Im currently 14 years old.
A couple of months before the summer break of 2008 ( the 6 weeks ) I experience a couple of week's of pain, went to my gp and nothing helped, but it went away.
Then actually in the 6 weeks, for the whole of the 6 weeks my stomach was in agony, constantly inflamed I presume. I couldnt sleep because of the pain and if I did, I woke up again.
We went to my gp and nother he did helped, laxatives ... more laxatives etc. Nother helped. My Dad has private health care with his job, so we decided to go private. After a few tests like endoscopies, barium meal, ( Which I could actually finish :S ) they diagnosed me with crohns disease.
I got started on multiple types of medication which have really sorted me out. For ages I was still low on energy, couldn't stand up for too long ( the church service we have at my school was a nightmare :S ) . I now have to take creon is it ? Which helps me digest my food, because my pancreas isnt working. So only recently I feel fully back to normal id say. Im now on some wierd drug, anzathioprine or something ? It basically lowers my white blood count. And ive been having blood tests every wednesday for the mast 2 months
Just to make sure im ok.
But now Im finally getting back to normal ( in the past 3 - 4 months )
So thats my story
Hasnt been fun but its over now ...
Im currently 14 years old.
A couple of months before the summer break of 2008 ( the 6 weeks ) I experience a couple of week's of pain, went to my gp and nothing helped, but it went away.
Then actually in the 6 weeks, for the whole of the 6 weeks my stomach was in agony, constantly inflamed I presume. I couldnt sleep because of the pain and if I did, I woke up again.
We went to my gp and nother he did helped, laxatives ... more laxatives etc. Nother helped. My Dad has private health care with his job, so we decided to go private. After a few tests like endoscopies, barium meal, ( Which I could actually finish :S ) they diagnosed me with crohns disease.
I got started on multiple types of medication which have really sorted me out. For ages I was still low on energy, couldn't stand up for too long ( the church service we have at my school was a nightmare :S ) . I now have to take creon is it ? Which helps me digest my food, because my pancreas isnt working. So only recently I feel fully back to normal id say. Im now on some wierd drug, anzathioprine or something ? It basically lowers my white blood count. And ive been having blood tests every wednesday for the mast 2 months
But now Im finally getting back to normal ( in the past 3 - 4 months )
So thats my story