Nausea - needing some food advice

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Jan 9, 2012
Hello there,

I have mild crohns diagnosed in my colon and am managing that side of it ok. However I get really bad nausea. I am currently on domperidone (dr took me off metaclopramide due to possible side effects even though it worked so well!!!) and this isn't really doing anything.
I find that the nausea is worse when my stomach is empty so I tend to snack every half hour to an hour through the day. I go for high carb foods like crackers, bread, and cakey type things as they don't upset me and seem to calm the acidic feeling in my stomach. But I don't feel like these are super healthy foods to eat all day. Fruit and veg don't get rid of the hungry acid feeling and can sometimes make it worse.

Does anyone have a similar problem and has anyone had any success with other food stuffs that are slightly healthier?
Protein added to your carbs would be healthier and protein makes you feel fuller longer. Are you able to eat any kind of cheese or lunch meats or have you looked into any kind of protein bars or beverages? Ginger has also been known to help nausea.

I'm curious as to what's actually causing the nausea. Are you just not able to eat enough during meals or is there something else going on?
No I eat heaps! But lots of food triggers nausea so I tend to stick with the tried and true. I do eat a fair amount of cheese and I definitely find it helps. But I have to be quite careful of other diary products.
I usually have quite a big lunch, like a homecooked meal of some sort with meat and carbs eg pasta with bolognese sauce. Its more the snack food that I struggle with. I was thinking of trying some hummus perhaps, I know that is quite high in protein.
I haven;t had any luck acutally working out which foods are responsible for the nausea, I need to keep a really strict food diary.
Although we are all individual, there is a thread compiled with foods that help/don't help in a consistent diet. If there is not an incredibly " active " flare or extreme weight loss, ;there are a few diets available for chronies; the most popular concensus seems to be the paleo diet also known as caveman diet. Hope you find some relief. I too suffer from extreme nausea, am currently on zofran odt® to help alleviate. - hugs-
I take Zofran (Odensatron). I take the Zofran in the morning which is when nausea first hits me. It works well with no side effects that I can tell. But if I get nauseous throughout the day, I'll eat a Ginger candy or crystallized Ginger I find in the spice aisle. The Ginger seems to work immediately for me and I like the taste.

My GI Doc sent me for an Endoscopy since I'm on emicade to rule out other problems (H. Pylori) but nothing was found. So she put me on Omeprazole (Prilosec in the US) for a month but it didn't so shat. Best I've found is Zofran in the AM and Ginger throughout the day if need be.

For snacks, I do make my own Hummus, but I also find Quinoa works to give a complete protein without the full feeling of a meat product.

Ginger is THE BEST natural help for nausea. Research Ginger a little online and you'll see that it truly is one of the best cures for an upset GI system. Perhaps you cold try a Ginger tea if you can tolerate it.
Thanks for all the comments!
Its so frustrating to not be able to tie down what food is or isn't causing problems.
I will definitely try the ginger during the day to see if that helps.
I think I might enlist the help of a dietitian to start trying some of these other diets, Ill report back if any of them help :ysmile: