My Butt Hurts

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Apr 17, 2011
My butt hurts from wiping so much! Sometimes it's really painful, like scared-to-sit-down and cringe-from-the-pain painful. Right now it just feels so irritated.

Are baby wipes better to use than toilet paper? I feel like they might irritate more, since don't they have some soap in them?

Maybe some of you with more experience could shed some light on the topic and provide suggestions?

Thanks :rosette1:
get unscented baby wipes. there is a toilet paper company that makes "adult" wipes.
I found that sitting in the tub, with just enuf water to cover my butt, helped alot. i thimk i even used oatmeal to help heal my buttom.

good luck hun. i know its painful and i am so sorry to hear your going thru this.
I'll look for those, thanks! Colonoscopy coming up in a little over a week and if I'm hurting so badly now I can't wait to see how irritated my butt will be THEN! Haha. So I am guessing I will need those wipes.

Did you sit in the tub to wash yourself instead of wiping or do you do it just to sooth the soreness?

I haven't heard of you just smother it on down there?? Lol! But I know of people using oatmeal to calm irritated sin, so it does make sense.

I was thinking of even using baby cream that you put on their bottoms for diaper rash. I don't know if it would work the same way.
There are two things you can is wipes that you use, make sure they are unscented and be sure you dry yourself well, or more infections can occur. The other is Calmoseptine, many crohnies here use it. Most drug stores carry it.. if they dont you can get them to order it. It is behind the counter ask your pharmacist. It is the best thing for your butt!!

Btw there is a member on the forum, her name is My butt hurts :ylol2:.
Lol at me naming the thread after a member! Whoops!! Now she's going to wonder who that weirdo is dedicating a post to her. Sorry :)

Calmoseptine, I will get some.

So you wipe with wipes and toilet paper after?
Pat it dry, yes. I have a friend who was crazy of over using wipes and didnt dry herself and being moist down there caused a fungus infection. When you pat it dry, then put the calmoseptine on, thin layer. I would also invest in pantyliners, it is kinda thick. But it puts out the fire and heals it as well. I think you said you were in Canada? If you are Shoppers drug mart carries it.
I'm not in Canada, I said I noticed you were from Thunder Bay and that my friend was from that area :) I am actually from Israel, but I currently live in Georgia (US).

I'm curious as to how pantyliners help heal it? Do you mean pantyliners like the kind I would use when I'm on my period?

Sorry for all the questions, but boy do I appreciate hearing from all you knowledgeable people!!
Ha no, sorry didnt mean to laugh there...Yes that kind but they are thin,they protect your undergarments (panties) because it is thick. I know they have them in the states because MY Butt Hurts is from the states and she was the one who put the information on the forum, I never go with out it .
Ok, I know what you're talking about then and I'm almost certain I have some sitting underneath my bathroom sink. I can see why they would be used in the case of urgency or "sharting" haha. But how would they help the irritation?
I have a flex hose on my shower head in my tub, sitting on the side and spritzing with warm water after a couple wipes takes the sting out and cleans it compleatly till next time...soft small towel to dry after comletes the job.
Ok, I know what you're talking about then and I'm almost certain I have some sitting underneath my bathroom sink. I can see why they would be used in the case of urgency or "sharting" haha. But how would they help the irritation?

I believe she means that it helps add padding for when you sit down. Underwear is made of a thin material and a pantyliner would add a little extra cushioning.

Edit: And if you have a scope coming up soon, you better get some wipes cause prep day will not be kind to that tender area.
Ah, I see. I will try that tomorrow and see if it makes sitting any more comfortable!

I'll pick up a few packs of wipes when I go to pick up my prep solution (MoviPrep I think). And the calmoseptine. I am so not looking forward to that, even though I was to know so badly my diagnosis. I'm scared it'll make me throw up :(
Hi Happy Ballerina! You've gotten excellent advice, and I'd like to add that plain baby cream (unscented) should also help if you can't find Calmoseptine.

I recently had quite bad irritation from (ick) fistula drainage, and the Calmo hurt to apply, so I switched to plain baby diaper rash cream and it was a huge help.

For all other situations, Calmoseptine is...ahhhh. Fabulous.
Zinc cream is what I used prior but nothing works better for me than Calmoseptine.

Ok where is the Calmoseptine button??? It is gone! :mad:
It was a permanent icon for the calmoseptine , they got rid of it...dunno why. Anyways I hope you can get it where you live, because it is heaven in a tube!
You rang?
Just kidding.
If you can't find Calmoseptine at your local drug store/pharmacy, they should be able to order it and have it in a day or so. I know that Walgreen's will order it for you if they don't have it in stock. I would be miserable without it, even in remission I use it at times.
Here are some threads about it.
I love the flex hose on the tub idea!

I use flushable, scent-free, all-natural toddler wipes for really bad days. They feel A LOT better than paper TP.

Earth Mama Angel Baby makes some non-toxic calendula goo that will clear up any irritation. If it's good enough on my baby's butt, it's good enough on mine. ;)

If you're not squicked out by the idea, there's always the possibility of cutting up old flannel shirts and putting some plain warm water on them. You can get small wet bags to stash in your bathroom and just wash them separately at least once a week. I've done this in a pinch and it's pretty nice--I cloth diaper my kid anyway, so it's really NBD.
I second the flushable toddler wipes--I get them at Target. They're very gentle. My kids use them still as well after pooping, they feel cleaner and are easier on kid butts than TP.
Kleenex/Cottonelle make wet flushable wipes also. These I have actually found individually wrapped for keeping in my purse. They have a scent to them tho, which can be irritating to some people. Baby wipes shouldn't be flushed, they don't dissolve in the water and can clog up your plumbing.
The baby wipes in the trash? Yup. Kinda gross, which is why I switched to the flushable ones. It was different when we still had a diaper pail.
Ok, that's what I was thinking -- that I could just get the flushable ones. I'm not too keen on the idea of just throwing them away rather than flushing them!

But definitely good to know that they don't all flush too well, thanks.
I have always hated toilet paper and even the 'softest' hurt and the feeling of dirtiness was always something I found hard to cope with as a teenager. A friend recommended I try the bum gun, which is an absolute delight. I can’t believe I put up with the pain of toilet roll for so long. Now every toilet visit is not something I dream. I can also eat more of my favourite food which is spicier the better, without any fears. I also love the way I can save money whilst doing my bit for the environment.
Epson salt in a warm bath and or Tucks medicated wipes. You can leave them in place
for a little more relief.

Isnt it cool we have a place to talk about this stuff??

Feel better soon!

Well today I had heaps of bm's and i have a little hose from the tsp in my bath actually its one of those showers that go on at tap and i took the head off it i use it to put hot water on my butt and was it a bit works well or i use baby wipes or kleenex wet wipes or wet ones wipes and yes pat dry of you have extreme pain i dunk my but in the tub and fill it up to my hips with pretty hot water and it takes the pain away
My butt hurts from wiping so much! Sometimes it's really painful, like scared-to-sit-down and cringe-from-the-pain painful. Right now it just feels so irritated.

Are baby wipes better to use than toilet paper? I feel like they might irritate more, since don't they have some soap in them?

Maybe some of you with more experience could shed some light on the topic and provide suggestions?

Thanks :rosette1:
Try aloe vera [the plant] It works for my daughter, relieves inflammation and redness. Just wondering. Do you have perianal disease?
I've also found aloe vera an absolute gem when trying to soothe the redness & soreness I got when I used toilet paper.
Baby wet wipes still have to be disgarded, so like toilet paper isn't a good choice when we are trying to be more responsible. If you are not lucky enough to own a bumgun then a hose attached to a tap would be the second best solution i guess. Good luck and i hope your pain and discomfort eases quickly..
I don't know about other parts of the world but here we have kleenex flushable wipes I get the from the supermarket or chemist and no smell and nothing to throw in the rubbish
Everything flushed has to be dealt with somehow, be it toilet paper or flushable wet wipes. Everything disposable is wasteful and has an impact on our environment. This is another huge benefit to the bum gun bidet spray, once it's made and installed there is no more impact on the environment. I believe the good quality ones last over 5 years too, so imagine how much toilet paper and flushable wipes are used in a 5 year period, especially for a big family!!
Couldnt give a stuff bout the environment I love my paper and wipes I'm sick of greenies saying everything is bad I'm an avid car enthusiast and here in Australia the greenies are out of control be it toilet paper or my v8 powered car it's all bad
Sorry to hear that people who care about the environment have annoyed you that much. Hope your v8 car is running well! And that you are not affected by the floods!! My heart goes out to those people in Ipswich, Bundy!
Thanks Helen for your advice. I also have real issues with always having to use toilet paper. I've always wondered why we haven't come up with a better way of cleaning up after doing our business. The last few days I've been going to the loo 5 or 6 times per day and it feels red raw down there. I have tried wet wipes, although a bit better, are not perfect. I'm gonna try find this bumgun thing you mentioned. Worth a try.
There is a better way!!! I had this same problem and was taking a shower each time, and it was totally frustrating and time consuming. I started wishing for a bidet, but couldn't afford one, so then started thinking maybe a squirt bottle would work. I started Googling around and discovered this portable bidet:

It is AWESOME. I love it so much I wrote a blog post about it on my new Crohn's blog at:
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