MMR vaccine

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May 28, 2012
M needs a vaccine for MMR. There's been a case of German Measles at her school so they want the whole school to get vaccinated.

I took the papers with me to ask the GI today but l forgot to ask. Is it safe for her to get the vaccine.
Agree with Catharine - I don't think she can have live vaccines while on imuran. Be sure to ask GI before you go ahead with it.

But, I'm interested to know what your GI decides to do. By chance we found out S does not have full immunity to mumps but, as he was already on remicade, I can't give him the MMR vaccine. :(
MMR is a live vaccine upsetmom, so can't be given when taking Imuran.

Dusty. xxx
Thanks everyone. :) I thought that was the case, but l had to check.

I have no way of contacting the GI as our nurse is on holidays for 5 weeks. They told us if we had any problems to see our GP, but our GP has very little knowledge about IBD.
I may be wrong but I thought you could get a inactivated measles vaccine on its own?

This may be another route if the MMR jab cannot be used.

The GP should have knowledge of Imuran though, and should know about its effects
M needs a vaccine for MMR. There's been a case of German Measles at her school so they want the whole school to get vaccinated.

There is no way of avoiding close contacts who are getting the vaccine without keeping her out of school.

I would ring the school and ask them to confirm whether your daughter has been in contact with the German Measles case.

They should be able to give you contact details for the people/department who are recommending a mass vaccines at the school.
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Lots of handwashing, no sharing of waterbottles, other common sense steps are really important all the time - as this example shows. I would consult the GI about whether it is indeed safe for her to be in school if there are mass vaccinations. I know the rule from our GI is no one in the household should have live vaccines. But it's one thing to live together and another to go to school together. However if nearly every child at the school is getting vaccinated then there would seem to me to be a high possibility that she would be exposed to the attenuated but still live virus.
Okay l didn't think of the fact that she'll be exposed by just going to school on the day of vaccinations. More questions for the GI.

I got a call from the GI's student assistant and while on the phone l asked about the vaccine and she said go ahead with it. Now knowing what l've been told here, l asked if it was safe with her being on Imuran and it being a live vaccine. She said she'll talk to the GI and get back to me....l'm still waiting.
Student assistant should NOT be giving medical advice without consulting doc.

Vaccinations and IBD

Scroll down to the Problems with Live Vaccines section.

And it's not just the day of the vaccinations. There are several days afterwards when I believe the immunized person may shed the virus as their body develops antibodies to it. So you might need to keep her home from school for a week or something. Another question for the GI or for Infectious Disease docotor.
Totally agree with Patricia! You may even want to call the manufacturer of imuran as well (most drug companies have helplines) as 'back-up'.

When I was checking if S was up-to-date on vaccines prior to a trip, GI suggested I see a 'travel' doctor... travel dr tried to overload S on every possible vaccine (he received a payment per vaccine! :eek:) - I disgreed with him and Gi agreed with me. Although it was this doctor who found that S did not have full mumps immunity. My mom then asked an ID specialist my dad had been seeing (for a blood infection), who was well-respected, head of a hospital's dept, etc. - when we went to see her, she gave me great advice re the trip but, when I brought up my concerns about S and mumps, she told me it was okay to give the MMR while on remicade! :yfaint: I knew this was wrong, however, as I'm NOT the one with a medical degree, did ask the GI again... he emphatically said 'no live vaccines!'.

I think GIs and rheumos are probably the most knowledgeable about these meds and, after what happened above, it's just reinforced my belief that the GI should have final say (not another dr or assistant).
Us too-both our GP and GI said no live vaccines (like MMR).

And one more thing to think about-it will take some time before all those vaccinations take affect and make those kiddos immune. Not sure how long-several weeks maybe?
About 80% of those contracting Measles in the U.S. are vaccinated already, so even the vaccination is not very effective, if it works at all.

Def no to live vaccines - your dd may have some immunity if she had had her mmr already. Can you get her immunity checked? Would be nervous about sending her to school while there is an outbreak if she's not immune
There was an outbreak of measles in British Columbia this past spring (glad I'm on the other side of the country). I don't think it was a case of vaccinated kids not being immune, but rather due to a lot of people not giving their kids the MMR vaccine at all. But, I could be wrong, I'm only getting my info from our national news.
Although it's bad they tracked it down to a mall, at least it wasn't the school. A small silver lining.
Hi Guys

Measles is not very common in Australia at all. Victoria currently has 57 reports case this year. This is for a state of 5.7 million people. It making the news here because it is the most cases reported in 15 years.
My non-IBD son is due for his boosters (incl MMR) next year. I do want him to get them, but don't want to expose DS? What have others done with siblings?
I had probably 8 vaccine boosters prior to travel to Africa - including yellow fever, MMR and I can't remember what all others. I'll be honest - I didn't even tell Claire's GI. Good grief! We have had multiple warnings what she can have but I didn't think about myself. Now that said, we've always been extra careful of not having her drink after anyone (including family), we all wash hands, Claire likes to snuggle but sleeps in her own bed - always has, etc.

I guess I just got lucky. :eek2:


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