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171lbs. I had so much energy last night that I had truoble trying to sleep. And this morning I'm not all that tired. It will catch up with me later I'm thinking. I'm not overly energetic but I'm more energized than most days. I'm thinking I have the right diet, one of them that i'm following, and the brewers yeast and royal jelly supplements are helping to supply the juice. Gut is doing ok. Chest rash is nearly gone. Tongue feels good though sores/markings are not entirely gone. I'll keep with the alpha gal diet, fish diet, and avoiding grains. That is a whole lot of avoidance but hopfully soon I'll begin to narrow that down. I'm thinking avoiding dairy/cheese if what is helping but I shouldn't disount avoiding all eggs (fish and chicken) grains and dairy.
I experienced the fasting laxative effect this morning. I was kind of joking to myself that i'm happy about. I know fasting and eating chicen will often but not always bring on the laxative effect. Eating only fish rarely causes a laxative effect but it can happen. Oveall my energy levels are decently well. That is the big determinamin factor. The stomach will likely also be a problem. It is the energy fatigue levels that i can manipulate. Most likely I'll be able to eat chicken and turkey. It will be beef, pork and dairy that is the main problem foods. That is my guess anyway. If the good energy remains I'll plan on adding fish eggs back into my diet tomorrow.
173lbs. Glad about that. I ate a lot of food yesterday.

Had that fish egg supplement this morning. Will see how that goes done. Imagine it will be fine and doesn't cause me trouble. Energy levels are good this morning. yesterday I forgot to note down that i ate some rice. The rice did as it typically does, made me feel cooler, and my hips hurt some. I'll plan on avoiding rice today. I'll likely faast for the day. The last two times I fasted my energy levels were good. So hope this avoidng cheese, and beef results in higher energy levels. So far so good with that.
Doing ok today. Fish eggs don't seem to be a problem. Tongue is looking and feeling good. The idea that the tongue sores are caused by dairy/cheese remains good. This is the 3rd day of fasting this week end I am feeling that though. I'm a little run down. I'll plan on avoiding rice and grains for a bit though I remain doubtful they are my main problem. Grains really do pack on the weight though. That there is enough reason for me to avoid them.
172lbs. I'm feeling much better this morning than i expected. I'm thinking the natural supplements I'm taking are helping with energy levels. Avoiding all meats except fish and avoiding grains mostly, it helping with energy levels. I even worked out on my legs yesterday. I don't know for sure what I've done but I like it. Energy levels feel good. Tongue continues to look and feel good. If I look closely I can still see some tongue markings but they are hard to see.
173lbs. I'm a bit surprised I'm still standing after 3 days of fasting this past week and all the working out done. I'm doing fine though. I'm a bit tired but nothing terrible. For the past two days I've had some stomach cramping and upset stomach. It isn't anything all that serious but I have wondered what is the cause. Two likely cause candidates are eating to many nuts, and that rice cake I ate 3 days ago. I'll likely test this out and eat more nuts than typicl and see what happened. WIth that said I'll likely fast today. I should be able to reach 171lbs if I do that.
All things considered I'm doing pretty well today. I'm communicating easily. It has been that way for awhile now. Energy levels are good. I'm nearly 173lbs at the moment. I'm not sure if I'll make 171lbs or not. I hope so. And I'll keep away from grains once i reach 170lbs. Grains really pack on the weight quickly.

Tongue is looking and feel great. Never thought that maybe dairy/cheese if the cause of the tongue sores but it is looking like that is the cause. Of course more time is needed. If I ever figure out the cause of the tongue sores, I'll have my solution to the gut issue or part of the solution.
I should note, I've been going on a number of days now were I've had good energy. I could do just about anything I wanted to do, with tasks and what not. I havne't used that energy yet, done many tasks, but that will change soon. There are projects to be done. Kind of nice. I'm so used to being overly fatigued.

Famous last words but I can see myself being able to handle this diet for some time. Doubts I'll be eating cheese again. The tongue sore link to cheese seems to be a good theory. I suppose the only possible food I could see myself eating and testing is chicken. It would be wonterful if i can eat some chicken dishes. I should wait for awhile. I like this good energy levels and it is hurricane season, the worse of the season is now here.
172lbs. I'm appearing quite healthy this morning. Pleased about that. From the fasting it has me feeling cooler than normal and that is typical after fasting often. It probably is why fasting can wear me down so much. So I have a sweatshirt on, a rarity in the middle of summer. Gut is doing ok. Tongue looks good and healthy. the idea that cheese causes the tongue sores remains a good theroy. Energy levels not all that good, but not terrible either.
It has been another decent day. I'm a little on the tired and worn outside, but I don't have that painful fatigue which makes it hard to function. I can talk and communicate well. That is obviously important. So the diet I'm on seems to be working for solving the fatigue at least. The stomach is still problematic but I do have decent confidence with it.

The cheese causing the tongue sores theory is still working out.

Famous last words but believe I'll start writing less. I don't have any big diet testing ideas planned till next month. I'll just stick with this diet as it appears to be working, and hope the gut heals.

I'm making it a point to eat lots of spices and nightshade. They do not appear to be a problem.
Today has been great. I woke up with lots of energy. I've used it, walking for 7 miles, swam for 45 minutes, and lifting weights. I'm still alive. I'm feeling good. I was planning on fasting today but considering the workout I think I'll have lunch after all. No need to punish myself to much.
I've been eating a lot of cashews of late as a test. As mentioned days earlier I had stomach cramping, for two days, and figured it was casued by either the rice I ate or the extra nuts i had consumed. I'm thinking it was the rice i ate that caused the stomach cramping.
Tongue still looking great. The theory that cheese causes the tongue sores remains true. I'm feeling good this morning though I am sore from yesterdays hard workout. I'm liable to feel worse as the day goes on, but i hope not. The new diet might have me avoiding the worse exercise feeling.
173lbs. I ended up eating lunch. I took one of those natural B vitamin complexes from Japan that are super high in B vitamins. I haven't noticed anything significant that is a problem. Will keep monitoring and taking. tongue looks great. I'm am a bit on the worn out side and I'm thinking this is caused by the super hard workout 2 days ago.

I'm pretty sure I have an answer finally with this fish diet, alpha gal diet (avoiding red meat and dairy) along with avoiding grains. I'm thinking grains are semi safe to eat but they do grind on the gut. They are tough to digest I suspect. As always I'm confused about chicken, whether it is a problem or not. I've continue to avoid for now.
I'm back to 171lbs. I'm doing really well. Energy levels are good. appearance is decently healthy. Tongue is looking great. Energy levels are good. They are not great, but energy levels are higher than typical. I'm on the right track I believe. The diet is working. I'm often partically well when using the bathroom. I'll stick with the fish diet, avoiding all grains. I'm not sure what is going on but for now I can handle the large number of foods I'm avoiding. Avoiding grains is second nature to me as I've long been talk by doctors that grains are hard on the gut. Cheese does appear to cause tongue sores. I know for sure pork is a problem food, to be avoided. I'm less certain about beef and chicken but beef is likely a problem food. I know from past experience chicken can make me feel good. The big problem is chicken can bring about some stomach problems. I tend to not get stomach issues when I eat fish.
173lbs barely. Kind of surprised by that, then again i did do some weight lifting. that always packs on the qeight quickly for me. I'm fatigued. It is weight lifting fatigue. I should take an easy till that improves. Appearance is excellent this morning. Very good sign I believe. I do have a slight tongue sore. I want to ignore it. I've noticed it for a few days now but didn't think much of it, but as tongue sores all to often do it grew larger. So a slight tongue sore has formed. I'm not overly concerned about it for now. My bathroom habits have never been better. Well they have ben better but they are good at the moment.
I have a pleasant surprise this evening. I have lots and lots of energy. Not sure why, as I swam this afternoon and did some light weight lifting. My fear was I'd be to worn out as I was yesterday.

One theory I have on what is going wrong is my reaciton to synthetic vitamins fed to farm animals is causing me health problems. I've been avoiding synthetic vitamins mostly with the exception that I've been eating some apple sauce that has vitamin C added to it. Well, I ran out of apple sauce a few days ago. Maybe that is the cause of the slight tongue sore and fatigue I felt yesterday. As is said, time will tell. Fingers crossed I have just as good energy tomorrow. I'll be apple sauce free.
Yes! I still have really good energy levels this morning. I've slowed a bit since eating breakfast but otherall I'm good. If the high energy levels continue for a few more days I'll begin writing a food journal listing in detail all foods eaten. I'll do that in my notebook.

As mentioned yesterday a leading theroy is that synthetic vitamin C zaps my energy levels.

Another good theory is that the newish nutrient supplements I'm taking, brewers yeast in particular, plus the diet I'm on is giving me good energy. That might be what I did wrong in the past. I'm afraid to take synthetic vitamins. And while I ate well I didn't eat well enough. So I've long thought of dairy products as zapping my energy levels. I wouldn't be surprised if dairy, beef and pork take away my energy. I've done an alpha gal a few times now and while I felt better never could get it to work, seeing much higher energy levels. maybe what was missing was good nutrients such as found in brewers yeast and fish eggs.
I have lots and lots of energy this morning so far. It is so wonderful. I can get used to not having that muscle fatigue pain. If this good energy keeps up for the day I'll plan on starting a food journal tomorrow recording everything I eat. With that i suspect I'll be able to figure out what causing my stomach problems and fatigue.
Well, crash and burn. Not really. I am worn out this evening though. i did go a bit over board with leg exercises today and then volunteered to help my father put together his bowflex. I think you need to have a Masters Degree to put together such a contraption. It was nuts with 3 boxes of small parts. i made it for 2 hours and was wearing myself out. Which is good as i was complaining that the bowflex labeling of parts was wrong. They were wrong. Which was perfect for my father. He is a master of winging it with assembling, whether it being exercise machines or cars. He always seemed to come up with spar parts somehow when working on cars, much to my annoyance. So it was good that I left when I did.

Hopes are high that I'm energetic in the morning. I suspect I'll be good, but sore. I have high hopes the current diet and newish supplements are the key for me getting rid of the fatigue and eventually digestive health healing which will take a long time.
My morning is starting off better than I thought it would. I'm feeling OK. Energy levels are decent. So far I'm not overly sore in my legs. It is good.

I started with my limited diet. I wrote out in detail all that I'm eating and taking. Hopefully that will be a diet I can reference when ever I need better energy levels. I'll be back experimenting with my diet in around a month i can imagine.

Tongue is looking ok. There remains that sore/marking but it is healing. It looks good.
I've gone over board with exercising the last two days but I'm hanging in there. I'm sore and a bit fatigued along with appearing worn out but overall I'm doing well.

Bigger to note down I seem to be getting well to the gut. I'm consistentantly healthier with bathroom habits. that undoubtably is playing a roll in why I'm feeling improved energy levels along with the brewers yeast supplement I'm taking. there is hope for me yet. Well, I shouldn't get to carried away.

I'd like to fast and work once again to lose some fat weight but I'm worried about that. It is good to have the improved energy levels and in the past I know I could wear myself out and become frustrated.

Wish I knew what is helping me out so much with the diet. It is a frustrating puzzle. Hopefully I'll eventually figure it out. Hard to imagine the answer is synthetic vitamin C but who knows. Alpha gal makes better sense. Eggs and bird meat makes some sense also.
I'm alive! So exciting. After the workouts I've put myself through I should be drooling and knocked out Instead I'm fairly energetic this morning. Love it. Well, I wasn't planning on fasting but maybe I will. It will be another good test. 174lbs this morning. I'll see once again about getting myself to 170lbs and see about how my energy levels do. It must be the new supplements I'm taking that are giving me energy. The dietary ideas have been tried before and I didn't notice a great improvements in energy levels.

The diet that always seems to make me feel the best if the confusing alpha gal diet. It is a diet that unofficially has some twists and turns to it such as grass fed beef not making those with alpha gal overly sick but still causing problems. With one person saying chicken was a problem along with red meats. Well, in my mind I'll think I'm on an alpha gal diet, along with taking the supplements that are giving me energy. .
I'm feeling wonderful this morning. hard to believe I'm feeling this good after fasting fro the day and doing some upper body work out exercises. the new vitamin supplements are really helping me out I suspect. Along with much better energy levels my stomach is doing better. I've long said that my gut doesn't enjoy being used that being used tires me out. Now, that is not true.

I'm not sure why this limited diet is working. I'm only eating wild caught fish, and avoiding grains and dairy products. I can go in several directions on why the diet is working but what ever it is, having improved energy levels should assist in helping me finding those answers.

I'm not expecting to experienc the fasting laxative effect. the laxative effect has happened a couple times while on a fish diet but overall it is rare.

When I would eat chicken and eggs though, the laxative effect would happen every time after eating chicken and eggs. I can't recall a time when it did not happen. I guess chicken and eggs are problem though I don't consider them an energy issue. I'll have decent energy levels when I eat chicken and eggs.
I'm going to cut out nightshade from my diet and replace with corn chips and rice cakes. I'm doing well with the new supplement but I think I can do better. I've not been appearing healthy or healthy as I believe I should, and have noticed in the past that avoiding nightshade has me looking healthier. Maybe with the new brewers yeast supplement I'll do better.

Did some tree trimming in the hot sun for an hour. It made me slightly sick to my stomach. The sun can have a slight laxative effect I've noticed in the past.
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I'm off to a very good start with avoiding nightshade. At least I feel energetic and appear healthier in my opinion. Could be wishful thinking but I don't think so. this will be a good test, to see how much of an impact the new natural vitamins are having. Skin looking healthier. Energy levels good. I stall have that tongue sore. Will be interesting to see if the tongue sores goes away on this updated diet.
I ate grains with breakfast this morning and regretted it. I do better without grains. So for lunch I didn't eat any grains. It went well. Avoiding nightshade family and grains is a bit much. I'm not sure how long I'll last with this diet idea but so far it is working well. I'll see how I do.
I'm doing really well today. Avoiding the nightshade faily is doing me well, on this new natural vitamins I'm taking. Skin looks healthier. Energy levels are higher. It is just one day but I like how I'm feeling. That is always the problems with these diets. They take so very long to see results, resuts that are not clear cut. I'm thinking maybe the vitamins I started taking will change that.

Main reason I'm noting now is I'll be keeping a close eye on the tongue. the tongue has those markings/sores,. I want to see if it is nightshade that is causing them. I hope this is the tongue mystery answer.
174lbs. Good and bad news, the bad being that I've been sick quite a bit since yesterday afternoon/evening. Still sick this morning. Nothing urgent, or all that painful. I'm also slightly dizzy or unstead. The good news, I'm appearing healthier in my opinion. It is a bit on the depressing side when I appear unhealthy as I have a good idea I'm going in the wrong way when that happens. I had a lot of good stomach days the last few weeks but appearance kept bothering me and I knew that potatoes and nightshade make me appear unhealthy. Bit of a ramble there. I also didn't sleep at all last night. That will catch up with me later.

Interested to see if the tongue heals up now that I'm avoiding the nightshade family. I hope so. The tongue sores are a mystery one that I hope can be solved now that I'm taking the new nutrient supplements.
I'm surprised I'm still awake after not sleeping last night. i'm not ever tired. Rather odd. Stomach issues remain a problem today though not a serious problem. Maybe I'm picking all the potatoes and spices out of my digestive track. Energy levels remain quite good. Very pleased about that. Appearance slightly better but sitll have an unhealthy appearance. Tongue still has sores. Imagine that will take a week or two to go away if I have the right diet.
173lbs. I'm also going to avoid carrots and carrot juice along with nightshade. At the moment I'm appearing pretty healthy and feeling pretty good. The gut has quited down. It likely will be a good day. I formed a canker sore. Not sure why, I remember months ago having some cancers form, which is very rare for me. If I'm lucky avoiding carrot juice and the nightshade family member will see it go away. Carrot has a good chance of being the answer. Every food that is questionable having either carrots and parley in it.
Health wise it has been a decent day. Energy levels are good. Tongue is looking better. The sores appear to be healing. Avoiding the carrot family and nightshade appears to be helping. I'll stick with that and see what comes of it.
Doing decent this morning. Appearance is healthier. Canker sore is pretty much gone. Greatly glad about that, and that was quick. Maybe it is the carrot family that causes me issues. I'll stay away from the nightshade family also.
It has been a decent day. Naturally I think I have the right diet. I always think that. But the current avoid nightshade and carrot family diet is starting off quite well. Appearance is healthier. Energy are nice. The supplements help with the energy levels. I've exercised a large amount for me, yet while somewhat fatigued i'm doing well. Tongue is looking better. I'm watching the tongue closely. I hope this aviodance of nightshade and carrots finally get me the tongue sore answer.
172lbs. I fasted yesterday. today is day 22 of avoiding chicken, egg, bird meats and I've done quite well with the gut since then. WHen I ws eating chicken I could become quite ill to my stomach, mainly after fasting. On this fish diet I'm not getting ill to the stomach. Appearing a little healthier since avoiding the nightshade family, and carrot family. Doing better since avoiding grains once again. the dizzy feeling is gone. Don't know if there is a connection between chicken meat and grains and potatoes. the only possible connection I can think of is grains and potatoes are fed to chickens. Newish supplements do appear to help improve my poor energy levels. Maybe a downside to the supplements is they can make me appear less healthy.
I might be experiencing the fasting laxative effect today. I've been ill this afternoon and I fasted yesterday. This morning though I also did work that had me bending over, using stomach muscles. That to can sometimes cause stomach troubles.

In a way though kind of good if this is the fasting laxative effect. I'm on the fish diet, and typically I only think of chicken as causing the fasting laxative effect. Chicken is a mystery. It doesn't seem to cause energy problems but it can bring about the fasting laxative effect nearly every time.

tongue is healing up. It is alway hard to say though what is going on with the tongue as those markings. The healing process is slow typically. Hoping they go away and stay away on htis avoid nightshade and carrot family diet.
I'm tired, worn out this morning. The illness experienced yesterday likely has contributed to that. Tongue sores/markings sitll there. It is going to take a week or two for them to heal up I'm thinking. The tongue is looking better though since avoiding the carrot family and nightshade family. Canker sore is pretty much gone since avoiding those two items. That's about it. Imagine I'll be taking an easy today recovering.
Tired and worn out today, likely due to having an upset stomach yesterday. Despite that, I'm happy. My appearance is healthier at least at times. It is hwat I'm looking for. And the tongue markings show clear signs of healing. One of the markings/sores is of good size. It will take a week or two to heal. It does appear though with the sore turning more pink in color that the healing has started. So good sign. I'll keep away from nightshade and carrot family members. I guess it is safe to say now that cheese does not cause the tongue markings.
174lbs. I will say that clear signs are being shown that the current diet is working. I'm only eating wild caught fish and avoiding the carrot and nightshade families. I guess another way of thinking of it, I'm avoiding farm animals that could have been fed potatoes along with avoiding potatoes and other nightshade family members myself. Im also avoiding grains. The new natural vitamins I'm taking likely are helping me also.

Tongue is looking better I believe. Only one sore remains now. Well, others might be there but are harder to see after I eat. I'll likely fast today and in the evening the markings will be easier to see.

anothe idea that crosses my mind is I'm also avoiding the onion/garlic family. The garlic family has long been thought of as being a problem. Previously while eating potatoes I was eating has hbrowns that had onions in it, listed on the ingredient label. It is wishful thinking on my part that onions/garlic is the answer but one can hope. What goes against this idea is that eating plain chicken and eggs seems to be a problem. Well, hard to say for certain if that is true. .
Have done well today. Tongue is healing. Figures crossed the tongue sores are caused by either nightshade, carrot family, garlic family, or some other spice. appearance healthier though not all that healthy. I'll likely begin fasting once again. I'm 175lbs at the moment.
174lbs. I'll likely fast today

My favorite idea for what causes my stomach issue is dairy and beef, along with pork which I know I'm allergic to. Simply I feel better when I avoid beef and cheese. No doubt about it. the stomach result isn't there, but energy levels and appearance tends to improve when I avoid beef and dairy products.

the tongue sore idea, that figuring out the tongue sore cause iwill lead to a stomach cure is a good idea. the problem is I'm not sure when a tongue sore forms and when it is healed up. the sore or marking starts out quite small. then over time it seems to spread, becoming much larger. that is what happened recently. It is hard to believe something that can start out so tiny will then become so large. It seems to be part of the healing process. i'm not sure but it does cause a lot of confusion. If the latest tongue sore was caused by eating cheese then the healing process has been going on for a month. the last time I ate cheese was on Aug. 24th.

Last year and the first part of this year I went on an 8 months dairy/beef avoidance diet. I'd like to think that long avoidance once and for all settled the dairy/beef issue but it didn't. I think they are problems foods. Along with pork, I probably should think of cheese and beef in the same way, to be permanently avoided.

Of course after hurricane Ian when i became well, I was eating dairy products from time to time. So confusion remains.

I'll stick with the large number of foods being avoided and when the tongue heals up will begin to slowly add new foods. Currently avoiding all grains directly and indirectly, spices, nightshade family, carrot family, and beef and dairy products.

Appearance is quite healthy at the moment. Like that. Energy levels feel alright. Tongue continues to heal up. Strength is decent.
I'm looking quite nice this morning. It is a good sign. I should put my energies into avoiding nightshade, spices and the carrot family. Tongue sore also looks to be gone after eating. It tends to work that way, after eating the sores are harder to see. Now the sore it gone. If I fast today which I plan to, by this evening the sore will be better seen.
I;ve done well today. I'm appearing healthy and energy levels have been good, till of late. I'm slowing down.

Dawned on me, I probalby should place my energy on avoiding grains, directly and indirectly. I've figured out grains cause me to be dizzy when eaten. They cause cramping and diarrhea. And grains I've thought cause tongue sores. This latest sore formed soon after I ate some corn and rice. I'll keep with the diet I'm on for now but grains, directly and indirectly look like a good idea to look more into.

Earlier this summer I was testing beans/soy directly and indirectly. It didn't seem to go anywhere. I did find though when I avoided grains, and only ate wild caught wish the gut was doing very well.
172lbs. It dawned on me that the diet I'm on is quite similar to the diet I followed after the hurricane. the only difference is I was eating grains after the hurricane. Now I'm avoiding grains. Im looking good and healthy this morning. Tongue is look good. The sore or marking is there but does appear to be healing slowly. Energy levels are so so this morning. I worked out yesterday and fasted. That always takes a toll on energy levels. Gut is doing well. Fingers crossed I experience no fasting laxative effect.

I of course have lots of theories on what is causing my stomach issue. I believe one of them is correct, but trying to figure out which one is a difficult task to say the least, with the very long healing times involved. I'm hoping the new vitamin supplement being taken will shorten the healing times.

Tongue is looking good. It continues to heal and quickly heal it seems. What ever I'm doing right, I'm glad to see it. Energy levels are poor this morning. It feels like exercise fatigue. I'll likely fast today, try to reach 171lbs. I'll keep avoiding the carrot family, spices, grains, nightshade, bird meats, eggs and dairy products. that's a whole lot of food to avoid but think I can do this for a short period of time, though I am finding myself craving other foods now.
The tongue looks nearly healed up. It is amazing, or great. I'm guessing the natural vitamins I started taking over the last few months brought that quicker healing about. There remains some markings still but the tongue is much better looking than before.

Typically I'd be ready to begin experimenting with new foods, but this week there is the danger of a hurricane coming this way. The current risk is low but a hurricane will be off shore. Fingers crossed it doesn't change directlon and head this way. It if does come this way though I need to be strong and healthy as possible.

I guess when testing time comes, I'll start out with grains. Back 2 years ago I was able to eat grains without much issue. I'll see if that happens again. It is funny in that grains can cause me to become dizzy, and experience painful cramping. Yet at times it isn't an issue.

Alpha gal is another very good possibility of what I have. Eating beef and gelatin can make me dizzy and feel awful and weak. No doubt too that i have an allergy to pork. By far the worst most painful stomach issue I've ever had have come after eating commercial beef.

Currently weight 172lbs. I might reach 171lbs.
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I know what I'll test first, spices and the nightshade family. I have some barbecue chips and I'll eat those.

I haven't mentioned it but Ive been using the bathroom considerably less of late. Rather nice.

I've had that rash I can get for awhile now I believe and it does seem to be finally going away. One spot that is likely a hive is nearly gone. I've long thought that these spots or rash was caused by dairy products. But other things could be responsible.

I'm at the one month mark of avoiding dairy/cheese and one month at avoiding chicken and eggs according to my note book. That is one thing, when I eat chicken the fasting laxative effect is bad. It does make me think chicken is a problem. Maybe something fed to chickens causes me trouble.

One of the strange things is that a healing tongue sore can create another smaller sore. I noticed this yesterday happening and this morning it is more pronouced. the tongue is looking much better though. I've done something good with the diet change I'm guessing.

I'm a bit tired this morning but nothing terrible. Appearance decenty healjy. Energy levels are not the best. They are livable though. I will do well today most likely.

As soon as the hurricane situation is settled down I'll plan on the diet idea of testing spices and the nightshade. Skin is looking better this morning. That hive is pretty much gone at this point. I'm thinking it is caused by eating cheese but something else might be going on.

Stomach doing well. I remain using the bathroom less than before.
I'm rather tired this morning, which is due to sleeping at another house and the cat in this house being quite excited to have me here. He was jumping on the bed all night, and when I closed the door, and meowed the rest of the night outside the door. Of course now he is tired out and napping.

Skin is looking quite healhty. I'm going to say the rash is gone. The tongue sore is also nearly gone. I'm hoping that is it cheese that causes both. Hard to say though as I'm avoiding so many foods.

A hurricane is to be in the area the next few days, so I'll be busy and tired preparing and dealing with the storm.
Appearance is healthy. Skin looks good. Looks like I have a diet for that now., I'll have to write it down in my note book once I return home.

Tongue looks worse. DOn't know why. It doesn't look awful but the sores are more noticeable. Maybe the hard pushups done the other day are respnsible. Hard to say what is going on there.

Formed a blister in my mouth. I'm not sure what it is. I've had that happen in the past. Imagine it will be gone soon enough.

Hope the cat lets me sleep better tonight.
Tongue is appearing a little better this morning. THat sore that was inside the tongue sore is doing its thing and growing larger but is healing. Rather odd how that works. Maybe once it is done the tongue wil finally look normal. Not sure what causes the tongue sores but guessing dairy or nightshade/spices. It might be eggs and chicken also though I have been avoiding them nearly as long as I've been staying away fro cheese at this point. Energy levels are ok. Appearance healthy. Today starts the hurricanes appearance. The main beating from the storm wil be tomorrow but today should begin the rain and winds. Main concern is flooding from storm surge.
I really am appearing healthier. The vitamins likely are helping. Maybe I am on the right diet. Well, the gut certainly has been tamer. Tongue still has that sore. Hope it heals up soon. As aways confused on what is helping. I'm having doubts about adding nightshade to my diet first. I might try testing garlic and onions first. I can give them a good long trial if the tongue heals up and see what happens.
Tongue still has markings this morning. Hope those go away soon. I'm ready to begin food experimenting. Tired this morning. I was awake much of hte night. And now I'm worn out. Hurricane storm is here. Hope it pases through the area quickly.
I believe the tongue sores is healing, looking better. As always the healing process takes such a long time. Fingers crossed that avoiding the carrot family, spices, and nightshade is the cause of the tongue sores. Gut is doing quite well of late. I'm largly well to the gut at this point. I rarely need to use the bathroom, or maybe better noted, I use the bathroom once a day. That is a nice change from 3 or more times a day. Energy levels are so so.
And just like that the tongue looks great. It is the right color. Few to no markings to be seen. It appears nearly perfect. I stopped taking the royal jelly supplement today thinking it might be responible for the blister in the mouth. so far that theory has been correct. No blister, and the tongue looks much much better.

Finger nailes are also fantasitic in appearance. They look healthy and are good and strong.

Well, i'll stay with the current diet for a few more days. If the tongue remains in good shape I'll begin to experiment with my diet.
Tongue looks quite good this morning. It isn't perfect but pretty close to being entirely healed up.

Thinking further on it I believe I know the first new food I'll add to my diet - dill tuna. I have a bunch of this skip jack tuna flavored with spices. I'll plan on eating that first when I get to that stage. I'm not anxious to begin adding new foods to the diet just yet.

I haven't said it but I believe I have eaten the last grains, wheat, rice and in particularly corn. The grains cause cramping, diarrhea, and can make me dizzy. I'm not anxious to return to that feeling. Of course grains don't always cause those problems htough. That is where the confusion comes in. I've come to believe that not all grains effect me the same. Corn is likely the worst, causing the most problems, followed by wheat and then rice.

Then I have all these meats that cause me problems starting with pork. Commercial beef scares me to eat and for good reasons. I've had some very painul experiences eating commercial beef. And then bird meats chicken and turkey while going down well will cause diarrhea that isn't painful but is urgent and unpleasant to say the least. All these meats came from farms were the farm animal was fed grains, corn in particular. I suspect there to be a connection.

So I'll start out with the skip jack spicy tuna that I have a good number of cans of.

Weight 173lbs. Not bad since I haven't been watching my weight, eaten when ever I felt like it. Avoiding grains does help me to keep the weight off.
Today is a day that has me making an argument against grains being the cause of my stomach issues and tongue sores and skin rash. I was slightly unsettled today, feeling weak and worn down. It is likely caused by the work done yesterday which had me using stomach muscles. I was bending over to lift items and I know from experience the gut does not like that.

I've had good days when eating grains also. So more confusion.

At some point though I'll need to begin adding new foods to the diet. Overall at the moment I'm doing well. I'm not anxious to add more foods to the diet. Tongue is looking good. Skin is also looking nearly perfect also, with the rash nearly gone. Another week on this diet and I'm guessing the rash/hives, what ever they are will be gone.
The gut continues to do well. If I take a teaspoon of Imodium I'm pretty much entirely well when using the bathroom. I try not to take Imodium as I don't believe it terribly healthy. But when going on longish driving trips I'll take a teaspoon and I'm pretty much. In the past typically Imodium doesn't do me much good. It only seems to help when I'm on the right diet, which right now I believe I'm on.

Naturally I'm confused on what new foods I'll be adding in the future. I'm a little over 1 months since I began avoiding eggs, chicken according to my notes. I'm a little over 2 weeks since avoiding spices, nightshade family, and carrot family. I'm going to guess that it is eggs, chicken that are amy problem - or something fed to the chickens that is causing my problem. Fingers crossed spices turn out well.

Skin looks good and healthy. Few markings. Tongue looks good. It is nearly perfect.
Just to note down, for a few weeks now I've been taking a couple natural vitamins. I'm not sure if they are doing me any good. THey might help me out a little bit but overall I'm not all that impressed. They might even be hurting me some. In the future I'll plan on a trial were I stop taking the supplements and see how I do.

I am not able to take synthetic vitamins as they upset my stomach and overall makes me feel miserable for at least 24 hours, to the point that I'm not able to function. I've even thought that my stomach issues are caused by synthetic vitamins, bother taken directly and those fed to farm animals. Since grains tend to be fortified with vitamins that might explain why grains can be an issue for me.
I forgot to note down good, important notice. My shorts size has gone down an inch. I've not lost weight. My suspicions is that my gut is less swollen and inflamed. that inflamation has decreased resulting in about an inch decrease is my waist size. Shorts are lose to the fit or some shorts that were overly tight now fit perfect.

For lunch I avoided that brewers yeast that was specially made to be super high in vitamin B vitamins. I'll avoid that for awhile. Instread I'll just take normal brewers yeast along with the fish eggs and beet supplement that i've taken for yeast.
my tongue remains appearing very good. No big sores, or really much of a sore to be seen. I imagine for this week that it what I'll be doing mainly, watching the tongue, seeing if it remains appearing healthy. I imagine it is remain good and healthy in appearance for the week then I can say with decent confidence that the diet is working.

Honestly I don't know what new food I'll add to the diet first. I'm only a little over two weeks into avoiding spices and nightshade and carrot family. That seems to be a good fit for what causes the tongue sores.

But then again i'm a month or more with avoidiing eggs, chicken, grains I believe also. I'll figure something out and go with it hoping for the best.
TOngue is looking good. Skin is looking nice. I avoided taking that B vitamin natural that is so high in vitamins. I just took a regular brewers yeast tablet along with fish eggs and added back royal jelly. I'll see how I do today.

I've had a slight craving for cheese of late but I keep reminding myself that cheese might be responsible for the tongue sores. It has been a little over a month since I last had some cheese. Hard to believe that it could take that long for the marked up tongue to heal but at the moment that is looking to be the case.

I might fast today. It would be nice to drop a bit more in weight. Nice overall though to be less swollen.
173lbs at the moment. tongue still looking good. skin looks good. No rashes. Energy levels are not bad. I'm fasting today. I went back and forther on fasting but it was decided for me as I was called to help a family member right before lunch.

I'm beginning to get some cravings for new foods. It likely will not be long till I begin adding new foods. I'll likely still begin with that spicy tuna. Fingers crossed the tongue sores and skin rash are caused by eggs, chicken, or beef and dairy.

to say the least, it has been very nice to be well to the stomach. two days in a row were I was asked to make long drives without preparing myself. No problems. The stomach did great. I'm pretty close to being well to the gut. Recovery is a ways off I'd guess but given a few more months on this diet and I'd likely become well and recovered.
172lbs. Doing ok this morning. The stomach is a little upset but nothing major. Maybe the fasting laxative effect though symptoms are not that bad. Tongue remains looking good. No New sores or markings on the tongue. Skin looks good. No significant rashes. I'm doing something right with the diet. energy levels are so so. They could be better. I did some upper body lifting yesterday and my arms are a little sore.

Another tropical system is reportedly coming this way. No known information on size. I hope it is just a big rain maker. It could be a direct hit so would be bad news if it grows into anything in size.
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Tongue remains looking good as does my skin. The tongue is not entirely healed but pretty close to being healed. I'm looking forward to adding new foods to my diet. I'm not quite dreaming of new foods but it won't be long. I will avoid cheese thinking it is respnsible for the rash and tongue sores though other foods can be responsible for that also. Maybe by Saturday, if the weather condition looks good, no tropical storms in the area, I might add that spicy tuna to the diet along with maybe some potato chips. I'll figure something out. Gut ding well today. A bit of cramping this morning but nothing all that bad or problematic.
I should note down that despite having some mild cramping this morning I was 100% well to the gut today. Nice treat with that. I'm thinking the imodium taken of late helped with that. I don't plan on making it a habit of taking Imodium but it is nice that it is now working. That gives me confidence when traveling.

My thinking is that I'll start with eating the spicy tuna tomorrow. It would be better if i waited a few more days but being well to the gut is another very good sign that the diet is working, along with the tongue doing very well and skin looking good.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to eat another meat other than wild caught fish. I have a sneaking feeling that what ever causes the stomach to become upset is fed or administered to live stock. The only option left realistically is wild caught fish. Then again I might have something like alpha gal. Well I shouldn't speculate to much as the diet and reactions should give me my answer. I hope at least.
172lbs. I chickened out on adding new foods this morning. I was thinking the hurricane season remains active. And I'm enjoying being relatively well to the stomach. I'm far from being recovered but overall I'm doing good.

I'm also quite uncertain about nightshade and spices being safe.

I'll have to cross that bridge eventually but for today I'll put that day off. Maybe next week or maybe toward the end of the month I'll begin expanding my diet.

Tongue looks good but isn't perfect. One area in particular has grown larger. As is typical it is healing but healing on the tongue apparently has an area grow bigger. It looks good though overall.

Gut ok this morning. Skin is looking healthy. today is the second day since working out on the upper body and I'm feeling sore. I'm feeling ok though.
I've mentioned this happening before in the past and it is happening again. I've being noticed when I'm out and about, at the store, car dealer, etc. I figure it is due to the skin looking healthier, and overall me being healthier. Im doing something right with the diet.

Likely going forward I'll continue to avoid spices, nightshade family and carrot family. My first new food should not be one of those. This is what I did after hurricane Ian 2 years ago and I did well. I'm only at 3 weeks with avoiding those 3 food groups as of today. I think what I'll do is instead of jumpking head first into eating spices of nightshade, I'll be more careful and test each one slowly. It is likely the only way I can get an answer.
I remember something that happened many years ago. I was eating garlic bread and my hands developed a rash on them. It isn't much but that is something I've been concerned about, the rash. Maybe onions and garlic are the problem. At the moment it has me thinking I'll focus on avoiding garlic and onions, at least that will be the last food to be tested.

Gut mildly upset today but nothing big.

This weekend looks to be storm. Hope no major tropical storms blows this way as a few weather models predict.
172lbs. I'll likely fast today. I have a guy coming to install a new garage door opener. Kind of nice at how easily I'm keeping my weight down. I'm not even trying all that much to do so. 170lbs would be nicer so I'll fast some to reach that.

I'll be going back and forth for awhile till i begin testing new foods on what is the trouble maker. Thinking about it I haven't eaten beef in a long while and as a result I've not experienced muscle cramping. That is a common problem when i eat beef.

It has been over a month now since I ate some cheese. Tongue is looking decently good. Just one medium sized area can be seen when looking closely as healing still. Imagine it will be healed up soon.

Gut is ok, not great, but not a big issue at the moment.
Bad news for us, looks like another hurricane is heading this directly. It could be a direct hit. I suppose the only good news is that it is predicted to be a hurricane 1 or 2. That shouldn't cause to much damage though it will flood the area once again. Next week will be awful.

I fasted yesterday and this morning I am experiencing the fasting laxative effect. Imagine that will run its course quick. No more fasting till after the hurricane. I'm a bit tired and worn down. I'm been working this morning preparing fro the storm and the fasting wears me out also. Tongue looks good though not perfect. I'm doing well on this diet. .
Mild upset stomach today. I think the fasting and the use of stomach muscles is to blame mainly. I should be doing better tomorrow.

Hurricane is to come this way. Currently it is predicted to come ashore 100 miles to the north but those model predictions are subject to change. this time we made reservations at a hotel that is farther from the coast and will ride out the storm at the hotel if need be. With this stomach problem I hate driving and hate hurricaness. Glad the hotel isn't more than 30 minutes away.

I'm close to 3 weeks with avoiding spices, nightshade and carrot family. Well I'm at 3 weeks now with most. I remember after the big hurricane 2 years ago I was free of spices and nightshade for 2 to 3 months and became well. There is little good about hurricane but maybe it will help me to stick to the diet. Glad I chickened out and didn't eat spices and nightshade family members the other day.
171lbs. I have tongue sores but they don't look all that bad. I don't think those tongue markings are all that good of a path direction for what causes my stomach issue. The rash on the other hand probably is a better measure to look at, and currently my skin is appearing good and healthy. The tongue takes a long while to heal and that makes it a poor tester to watch, I believe.

The two groups that put weight on me are red meats/dairy, and grains. I'm avoiding both and as a result my weight is staying stead. I can lose weight easily. I'm not sure if the two have a connection. Grains are fed to farm animals but it does make me wonder.

When the hurricane season calms down I'll likely be adding spices and nightshade to my diet to see what happens. I can think of dozens of season why I should avoid spices and nightshade but they don't seem to put weight on which matters.

Appearance healthy. Gut doing better this morning. Energy levels seem decent.
170lbs. Stomach is doing better though it hurts a bit this morning. I'm thinking it is due to hurricane stress. Skin is looking close to perfect. The last of the hives or marks is now gone. I've long though those marks were caused by eating dairy products. I'm not sure if that is right of not but it is something I've thought to be the case. I'll keep avoiding dairy/cheese along with beef and pork.

Hurricane has been delayed by a day. Now it is to be here on Thursday. I hope the hurricane doesn't close down anymore as if it does we will run out of hotel days reserved. Storm is still predicted to come ashore 80 miles north of here. I can imagine that target is sure to change though as the week progresses. Hope it does not come here.
I'm doing quite well to the stomach. hurricane are good for my health. My guess is my super careful on what i eat, the fear of being overly sick while away from home. What ever it is, the diet is working. I'm thankful for that. Appearance quite healthy. Skin looks good and healthy.
I think I have a good theory on what causes the fasting laxative effect. Today i drank a lot of juice. Later this evening I became sick. It wasn't bad, just something I haven't experienced much of late. It occurred to me that when I fast I tend to drink more water, to help reduce hunger pains. Todays illness had me thinking that the laxative effect is coming from me drinking more water. I might have to test that out at some point.

It does appear that the hurricane season is not over. Another tripical storm could form late next week I read, and some up into Florida. So I better be careful with my diet.

That is one thing about this fish diet, avoid grains, avoid nightshade and spices diet, I'm relatively strong. My energy levels while not fantastic are reliable. I have enough energy to do just about anything I want on this diet. I think there to be a deent chance I have my answer with this diet, I just need time to heal.

Talking abou thealing, the tongue is nearly healed up. It is looking pretty good, nearly perfect.

Today marks one month of avoiding gralic/onion, spices, nightshade and carrot family. So far so good. My tongue looks perfect this morning. Skin looks good. It is rash free. Stomach has improved though I can still become ill quickly. I don't believe I stay long on a garlic/oinion carrot, nightshade free diet. Easy to understand why. Hopefully though I can remain on the diet for 4 months. I like the direction the diet is going even if it is difficult to follow.
It has been a good day. I've been busy doing lots of yard clean up work, yet I still have energy. With that said I did tire myself out but I've recovered quickly.

I'm getting to that point where I want to add new foods to the diet, spices and nightshade being key additions. I hope I don't that though. I have good confidence that my answer is beef, dairy and pork being the problem but I've tried that before, for long term avoidance 8 months and didn't seem to have come to an answer. Now I' thinking maybe my energy levels were good, and could have been better with the supplements I'm now taking. Hard to say. Hope I keep avoiding spices, night shade family and a long term test would be good for me to do on those.
Doing alright this morning. the weather is to turn cooler after today. Will be interesting to see how I handle the cooler temps. I'm thinking I'll do fine yet continue to dislike cooler temps. Stomach a little bloated but nothing terrible. Weight 171lbs. I', not in love with the diet I'm on, but it is working for the stomach and my weight. I'm eating all I want, yet keep the weight off. Avoiding grains, spices, nightshade, carrot family, and following a fish diet is working. Looking forward to the day were I an add new foods. Skin looks good and healthy. tongue looks close to perfect. Energy levels could be better but they are not bad. I should be able to do more clean up work today.
I found myself working hard cleaning up the yard for an hour. Not bad for me, considering it was quite hot and I was covered in sweat. Tomorrow is to be cooler. I should be able to do more work.

Doing well overall. Loving the healthy looking skin. With the worst of the hurricane season likely over I'm thinking of adding new foods. Part of me says to not doing it, go longer on this difficult diet, get healthier, but the other part says I could go longer but I'll never reach perfection, at least in a short term on the diet.

For about a decade I avoided spices, nightshade, and ate lots of grass fed beef and cheese. It worked to get the gut working decently but I never did recover. now I'm thinking my problem is with beef and cheese along with pork. Spices and nightshade have a good chance of being safe. I'll likely add spices and nightshade to the diet. the area I'm monitor closest is my skin health. If I stay rash free, I'll consider that a good answer.

The only foods I react strongly too are pork, pumpkin/melon family, but also likely beef gelatin. The few times where I've tried beef gelatin I did experience strong reactions. also I know that milk is a big problem for me. Aged milk such as cheese is not as much of an issue, but milk will chill me, making me feel awful for a day.

So I'll add spices and nightshade to the diet. I have to do it sometimes and now is as good of a time as any. I'll keep an eye on my skin and to a lesser extent tongue. I'll continue to avoid grains, and only eat fish.
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So far the addition of barbecue potato chips is working out well. The skin looks good and healthy as does the tongue. The stomach is a bit queezy but nothing terrible there. Energy levels are not all that great, but that is likely due to the work being done to cleanup after the hurricane. the tropics remain active but it appears the storms will stay away from here. Maybe not the brightest move on my part to add new foods at this time with the tropics active but it does appear that non of the storms will come this direction. I'll keep monitoring the skin. I'll likely fast today. I want to get back into the 160 weight range. I didn't weight myself but I am likely 172lbs.
Skin remains looking great since adding spices, nightshade, and carrot family to the diet. Kind of exciting. Hope this continues. I was quite busy with yard work this morning. I had myself good and sweaty. It wore me out a little but not a whole lot. I'm recovering quickly. Tongue remains looking great. I guess it isn't perfect but it is close. Hope the answer for the sores is either avoiding dariry/cheese, or grains directly or indirectly with farm animals being fed grains. I'm hoping to add vegan cheese to the diet tomorrow. I have my doubts about the taste, but I'll give it a try and hope it doesn't upset the stomach.
171lbs. I fasted yesterday. The aim is for 169lbs. I should be able to make that weight quickly. Skin looks great still. So far adding spices, nightshade family and carrot family has not changed my skin. Tongue looks great. I'm slightly stronger of late I believe. this morning though I took one of those natural vitamin B vitamins and htat will make me feel slightly weaker I believe. I only take the B vitamin a few times a week. So far so good with the diet, I'll continue to only eat fish, avoid grains, and beans.
The fasting laxative effect hit me today. I thought it would, as this morning I had that feeling in my stomach that it was coming. Quite odd about what is going on there, but good in a way as the laxative effect happens when eating fish and when eating chicken. Tongue looks great. Skin looks great. Spices, nightshade, carrot family do not appear to cause the skin rash. I'll give it time of course. Nothing seems to happen quickly with the gut. Rather a shame is my tongue was perfect when I went on that very long dairy free, beef free diet lasting 8 months. I'm at about 2 months of avoiding cheese/dairy today. It takes longer for the tongue to heal than I expected, if of course the answer is cheese causing the tongue sores.
173lbs. tongue looks good. Skin looks good and healthy. It is chilly outside this morning but I'm feeling well. The cold hasn't zapped me, at least not yet.

I've been thinking of placing cheese.milk products onto the permanent avoid list, along with pork, pumpkins/melons, and to a lesser extent beef. I sometimes have a craving for cheese but the craving isn't that strong. I can fight it off. Also I ordered some dairy free cheese. Maybe that can fill the void.

I'll likely fast, working my way to 169lbs or lower.
it has been a good day, with decent energy levels even though I'm fasting today. I did a decent amount of work today and I could do more but am fearful to push myself to much. It is slightly chilly today and that in its self can wear me down. It is a nice problem to now have. It has led me to being a little bored. Tongue remains looking good as does my skin. I'm likely on the right track, and have my answer. If spices, nightshade, and carrot family members are safe, all that remains I suppose is besting chicken and beans. I don't how long it will take for me to feel good about spices and nightshade, maybe a month. Hard to say.
172lbs. Doing alright this morning though maybe a little weaker due to fasting yesterday. I'm fearful of the fasting laxative effect happening later. Outside of that skin looks good and healthy. Tongue is looking quite good. Eating spices, nightshade, and carrot family seems to not be a problem. Course lots more testing to be done on that.
Quite annoying, the fasting laxative effect has struck today. i don't know what it is about fasting that causes the laxative effect in me, but it does. If I ate my typical 2 meals I don't seem to have a problem. One meal though causes issues. Regardless, the laxative effect is likely the reason why figuring this out has been so difficult.

Tongue looks great. Hard to believe that it is likely beef, pork and dairy/cheese that causes tissue to break down causing the tongue sores. It is likely beef that caused the skin around my finger mails to pull away and bleed. I suspect eating spices/nightshade family, carrot family is not an issue. though naturally the laxative effect can cause some doubts in my mind.
Tongue looks great. Skin looks healthy. I'm still eating lots of spices and nightshade. I'll keep avoiding dairy, beef, pork, and the others. I'm staying away from beans, eggs and chicken for the time being. At some point once I feel more comfortable with the diet I'll begin to test them. Energy levels are not bad. I've been waitiing for help to come and clean up my yard. Lots of promoses made but no work or very little work done. With having better energy levels I better make a great effort to clean up the yard. It shouldn't be to difficult, just time consuming and doing a few new activities. Hope the stomach holds up well with the work. With the way I'm feeling it likely will.
171lbs. I fasted yesterday and imagine later today I'll experience the fasting laxative effect. Frightened of that. Well, at leasat it tends to not be painful. Outside of that tongue looks great, and skin looks good and healthy. Energy levels are decent. the diet seems to be working. I'll likely add beans to the diet soon. My vegan cheese arrived and I might try that today. Hope it goes down well enough. It seems to be mainly made of potato stark and coconut oil.
I ate some vegan cheese/ dairy free cheese today. It has gone down well so far. Glad about that. I was a bit concerned when eating a new food naturally. The taste was good enough. Being that it is made from potato starch it did have a bit of a potato taste to it with cheese.

Tongue looks quite good and healthy. Skin looks nice and healthy also. No big laxative effect from fating today. Just a small laxative effect. I had tken some Imodium so many that helped me out.

Well, for this week I'll likely stick with the diet, not adding anything new. I bought some chicken items at the store this morning but I'll wait to test and eat them. I'm not in a rush. It is good to feel deceently well.

Oh, should note, I'm recovering quite well from working out of late. The other day I did a bunch of upper body exercises, lifitng weights. No big fatigue feeling from that.
176lbs after breakfast. I'll likely fast today, see if I can reach 170lbs. Skin looks great. Tongue looks good. Energy levels are not all that great but they are above average. Gut doing well so far. I'm a little concerned with the vegan cheese but it still seems to not be causing me trouble. this week I'll likely just stick with the same diet, sticking with the fish diet, avoiding grains and beans. Next week I'll likely test beans, eating refried beans and maybe peanuts seeing how I do.
Feeling a bit beat up and worn down due to the workout done a few days ago. Today is the second day of recovery so I should be extra worn down today. Outside of that doing ok, with skin looking good, tongue looks alright. There remains one area on the tongue with slight markings. It hasn't gotten worse. Gut doing ok. Nothing great with the gut.
Bad report at the dentist. I have an injected tooth. I'll be taking antibiotics for a week and then have the tooth pulled. Not much fun but glad to get that tooth removed. It is the only one giving me trouble, which it has for a few years now. So no more fasting while I take the antibiotics. Outside of that things are good. Tongue looks decent. Skin looks good and healthy.
It occurred to me last night that the infected tooth found yesterday could explian a mystery. Earlierin the year I needed to have an old root canal worked on. the root canal tooth had broken and it needed to be sealed back up.. The mystery was how did the tooth become broken. At least the doctor and his nurse were unsure of what happened and theoried that I had an infection somewhere else that caused the root canal tooth to be eaten up. He repaired the broken root canal tooth though and that seemed to solve the problem. Now, with the long term problem tooth being found infected and difficult to notice, that this is where the infection was coming from.

Hard to say but regardless I'm glad I'll have it pulled. I don't chew food on that side of the mouth due to that problem tooth. That problem will be taken care of in 3 weeks.

Skin still looks good. Tongue is looking good. hardly any markings. It often looks perfect. I guess I'll plan on sticking to the current diet for another 3 weeks. After the dental procedure I'll look to add new foods. One of the reasons why I haven't added chicken to the diet is that chicken makes that problem tooth sore. I don't chew on that side of the mouth but figured somehow chewing on chewy chicken stresses the muscles in that area hurting the tooth.

Anitbiotics being taken so far have not been a problem. I ordered a probiotic which I'll start taking after the antibiotic course is over.
I'm doing well and feeling decently upbeat. The antibiotics so far have not given me stomach trouble. Fingers crossed on that. 1 day down, 6 more to go. Energy levels are better today. I'm back to eating my typical 2 meals and that helps, Fasting to lose weight does cause me some health troubles, with weakness, and stomach issues. It does bring about weight loss for me though. I might have to try some other idea to lose weight in the future. Dairy free cheese is a hit. It is so far going down well and tastes good. It is a nice snack food. It isn't going to be much fun but I'm looking forward to having that tooth taken out. It has been a problem tooth for a few years.
It occurred to me that i can stop recording my weight. The main reason why I started recording weight was a belief that sometimes I can quickly gain weight. I thought that weight gain could be related to my gut problem. Well, I did find some foods that cause quick weight gain and those are dairy/cheese, beef, and grains. Pork probably also causes quick weight gain but I haven't eaten pork in sometimes. I'm only going off of memory with pork.

On the current diet my weight seems pretty settled. I don't go up or down in weight easily on this diet.

I have a runny nose this morning. I'm guessing this is due to a reaction to the antibiotics. Hope that doesn't get worse. Gut ok. could be better. Hope the antibiotics don't screw up the stomach worse.

Tongue still looks great. That is something. That is important. what ever foods cause tissue to break down as seeen on my tongue likely causes the stomach problem. Skin looks great. No rash. Energy levels are so so.
Today is day 10 of eating spices, nightshade family members, and carrot family. So far no signs seen that would indicted that spices, nightshade, and carrot family members are a problem. I'll be going another ruffly 20 days before moving on to adding new foods.

I'm up in the air on whether chicken and eggs will be safe or not. I want them to be safe, but have my doubts that they will be. I'll be finding out though.

Tongue remains looking good. Energy levels are above average today. it feels nice having some extra energy naturally. No rash. Skin looks nice and healthy in general.