I had been suffering with pain and weight loss for about 4 months. My doctor thought it was my pancreas since my Colonoscopy was clear and when they went down my throat with a camera, that was clear. I went to the Gastroenterologist and had the swallow the camera treatment to look at the small intestines, and that is where it was. Ulcers, erosion, etc. He put me on Endocort, and after a month I was not feeling much better. I started reading about Probiotics and diet. The very first day I took Probiotics pills, the pain stopped. I changed to a Primal diet, eliminated all grains, sugar, and dairy. I have since regained the 30 lbs I lost. I have been symptom free for 6 months, and I think I beat it. My Gastro doc, could not believe it. I showed him my Probiotics and he just said if it works for you great. My question is, why don't doctors give you any advice on diet, etc. I know it is different for everybody, but when I had it, I thought I was going to die the pain was so bad. My wife is disabled and I could not take care of her. Her sister had to come and stay with us, since I was doped up on pain meds, and that was not taking away the pain. All I could do was lay in bed and moan. All I was eating was Cream of Wheat, and soon discovered that according to the Primal diet I started to follow, wheat is one of the worst things for your intestines, who knew!