone. The brand I use is Bluebonnet amazon link and I find that it tastes great and really works exceptionally well. For the price it is a great alternative to miralax and is a more natural method of cleaning out if you are concerned about miralax.
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My doctor also told me that you can take as little or as much as you want....

I take half to 3/4 a dose a day, with tea.... However if i am plugging up, i can safely increase the dose to 3-4 doses, usually with results in 12-24 hours.

It ends up being mostly purely water, but frequent.... but the pain from the swelling goes away, and it keeps me away from the oxycodone for a bit... its worth it in my book...

I recently found the stuff for dirt cheap at costco... 2 huge bottles (1 month supply each) for about $23... i was paying $20 a piece before... hope that helps too
My doctor uses Miralax as a prep method, and it's by far the best method I've used in terms of taste, as I can hardly even taste the Miralax mixed in with the Gatorade.
I'm with everyone else. I'm actually preparing for my Colonoscopy right now and thank you for reminding me! I need to take my first dose in 1/2 an hour. Oh boy!
Well that's over!
To be honest, it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be!
I mixed everything an hour before I was suppose to take it. I needed to take 8 oz. every 45-60 minutes. I took it from 2-6ish last night. It is now 10 in the morning the day after and it is still effecting me sometimes, I would think I was empty by now! Guess not!

It didn't change the taste of my poweraid but it made it thick which was what I was afraid about-I didn't want to throw it all up! I drank it through a straw which was a little easier. I just had to keep making sure I drank plenty of liquids. I am SO SICK OF jello and poweraid!:tongue:

I go in at 2 and need to stop drinking at 12. My first colonoscopy-I drank something else but I don't remember because I was 10 and ended up passing out haha. :ybatty:

Good luck!
I've used the Miralax twice now as prep for a colonoscopy, and personally, as far as taste, it's the best method I used. I still got nauseous and gagged a little bit after about the fifth or sixth glass. I was worried at the rate I was drinking (fast at first, then slowed considerably), that I wouldn't be 100% cleaned out, but my doctor said the procedure went well, and now has a positive diagnosis of Crohn's. It's been back and forth between Crohn's and Colitis, so to hear him say that it's definitely Crohn's is somewhat a relief.

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