Nausea and Gas

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May 18, 2009
does anyone take anything for nausea and/or gas. I have been up for several hours this morning. I was feeling nausecous and haven't been able to sleep. Finally after doign soem relaxation tapes and tossign and turnign I strted lettign gas out. I was gettign a bit of relief. Then I started burping too.
Does anyone take medication for this ?? Does it help ?Are there side effects ?
i've never heard of Bisodol. Maybe they are only avaialble in the UK . I am in Canada. If anyone in Canada is around maybe they can suggest soemthing :))
HI fromthegut , i take pariet generic name(raberprazole sodium) 10mg for gas and i take domperidone maleate 10mg for the nausea. This is what i take anyway but you have to see you GP first to see what causing your upset stomach could be what your eating. best wishes
I think I figured out one change that hasn't been helping. It is very very hot and humid this summer. Normally my drink of choice is very warm ( not hot) tea. I haven't been drinking due to how hot it is. I also think the humidty has not been good for me. I try to think of the environment and keep the AC low and use fans... maybe not such a good idea :(
I have an aweful time with gas pains - so I take GAS-X or the generic version everyday. Gas pain is the absolute worst thing - my GI said once that one of her patients had gas so bad she felt like doing to herself the same thing vets do for cows when they get bad gas -- which is stick a very large needle into the stomach to let the gas out!! I often wish I had a valve to let the gas out of my right side some days!!!

I burp alot and have nausea sometimes - not so bad yet that I feel I must do anything about it though.

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