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Jan 31, 2010
Just been put on Asacol and it says take 1x 3times daily.
How long should I leave it before taking another? Does it really matter or can I take tem all at once (used to with pentasa 2x 2daily)

Also my new aza prescription is "one mane two at night" Any ideas what this means as im sure my doc said 3 tablets daily
No you should not take them all at once. They are time released and are meant to be in your system at all times. Normally you let ~6 hours pass before your next dose.

As for your other question, I'd call and ask the pharmacy.
1 mane means one in the morning, then 2 at night making 3 in total.(mane is doc talk for morning, nocte is night). 3 times per day means spilt over the day. If it was all at once it would say 3 once daily.
With both asacol and pentasa, my pharmacist said that the minimum was 4 hours apart. I take my meds at breakfast lunch and dinner. (and bed if it's one that is 4x day), and that seems to spread it out enough.

Just to warn you ahead of time, the asacol has a brown/red shell that cracks to let the meds out, and you may see the shell casing in the toilet. It looks like it went through whole, but most likely didn't.

Hope it works well for you!