My girlfriend has Crohn's

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Jun 8, 2014
My girlfriend gets flu-like symptoms (vomiting, diarrheah) and ends up having to go to the hospital for fluids and meds. It's because her immune system is down but I don't understand why she doesn't have medicine to boost it or if there is such a thing. Right now we are going through one of these flu bouts and she will probably go to hospital tomorrow, only because I cant get her to go now she is trying to wait for her Dr. to admit her so she doesn't have to go through the ER. She is on Remicade
Hello Beany, sorry to hear about your girlfriend. I saw in your other post that she is newly diagnosed? Crohn's can be bery scary and intimidating for everyone involved, you should tell her about this website, we would love to help her through it
Crohn's is a very complicated disease. Basically her immune system doesn't recognize the cells in her digestive tract and sees them as a threat, so it attacks. It is an auto-immune disease. The med she is on, as well as several others, suppress the immune system to try to stop or slow down the immune system from attacking the digestive tract.
I wouldn't say that she is going through the flu, she is probably flaring. A flare does present flu like symptoms like the ones you mentioned, and it can involve a lot more symptoms too. Crohn's is very painful, especially during a flare. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask, I kind of just gave the over view of it, but like I said, it is a very complicated disease and it can be hard to understand at times

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