Okay. There is more than one club in Toronto, I can name off the top of my head. The Toronto Compassion Centre (TCC) was raided once in 2002, the owners and staff were arrested, the staff released without charges and the owner's charges were dropped a year and a half later.
C.A.L.M (Cannabis As Living Medicine) was raided twice a couple of years ago. Both times it was due to community complaints, which knowing about that place I would dare to say it was probably true. The first raid was terrible and complaints were made regarding excessive force. The complaints continued which is why they were raided a second time,that raid was peaceful with no injuries or damaged property. All staff members and patients were released without charges, however the owner of C.A.L.M, was charged with trafficking. The protests regarding it netted more people arrested than the actual raid.
Vapour Central was raided last year, due to a cop allegedly buying a hash brownie there. I can't say for certain if that is true or not.
Toronto has a very different attitude towards marijuana, there are several business that openly allow marijuana on the premises. Vapour Central even supplies papers and vaporisers for customers. At this point of time, cops only get involved if there are complaints.
Now everyone knows to not walk through the streets smoking a giant joint,that is common sense, and everyone knows the possible risks of treating with marijuana without having the exemption. Not everyone can get an exemption, and congratulations that your doctor did it for you. But UC is a lot harder to get the exemption because it can be "cured" by surgery.
Doctor's offices can get raided for quite a few reasons, I read the article provided no details as to why. The fact is they were looking for something and didn't find it. We all appreciate your concern, but for the sake of other who are seeking answers on treatment, do not start scaremongering. Especially if you don't have all the facts, which was shown by your claiming that the TCC has been raided several times by cops.
I will happily provide more information if requested, I will even track down information. If you are at all familiar with marijuana activism, you should be aware of Matt Mernagh. My room mate occasionally appears on his show as his resident nutritionist.