My best options are non options

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Dec 20, 2012
I find myself forced to not think about the future because it holds nothing good.

I thought I had hope when I got out of high school I was healthy doing well, and got into the college of my choice (which was a joke).
During college my symptoms worsened, I developed my first case of abscesses which hit me on each of my butt cheeks, in a place where the only sitting options are hard plastic chairs.
That's a whole story of its own but ancient history so I'll just leave it at that, I've had many abscesses since and learned better management (which is to say, calling the surgeons sooner).
Furthermore my diarrhea picked up from sporadic to constant and stomach pain became a pressing issue.

I got out of college and was in and out of job search based on whether or not I thought I could handle working in my condition, it was a constant dilemma because I wan't sure if I was sick enough or not to take the disability root or if I should stick through and find a real job.

For better or worse my condition deteriorated and I sought disability, I dropped weight to 99 lb.s at 5'11 which I hadn't had happen since pre-diagnosis and was puking everything, suffering constant pain and an ulcer, when finally I discovered gluten intolerance.

I was good for a while, then all the symptoms came back, turned out it was the whey protein I was taking as a calorie supplement was making things worse, but my doctors didn't seem to take me seriously, despite the fact that stopping it cured most of my symptoms and my ulcer.

At this point I thought I was done managing my diet, though I had constant diarrhea and couldn't figure that out, and still managed occasional cramps. I found out this was caused by high fructose corn syrup which is extremely prevalent in many foods from sweets and candies to ketchup (which I was eating often).

After this I was good for a while but still would have motility issues, complete stopping of digestion and bloating, my stomach became enlarged and distended. I figured out it was oils and now I think I've finally figured out everything, because there's almost nothing left to eat.

Well throughout this whole ordeal I felt pressured by my parents to... well I don't know pretend that it's not happening? As I'm forced to live at home they often cook dinner and would act frustrated when I turned down food that doesn't agree with me, especially if it was "I don't know why it doesn't agree with me it just does." or when I'd find something new, tell them and then next thing I know they're putting black pepper on my food when I just told them I figured out I can't tolerate it. "Well you ate this last week and you were alright."
NO. No I wasn't, that's the entire point. Sometimes I don't know what caused it until I look at trends in my eating habits. Sometimes it takes a while to figure something out and just because I ate it in the past doesn't mean it was fine.

It got to the point where I was paranoid thinking my parents were throwing things in my food I had said I can't eat just so if I didn't get symptoms they could call me out on it later. Most likely this wasn't the case but the complete disregard for my personal comfort and health sure made it seem like it at times.

My dad has been given a catch-all IBD diagnosis, it's very minor but he can't have things like onions, and because of this for a long time he would go with the, "Well it doesn't bother MY stomach." logic that, therefor it shouldn't bother me either. It was all I could take not to go completely and violently berserk at times.

It's like at every corner they were fighting my attempts to make myself better, even when I would say "I think I should try avoiding this food to see if it helps" it was like my mother would try to talk me down because my options were dwindling. Well it doesn't matter what I eat as long as it doesn't make me sick, I'll eat rice 24/7 if that's what it takes, but she just wouldn't GET that and would buy these foods packed with flavor and seasonings that were a complete gamble and 99.999999% of the time I'd end up sick after saying over and over just make me bland food I don't want to be sick anymore.

Well now that I know pretty much all the things that effect me and how, I can always tell if not by the label, then by the effects what it is in the food that did me in and I can tell them outright not to make it for me. I don't mind cooking for myself, in fact I prefer it because I can do it how I want and it's always safe, but then they get frustrated if they cook something 'for me' and I turn it down to be cautious and I feel guilt tripped into eating food that makes me sick.

What this boils down to is my best option is moving out, and I can't because I'm too poor to do it.

I still have college to pay for, a college that was a complete sham and taught me nothing and was so bad they went out of business the year I graduated. I have medical bills to cover for my doctor visits, and a huge deductible on a scan I had last year still going and finally got a few old ones from my child doctor paid off.

I'd really like to live a normal boring life and get a job but if I mess up my diet just a little I can easily lose 6+ hours of sleep over it because I'm up on the toilet all night. Then when I'm completely nocturnal my parents treat me as if I'm lazy or weird or something for 'choosing' to sleep all day as if I have a choice other than "When my stomach lets me sleep, I do."

I'd also really like to gain some weight and stop looking like a skeleton. Recently I've seen great promise in this, I lift weights every day and eat as much as I can and have gained about 15 lb.s from where I started and a lot of muscle but have a long way to go before I even look normal at 129 lb.s

I planned my life to just live simply and have a boring job and come home and play video games and instead I got an illness that lets me play video games all day, and then all night because I can't sleep. I guess it's a blessing in disguise? I'd give it all up to be able to eat Taco Bell again...
So sad to hear you are having this stuggle. My heart aches for you. I was 21 when I was diagnosed, and my parents were absolutely no help. I had severe crohn's arthritis as well, and I rode a motorcycle, and I would always get "it that motorcycle that gives you arthritis". When I told my old man I was being put on temporary disibility from the Navy he told me they didn't do that for people, or they didn't when he was in the service. They wanted me working or be in college if I was going to live in there home. Those were some of the worse years of my life. I am in my 50's now, and all I can say is, You will have to learn to understand that some people just don't understand.

Are you on prednisone? or any drug to help get things under control?

Hang in there. No one can tell the future. See if you can find some type of a support group in your area for people with crohn's, or other types of chronic illness. You sound like you have a loving family, and they want to help, the problem I have always found with crohn's is that people can not see how sick you really are. If your body was cover with sores, or burns, or blood, or your bones were broken they would get it. Chronic illness are just tough, we are a instant gradification society, and we really like things to be accute and over in a short period of time.

Sending you nothing but possitivity.!

Hope you feel better soon, and find the support you need from your family, your Doctors and anyone around you that can move you in a possitive direction.

Peace and love.
Yeah you're right that they do care but not quite understand the severity of my condition.

A couple years ago when I was very ill constantly my dad wanted me to go shovel down the snow banks and was getting mad that I could only go for about 20 minutes or so before needing a break because I was completely winded and exhausted to the point of light headedness. I also had a siton drain and it was very very uncomfortable to do any physical activity at all.

I'm actually in very good health as of now since I've eliminated all the complications from my diet. My primary concern is to see if I can identify the cause of my dietary tolerance loss and make sure it stops, and maybe one day even reverse it and get some foods back on the menu.
Your dad gave you grief for not being able to shovel with a seton in place? Cripes. Your dad and my dad from 20 years ago (before he calmed down and mellowed out and started to understand what my disease meant, along with a few other things...). I have a pathological fear of ladders and car repair and who knows what else from him riding me when I was too sick/exhausted to help him on projects.

Even when I'm in remission, I'm still tired way too often. I can't work very hard for very long. I used to actually believe that I was just lazy because that's what my dad told me my whole childhood, but in the past few years I've finally accepted that it's Crohn's fatigue and stopped beating myself up quite so much (but not entirely.)
Wow, I am so sorry you have to deal with this awful disease and with a family who does not get it. I have been sick for over 9 years with debilitating issues. I have not yet been dx with crohns, still need some tests. But I will say I do understand what it is like to have people just not get it. I am lucky to the point that my husband is very understanding and so is my dad. My mom passed away on 2003 before I got sick, but she also had health issues most of her adult life so maybe that is why my dad kinda gets it.

My brother on the other hand is a complete a**hole. His famous line is this: " if I were in your shoes, I would not dwell on being sick and it would eventually go away"! Seriously??? I mean this is coming from a guy who has never been really sick aside from a cold or flu. This attitude towards chronic illness unfortunately is common amongest the healthy society. People who are genreally healthy do not usually understand chronic illness. I have found that since being ill for the last 9 years, society does not accept nor understand chronic illness. I would give ANYTHING to be once again a productive member of society. I hate being sick all the time and in pain constantly. It sucks! So I do feel for ya. I also get what it with all the bills. I cannot even tell you how much money I have spent of medical bills. It is crazy. Hang in there, hopefully things will improve for you.

I find myself forced to not think about the future because it holds nothing good.

I thought I had hope when I got out of high school I was healthy doing well, and got into the college of my choice (which was a joke).
During college my symptoms worsened, I developed my first case of abscesses which hit me on each of my butt cheeks, in a place where the only sitting options are hard plastic chairs.
That's a whole story of its own but ancient history so I'll just leave it at that, I've had many abscesses since and learned better management (which is to say, calling the surgeons sooner).
Furthermore my diarrhea picked up from sporadic to constant and stomach pain became a pressing issue.

I got out of college and was in and out of job search based on whether or not I thought I could handle working in my condition, it was a constant dilemma because I wan't sure if I was sick enough or not to take the disability root or if I should stick through and find a real job.

For better or worse my condition deteriorated and I sought disability, I dropped weight to 99 lb.s at 5'11 which I hadn't had happen since pre-diagnosis and was puking everything, suffering constant pain and an ulcer, when finally I discovered gluten intolerance.

I was good for a while, then all the symptoms came back, turned out it was the whey protein I was taking as a calorie supplement was making things worse, but my doctors didn't seem to take me seriously, despite the fact that stopping it cured most of my symptoms and my ulcer.

At this point I thought I was done managing my diet, though I had constant diarrhea and couldn't figure that out, and still managed occasional cramps. I found out this was caused by high fructose corn syrup which is extremely prevalent in many foods from sweets and candies to ketchup (which I was eating often).

After this I was good for a while but still would have motility issues, complete stopping of digestion and bloating, my stomach became enlarged and distended. I figured out it was oils and now I think I've finally figured out everything, because there's almost nothing left to eat.

Well throughout this whole ordeal I felt pressured by my parents to... well I don't know pretend that it's not happening? As I'm forced to live at home they often cook dinner and would act frustrated when I turned down food that doesn't agree with me, especially if it was "I don't know why it doesn't agree with me it just does." or when I'd find something new, tell them and then next thing I know they're putting black pepper on my food when I just told them I figured out I can't tolerate it. "Well you ate this last week and you were alright."
NO. No I wasn't, that's the entire point. Sometimes I don't know what caused it until I look at trends in my eating habits. Sometimes it takes a while to figure something out and just because I ate it in the past doesn't mean it was fine.

It got to the point where I was paranoid thinking my parents were throwing things in my food I had said I can't eat just so if I didn't get symptoms they could call me out on it later. Most likely this wasn't the case but the complete disregard for my personal comfort and health sure made it seem like it at times.

My dad has been given a catch-all IBD diagnosis, it's very minor but he can't have things like onions, and because of this for a long time he would go with the, "Well it doesn't bother MY stomach." logic that, therefor it shouldn't bother me either. It was all I could take not to go completely and violently berserk at times.

It's like at every corner they were fighting my attempts to make myself better, even when I would say "I think I should try avoiding this food to see if it helps" it was like my mother would try to talk me down because my options were dwindling. Well it doesn't matter what I eat as long as it doesn't make me sick, I'll eat rice 24/7 if that's what it takes, but she just wouldn't GET that and would buy these foods packed with flavor and seasonings that were a complete gamble and 99.999999% of the time I'd end up sick after saying over and over just make me bland food I don't want to be sick anymore.

Well now that I know pretty much all the things that effect me and how, I can always tell if not by the label, then by the effects what it is in the food that did me in and I can tell them outright not to make it for me. I don't mind cooking for myself, in fact I prefer it because I can do it how I want and it's always safe, but then they get frustrated if they cook something 'for me' and I turn it down to be cautious and I feel guilt tripped into eating food that makes me sick.

What this boils down to is my best option is moving out, and I can't because I'm too poor to do it.

I still have college to pay for, a college that was a complete sham and taught me nothing and was so bad they went out of business the year I graduated. I have medical bills to cover for my doctor visits, and a huge deductible on a scan I had last year still going and finally got a few old ones from my child doctor paid off.

I'd really like to live a normal boring life and get a job but if I mess up my diet just a little I can easily lose 6+ hours of sleep over it because I'm up on the toilet all night. Then when I'm completely nocturnal my parents treat me as if I'm lazy or weird or something for 'choosing' to sleep all day as if I have a choice other than "When my stomach lets me sleep, I do."

I'd also really like to gain some weight and stop looking like a skeleton. Recently I've seen great promise in this, I lift weights every day and eat as much as I can and have gained about 15 lb.s from where I started and a lot of muscle but have a long way to go before I even look normal at 129 lb.s

I planned my life to just live simply and have a boring job and come home and play video games and instead I got an illness that lets me play video games all day, and then all night because I can't sleep. I guess it's a blessing in disguise? I'd give it all up to be able to eat Taco Bell again...

I tried so hard to stay up with other people in life. It was 30 years ago, and people didn't know the things they do about the disease now, but trying to keep up is probably what did my colon in. I just wanted to carry on like it didn't matter. I thought I had to keep working out, working, going to college, and trying to stay up with all my counterpart in everyway. I drank to much, I smoke to much (with crohns, any of either is too much), chased girls to much, (if there is such a thing), worked out to much, played to hard, chased girls too much (I think I already said this) and basically went on about my business like there was nothing wrong. I guess I wasn't going to let a little diarhea, shitting blood, anal fistulas, and vomiting all the time slow me down. What a *explicitive* idiot I was. They would put me on steroids and I would get out of the hospital and be off and running. This went on every 6 month until about 5 years when the finally removed my colon. This slowed me down some, but I still found myself in and out of the hospital. Finally, after 10 years, I was told it may behove me to stop working, live off my retirement, and move to a warmer climate, in order to have a better life. I did move to Florida, and stopped working (well kinda), and it helped some. I finally slowed down at 20 years with the disease because I got carted out of the house in an emergency vehicle in front of my children. And that was after I had been lying in bed for 5 days as a fistula broke through at my stoma site. I couldn't bare to put my children through my agony. So, I take it easy now.

Anyways. If you can find a way to slow down a bit. It will certainly help. They say stress, not the I am unhappy kind, but the running your body ragged kind, diet and environmental factors are responsible for moving crohns along. So, if you can somehow stem the tide of these factors in your life, you may very well get yourself on a much brighter path. Yes, I know, easier said than done. At least you have the internet, great cumputer games, and ways to get some interaction from your home with the outside world. We didn't have these thing 30 years ago, especially not in little hick towns. I think the internet is so wonderful for people with dibilitating diseases, I am so thankful for it's excistance.

Everthing will work itself out.

Peace and love.
I still make sure to be active, I work out every other day and I feel much better as a result. Sometimes when I get sick I have to stop but since I straightened out my dietary limitations, I'm hoping to put the 'getting sick' in the past.

In the summer I try to be active, go for walks and go fishing, I feel it's beneficial to my health to do so. I do however try to avoid excessive stress. Some of the games I play are of course more frustrating than others so I have to take those in low doses.

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