My 3 1/2 year old has Crohn's (i think)

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Mar 5, 2012
my 3 1/2 year old has Crohn's (i think)

My 3 ½ year old has been diagnosed with Crohn’s. Well, not 100%, this is why I am reaching out to people in this forum. We’ve been through a lot, but I will try to stick to the highlights to keep this brief. She has been hospitalized three times over the last 4-5 months and the most consistent symptom is belly pain. She had a cat scan which shows inflammation and thickening in the small intestine. She had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and the stomach and colon look ok. The last part of the small intestine had “mild to moderate” ulcers that they biopsied. At the hospital the doctors were not able to tell me that she 100% had Crohn’s, it was always 95%. The reason why it was not 100% is because the cells in the biopsy were more acute than chronic.(I do not fully understand this) We had a follow-up appt today with her pediatric GI who is different than the pediatric GI in the hospital and he is not 100% convinced that she has Crohn’s. When asked what else it could be, he mentioned Yersinia or Clostridia, but these seemed unlikely. He was more in the area of 85%-90% chance it is Crohn’s.

He rushed us out of the office and I wasn’t able to ask questions which really upset me. He wants to reduce the prednisone she is on to zero over the next few weeks. He wants to keep her on Prevacid and start her on Pentasa and keep her on that for 3-4 months. After 3-4 months he will do another endoscopy and colonoscopy to look for the ulcers in the small intestine. At that point it sounds like he will be able to make a definitive diagnosis of Crohn’s. I asked him about SCD and he said the data was inconclusive.

I would like to do something else and wanted to find out what others think. I would like to get her off prednisone and all drugs at some point soon and put her on the SCD. After a period of time of being on the SCD, we would then start to add foods back. If we find foods that cause her belly pain we can then eliminate those foods again and continue to test that way. I want to start the SCD immediately because no matter what she has an issue with her small intestine and the diet can only help. I also feel that I’d rather solve the issue via diet vs. drugs and another colonoscopy. Doing it this way doesnt 100% confirm Crohn's but i am not convinced the doctors way will either. In 3-4 months the doctors could again have the same acute/chronic biopsy issue. At least the SCD diet way will treat her small intestine issue. If SCD solves that problem, then it doesnt really matter to me whether it is labeled Crohn's or something else.

How is my logic? Some people might be worried about giving me medical advice. No worries! I will also call back my pediatric GI and meet with a naturopath before proceeding with any plan I decide to go with.
Hi Kinger and :welcome:

I think what they are saying to you with the acute versus chronic is, if it is indeed an infective process then the tissue in the biopsies will show recent damage whereas in something like Crohn's they would expect to find not only recent changes but evidence of changes to the tissue that have been present for some time.

The only problem I see with her now being on Prednisone and having commenced treatment, and this will also include diet, is if she does respond well then when they repeat the scope the may find nothing at all. Now that could mean that she doesn't have Crohn's at all but it could just as easily mean she is in remission and the evidence has been taken away. Unfortunatey scopes post treatment can muddy the water so to speak.

What are/were your daughter's symptoms? Did she have any extra intestinal symptoms?

I understand your daughter is young so this may not be a viable option for you but Enteral Nutrition is very successful in children and particularly those with ileal disease. Have a look at the Enteral Nutrition Forum and also the Diet Forum

We also have a Parent's Forum here so pop by and have look around.

I will move this to the Your Story Forum as you will likely get more responses there.

Any questions you have please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
Hi DustyKat, thanks for the reply! there is so much to learn, it is overwhelming. When you mention extra intestinal symptoms, I think the answer is no. My daughter would get sick every two weeks with belly ache and fever. Occassionally it got so bad that she was vomiting five times a day for 4-5 days straight, these were the times she was hospitalized. Other than the belly pain, vomitting, fever, and the ulcers they saw in the terminal illeum i do not believe there is anything else.

Thanks for the sharing the information on enteral nutrition, I am unfamiliar with that now and will research that tonight.

I look forward to looking around this site more, there is so much to read up on. :)

Hi Kinger and :welcome:

I think what they are saying to you with the acute versus chronic is, if it is indeed an infective process then the tissue in the biopsies will show recent damage whereas in something like Crohn's they would expect to find not only recent changes but evidence of changes to the tissue that have been present for some time.

The only problem I see with her now being on Prednisone and having commenced treatment, and this will also include diet, is if she does respond well then when they repeat the scope the may find nothing at all. Now that could mean that she doesn't have Crohn's at all but it could just as easily mean she is in remission and the evidence has been taken away. Unfortunatey scopes post treatment can muddy the water so to speak.

What are/were your daughter's symptoms? Did she have any extra intestinal symptoms?

I understand your daughter is young so this may not be a viable option for you but Enteral Nutrition is very successful in children and particularly those with ileal disease. Have a look at the Enteral Nutrition Forum and also the Diet Forum

We also have a Parent's Forum here so pop by and have look around.

I will move this to the Your Story Forum as you will likely get more responses there.

Any questions you have please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
Sorry I should have explained further, extra intestinal symptoms may be things that you don't necessarily associate with the gut, like headaches, rashes, joint aches, sore eyes and there are many more...Extra Intestinal Mainfestations of Crohn's...but only having small bowel involvement may well mean she doesn't have any of them. My son never did.

Dusty. xxx
Hi Kinger and welcome :)

I agree with Dusty about the enteral nutrition. Since you like the idea of SCD so much one idea would be to utilize enteral nutrition to get her to remission (it has the same remission rates as prednisone in the pediatric population). Then gradually move to SCD since many relapse after going off enteral nutrition. Just an idea of course :) And if SCD worked, I don't think I'd ever take her off it by adding foods that aren't allowed. SCD isn't a cure, it's a theoretical means of controlling the disease just as gluten free can control Celiac Disease.

I wish you and your little one all the best. Please keep us updated!