My Son's Poem

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Jul 30, 2014
This just killed me...

My 13 year old just started his new year in middle school last week and was given a "get to know you" assignment from his English teacher.

Write a 5 word poem or descriptive sentence to describe something they are currently experiencing or going through. Here was my son's descriptive sentence:

Fighting what is inside me.

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Our kids need a cure! My 5 word sentence. Give your son a hug from me :) His sentence makes me sad and proud. Kids with this disease are so tough and intellectual and mature beyond their years.
Well, that made me cry. But I do think it's great your son is expressing his feelings.

I must add that it makes me angry that out kids have to deal with IBD. They should be writing about football, parties and other fun stuff. I agree, we need a cure.
If I remember correctly you are newly diagnosed. We were diagnosed last spring and my son wrote about his feelings about Crohn's almost exclusively. I think it was very therapeutic for him as his processed and grieved. His english teacher learned a lot about crohns.This fall I'm seeing a whole different outlook as he writes. And for the first time ever, he is thinking good things about the future and making plans.

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