Muck, Slime and Blood oh my

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Sep 3, 2015
Today was pretty discouraging like always but when I see blood it just crushes me in everyway, mentally and physically feel blah.

Woke up this morning to have an urge to go to bathroom to pass Blood... the bright red stuff.

Went to the bathroom about 10 times only to see that I pass blood, muck and slime.... everyday is different in so many ways.

Yesterday I went to the bathroom 10 to 15 times but didn't see blood but passing the stringy , pencil like poop only to say to myself I can't take this and the pain that feels like torture ... catergory 10 pain... followed up by me puking 3 to 5 times.

Wondering what tomorrow will hold??.........
Sounds like you have a stricture with the very thin stool but the blood loss could be from many different things. When was you last colonoscopy? If the blood loss increases, your pain increases, you become very weak, cannot hold down liquids or if you have a sudden fever please go to the hospital. Do you have a GI? Many of them do have an after hours emergency line where you can speak to a nurse and they can contact your doctor who will get back to you.

For now please increase your fluid intake and honestly you may want to avoid solid foods and try a liquid diet to see if that helps. Be sure to contact your doctor and let them know that you're going on all liquids. Keep us posted on how you're doing. :hug:
Hi Jennifer I do have strictures... my last colonoscopy indicated that when they couldn't complete the procedure.. they even tried using a baby/infant scope without sucess. The colonoscopy wasn't completed and GI stopped.
Hi Jennifer

almost two months now, my GI says there is a procedure that can help open up strictures usisng a balloon but success rate is very low. I just went on Entyvio and my 3rd infusion is in 5 days. They hope the entyvio treatment will help with my symptoms. But nothing has gotten better only worse right now.
Balloon dilation is a possibility but it's not permanent so it does shrink back over time. There's also a strictureplasty which is permanent but the stricture would have to be scar tissue not active inflammation (same for the balloon dilation). A resection is also a possibility if no treatments are working to get the inflammation under control. With mucus and blood loss it sounds like you're dealing with active inflammation and scar tissue so a balloon dilation may cause more problems. My concern would be perforating the bowel since the tissue is so irritated.

"Breysem and colleagues recommended that dilation of sharply angulated, long (>8 cm) strictures and those in areas of severe inflamma-tion be avoided... As such, the authors concluded that strictures in areas of active inflammation might be prone to perforation in comparison with fibrotic strictures without marked superimposed mucosal inflammation."

Has your doctor suggested adding another medication to try and get the inflammation under control faster? Adding a steroid for instance could help. What has your diet consisted of lately? Liquid diets have proven to be almost as effective as steroids so it's something to consider if you aren't on one already.
Hi Jennifer haven't been online for a bit.. I'm still struggling. I saw my specialist and we added steroids. I hate them so much. My diet varies from day to day. When I feel the absolute worse I try to have softer foods. I've avoided a lot of foods like pasta and greasy stuff. My appetite is shot these days don't have the energy to eat at times.
When did you start taking the steroids? Which ones exactly? I'm sorry you're still having a hard time. Hopefully the steroids will kick in soon.

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